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January 18, 1903 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-01-18

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"sit AR.
Net. 5k
'I'se lfist prelimsiary' iiy- tisit 51t l-bso
"tsCh anateristic is Necessary for frtelisrsy rt-iti a' Presdet of Junior Literary Class is sr
yot ra afternoon istIthe yms innisAsiisi
dung Man Who is to Succeed- ''hrr iwes-ritaisr'-v snitlwrsor'coin Chosen1'Varsity Football Mana- uu ti
ftune by Mr. Thomas Dixoni tseiiiirs for ike rvari s i-vsii -s hle ger--Resuts of Election iak Ib-
mis 'all sbiasissi ip well. Tbotiis-_-_____I
f* n -nm in tit(, op ls i li ot Mfr.iat ehighyIi'iir- itii-s '-i-5ithe r a is d e..titas ''-icii c I pr taP- ystesrdy i'S Qii'isOct.
' 'ar t--i- is a .t in i -ss- Tri lia is I~-sln'i nooin hotii:1is ths en, wi s a s conitsl't fr (
5-."rT-isl'is 5 5115., Mr Itissi s-sm- lra"ck miel- als' sssInc itis'st' eIis'slss'is was i-is Ac~ il
tsus_ x1 his w ik55 l JIii " iiilits tie le s-'iiislisktsf-- ishi' ii- sun s-misleii e. T eo~ e t+ el+ bey l~o
u_.Ll - 1, aof artisit siltsti;;- lctreri iat li iiss ii ii-I is'ssis-s'il ' i i i 1.1 :t. 'ras ure , .Ia'15
i ll, s nt t I nneri i lt s midi en Ii i i S i tii il S tiiiiiil ir' iir lesi' is -s s* t-tisls''
N- I'iiisti e tirr iiieats ris nie slssi 'itI t's''it ii id li' i's I tsils ii i
, O l tj ,1 l sitly sitt a ss Ie l.nits H it i ilit e s_.- eq a il . : ials. t sll. 2I' ' a l"5' useics'tar i t ,:s s l ' i issS
SI~~rilte rinlio hv h ii'ts rl- amsan u i l oshit wteir fur ealil of1 thlliraI ttre' liii slIt''nd''
l" ,,jsi y etod Ii, 1011i i~ d its 1:; isls'sit' its -si l te 'i(;, si , Itol wsiiiiiir 'ie i tinllt la.t
C Ih. tit~r y glt ,clcs IIC G W N il t Ss. (iot'1t , rli h iltchli r 1ii ~
ort, ihttol IIf r i efReport of 11:liii'e islorsut i I" II it tillsi t-Is' itCa s -
r~l I ii tltri~oe~lin t 1r:11(lttts ti noCliirof tes ' last N tr .l 5 ' h d ollir~td h ma t
ic out til l. ort er lo lte r,.11d _ia li It.' eit'll's It' I("'
li-i-ss--- sleimsts'te. t lst'l ssist ufiil~ e.a
ittit,' is issli .sit'c apst' st sisl pop-
yI d 5r. eril1[II f t \\t 'if'i -lits-it \lt
t of'2 to s'-brief i Repo t ' h o ,- l- re Itin \s r-N w S (
Contest in - ihicago 'ast Night ivIlt itis issl :isl.~el air 11l - st
J o n ( hc i l ,esits I1sthte
11lit li lIt-s- s-lih y , (e e , tisisf--i , i ,l de' o --ie iii,: il-
_'-" -il lists i fsis P ile 1:Xitb ~Miflisii Bond t-+1 ~t otisist I sirliii ii e ,i l
11 ptitillIsi ilpii i st lts55
h Iall Iii n' 1 ui op5ilii'l s-t-i -i-t 'i ils istsi's'osls -ss ialis s s lt'l's'
a c'- ', I - i ll ti -llts l o is i ,is is' liiiss' o iG od F na cilsis'Il;r
isisssiI -u-u ii wilt
h s + 1? r~t"Ir 1t, .I I 1 l i--is h It h c ss hIn lists-isis ofIts , h 11(tii II,1
Fsit'stis' is'ssis Is's-' s-ill, nnl dtf-i IlesIiiisl is
r~ -11 Io :ii . \ "i s i t " tt l~r: l, I1lit a cliss '5 lsi t e 1) e 1,, (,f t e lr;a lr:tc l , "i l
i, , 111,Ot:ilists,i ii l' iIisn,1'ir aI ~~li.. .. :1 - ils i ' ltoss'tt-
- . ("~ l l. 1 ly h i- st t s Stilt11 itrl t
Is,-s:, '; li , t 5-l o i rt'll ertki ti -<t I r-itsl t d t e.I 1ItI t
u. ,In it'is'at't" hati;t'ill'
e ti--, i - iof IllIs1 Its'de-.'etrI
tilt lel t sIf1 S~tl:;o ~eIotidlt. Sirt 'l~
ttcnQ n ,.__l i itt-i'l I... .. .. ...i.T rls
r. itsl r lit 1lls t1)r , IstII " Illshliihesits li -
- I sisIr--sili-l - - -{' sl sl ist- I (h I,-
Its Ivllists' .u s t is a po nt it x1 w o . .. .. .I t Isor
5 r io\ ir l o l , psss his ,ith t e l 'l e ',,II' tl ' llel. 'lh stillay Sill pe xs .. . . :-1 ;( h
ittt it its~o
,ironil i.ti..It k pl '51)11 ItII s the1I'l
ItI z ,9, < t 1, ,sslss- sIithilc'uis s'ulisiinissil t 111 . .I. . ' 1l l iii . , e ~1
?.i racik 1l'i-tls in ti sisilt, tp Y rcsini itos s swill iies- tis ls-nritsc rkt 's Stiidio I\i> 'I ut.1
it~b:y;fs iris isisali:a s'isttsik. Sauirday, 'Jan. 17. at 12:4.5 p. Illfor 'lit-" irsa ''sisrsi-ll1tai liii e l l 0,141sotiltsf st-ill lt aenia i(" ue Bpr ~p. ivz sat r 5t n~ ttr irn<:
Sort of Athletic ?neasuner
f'uili' isll s i., ts-1' istssrt iii' -ts-'
i'1" f ilts- 1'. o if.-'I t - A ll-il
urir li--. it, ISterd $21(i Q59
Ill i ii tilsl] iIit vs-rs
S.1 tad2. -f -, li
(sa )s'-t. ii2. 1! i)1d1' iii to
.... .... ... .... .*d i,(- 77
itir , ill-s- Pw 2,rt
1I-. lii' 5-s -rs'
o II li: Il l-.1, 11.i17
rciety Ot's;anissd in the Ujniver-
y --Many Studenlts Isoi--
Ofllees areIfEliectedl
IM'il' Ii's-
is- I'. 'It
i- list skits
Cits' li' l's' s l
? l' s t stil 1ll41
Otti 1'it ,1t' i 7' st t
t'i--t l - '-tis' 'll ' lii'1 t :
-l , ti, tl ist1 ii iiii' l ltc": iil5
i t i ts ttls
4:tli , tk~ tv, I lii1)
cr )t'tt t> 11t )1:,II~ 55 s11(Is'issasis
'itt~t i ii'i t )t ttlt r < is' s i
III t 's l v I''I)-tst'I~II: 'y Tif iiis-1
I tt lit' c, II~tl' . 'IYleIl t
> 'lpS-i Nu Otlicerc
11<it l Il ' i I s'?
ill5[ it"s .. i s ''is i ils"'
!);i I1, tint 1'tl'' d11its , ill n ls
, lil t '''5 I ill' t saIlti ,4sli e hit1
ill, :11"dxi~ltd n " iof lsl fIsiss,
- iv iti 1~tl it 1''i i- t - isis- 's s- ri
sl' li<t41 iss i t ll stlis sItiy Jas'
h is t it ls lf.1tii iis hs rdsss-ithi
iiw-i do s 11w sti r'''ssshl its t. (il.
:1 i ts 'il [is-s it'lcns't's
1cr1 tuiidl ord~t~t m i-sIt iT'.

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