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March 27, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-03-27

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See editorial page

£StE igan,


See Today for details

Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. XC, No. 139

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 27, 1980

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Ferris State College


gunned down in


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Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
A CLIENT OF the Center for Fitness and Sports Research undergoes a body
composition test in the CCRB. This is just one of a number of tests given to
customers of the fitness program.
Fitness lab declares
open season. on unfIt

From wire service
and staff reports
BIG RAPIDS - A Ferris State
College professor was shot and killed in
front of an accounting class of about 30
students yesterday -afternoon by a
gunman identified as one of his studen-
Robert Brauer, an associate
professor of accounting, died enroute to
Mecosta County General Hospital.
There were no other injuries reported.
The gunman walked into Brauer's Ac-
counting 323 class about 20 minutes af-'
ter class started. He fired four shots at
Brauer from a .32 caliber handgun and
was then subdued by two students and
taken into custody by police.
The suspect was identified as Thomas
Kakonis, 20, of Big Rapids. He was one
of Brauer's students and son of an
associate dean of Ferris School of
General Education. Students say
Kakonis was reportedly upset about a
grade Brauer had given him.
Campus police, acting on a tip from a
student, were on their way to the
classroom when Brauer was shot,
college spokespersons said.
"A STUDENT apparently thought he
saw a gun in a bag or a briefcase and
notified an assistant dean who then
notified campus police," said Patricia
Coyle, Ferris Public Affairs Director.
Kakonis is being held at the Mecosta
County Jail on an open charge of mur-
der. An open murder charge allows a
jury to consider at least three possible
guilty verdicts as well as a verdict of
Kakonis is in a four-year accounting
program at Ferris and was enrolled in
one of two sections of a course taught by
Brauer, college officials said. It was not
known, howver, whether he was
enrolled in the section being taught by
Brauer when the shooting occurred.
THE MURDER shook the mid-sized
campus, located in this western
Michigan city, 50 miles north of Grand
"The campus is in a state of shock,"
said Ferris student Jim Mantel. The
remaining classes at this 10,000 student
state university were cancelled after
the shooting yesterday.

"It was like something you see on
TV," said an unidentified student who
was in the classroom at the time of the
Witnesses said the gunman was about
six feet away from Brauer when the
shots were fired. Students said the
gunman reportedly pretended .he was

going to hand Brauer something, shot
him four times and then leaned over
and looked at - the body.
Brauer, 34, had been at the college
since 1976. His wife, Katherine is a
secretary in office administration at
the business school The couple had no

Indiana's Bobby Knight
wanted Orr's position,
but job goes to Frieder

As spring blooms and bathing suit
season looms ever nearer, those who
could stand to lose a few pounds
might want to do something about it
- but some fitness-minded persons
may need some advice on a safe and
effective exercise program.
The Center for Fitness and Sports
Research at the Central Campus
Recreation Building can help an in-
dividual develop a plan to get in
According to Center Director Fred
Garman, the purpose of the facility
is "to promote regular physical ac-
tivity" and set regular exercise
schedules for clients.
sive tests, the exercise technicians
determine just how much exercise a
person can safely do.
Depending on the individual,

exercise programs may include a
combination of walking, swimming,
running, bicycling and a variety of
other physical activities.
Even more important than the
type of exercise L person does-is the
maintenance of a regular exercise
schedule, Garman said.
"Regularity is the key," he,
of exercise is "three times a week,
30 minutes per session minimum, so
that the heart elevates to 60 to 80 per
cent of the maximum rate during
that time," Garman said.
An exercise program is planned
for a client after a battery of tests is
ONE CLIENT, a doctor from
University Hospital, underwent a
pulmonary functions test. He
breathed into a device called a
See FITNESS, Page 6

Ferris State President Robert
Ewigleben called the shooting a "stun-
ning tragedy."
"Mr. Brauer was a fine young scholar
and was highly regarded in the
academic community," Weigleben
said. "We deeply mourn this tragic

Indiana basketball coach Bobby
Knight applied for - and was denied -
Michigan's head coaching position
vacated by Johnny Orr's move to Iowa
State, according to an informed source.
The same source confirmed that
Orr's assistant for the past seven years,
Bill Frieder, will be named the new
head basketball coach.
University Sports Information Direc-
tor Will Perry could not confirm the
report of Knight's unsuccessful ap-
plication. He said that Athletic Director
Don Canham told him nothing about
Knight before Canham left town
Tuesday night.
could be reached last night for com-
The official announcement of the new
Michigan head basketball coach is ex-
pected Monday.
Frieder continues to deny all reports
that he will get the position. He said he
has not yet been contacted by Canham
about the job.
FRIEDER, IN Washington on a
recruiting trip, could not be reached for
comment on the most recent develop-
"There's no way that it could hap-
pen," said Assistant Sports Information
Director Bruce Madej. "We have to
wait at least five days because of inter-
collegiate rules and also the choice
must be approved by the Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics and
they have not been asked yet."
Before leaving town, Canham pointed
out that federal law mandates that a
non-academic position must be adver-
tised long enough for interested ap-
plicants to have sufficient time to ap-

BUT IT IS believed that the posting
requirements and Board confirmation
are just formalities - the real decision
rests with Canham.
Other possible successors to Orr who
have been mentioned are Minnesota
head coach Jim Dutcher and Arizona
head coach Fred Snowden. Both have
served as assistants under Orr
possibility of being chosen, Snowden
said, "I make it a policy not to discuss
coaching job openings." He added that
he was "surprised" to learn of Orr's
departure. "I wish him a. great deal of
luck," he said.
Dutcher is also in Washington for the
Capitol Cage Classic and could not be

MSA: some support, no
money to Fishbowl plan


... to fill coaching vacancy

The Michigan Student Assembly
declined early yesterday morning to
commit funds to. the proposed
renovation of the Fishbowl. But MSA
did resolve to support some unspecified
degree of improvement for the glassed-
in juncture of Mason, Haven, and
Angell Halls. .
The resolution, reached after a
nearly two-hour debate, was introduced
by MSA Vice-President for Economic
Affairs Brad Canale. It called for con-
tinued discussion and financial
negotiations with the University.
ORIGINALLY, Special Projects
Coordinator J.P. Adams had planned to
ask the assembly for up to $15,000 in
funding for the project, which he said
would have been matched by the same
amount from the University.
Adams and Canale said they were not
discouraged from further work by the
assembly's refusal to support the
original plan. "I think the overriding
thing is the funding," Adams said. "I

think the funding is clouding the
assembly's view on the concept."
Canale said, "I feel very good about
the action taken by the Assembly. It
shows a commitment to opportunity
and we intend to pursue further the
issue within the constraints of the
assembly's action."
ADAMS SAID he and Canale would
be meeting with University Vice-
President and Chief Financial Officer
James Brinkerhoff Monday to discuss
the new developments. Adams said he
would explore the possibility of the
University funding more, than what he
said was the originally agreed-upon 50
per cent of the project, as well as other
funding alternatives.
MSA President Jim Alland said he
believed that if the assembly supported
the resolution to improve the Fishbowl
there would be a chance for full Univer-
sity financial backing of the project.
Canale said, however, "I see in now
way the University getting involved
See SOME, Page 5

Campus Crime
City Conipolice disagree on area crime level,

Although the City Council and the Ann Arbor police
agree that more police foot patrols should be
implemented in the campus area, they disagree on
the level of crime in the area.
Councilman Earl Greene (D-2nd Ward) said a
dramatic crime increase necessitates the additional
patrols, but Capt. Kenneth Klinge, head of the police
campus unit, said there has been no significant crime
increase under the current patrol set-up.
Council recently passed a resolution, sponsored by
Greene, calling for' more police foot patrols. The
police has submitted a budget request for such a
program, and it may be included in the tentative city
budget now being prepared by the city administrator.
"COUNCIL HAS had to take special action,"
Greene said, because of what he called a serious
crime problem near the campus.
"There have been seedy activities on campus,
especially in the srping and summer," Greene said.

"These include rapes, muggings, dope, and fights."
According to Klinge, the police have had a limited
foot patrol in effect since 1972 and the crime rate has
remained relatively stable. "I think the foot patrol is
necessary and effective," he said.
THE CURRENT foot patrol ends at 10 p.m. nightly,
Klinge said, and the introduction of new patrols
would not run past that hour, according to police
Executive Major Walter Hawkins.
'There hare been seedy activities
on earn pus . .. these include
rapes, muggings, dope, an(
fights. '
-(ity (ouncilrnan Earl Greene

"I don't think foot patrols late at night would be a
deterrent," Klinge said. "Patrol cars are more
effective then-they give greater mobility."
The chief benefit of foot patrols, according to
Klinge, is promoting greater communication
between the police and the public. "The officers can
answer questions and people can exchange
information with police," he said.
Although the police department is primarily
responsible for crime prevention in the campus area,
University security services help protect University
property. These include the University's Safety
Department and State Security Services, a private
company contracted by the University.
ACCORDING TO Greene, the security agencies'
patrolling is "not strong enough. That is one area
where they have not done a good job," he said.
"The Department of Safety does preventive patrols
See CITY, Page 2

encouraged by MSA move . . . will seek more 'U' funding


Uncomfortable belts
Only one in nine American drivers uses a safety belt,
pertly because some belts are poorly designed and
uncomfortable, a pair of government studies show. The
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said a 1979
survey of 150,000 drivers showed only 10.9 per cent used
safety belts-the lowest figure since 1971 despite several
years of government efforts to increase use. In a separate
study evaluating the comfort and convenience of safety
belts in 36 vehicles for model year 1980, about one-third of
...- cir avad nid thpv hn nhlems with belts. F-

solid scientific evidence that their health was being
jeopardized. There is a well-established link between
smoking and lung cancer, but the tobacco industry has
maintained it has not been proven that smoking causes
cancer.The study, conducted on 21,000 middle-aged men and
women by the University of California at San Diego,
measured the effects of on-the-job "passive
smoking"-inhaling the fumes from other people's
cigarettes, pipes and cigars. The study found that non-
smokers who work with smokers had about the same
degree of small airways impairment as people who smoke
without inhaling or inhale less than 11 cigarettes a day. F7!

more often than the pilots do." Police said the boy flew
from Kingston, Jamaica, and came into customs at the
airport carrying toys in one hand and anairline luggage car-
ton in the other. When the carton was found to be full of
plastic bags of Columbian marijuana, police said, they took
the boy into custody. The boy was not identified because of
his age.
On the inside
A look at the presidential "curse." on the editorial
page . . . a review of ZZTop, on the Arts page.. . and, on
. n _ cs n _, ofh th T t inff- an a look at




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