Ninety-Three Years
Editorial Freedom
LIE 43t1
Cloudy today with a 50 percent
chance of light rain. The high will be
in the low 40s.
Vol. XCIII, No. 139 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, March 27, 1983 Ten Cents
may have
asked for
Mansour s
From AP and UPI
F T DETROIT-Reports persisted
yesterday that the Vatican had ordered
a Roman Catholic nun to resign as
director of Michigan's Department of
Social Services but church officials in-
sisted no such order had been issued.
Don Pierfranco Pastore, deputy chief
of the Vatican press office in Rome,
said the Vatican had issued no
statement whatsoever on the matter off
Sister Agnes Mary Mansour.
A SPOKESMAN for the apostolic
delegation in Washington declined
comment on reports that a statement,
asking for Mansour's resignation from
the agency that funds abortions, had
been issued from his office.
"If someone is quoting us, it is in-
correct," the spokesman said. "Such a
statement did not go out here."
But the Rev. Basil Hieser, under-
secretary of the Congregation for
Religious and Secular Institutions, said
in a statement from Rome that Sister
Mansour had been informed through
the Vatican's diplomatic mission in the
United States of the order to quit.
ON FEB. 23, Detroit Archbishop Ed-
mund Szoka ordered Mansour to resign
because of her refusal to oppose abor-
tion as director of the social services
Sister Mansour declined to 3obey the
order and was confirmed by the state
Senate March 9.
Sister Mansour has said she opposes
abortion but upholds the department
policy on the grounds that it is wrong to
deny poor women access to an
operation legally available to those who
can afford it.
GOV. JAMES Blanchard who named
sister Mansour to the post early this
year when he took office, was in
Washington for the weekend.
His press secretary, Sue Carter, said
Blanchard viewed the situation "as a
matter between the Sister and . her
church" and would not comment until
the Sister made a decision.
I;' .
rips Reagan's
missile plans
Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Spirits were high at the Phi Kappa Psi building yesterday, as the fraternity joined the University's growing Greek
system last night.
Two new fraternities join
expndn Greek syste-m
MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet leader Yuri
Andropov attacked President Reagan's
anti-missile plans yesterday as an "in-
sane'' and 'extremely perilous
strategy aimed at rendering the Soviet
Union helpless to U.S. nuclear attack.
He declared, "The Soviet Union will
never allow them to succeed. It will
never be caught defenseless by any
threat. Let there be no mistake about
this in Washington."
Andropov, reported by Soviet sources
to have been hospitalized last week for
treatment of heart and kidney
problems but since released, made the
comments on Reagan's plans in a
lengthy interview given to the Com-
munist Party daily Pravda.
"laymen" might be beguiled into fin-
ding Reagan's plans "attractive as the
president speaks about what seem to be
defensive measures.'
"It is time they the Americans stop
devising one option after another in
search of the best ways of unleashing
nuclear war in the hope of winning it,"
he added.
Reagan's plans, announced in a
speech Wednesday, represent "a bid to
disarm the Soviet Union in the face of
the U.S. nuclear threat," Andropov
... missile plans are "insane"
Greek Week came to a raucous close
on State Street last night, but in its mid-
st, two new fraternities were born in
quieter, secret ceremonies.
Phi Kappa Psi and Alpha Epsilon Pi
both were formally recognized by their
national organizations in ceremonies
this week, adding to the growing Greek
system on campus.
away as California and Arizona were on
hand to initate the members of Phi
Kappa Psi at a ceremony at the First
Baptist Church yesterday. The
initiation was followed by a banquet
and tuxedo dance at the Campus Inn
last night.
Phi Kappa Psi - once one of the most
distinguished fraternities on campus,
according to its current president -
began in 1876 when it built and occupied
the present Zeta Tau Alpha house on
Washtenaw Avenue. But the fraternity,
which was once dubbed "The
Millionaire's Club," folded in 1972 due
to a lack of money, said Phi Psi mem-
ber Mark Pakkala.
The fraternity was resurrected in
1981 by 10 friends from South Quad's
Kelsey House who pulled in other frien-
ds. The group now has 30 members,
said Bob Schlueter, the local chapter's
In order to be recognized by the
national organization, the fraternity
bought its present house at 902 Baldwin.
Other requirements were maintaining
above average grade point averages
and reaching a minimum number of
Alpha Epsilon Pi members were ac-
cepted into their national organization
in an initiation ceremony on Thursday.
AEPi, which folded in 1978, is the cam-
pus' third predominantly Jewish
fraternity, according to its president,
Steven Weinstock.
AEPi grew from three members to 85
at its final meeting, where the mem-
bers eventually had to start turning
people away, Weinstock said. "We've
had such an overwhelming response. I
was really pleased," he said.
Members of both Phi Kappa Psi and
Alpha Epsilon Pi said they received
much support from the 33-member in-
terfraternity system, which has now
grown to 35.
There are 17 sororities in the
Panhellenic society, and several other
fraternities and sororities make up a
separate black Greek system.
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan appealed to Americans yester-
day to help him squelch a Democratic
budget plan, arguing it would gut the
economic recovery, raise taxes, bring
back high interest rates and jeopardize
the country's military defenses.
"It's this simple: if you like the 21
percent prime interest rate, 18 percent
mortgage rates, double-digit inflation
and sky's-the-limit tax increases of two
years age, you'll love their budget
because that's what it would bring
back," Reagan said in his weekly radio
address, broadcast live from the Oval
The House, repudiating Reagan's
economic policies, approved the
Democratic plan for a $863.5 billion
federal budget last Wednesday. For
1984, it would cut the Pentagon's
proposed spending increase by more
than half, raise taxes by $30 billionmand
See REAGAN, Page 3
tment press officer Anita Stockman
declined to comment directly on An
dropov's interpretation of the Reagan
speech, saying, ."We have clearly
stated our position."
Referring to earlier Soviet criticism,
she noted that Reagan emphasized in
his speech that he was outlining a long-
See ANDROPOV, Page 2
Daily Photo
Crossroads of destiny
Two Ann Arbor street signs stand as monuments to a time when Democrats and Republicans agreed on one thing.
Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Wings on strings
Model planes hang suspended over the heads of customers at Rider's Hobby
Shop located on East University.
Locks in freshness
A MATHEMATICS professor at St. Mary's
University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, who admitted
distributing sex aids at "Loverware Parties"
for suburban housewives, has been found innocent
of selling obscene materials. Provincial Court Judge
Hughes Randall found Prof. Porter Scobey not guilty on
Fr..dnv h; aim hpa ha Cntd . iinnc nninns and sub,ns aat
Back on the chain gang
LOUIS LARA says he'd rather go to prison than keep
living off his girlfriends, looking for a job, and hassling
with a probation officer. So Friday he told a Houston judge
he wasn't contesting probation violations and agreed to a
two-year prison sentence. Lara is unemployed and
estranged from his wife and children, and has been sur-
viving with the help of girlfriends. He was serving five
years probation for LSD possession and authorities said he
was a model probationer from Oct., 1981 to Nov., 1982, when
husband gave her herpes. The complaint was filed in
Alameda Superior Court on behalf of Marietta Olson, who
charged her husband of nearly six years, Rex Olson, "in-
tentionally, unlawfully, and harmfully transmitted the
veneral disease herpes to the plaintiff through sexual con-
tact." The husband's lawyers filed a preliminary response
denying the allegati6ns and added, "Marietta Olson con-
sented to all matters in which she was involved." The
Olsons, both in their 50s, were married in April, 1977. She
filed for divorce Sept. 30 and the action is pending. The
onmniaint aocued the husband of "cnnseinu disreard fnr
students with one hour of regular credit given for each
. Also on this date in history:
* 1952 - The newly formed Joint Quads Council rejected a
request from the Inter-Fraternity Council that fraternity
representatives be permitted to enter the quads during
orientation week. I
" 1965 - The University of Michigan Student Employees
Union asked University President Harlan Hatcher for a
"white paper" on the administration's position on students
ecnnnmic welfare.