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March 27, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 139) • Page Image 7

…Men's Tennis vs. Eastern Michigan Sunday, 1:00 p.m. Huron Valley Tennis Club SPORTS Women's Tennis vs. Miami of Ohio Friday, 7:30 p.m. Huron Valley Tennis Club The Michigan Daily Wednesday, March 27, 1985 Page 7 Batsmen bust rand alley in opener By BRAD MORGAN It wasn't Texas and it wasn't 80 degrees, but the change in scenery didn't seem to hurt the baseball team a bit yesterday. Strong pitching and decent hitting allowed Michigan to walt...…

March 27, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 139) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 27, 1985 THE SPORTING VIEWS L= High school fans at Criser .. . ... Wykon't 'M'faithful compare? By RICK KAPLAN Why can't we get crowds like these? The thought had to be running through Bill Frieder's mind as he sat at courtside for the recently completed state high school basketball championships at Crisler Arena. The near-capacity crowds that flocked to Ann Arbor last weekend provided a sha...…

March 27, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Inside: I I Baseball Special See Page 9 Ninety-four Years Milky ofSFV Editorial Freedom More clouds, with a high of about 43 degrees. Vol XCIV-No. 140 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, March 27, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages Police break Tarple up brawl at Taco Bell By SUE BARTO Ann Arbor police officials broke up a fight between more than 20 persons, most of them students, at the Taco Bell restaurant on...…

March 27, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…al Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 27, 1984 Candidates get set for primary in Connecticut IN BRIEF From the Associated Press On the eve of the Connecticut primary, Gary Hart accused Walter Mondale yesterday of advocating a Central American policy that would lead to U.S. bloodshed in the region, while the Rev. Jesse Jackson promised to end poverty in America in three years by diverting funds earmarked for weapons. The three Demo...…

March 27, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…City council delays homeless shelter vote The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 27, 1984 - Page 3 ACLU forms committee to review code By ERIC MATTSON The Ann Arbor City Council voted last night to table a proposal which would allow a $25,000 down payment on the controversial shelter for the city's homeless. Council members voted 6-3 to post- pone the decision until their April 5 meeting. SPONSORS of the decision to table the measure said they...…

March 27, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…a OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, March 27, 1984 The Michigan Daily 1a Conduct code no good to NO CODE! By Eric Schnaufer and Andrew Boyd NO CODE! is a slogan, a campus- wide movement, a comprehensive critique of the code, and a student organization. The following is an outline of the organization's critique of the proposed student code of nonacademic conduct and proposed {University judicial system, informally known as "the code." NO CODE...…

March 27, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 140) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 27, 1984-- page 5 AIDS carrier traced through homosexual chain NEW YORK (AP) - Forty cases of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in 10 cities have been traced through a chain of sexual contacts to a homosexual man who may have been a "carrier" of the disease, spreading it across the coun- try without knowing he had it. The man had sexual contact with eight victims of AIDS - fbur in Los Angeles and four in...…

March 27, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…a Baseball vs. Grand Valley Doubleheader, 1:00 p.m. today Ray L. Fisher Stadium SPORTS Men's Tennis vs. Illinois Friday, 2:30 p.m. Track and Tennis Building Page 6 The Michigan Daily Tesday, March 27, 1984 Lakers By GARY EFFMAN The calls of Spring may finally be heard in Ann Arbor. The birds are singing, the Diag is buzzing, and once again the crack of the bat will be heard at Ray L. Fisher Stadium where the Wolverines will play host to t...…

March 27, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 140) • Page Image 7

…Final two The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 27, 1984 -Page 7 for Blue! (Continued from Page 1) Joubert did just that holding the 6-4 sophomore to eight second-half points. "Number eleven did a heck of a job on him," said Moir. "With his size, he did a much better job than I anticipated he would." BESIDES Curry, another reason why the Wolverines fell behindby as many as nine in the first half was the play of Eric Turner. The junior from Fli...…

March 27, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 140) • Page Image 8

…A Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 27, 1984 6 E FOR SALE USED 2.5 cu. ft. DORM-SIZE FRIDGE $75.00 GREAT CONDITION, CALL 769-9546 (leave message). 86B0331 BERNARD CAR - Drive carefully on your way to the Daily, where two tickets to the State Theatre are waiting for you. dB0327 ZONTA CLUB - Rummage sale March 30 and 31, armory. Rummage needed - 668-8274. 05B0329 1976 VOLVO, 242 DL. Southern car. Air conditioned, sunroof, 5 speed...…

March 27, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 140) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Doily - Tuesday, March 27, 1984 - Page 9 MICHIGAN BASEBALL '84 Blue barbecued in mu J By CHRISTOPHER GERBASI in 1983, Michigan's baseball team roared through March like a lion, win- ning eleven of their first twelve games on the way to one of the school's most successful seasons ever. On this year's spring trip to Edin- burg, Texas, the Wolverines played more like lambs, stumbling to a 3-7 start. THE DIFFERENCE? Pitching, ...…

March 27, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 140) • Page Image 10

…6 Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 27, 1984 DEFENDING CHAMPION.TEXAS THIRD AS i By JOE EWING If you took a look at the current college baseball rankings, you would think that the University of Michigan was located somewhere in the south or southwest and that its baseball team has already won at least 20 games this year. Or at least that's the impression you would get from the company that the Wolverines keep in the ratings. ACC...…

March 27, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-Three Years of Editorial Freedom E LIE 43t1 Iaiiu Crepusculous Cloudy today with a 50 percent chance of light rain. The high will be in the low 40s. Vol. XCIII, No. 139 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, March 27, 1983 Ten Cents Vatican may have asked for Mansour s resignation From AP and UPI F T DETROIT-Reports persisted yesterday that the Vatican had ordered a Roman Catholic nun to resign as directo...…

March 27, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Sunday, March 27, 1983-The Michigan Daily Snow flower This snow sculpture created by Terri Dover of Traverse City was originally a 10 caused the flower, which took 16 hours to create, to topple over. AP Photo foot tall daisy. But warm sunshine Drug may aid sickle-cell victims By JAMES BODNER The alteration of DNA molecules through molecular genetics has been psed experimentally to treat sickle-cell anemia and another blood disease, ...…

March 27, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, March 27, 1983-Page 3," Reagan stands by his 1 41 decision WASHINGTON (AP)-As President Reagan defended the record of the En- vironmental Protection Agency, his administration moved this week to clean house at the embattled agency where all but three top appointees have now departed. Administration officials privately have expressed the hope that William Ruckelshaus' appointment as head of in EPA scandal the EP...…

March 27, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Sunday, March 27, 1983 The Michigan Daily Gov. Blanchard gets tax hike M ICHIGAN CAN NOW lay claim to du- bious distinction other than having the nation's highest unemployment rate. The state legislature voted to give Michigan the highest flat tax rate of any state in the land. Michigan residents need not feel overly burdened, though, only a few states have flat tax rates and Michigan is only one of 33 states expected to t...…

March 27, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 139) • Page Image 5

…ARTS 4*The Michigan Daily Sunday, March 27, 1983 Page 5 Diatribes aside, Bebe bombs By Larry Dean OME INTERESTING OCCUREN- CES at Joe's Star Lounge, circa 3/24/83: ,There were these guys in Hawaiian shirts on stage. They were throneholders to a new, irlterfacilitated music of contradicting or- ders and did it all up under the banner of Aiinum Beach. Not exactly Brian Wilson c gn Gary Numan, but the guitars were as cusp as any shiny metal...…

March 27, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 139) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Sunday, March 27, 1983-The Michigan Daily - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -~ ~~~- - . . .-. - - - ---- - - - I2001: Space Odyssey. Caligulo (X) If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY classified page YoU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES Harold and Maude Roommates (XXX) Sizzle (XXX) K- .,1. { a i I , I . i i a ~ a * b i * l a a a a mm a a mi a a m a-a---am-a--m-----m jLO$T&PQUND C ? 1I >, ...…

March 27, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 139) • Page Image 7

…b SPORTS ne micnrgan uany Sunday, March 27, 1983 Page 7 ................... ....... .. . .. . .......... ........ ... ... DAILY CLASSIFIEDS TYPING - Fast, quality work, campus pickup and defivery. 665-0337. 15J0331 6)kD STUDENTS - The ENSIAN YEARBOOK wnts you of the 1984 yearbook. For the first time yotg portrait will be featured in a separate section of YQUR yearbook. Portraits are currently being taken, so call the ENSIAN at 764-9425 ...…

March 27, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 139) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Sunday, March 27, 1983-The Michigan Daily N.C. State upstages Virginia, 63-62 OGDEN, Utah (AP) - Sophomore Lorenzo Charles sank two free throws with 23 seconds remaining yesterday, lifting North Carolina State to a 63-62 up- set over fourth-ranked Virginia in the NCAA West Regional championship game and denying Ralph Sampson his coveted national champsionship. North Carolina State, 24-9, now advances to the Final Four in Albuquerque,...…

March 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-Two Years of Editorial Freedom E LIEt E ai g WELL.. . Clear and unseasonably cold today, with a high in the mid 30s., dh A A - - - --- -- I- - - - WVol. XCII, No. 139 Copyright 1482; The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 27, 1982 Ten Cents Eight Pages Desert winds, storm may force early shuttle landing From AP and UPI CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.- The space shuttle lost three of four "downlink" radio channels yeste...…

March 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2-Saturday, March 27, 1982-The Michigan Daily f Ground broken TZ Ifor Vietnam vets memorial WASHINGTON (AP)- Ground was broken yesterday for the nation's memorial to its Vietnam veterans, a monument that once revived the controversy over the war it commemorates.- "Let this memorial begin the healing process and forever stand as a symbol" of national unity, said Jan Scruggs, the founder and president of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fu...…

March 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…4 The Michigan Daily-Saturday, March 27, 1982-Page 3 New service searches for .student financial aid By FANNIE WEINSTEIN More than $3 billion in scholarships, loans, and work-study endowments are waiting to be claimed by students, the only problem is knowing where to look, says J. Dale Boyd, the head of Ann Ar- bor's newly-founded scholarship search service. Boyd, who last. month founded the Ann Arbor based American Academic Scholarship Ser...…

March 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…0 OPINION 4 Saturday, March 27, 1982. University robotics: The The Michigan Daily military link 140 By John Schloerb George Gamota, new director of the Univer- sity's Institute of Science and Technology, has made his presence on campus felt in a big way. Fresh from his tenure as a director of research at the Department of Defense and skilled in the ways of the Pentagon, Gamota has been in- strumental in helping University researcher...…

March 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 139) • Page Image 5

…*. ARTS The Michigan Daily Saturday, March 27, 1982 Page 5 'Deathtrap' is all plot By Richard Campbell MOVIE REVIEWER'S number one rule: Don't reveal the ending of a movie. That makes reviewing Deathtrap almost impossible. There is very little in the way of plot that can be related without making the movie ex- tremely boring because the film con- sists of incredible climax after climax. lout even the most general of plot descriptions...…

March 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 139) • Page Image 6

…s 0 Page 6-Saturday, March 27, 1982-The Michigan Daily If you find your name and ad- dress in todays Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies Airplane APOCALYPSE NOW Listing of movies for a contest sponsored by STATE THEATRE MIDNIGHT SHOWS Fri. & Sat. March 26-27 S WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter Jusi look through todays Class fled Ads Five U of M students will find their...…

March 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 139) • Page Image 7

…SSPORTS_ The Michigan Daily Saturday, March 27, 1982 Page 7 UNC, HOUSTON SQUARE OFF, TOO U Georgetown set to battle Louisville NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Georgetown's basketball team went into exile to concentrate on winning the Final Four, not because of any fears of bright lights and all-night bars, Coach ohn Thompson said yesterday. Thompson kept his team at Biloxi Miss. - 60 miles east of New Orleans - for three days while they prepared...…

March 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 139) • Page Image 8

…0 Page 8-Saturday, March 27, 1982--The Michigan Daily 7- .w v " ' 73T . *ibWolverine second baseman Jacobst currently carrying a .452 average U ~~nB SA R QAH AlH ER BER ' o~n ty Jn nens~ Jeff Jacobson has always been consistent in his defensive play on the baseball diamond. Last year, the Michigan second baseman ended the season with a .976 fielding average and went 30 straight games without committing an error. OFFENSIVELY, however, Jac...…

March 27, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom E Sirt illaig WARMING Partly sunny, mid 5s. Fair in the mid 30s. high in the tonight, low l.e.. Vol. XCI, No. 143 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 27, 1981 Ten Cents Ten Pages House requests .12.5% fund increase for 'U From staff and wire reports. LANSING - The House recommen- ded yesterday a 12.5 percent increase in state appropriations to the University, sendi...…

March 27, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, March 27, 1981-The Michigan Doily Conmittee says ax Extension (Continued from P'age 1) fectively by separate schools and colleges, "NEITHER A 90 percent reduction in the General Fund budget of the Exten- sion Service nor the outright elimination of this unit need have a serious impact on either on-campus or off-campus credit instruction," the report states, citing support from a majority of the University's deans for this opini...…

March 27, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 27, 1981-Page 3 Reagan: Poland situation tense From AP and UPI WASHINGTON-President Reagan said yesterday the current unrest in Poland is "very tense," and a State Department official said "the situation seems to be falling apart in Poland." The president's remarks to reporters followed a more formal White House statement expressing his "growing concern" over the developments in the Soviet bloc nation where a...…

March 27, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Friday, March 27, 1981 The Michigan Daily Revenge: Out of the closet at last? Last wveek on public radio's All Things Con- sidered, a legal scholar was discussing a book he had written favoring capital punishment. At the interviewer's urging, the author launched into a tortured, convoluted explanation why he believed execution was the legitimate ex- pression and act of lawful society. After five Comin Apart By Christo...…

March 27, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 143) • Page Image 5

…ARTSu. __ . MANN THEATRE.? 37INAPE 4 Daily Discount Matinees TUESDAY BUCK DAY T The Michigan Daily Friday, March 27, 1981 Page 5 offa to slw sar sY t G 9 2. .' Daily Photo by JOHN HAGEN KANSAS VOCALIST Steve Walsh croons to the crowd in Hill Auditorium Wednesday night. The headliners and warm-up group Loverboy both received strong support from the crowd. " Out of th By ANNE GADON With the Michigan Ensemble Theatre's debut performan...…

March 27, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 143) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Friday, March 27, 1981-The Michigan Daily If you find your name and ad- dress in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies Cinderella Cabaret (X) Listing of movies for a contest sponsored by STATE THEATER MIDNIGHT SHOWS Fri. & Sat. March 26-27 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their ...…

March 27, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 143) • Page Image 7

… The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 27, 1981-Page 7 'Soviets distressed " with Reagan policies MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Union appears to have lost hope for an early accommodation with President Reagan and is .accusing his ad- ministration of adopting policies that threaten Soviet security. The Kremlin's pessimism on prospects for an early dialogue with Reagan, whose campaign was laced with calls to stand up to the Soviets, comes a month after Pr...…

March 27, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 143) • Page Image 8

…ySPORTS Friday, March 27, 1981 The Michigarn Daily Page 8 scrimmages with an eye on opener. }By RON POLLACK The regular season for the Michigan football team may seem a long way off, but don't tell that to Bo Schembechler and his football players. The Wolverine pursuit of perfection gives the im- pression that their opening day game at Wisconsin is this Saturday rather than over five months from now. In order to make the practices as clos...…

March 27, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 143) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 27, 1981-Page 9 24-hour sports -ESPN has everything for sports junkie By BOB WOJNOWSKI It is, quite simply, a sports fan's dream. It offers everything from basketball to rodeo, from hockey to rugby, from Canadian football to world class soccer, 11 packed into a dizzying 24-hour period. Every day. THIS IS ESPN, the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network and it is big and betting bigger. In the highly c...…

March 27, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 143) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Friday, March 27, 1981-The Michigan Daily MAJOR LEAGUE ROUNDUP Tiger squads defeat Phils, Astros LAKELAND, Fla. (AP)--Detroit's Rick Leach drove in Darrell Brown with a line single in the ninth inning last night as a split squad of Tigers earned a 6-5 exhibition baseball victory over the Philadelphia Phillies. With the score tied 5-5, Brown hit a pinch single off Philadelphia reliever Sparky Lyle, went to second on Steve Kemp's sacri...…

March 27, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…4 FISHBOWL II See editorial page £StE igan, t1 SLUSH See Today for details Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. XC, No. 139 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 27, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages Ferris State College prof gunned down in class , ., ..W ..4L_. .,' ..1...4 Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS A CLIENT OF the Center for Fitness and Sports Research undergoes a body composition test in the CCRB. This is just one of a number of te...…

March 27, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2-Thursday, March 27, 1980-The Michigan Daily Freed hostages say peaceful end near BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - Hostages freed from the Dominican Republic Embassy here were quoted yesterdy as saying their guerrilla cap- tors believed a peaceful end to the mon- th-old crisis may be only a few days away. However, Foreign Minister Diego Uribe Vargas tempered hopes for an imminent solution, saying in a televised interview that no solution was ...…

March 27, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 27, 1980-Page 3 Bush still slugs By KEITH RICHBURG Special to the Daily WAUKESHA, Wisc. - For battle-weary Republican presidential candidate George Bush, the results of Tuesday's Connecticut primary were more effective than a dose of smelling salts. Bush came out , of his corner swinging wildly yesterday at the Carter administration and at his two GOP rivals, Ronald Reagan and John Anderson. Bush said Sen. E...…

March 27, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…4 Page 4-Thursday, March 27, 1980-The Michigan Daily _ Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Higgins Vol. XC, No. 139 News Phone: 764-0552 ... ..- ,.; ,. 1 , \ \ % .. ! .......... 1 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The Fishbowl: Part II HEWi IT LOOKS as if a rather fishy Michigan Student Assem- bly (MSA) plan has been thrown back into the pond of poor ideas. Unfortunately, however, MSA mem- bers may only h...…

March 27, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 139) • Page Image 5

… I' The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 27, 1980-Page 5 V Carter, Reagan look for Midwest victories From the Associated Press While Edward Kennedy was singing "I Love New York" and George Bush reveled in the embrace of his native' Connecticut, President Carter and Ronald Reagan pointed yesterday to next week's primary tests as likely to leave their challengers with memories of a one-night stand. The president's spokesmen took Kennedy's stun...…

March 27, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 139) • Page Image 6

…I Page 6-Thursday. March 27, 1980-The Michigan Daily ............................. ~ S . . . . ,.~ . .~ .........*,....................*.*....s..............'.....,,....,....~ 4 .S16~. ..,,...,....... N Selective Service disavows anti-CO document From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - The Selective Service System yesterday disavowed an internal memo recommending abolition of the conscientious ob- jector status that allowed thousands of men to avoid mi...…

March 27, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 139) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 27, 1980-Page 7 ZZzzzzzz .. ZZTop induces deafness at Crisler W , By PATTI DIETZ Sometimes being a music writer just ain't all fun and glory. One of those times was 5 p.m. Tuesday evening, when my editor called up and rather sternly assigned me to cover the ZZ Top show at Crisler Arena that night. I balked; I just didn't know enough of these three Texans' material to feel comfortable giving them a decent w...…

March 27, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 139) • Page Image 8

…4 IL If you find your name and address in today's MichiganDaily classified page 1 / S WINNERS EVERYTDAV No Contest To Enterl aG..t~~~~~r .._ .AA IT V U K S r- -c ,, "Sleeper" YOU WIN ande TWO FREE TICKETS "Bananas" MN Y oT N VN ,, -if of Br-in' to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. The Rolling Stones "G0 1 His hagups are Hilarious Harold? Maude Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their no...…

March 27, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 139) • Page Image 9

…MARTiN TO LEAD DEKE RS The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 27, 1980-Page 9 11 11 Former 'M icer named coach By MARK BOROWSKI ,letic director Don Canham named former ichigan icer Wilf Martin as the new hockey ach yesterday. Mtartin will replace Dan Farrell, who resigned join a Toronto investment firm after being the ad coach for seven years.I "I'm very happy to be back at Michigan," saidt e 38-year-old Martin. "I see this job as a great pp...…

March 27, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 139) • Page Image 10

…40 Page 10-Thursday, March 27, 1980 SPORTS OF THE DAILY Pitchers shine in spring By The Associated Press Strong pitching performances for five teams that finished near the bottom of the standings in 'recent seasons highlighted exhibition baseball action yesterday. Steve Trout allowed only six hits in eight innings and Glenn Borgmann hit an eighth-inning homer as the Chicago White Sox blanked the New York Yankees 1-0. Randy Scarbery pitched...…

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