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January 18, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-18

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Pt RtZDTP; STARTED FOOT- but thec dispute seas finallysesttled antd
ALL 11.tA, REFORM 1.IN 149; M.ichigan reanledlwith thie westerners
-- ----until the recceintbreak.
I' : pirit of reform in athletics among
sthlwesen colleges dtes farther back
____________________ thin the Angell comference of 1904, the AD. SGT i IE M
lisoyof which was recounted recently VAND T1 GNYT -\NI NE"'s" The College 'i hstetub.Tl ilso t'l tndrTend ai
d is sto
S unnlies t)-iili I Ix495 gig e anl accounttci a cir- Sliiirt liefore the Chistmas tholidays.;'anyvs
________________________ culariiiletster sent out iy PresfidentSSmart iwelv e '"sieaelrs anmitcalls,siiii
=)fPuirduie colltege aidvocating a confer- twenity-nine "RI"'siweaters iere tecili oat
are best t rice of the peesfidents of sip: western to ;blielsigan atlites foe thieie services
if secured egesthe result of whtichi sas thle liiitie gridironi.lolloieiiigare tie l190l
devlopen of thle Westernu Intercolle-'"NW, imen: lCataiin Xfaeolfiii, Atteritice,cabefl "a AtaeuAheicsoiton %Vkn, ol, amndSclzhns oldil
'Thsltierawas seiltlto 'reidntiAiig- Cases, Eiunncs. lGrahiami, tieiissctuild oiig..
t1,who sho everi, was ait that timeiC ii- 111nd ltHamimiiind. tus two o f illse 1,1
Q UI1KKY 1aoabet tihe miovemient, conisiderin~g reseivcitfiiiieslties, cdenotincg foureqaltes
Corniere t. adN.5 r.Ave ootala ltit h eee c anoae of salei-years' sees-ice. 'Thes were 1 ~taiiiiiit iethr
tr'ifuneupiin the Iioals andI ctiai- and i raI m.i'iii Cptiniiii X lsiIu anud
after_____________________f______ the sltdents Sctiite z esichti ec-il ei three- service The Conk.
VV liiitothe coinferencee assemblledt at stripes, wh ilte i~ll hinchitan
Ioey tlucgo, Jsii. 14, 1895, ichigalna Is '111111. 5esclssricivdtwo. ccX tt ils,
oney Loan oe represet. 'hle follosingsaniver- l lis s XV i\"siieiiiiil I ntdCaisey
sOn Watces, 1111111 ds, tanw Iticuls, i silsent their ipresiudents: uruei ntei l iri l irii isi t I infl l. I
oruther esol pronenri y. Xi lisiCl, cccesil iniiesotaIllnos I'tune ecceicin g tereeviltera
-lbi s re eucitte Ile-lnt v ud Iin iiiV Ii-iiii s Iilici IiicaF o
B~argains in Watches & lDiamndsn sead ofit ,tiempltingi i'to aboishIfoot- I eci ini IKelleillitiii .I illiicyCly.
0fficcattresideace 3satE, Liety St e ~iccl it' p ~spe s ls I I I V tss iiice V lill lilN hit a
Htours to 1:te am. 1toan 4:30t t a wl; .n ,oily priceedinti i restrat he Doiugsl asagi1 mpiit iiiiVoisbuirig, Iumpient y,
90PM.culls iitiloiiise imeitiod setf the nmani- a;Sipsion, XWatsonl , C uiii 1111 irsi 1s tlisi-
JO1nuSanEPHC.se W~A'I'S *cr 1 laers. 't'he mieetinig resuiltedlsstnX ilirLehr, asti iiiChtandiler.1All Winter
JOSE~lI . WA 'TS tdrifting oi eeencluslles gosertin- tlstics liii ii 01}'irdi iitic lia beeni
____________________________________cond__u citla leti 1ic thy were, cutiOcitown fiioriisocuc-11.t i iiilto tile B I(
-fil siubstacie, 1s folliws: dsetli of his I thu rin-liii sswill ri ur
i. 'It ct's' shialtliibe iicocmmiiitsrtee ith i ht.
I ~ O ff :1 r ' ilillip'werciver sll athletes iatd
on all stamped goods, including cciii tlitefic entieing gtcetiscs, atinlcdieitat511li' i tiAlSf tdS
'{ ae o raduIncted from 1ll nitilcllsr Stfttokfug Jacke
MICHIGAN PILLOW TOPS anotihiciitecrlilel'
A I lra- o pte f3. Nc tesoni shallbesadmtted toi la' J artcuuti, calrci cdo f itthi e olt catStale Drldeess-
Ii-eclls-iaii c iontests eihii ri-ceia's 5cull rt tenns, \611 nocltic)eallow d o p-A'.0i-il lzii 5re unrain9r1ay fr isse-
Ill, s-iill -ral ii ir ci fci- li- st- },earin -it. lyisle,'' 1a 111-mcs 'iclici-e0dahyt
DARLING & MALLEAUX -Iitob i u-u bylcibia sie5t'itnt-, is$2.00 Manhatt
cl Ita cllege- icisil
224-226 S. State St. ,,cueo netac odtcn
4. ITcirriiof s ctiioliicciis ititeil to st i clcs lla c-iliiicl-2.50 Matihatta
hemii um ie requiried tIstgain a
Ii -c n~tfroc cuil'uctartiiun i iiiatriciitl Ihe yu le cihaptlercof thi it-a IKeiappat letMan iatt~i
~11'is jist:clet'iedi'thelhndre and
V dcie- inaiy 1n1tplas, nci' hay- Iils-es ciii'u lr
tn' Stm s iita- tlhicgli i ic amsi tdeadic Vae fr
Fta Sti s 6Nostudentcinailcy play unscir all cnumbcir of ecir-,, itis nawfflris*ng
IIALLER'S JIEWELRY STOREt, 216 S. Matt St-;Ncc stucdenl t cicieiiini his studies Lianid harttsered jewelry' at F'oster's.
i. Aligeaies are'tolbe led uc1 elr
ttde V raiiiiii le ii ltilc -at i FREYLING &$.JVENDELS
S- c elect ills Ofci p tainis, imanagiies,y
East University Pharmtacy ictsIisles111iclilt sil el 'n~ i~
1It. liltaillsiiiistlbeflare eachl garli, Is-cerytilini in clttilce It the Aelsat
1rc esentlistha lap yers, itogethier eitic tachedti Cffs-t
Iceelilils Ic ccfits auihentsitiy. voe'AtaeitoBai- as -.5o~wtll pi
It wasnot nil111 peiltoi, 1895, after len, Sweet iYeas, etc.
1( n di 111111 55wills tle ast, itiaii CT-rower t'-pecialls foerA K o
________________________M____higan____dec i-idtoil letitionllfor e'- the 3- lIi>, tAsk tint- it
v of M 111cc iii-a tie thiwsterini issolciation, though atlwrelo'ris-
p p V. p M. Rooms, .e cc s cncii-i rts tiheclly acimbr.indwrse iihsies
Barber Shop and Bath Rofis cciic es-icvu en ll itcifficiii trecisurer i MONEY L0/
lay Ji, tie-i.,s I 311 une rle hats II it e wlis ch lst Grand RapliiicuseritMicha' i11i
Lar~getShop iiro the City RapidTwoi . 'csui si uttieof itjNl, 1
J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prep. ci'- 'iiitd ii i emnuentilycat

ii Inoci eCnl in t'ouintainiPenlusiistcill it in aiiy
t, prssltteCrscnt-ler aiiisessit ill iis ewn
klikt s canisl slingVitsthirst.Ii'i h it' hse
t t ! 'N I dreollsr-no meIs s--aouiiotier.Do it
atd incstl .itl 'tilcithreisest inlccnenuiece. Yocu
it it i-ili ri id g l ovies onlitho lcutci i~iiise iof
Besii'es its sc tls'cicdcc is li tthe cuilnil itlX'
A lice Cininis--licetierfect Ifesi.
idiclers hc ciii lcwc'1.'iliu. Ityours ccc er nc rd
Es, 43Siiianciupii. !cs' nc e for hcics' cci nar ccciii
rei Pent Co., t;1(0 Manhatta n Bldgi., Toledo, Ohio

r B'g I
n will mines this greal

AIBargain Stile
;OATS at a
25er icr t ilff
~ tiper cciii ifE

tiff Hts at
'ti - -
eate - - -
:en Shirts it
iii Shirts -
tll Shirts -
it Shltita -

Co nlin


_. I.

mce Spriig Styles, Attauchedh an c fs
te Mteriatl; unitstyles cure iSasiio


Mail'/ St.

IItE~ lii iti1Lus.y ic,-cic dCal iicI;I eerz cs ir-
cciI~~ne i l I+ rfc c 'alI
(}flit iclly'iiucli toccc I o

Have you ever noticed the difference between evening
* dress suits and evening dress suits? The difference ies in
th cutting and making. We are well equipped to serve you.
WAGNER & CO. Importing Tailors. State Street.

The' Ann Arbor Bible Chairs
444 South State Street
By C-. P. COLEiR
SUNDAYS 12 to I P. M., BEG~INNINGi JAN. 12, 1908.

Rowe 's Laun dry
326 N. Fifth Ave.
Newe thone 417 BeltltPhonie 43-i/-.
3iii South tte Streeet
Ciasses Satureday, 10 A. M. an-rd
7:30 P. M.
Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant
I/hinest Fanc'y Ditshes,.AmneiLanuneesicof
altltinds. Everythinag first-classftee
tadit's and gentlemuen.
Chtitese anid Jeapanese Bic-a-heac'.
lip Stairs, tie door S. Histon Bros.. 314 S. State St.

Gas Stusdy Lamrps
imaxsre a steady, soft glow.
Easy on the eyes.
floderate in price.
Cheaper than oil tr electricity.
Get the best from the lariest aseortemont.
&hc Ann Arbor Gas Cmo.


The Historical Setting of the Sermon.
The Beatitudes,
The Fuifllintg of the Law'.
Turning the Other Cheek.
Be Ye 'Therefore Perfect.
Givinag Holy Things to Dogs.

Jan. I2
Jan. 19
Jan. 26
Feb. 2
Feb. 9
Feb. :6

These lectures are free to University, students and others who may
care to attend.

STUDIO-RENTSC FILER, 319 East Huron Street

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