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January 18, 1901 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-18

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g iP'ograms for Literary Societies RAIN OR SHINE
- - The literary and law societies will The "100" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe
Published Daily (Mondayseas pted)darig iold their regular meetings this -week. to wear when the weather is uncer-
Coil a ear,at The Adephi society wilt also eect tan. A little rain doesn't hurt it
THIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN thi-e fies while it affords plenty of comfort On
Mas oSre. The progrimis to e preseitetd follow: the warmest of days.
Argot Bide. Matn St. 33, S. Soae tret EB81E But of cour'se we have light shoeCs
Boh'isd. Ns it Pae12 autaht .10. for bright days and heavy shoes for
MANAGING EDITOR, Curreit Events-Foreign, A. M. EIS-v randysiyopef.
o . . HA S, 'orth. Doestic, ,A. C. Heckler,an asi o rfr
BUSINESS MANAGE, hnproiiptus-'I. Deiches, D. . John - GLAS'S SHOE STORE,
F.). Essie.so~D;o , sntA.H.Muit, 1 9So. Main Street..
IOIO eictril Disussion-ttesolved, that $ LPnti ANN ARBOR, MICH
ATBiI TICS, _- . 1.it.netss r. ii FEitsaiils Coturse it South America M
Detsrves the Severest Censure." Led
A..Mis D L, .s0LL. Si . 0. OA Rii'01 L 0 .51r. aL.Chls
R.H.____oo,0 W .CLxAt ' LiliC 30 DAYS INVENTORY SALE
W. A. Brassa o. 5, '3 E. I. Stics'tet. t03 IDebtate-"Reslved, that the Army
---- -- --- --- 'anteeii SiouldiHave Been Retained."
AffirtiativeT. '. 1.Campbell, D. De Our entire stock of all new Clothing at greatly
Latstt. D.ontttovat. Negative, R. I.
Corbit, t. D. iBoyce, F. W. DeFoe. reduced prices during month of January prior to
eetralIDebateit. invoicing. All Suits and Overcoats at less than
Wese en atrfrTerAna tFSIO A Manufacturers price during this sale. Avail your
Feast riditay, iJan. 18, 101.
-Cu'trrent 'Toritis-tDomiestic, 1isler. self of this opportunity and save money.
itst net th bse r id sioulhacit ae oritneciesLyt. tstd.All Underwear. and Shirts at reducedusdiftyecn analbqett SechsLn,11 '-
Elks' hall. Itt-was imuch more exten- Addresses-Colwe, lBeggs. prices. Every thing new.
ive ind elehorate thiaii previous af- Essay-Deiismore.
fairs of a siiiilar kint, aisd thie society tIpromptu Deate - ttrinatis e-
mnade it aii evit of the yciir. The Kptlart Negative, Hunter. S A B E N
menu was sore stimiptttous aii theli Biography-Booker T. Washington"UI E L RA DW RT
ieiiu programss more elegaint. -Conrad.
The card was a dark purple iieatly General Dbate-"tRcsolved that the
priited iii gilt with a rough-edged iii- lUited States is not justified in con- y~y ovoyy~ y
set tbound with yellow tttdtlues cord. structitig,' owning and controlling tho_ _
Seventy-five banqueters fouitd places Nicaraguan canal without regard to -THENS THEATRE
at the tables the attitude of England.' Afirsmative,IiE Ii i i i
Roy E. Mygatt, '01 of Michigan, Ifestler, Filierty. Negative, Leonard, SA.T'URDAY', J.A.NU.A.R.Y'19
president of the society, acted as toast- .Sthiiitdeskaiiip.
master. The following foists were re- AD)ELPIhI. A. H. Chamberlys Supreme Production of the Merry Musial Comedy
sponded t: Saturdaty, lais. 19, 101. C D T G R
"Welst.:and the IWest," Charles t. Vta il-tolr
Hal0 fIneol"Ltea,, rto Wtis h GeLaMotte C(. Spaulding '01, of Ohlu e; 5ihate--"esolved, that the shits su- Same Original and Sperb Production and Unrivalled Company of
'The Ladies," 0. R. Seter, '03, of New sity bill as originally presented in the
oik; 'The University of Mihigant" sente would e n unwise law." Affir- SIXTY - ARTISTS - SIXTY
It, H. Corhif, '01, of tows; "timpres- uatis e.Utley, Hteavenrich. Negative,ICLD G
sios,"Ilit ert Whittney, 02, of Ohio; Hutsttoi, INCLUiDton
titortia of the New C'entury L-"iss "trmemim ' "Distu
Jesi . aset,'0 f ndas In _____ o ofces Eddie Poy & Queenie Vassar
compatibility of Transcetndentalism,"_______
T. L. Campbell, '01, of Kentucky; "This' alas pca ceeyadGr osCsue
Seniors," Betnjammini H. Kiser, '02:, oitt 'ItEtl ARE OTtIERS RUT NONE Tw1alaso SeilSeey adbgeosCsue
Washingtoni;"The Law andtheliii SO GOOD PRICES HO5C, 75, $000adI
Profits," Ashiby Snow, '01. of U'taih; IRoyl Tigers. 10e: Tigerettes 5c. Seat Sale Thursday Morning
iiThe Juniors," E. D. t'erry '031, of__________
Iowa; "Arkansas 'Traveller" L. A. tistttgAorteMiiaieuinMONDAY, JANUARY 21
Rtowland. '02,of Arktansass"T'lie ust e had y Jlin. 27.f
Freshmen," Edsotn i. Suniterlant,.' S84htiANDALI PHIOTO STUDIO. h u g m s e
of Mtichigant; "MaimAs We SeeSimni," .-..-________
Miss GleniaJDoust, '01, of t'eiisylva- Mr. situAirs. Rtoss Granger wish to no EMMINENT ARTISTrS
iia; i"A Breeze From the West," Leotn-all atientioti te the fact that the Seat Sale Satuaday
and 0. Iteigs, '01. of Washington;'The cnsosssatre now oieii for the second
of Michiganm ins tle suject of duncitig are request-
Mtusic for the lduiqltt's was pro- edt to call at the office for infortiitioin. E E YT IGN W'E CPaT E N M
titled by 'Miss tlarkini. the taletted Office tt Acadlemty oti Maynaurd t . E ER T I zaENEX PT HE AM
harpist. ___ _____ _______
Whemi tiihe anot adito tvr aiul t' -- -AT -
toistsd(tne ft'hettr -suiclt'aretd tiidChef doeuvre de
the' tiamuce stoo ,ttt 111l p tstssitott.I'ExpositiQol Universele
'lihe itom it'i il t'ha get' st s foox' B
lottuss1)hi. I 'ttv. '01o ttlituigui: Walton, Sagil, and Chaiper U
Berl B. Hlaivkee, 'n}" f Itichigai: tee pahlishure at this wsrii received the
Clvydte'iW. hetchmmn, '12, itt-Miebiguan; Grnd Priso sd Gold Medal at the Paris Ex-OE'
Clintion Mcetee, '0t.,tof litligmll: ~ posii or its excelence. Au wans sol nR
-ere -t 'rirsahoeriptien snip.ia
ite~.frmt'.'O oltmuuycumh.Redmond, Kerr &Co B IL LIA R D PARLORS
'fli eNIC.T'e floinhtvig chanuiges iii the Greek BANKERS
cisur-e's annuouncetd for the snex setnes- 41 Wal Street, New York HIGH GRADE CIGARS TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES
ectiwifound to hoeunecessary: _' .T
Aniuiities) will net hr given thisyar. eeivs deposits suhjet e drat. Dividends stdItesGlete o ettd c TO TATE
Courses 19 and 20 (tntroductioti_ to Fisal Agents for and negotiate the issue o of R ' LDSALE
Iomeritnd Lucian) will be giets at alicoadsteet railways, gas companis, etc.N
g Securities bought and old on somis in
thte hours nianied !i the announcemsent, Members New York Exchange. -
ittless sourse 20 is desired a t souse S NT R L M IG
othitr hotr by those who elect it. tHEAL tN j Fa CH 1 SEANI OWTAY PLUMING.
M. L. DOOGE. List of crret oleriers a--tcu bpniaton, TtAN O ATREThO
Bwieadsecure your seats for GRAHAM. KERR &v CO.___________________________
".A Cadet Girl" at once.1 --- -v -

Fifty pretty chorus girls are a feature You Can Buy the................ 3 5
in the "CadetGirl."-Unr kDtntIothrWn
That'sthe name-IIALLE+R'S JEW- IUIU.htn't ak hoh 218 THE. MAINST



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