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January 18, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-18

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No 8ยข

........_.. _

I~Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of i900 has
arrived and is arranged for inspec-
tion. The ame careful attention
is given to the styles and finish of
every suit, whether to e used for
business purposes or for full dressf
. H. WILD GO.,
sob E. Washington St.
VOU KNOW where to get..
It. -u. Jolly, 308 S. State Street.
+ an Hamilton's March with
extracts from the diary of
} Lieut. II Frankland. a pris-
t oner of war at Pretoria, with
portrait of Gen. Hamilton,
S a colored map and several
+ plants $1.20
d, London to Ldysmith
* va Pretoria
* An account of Mr. Church-
S ill's experiences as a special
correspondent with the Brit-
ish armies in South Africa
.. from the early days of the
t. war until the relief of Lady-
S smith. Containing also an
f account of the armoured
S tran. Mr. Churclill'sdeten-
tion at Pretora as a prisoner
* of wa, his esae and subse-
queint service ins the Natal

Michigan Political Scieic Association
Will Discuss This All Important
Question Today and Tomrrow
-Students invited to
Tin- anniusliseeting. which begins to-
dtay of the Mlichigass Political Science
association, is devoted to the discussion
of the important question of state tax-
ation. One of the chief dificulties its
the way of a successful system of state
financiring arises from the lack of
harmoniy in tlie taxing laws of comtigu-
000 states. I viw of this fact it
seemned atpiprpriate to the executive
-cimnittee of tie association to invite
representatives from the states wvlici
border onf le state of Miciaifor tie
iurpose iof a geieral discussion of
policiessuid oftrinciles.
Proimient epersonsisfrout all over the
state. includinig legis~tors, iill lbe
present. The qsuestiosn is one of vital
impstortaice aitd studients tre itvited to
lie preseit iii reap the besefit of tie
discuissionsix Siprm afris pritedl
umriginally ini the Daily Intosie beets
tltered, and as orreteid now reads:
Friday, Jaiuary 1, at 2:0 pjin.
(Tappn Hall)
L. Thne Inportaince of Good Tax Laws.
Htarvey J. Hollister, President of
the Association.
1t. Federal Restraiits oii State Taxa-
D~r. Frederick C. Howe of Cleve-
land, Ohio.
111. The Purpose and Working of the
MichigainTtx Comiisison.,
Htoii Milo D. Campbell, President
of the Mlichigan Board of State Tax
tridiahy, Janutary 18 at 8 ip. i.
(Sarah Cswell Angels Hal.
. A Few Words from the Uniiversity.
Presideit Jaiies B. Aigel.
IL. State Taxation of Inimertate
Prof. E. I. A. Seligmai, Coumnbia
Ili. Separation f State aiiuLlocal
Ilon. Horace Al. Oren, Attorney
(General of fthe State of Alicignt.
Satriay, Jamuary 10, at 1:0 a. n.
1. Sonic History of tie Struggle in
Iliniiois to tRealize Equsiy in Tax-
IHi. Harvey B1. Hurd, Chicago.
it. Taxation in tle State of Oho.
Senator Jases f. Gareld'Cleve-
laud, Ohio.
ItI. Business Mleetig.
All persoins interested in the topics
are invited to be present. No admis-
President Gsmpers Tonight
The (ood Governmnt Club has been
fortunatte ini seeuring Prs. Gomprt
to addressoan Aiii Arbor audience. He
will lecture toiigt iii University
Htall, tiikiisg for his subjct "The
Rough lit Eiobliig Struggle of
Labior." Air. Gompers is at preseit
tise presideit of the Americanm Fedra-
tions of tLbor, aidio doubt his lecture
will provei-ltiniuteresting one. The
price of admsissions has beeii pltced at
25 ceits.
Commencement Address
Albert 'Bushnell at, Professor of
History In Harvard University, wilt
deliver tie comomeicemnt addrss to
the chis of 1001. The date of com-
toonemlenit doJuse20.


Asst. Librarian Vance's Successors FRESHMEN TO EAT
At thse meetitig of the Board of Be- Aul Committees Have Beet: appointed
getits held yesterday, several appoinit-
itetits. miade inecessary by the deatht of and Toastmaster Named for the_
ibiirriani lotte, were annsouncted. Annsal Banquet-Nt Trouble
'T-e two insstriuctors, Messrs. Riood Anticipated
attd Dwyer, will iserformthte fiunctiotns
firmterly exercised by Lihrariani Vaince. Despite the fact that for some few
The tRegenits also iapipointedi Miss yetar,,itnione has tittempted to stop
Woodward of Ypsiltanti to assist ini the the freshtmet ini their banquseting pro-
library. Site is iin expert libirariatn, petisities the present class is goisig
ittviig itice sstiuy i te ork aidaheadi just as if someotne did cre and,
havng adea sud ofthewor, ad ipparetly exptectinig to ciii ythemsel-
will ihave charge of the text-books atid yes.its asmited its toast-isuister aits
performt all the technsictil work of the commtiittees.
library. alias Woodward is attpreseist The etiviaitle piosition it tie hetid of
thiusibrat-iait tt the Ypsilaniti Formtal. the taible, to occuspy which i_:av isean
These niew appoitmtieisttike effect a fri-e. if ihasty, hair cut, feli to the tot
ait the biegititng of tentext semiester, of S. E. Tihomspsoti, in the ir: h urst of
tind fur stisd-nt i ssistatits wililtteti le political ethtussiasm iisiit,.. -,1 ini by
relievedi. 100)4. The commtiittees ati,=... Is hasve
stow bettntippointed by Mr. Thiomupsons
DANGER WILL BE OVER ,iistiiey iippeiir below:
tGenertil Chtiirmaisn.-Elnmer B. Sant-
ford, Sigma Alphus Epsiloti.
Small Pox Scare Will Be a Thing of tReptioti- Chairmats, Johns Nicol,
the Past When This Week is Gone Delta kappa Epsilon, H. M. Towar,
-A Former Experience with Sigma PIl. Robert P. Morsomati. Phi
the Dread Disease Arrangetmenits-Chairmnt, Maurice H.
Stimtomi, Psi Upsiloni, Johns R. Bart-
-We tire wvttchming for the slightest heft. ('hi Psi.,tReginalti Bucket, ZLeta
intuication of small pox with groat vig- Psi.
ihaitre,' skidi Health Officer Clark to- tInvitttionu-t'himaiii -Dotmalti C.
daty. "Outr anxiety is to see if any of Wtliie. Sigma Ciii L. A. Farnhtam,
thin sttidetits brougiht borc any of the Stiraiiultaruty. GlamnmaiPhsi Betta.Cttrl
conttagioni with them. If at the close 1t."tiim-yer. Phi Delta 'Thefts.
of tit weekc there are ito caises report- Decouratio-Chiairmn, Johnm Gillet,
ed5 we wvill feel almost .certaint that our Pihthi app Psi. Amuy E. Stavage, Sorot-
hireutiutiois ittav- been entirelv effect- sis, IDsruts Randalal. Siguna AlpuhatEli
siai. It istusnal to -wait tot- sixteemi silomi.
clays to deterinte definitely anti this ____
wouldti trimig thin time up to next Wled- Toaustmaistet-. S. B. Ttuihom-in. Thietta
mesilty, tint we will fun very happy if DeltamCiii.
ito ittnitiotistire trodhuced by Satur- TOASTS.
i'residie-nt Angi-ll, ibefore-ulib. -cliss iho tat fbi.
itttertituilohuwsthis siu-uk. uxplatili-il ;thtiiitcs'- entrtiy Cl. Z.Slottueieli.
silt thin fac-ulty wvere sos careful ittClii Psi.
hainmiihmg fle-pheseust smalulpoix shtut- "Boys iii -Smuiie Pttlmenr Rie, Al-
lti. Saiti hei:'--Thinftacuty took: tenis phatiPhi.
which hiavi- Cueniemployedi to gumarud "Pre-sid~ent Atigel-George P. Swveet,
i"tohsti mll pox, bencauese they be- DltIti Kuhuit Epsiloni.
ievt-u it svas best totbeun oithinstife fluePticuutv-Frstk ii. tKnox.Zthu
situ-.huttflh- early 'TOs a, subject its thin Psi.
this-u,thn-utitt omupsotiwhichi astuttiber "iiuuiuuiiits-Thiomiis S. P,. Me-
if stiudessts were-workinig provedi to Hnry. ShigmaiCiii.
thtve- dinud of smatullpoux. Twentiyvc-sies "ltigtt"-_ltirk P. tHyde. Psi Up-
resutein thi n tiversivtimind three sihuus.
loot tellos-ditetiontshe catmpust. fI turtei-tuties-.llbshttii . Verier.
svas ai very saulafftairtadsvwarratssthe-
pru-si-st prncutionuisy mseasures. I Prohibition Club Elettion Today
svsmi t ttanik tihe sttudentts for their
hut-sly co-opeurationsiniigetting s-atein--
ated. Onuly It fewutremain svho hiase lii. reeitly iorgaized Prh ibtithionu
nioi line sou. Bit --u- have great atnx- ('is11)till ihldsiitetitngthistafte-
ity yet. If antysvere exposed to the noont. 'T-hepurpouse of flit meetisig is
iiseas-duurisigthue hatter part of the to nuec thin regular officers, as those
vactuionu, or ons thintrainss ottrouite ftinow5 serv igiiuivebeentticting in simply
thi n iiversityite. cases should ude- au tetim'utraryN capitcity. Thte elections
si-hip tis week. It wilt.,ftherefoirte, will be hieldI at =4:15, itt Roost E, New-
mitford <ge.at relief to us all, if this berry thtll.
sveekc passes -uithout any ttew cases-
di-velopinig." Down Town Life by the Stereontiests

Sophomore Lit Yell
Thur sophomsore ito Ittve tadopted a
closs yell, which svillibeusedtifirst at
the freshinum-sophommore usteet, to strike
terror into thin hearts of thte freshmsen.
Thte yell is is follosvs:
Itullaballoo! Biooraht! Booree!
Michuigan! llh-htigttti Nauightty-Thtree!
Wants $2500 for His Dead Body.
Secretary Wade has ansothmer to add
to a ghoulish collection of letters. The
one tarrived yesterday from a wesern
mnu who calmly announced that he
needed gust $2,500 for a business en-
terprise. If the University will send
him that amount he will make provis-
ion 50 that his hody shall come to the
medical department when hie dj

Prof. Grahiams Taylor is itt closer
touch with (lie city masses thouanhalost
anmy other manimni this country., Whien
he is annmounced for a stereopticon
lecture ott "Downt Tosvn Life its Chi-
cago," everyone knows that the studenst
of social problems vill fusd somethinug
to think about, and everyone will be
Thes lecture, whlichm is onse of the so-
cial problem course of the S. C. A., vil
bgieat'ebryhltoeeing. The tadmissionm price svill
ho 15 cents, but 50 cents will buy a
ticket to the entire course.
There svill be it meeting of thse Fresh-
man Banuquet Committee, Satuirday,
Jan. it), 1 p. in. in Room b, 1P. H.

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