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January 18, 1908 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-01-18

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he Michigan Da il
Ann Arbot, MI( icigan, t. oi day, Jtiuarti 1,-1908..

%Vait.. XJJ

No. 81.

MICHIGAN SCORES a llpomtei nf monand peet i
o"I 11.Robrts, for Nortecstern, con-
1~(TIIIF~ VI ~T~RV tnded that public sentiment today hs
l canged i(1 ,a tlt frotm that of the past
feIars (l, al that the people of each
Varsity Debaters Win Decision state ar tmaingi such chage in their
OverNortwestrn Wile ol~star lues a they hind the netds of th
Ove Nothestrn hie Cl-tnscdmuatd. Tihrfore the prset
leagues Are Defeating Chicagoasytem is*auplyyauble to control te cro-
-~~ tportioni problemt. '"Ttetenttdency itt alt
1i et i all ccletdlast ngtll tns tatesta is titartdmore effectie ittor-
tann vrNottiwetern hrliii ait n ttatiomi ays.
Coniges, ttrough suctlausesais the
ac i lcat. I at weltl ilt (hatlt shba rtAn atti-trust act, lasa slown it-
Kiarler, inn tter and11Fullter sere favoraitsatlftile to teeteed againtanoy illegat
byithei judgtest' tiaaiitia ala d tcistticn hy ortatteaarous ecoroaration."
tailorted alhetaffir tia i te.ittutuioaTie Nrtern Secrities, companiytwas
i 11111poraition law-nsin ited aan exatmtple. "Tits it can le
at n wasat a tl epeetdin a ll sontitatt aystemt of sttte itcortora-
pars f lil ca tabu lt oaaespcilly tauthlbfederal supevision is anowtatd
man11 argumtai iisoftheta netgatvetaly 1'. t iller, far'Mihign, spoke as
iflimatve wre ell inptsizd. he ierc lair- af forty-six states
tira It_ sit sitjudteaofithei t annattapIiroectithe pepc of te diffeentt
i-t al cii at atI itiitatit i li a tas atuteafroti the evils of oer-capitalia-
Lin lfr theideitceal tatsatlredalta tielitis, ansecrecy ofoatagemtixu, mop
orpralon eg,"d itinsi~teaon ialte a rris dutal autorit
iic i e r Ia i lira itolit Ial t a teral in71 ilsis -liht "a uuiorm nainata w as
ibt etonli stutch ltm s - ffa-a er, -tatmalsa stabili ty. Federal
priic ; tilar rutoiiiyo muhatcnto fcraroratiots ssil itsre at
c -,"C Kna Ind ianict acctaialilty f tit corporations
itiallareit, J. .Is laiilhtti and1Jilgto tectinal govierimeit atal sill tre
tll at 'I leriiT1101, ctd a jill i ve t at the iarati imah s f sti n -
l~cfni ii 1 th ireatii -Micigan aes as the Stantdtatrd Oil nmonopoliy
G.as il hta ' alty, te last spakeefar
t"'. ii 111111Ilet atokett, folit Notwestern,saidi i at:"Te ti-
questIionwlb i sc11 111ttussed off1a111 ity f a iorpoirationto attake aoutta
1 a i 1 tt it 1111 iiiii I aatliii ral celiter teeisotil tea a geat cet-
tatay ~cI.ct(1,f( _taiatio f tatoaer, tputtig patically
1111. al t f, :ie w itci 11111 iiittt al itat-iat tton ttiece uit te . ia atrct
v ll1, -a~t1 .d 1 tt 'a.e n t a otreol f a aisowrewhichx the centre'
*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o I tI itti n I itiatt eiittisas nvmacem-nnt tat tosses.
an -.tt i lfun Tw opoaion,1 'hiscetrlizatinis nois tictastr
a I l ui att icaig' 11 and ttiairsaitti a fa d utl system of state atda -i
tatii1111 ra ii traiat atsht lt ontaitil gaivietrimentt. It semstuobtousily
a-i hi y ttta ackd il acounittaft hea ~teinwiWthn, foat Comgit-s i ttbra
atl lt i f " lpIa afrt atn itwJ laaey tiistsyatemuuls elrlgvei
.11 t iem-trill alieatrata I e atatuag idl 'csad n h eea oen
at~~sc e it istotaa he ott tllari laravitertie int owerti 1110cidopea~a
ihff haitli 7t i ti~ia etlatita lt liar at- aswiih lieaprobtlettis it exists tdaay. It
alite is lto moptto. tnt s ihrefretr ttateessitytant~tge the
lelltin a ti ,ate i iac~uit a it sytettifar on-washlacanmttak
it~ p lt - atand .iner-h lilt of sh re snv tattdifrence.'
ar aetitiailla taly throuIh sctlts ifire Jottr Swa-adtilcomptlimetetd
lw.t zn attttitt.1 iif atiltleeato pasm-teaaearsauoailtmccvauatn of tiotr
laxtaw ,tnldlia reortd t bytheids f til qetiot, the oesofthia
corortins judge." w-eatre aollected. Tieidecisioti ash
I. . titt ie fr Nthwes trn, randeredalfittfatsotr tof 'Miirhigaattby at
aaaatitaaas stte.
"Cn es culreult a is i ifiere itlros-of tie deate the fi-
intersttc comerce, altrit iingpi-toi ng; op11 t~iionstwerot bttaited:
ifcily ia all idtofatetarai'statebuisa alarof. IHotcthkis: "Whtttabout the
tat tt ii tauracatIliaceplantffdrlicroa- la: I ithou11gt that talha eti st-
tion1 isitita aa-art iarh atatealata i l XAel, Micihiganimalways trs tut
ha righattt asalla aforieign tcorpoata godta an d utusittry' hadl to eat
lions, atif titioseand talhulaatcanSr- the. AlI cattasaytish, tec'lle glad
olkcripp111 li tebnititi-ofantt lioaaelto cometackaiaanet yea."
c ar tat adaitortorain IThl fedail t r, Ilislat: a['hre statmtut to
coamiaaand aonthe lam 1 aO X. Itnot.'ard etess atd tellt
ri asi l .1 ii g isthe ala I il wo
11taigillaytreglati11111 icitaayi seat
alattaildtilhich 11m11 in ipraaticeamotiata it CIAN IS VICTORIOUS
ayttinag 111ait my lilanashatwa f naitin.IN CHtICAGO ODEB~ATEi
a incooain."11
II G ttrttt-. far attihtipanit.soikeas IroasThomlaaas C'eTreboooditeletphont
followts:f flral rm (Chiciotalst nghtmtthat Mihigan
''li owrar hefeerlgoeint- ailreceveadtmatmthe aimotts decisinitof
11111mutala fartelrth ant it altas todaay,-tie titmges Tic egaie side of tie
hcrcauila as iis a .1tarresentcoammercial satma aqu~esltincaitsiered ernws sp-
contioniiats dealatiatt wasell reaiadtaw oteditably the avctors
a11111tillaax tticrguiltiontts. 'Thisvi-d Btauusa ot somemc defet ithle wires,
aersif usetaas ateaness; cncntralton, tut tittle tora information ctud ie
thn aratilst tantuustreingth. Cngress obaineda.tTa t ha teaum thtee ws-tcottm
mus11tiltwshalow:tt 1111iis atillseto liar tosadiof Fes BarougisatdVaettick
ssates ofuthlila-,tat a mitiawnn scmIittse ty on erngtatIlium chitiganm ad asoa
ter Ccitoth ett b usness of teaday isobandteuniusecinhr,
atr-latrcraommerre. The stutinPraof. Truebloiodtw tas deligted. le
neaads untifortmaragulation, atnd Contgress saidla "Thatl certaitnly is 'an. Out boys
tauly cantaglveethins Oneuntiforuma lawse tinshowneupttwsell"'
stitt tarbater ttu forty -six confitintg
A faderal chaartrwill reduiec to a tREIDUCES ITS PtRICES
mitittu theflirfittion lats-ancia alte amd- ___
fedearatl autoriy. As itis. the states PBeginninitg Monday- nigt, Jan. 2, the

canaklatnomamstmetpi inte say- of intcc- foallowmitnglaices nwill bc charged at thet
stale regulatatusiiationwihot ininiug itself Majestic: a titre first floor, 35 cents;
Maoced albaa iufrummgeuaaemt oathlea sphere fatmily circle, 30 centts;' balcony, 25 retis
of femderal sosvereigmty-. A uimourm late gallery, 15 cetnts;t box seats, 5ot cents.

OPEN SALE MONDAY any 7~s ttudetsof the literarydeat
inn aealready completetd the task
---i f fillintg out their electionaltantks for
Cast for "The -Recruiting Offi- te setmiiisaemester. All time lit electionms
WoksImustlhe tandled do tt' registrar am per-
cer"W rk Earnestly to Per- soatanexat week. Niolblattks trill tearci-
fect Parts and Smooth Action.1 ceptmedI after text Satuirday, exept u11p1on
- ' --paiymeandt1fat dolliar fined. Thea-formmouf
As troof tof tihe iute rest ashichm has lith blas has brit chuanugedl. Colmnmms-
tearo e atnha~this yedar thm~iess- wthea- fai er oom'rin mwshicthte class is filra
Iers andmalthe -gemneralt re-formmin callege andmfortte mehoures andtidays uptonuwhic
dreatmatics, tse mtanager softime Comuediy it maeta aui-u-bitt-utaddeds'. A titte tits
claub statnsmtmat lie has already receis-edalsouaitbeenpmrovided' fair tihe stiudenut's
numemroaus applicationts fairt-lkets. Sies-pmone numa bethr. By meats if thulaitt-
eraul ptromttiinet membnters aof than facially-,foarimuationa stuadenus umay tatloatuedl
as-au plam to giaveadliumersotut liar tiguouf quickly shuoumldl occasionttreqmuirae. 1 tigi-

tt' pterfoarmance antottfollowss- mit-t
witi thecater Iparmcttu- a-mmade aptpli-
catdionm foe seats.
Thle folwig ltattles if tt .Arbore
andi IDetoit mat-c beenma skedl tatact us
platroesases antdl sill tiecup~y lutissa les-
datnes Jamdan, I tutetimma,Cley, haa,
Btairda, Pattersont,WXtle, iPrentiss, Lama-
rance, innutlatr. tbates, i-ech, Str-tas,
Lombtardl, IHobtbs. 'Aitlital, autghmant,
illenu, ala Nautmrcd-la, dutting, Pter-msont.
Barbotlur, Xuitilt'aa
L). N. Trais,. directorm-oal tii- cint,
sadt yersteray
"It is indeedat-u aple-aueattleitdiianti-
lull wailtt t.e Ciotmed-Ilubna this yer.
'Tlie Ra-cruitinigaOfficeius at w-ondherfmul
mlay, borth as atuslmiy oifdratmatmieliter-a-
um-a antifolm-tual ipradutitin.
(tutu'great objectioat n it]ie mutalhasa
atintha'echoonuag if aaalum-r m- alma-
mal lay, tleiotherim-membters alftha
club hatsing tao chtancett demtonustraite
theartabltity. lThisis nolumttue with 'Tht
Rsiertuitig lihica r,' as every- part is good
and Iescry onet of sa e iarghtmeenma n-ibers
af tte cast las butt selecedalfar his air
tier indivjidual Siest, I nuvrem beloe
re-atilinzed - that> iut ih harmtty coaul
eISiallIlt 110Mermbeurs; of atm ormganmizatmion
ofa thisindinr ha~r tilstuetts antmdlfar-
utiiy ritula-aimk I tbim- Illitthan muit and
swithut Isometaltttle frirctin . Ibealiev
thiatt the produ~actiotau twill mtattle nimienent
lia reqi'huimenats a fan ttuamate-utrtaut-
"PTa'eRec-ritingtticefr"r tiill hue playaedi
on tmiay- eaeninig, Jat. 24, intthie Newe
iVhitteytuhaterm. Sealts still b l acedl
tutu sate tat uuay moaaringug tit t ochtk
Iat NWahrs ;laiteastreat store-a.. T'ea- tlte
woill contuehm u r tting that-wt-aa-t
Teasatcmaulotaut baske-tall igameurof
theasastonusill hue pltayedi Xtaammaay mmxl
at 5 I;ia am a aim thur juniand ulftshmanm
aiis. Asathat freshmanmlteam it s iunus-
u ailystarom-tat ia yeam-andthe11m-junimors
mateia-at gmithreputiiatinfair themtseltves
list yieam-, te a-me roumises thubisa a
aclose, const.TsI l-titteup is asfltows:

l. andulincmeteb lanlkasawil nttbe


hnaddhitiont al tudentsimuttlst tll at
ama ifficial lats list cam-dlfuse a-haria eir
eleted.Thesecarda-amis matty hepouredm-u
froamm thelegIistrar,htogthiae rwithmthur
elcin lanutks, ahd mas ha-passedl in
at tha- sameataimc thm lectiostaram-u-itc.
Tlustecarts tost lit.tapprtavted ly lila
registrar. lucy sutwitetn ha-siatda-tndum
setlthe lb- rut-I esehuaas tthe iofflital
cass recrd.ra
l.IIESIII";seed?'hSs til
Iitas beenmasserted ly- maytat iiume ry
fete of the gradutates f tcahnticali shooass
a tre sumccesfatl iiitheirmprofesaion. That
lt.his it ohte case has marn eunitsis-ats
prveda, at least mm so fan s i reltaes
o this uirsity, blanimiinesigationt
imade by Pro-tf. .Elen
Onitly metwhto tavetele-mautufdcl-
lege far metnsue rurenyears tara-been
classiiledl by ProafAllen, as i is gn
cmally acccptead that it takes ta-mayears
for am professionlaltin ttha"inhtil imsef
B~ueteen 1883 andtfa7 there aerr
ighty-fise graduates ii mehnialata-i
ginteerimng Nine of these hiae heonatu
presidlentsof mnnufaturiung atdengit
crning ncarpratons;aotte hare ecoe'u
Mice-prae-sidenits and secretariestwls-ha
ate becomet agentamal umaagr, anmid
tssemty chief esngintersTherareama-four
supin-itndaens, three patenlt atmrteys
andtahrhumcaprifessors immuittearities.
Beasiaes mba-ac sixty- eightmicnm whoushutis
reachd poiuutions of speital prosmmieca-
lu-ru' tre twlve- whosthmltI professional
positionasualchiama ahief drafsimen. -(Itly
isar ttuschave lttaetprofessiont.
"Wonderah ' s oin 11g tagt ga la ia-tlt
' \liciiigamma' ?"
hyant1kinow- yet," as-ers atchnrs-
ta-r,"tut its a cincah a amatmilllaie ha
me 'ighth to ga-i there'
\Xhethera'eor ot thud macmmara'"right
trill he decitedabyhame audieca'tututhin
ightt f Febi27 lie folsowing-atl
as ia-cu seetd:
Jack 'farsta-im-..Latereitce- I. Cakek
Gladuls Judson.....J.'Theoore- Read
'latin iWmmethly-.Jaummas K Xatkmis
M~yrtl hi-imgaratd.th - tiaciutaF. IPm-ttu
Algerinons Chatainecy- foiilu cks...
-ma-.......hsine O. Staplesa-
Mtiss Chapearone Spoone.......
-..........H roldl A. Pataii-msaam
JashnitMiiey felie -lat.anich hit.Syammais
Harmry- - - -It..... . hB. iummuaclsa
Dick.- --.... - -....J . hi hltche
The Genii- - --.. ...... I.. Keefr
Pmrsistenth newspaper repo-rts stae taa
at footbtll ganme between thur ci-ca-m of
thisuiersity- andthtat of Dartmotumth
ctlege ti ansuradfact, and tat the 1m
contest nill he scheduledl for thin week'
mreious to the Yale-Hamrvarda game As
Director Blairdl is sill asenit fmomithtie
city, tis rumor cainnot be affirmted, al-
thomghi it is probable that stintsainm-a-ill
trillha- armuigd

Secretary's Records Show Range
of 18 to 55 in Ages of Members
of '08 Lit Class.
'fineaeragae age if u that sir'er
of that-sau-ilt-litrary-class aa ginla-
io sinmaut-esil hutnt-yfumeeuara
This asaragae iustmmuttm-ifroit hiags
gisa-nt ly ila5seniors alash Saiaelca
Of theta-lu butettu, 10th ou men.-aaand tu
luaua-authat -averagea-ais f liae ittn -til
that ofit-ewonau-h,ma-unitapimtingiut
taet my-fossr lisa-unsiag-lttu lua f
lila class ha eightea--auyuars odtheii
A t auationaateightly uofthae.masi-tat:h
chats, inil hae twt -It uuyts thanutd
svenitlyortat entuiy-onieupau-uca-totheIs
321,sitlheh- ti-i-ati-thit a. Shsua -sxsar
usa-r thae-age f uswetty-ive, Iureutytaut
lul t-hstt iare lat-t hie-ag- stirlaty.
hiollwriig athi tsatiticaslacul
huhe f m-sut a- u a t ht alm- 'flt at
Xr-9 ttau 'a htc
21 } 2u131
hi 1, 2 a
-ahi 3
2,^ il i ta
6 4 i 1
.32 i I
35 t t
Totl 1a 0o a2
sh aet raa tohull t houl li sutig
'thailtac betaeen thei'a- ama-fga-thugtt
honos prmiaussra0-e cosat- his atrti
ain rsealmyeat, stla-h his is
cauttadl ly tie graaduation o a a-t yeam-a
saluterulngineaer taam, coamoseattatfistic
'',thF ttan, (arret-s Cut, hatmand ut
Stewoarmt'lTeaa minmhelit the Camptin-
shait for seveaal yuar,,,adt ase
lila ru-ordntof 53 2-5 sttiita frth
The actnium-las teIa-latt siti-ar o
psdo i hums, CllinsI Donaal) ul tandttu
Ciiratia' tits all its m ttmencswittithe
exteionjito f lmiT ihese'a-mnra ala
audthoh that-cham iniut07 enginae-1tamai
last yaratndtappaar-nty- have a goda
cia-araeia tm l irtaplta-ein that-coamaig
IluiverItsifV IHll, get.1:30
I'soi Jtn II ,ltsutge, I me-i'lls--

rela ry, and si ,18ti rer rtholashe

J. Ranukin
hI ncter sea
hRt Raninm

tCetnter" Stimisaait
I Ialktna ltestenr


Steinsc u
I harm-is

Ulder thae directionm at Hiss Icona
aBlelser-, Miss hallha-Iluatley aud Miss
LutidaKumyon, atsuccessfl Wiomtat's
-League part- nas givena adtBarbtour gymn-
nasiuim yesterralatermmooni from 4 ho 6.
It smas at first a 'stunt' parmy andu endedu
weitha the uisual laning. Tatiatan-aim-as
Iwere served.
The annal fancy dress tam-ta- of time
leagume has ia-a-itpostponead th ie inale
Iset fear it at presemat is time Saatray
betweenr-ca sememscrs, Cii b.8. The aos-
-tuames awillhue taukenmataimnlyfrm-tMothe-r

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