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January 18, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-01-18

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THlE MICLI 1(-Ai t)A I1Y-.NE\
(luring this mlonth, all custom mEade. 5p1ecial sale
of white and fancy vests. SPECIAL SHIRT SALE
CUTrIN~G-., RFYE2-~crI. d,
G. J BUS, Maager109 and 111 East Washington Street
GLOVES 'G E N D I2tTi~L 2 .I1')rt1f i~t 1IT1iITI( kI'1IAM1HENG ;111vt .0.M. MARTIN...
tveII's Corner Store Cot.'MainFnd Huron St;. gllra 3Y), 3 rio'gs. DIRECTOR
Ofle215. 4th Ave. 'Phone3. Ites'-
342 S. State St. AMUSEMENTS h," .jdo 2.03101 St< *~ I i P xla iak. denee S. 5tha e. 'P1hone 31. A -
Itolotnln Pet.Cot.0o.1i b all
M.Lamps Ilji5..ii>.alit[I.IS SPECIAL }SALE!
5!(111On Woolen Trimmings
(ils Prtiles~ NllS until February 1st. 20
NI ~ t~l. ,per cent off of regular
II . .guaranteed.
!,l 1--i~ld,1-FRAZ I ER'S
A6'S IHOME1[SUPPLY STOR[ i '.I~ d 1) TALORINGI. _______
*> H O ' es.I. I ndI kank ank
'i Fi u1h, cIti StateISaving Banks
N.1 I' 'er0.Y)Ah&5J RY ta r~lu
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70coStudent ScIiuttidIn
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Sing-lo admission 50c, $1.00 Xii essentianl pairt of s OUr collere equipment is a TiCkets, entire course $2.Ott
Students ILectore I ssf'ociati.uon Ticket1
Always Ahead in A A Df The Best of Everv=
styli MVI W AR E thing inTailoring

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