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April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

… Page 4-Saturday, April 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily On the road to Armageddon A literateur would call it romantically ironic. The precise moment I concluded my own life was unequivocably worth living now seems to be the moment I am most in danger-along with all the rest of us-of having life blown out from under me. I won't burden you with my own per- sonal soap opera-we all have enough sob stories in this trembling interlude on Planet Ear...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 5

….: a t: , "rw The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 19, 1980-1 ON THE NEW WA VE.FRONT: A consumer's guide to summer singles By MARK DIGHTON and MARK COLEMAN Buying new wave singles used to be a bit or miss proposition, There was little m for any middle ground in the itial punk releases. Today most new rave singles are a sure bet. One rarely inds the despicably produced, talen- tless bands or the uncontrollable energy and instantaneous highs ...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 6

…If you find your name and address 1 t S WINNERS EVERY DAY in today's Michiganaily classified No Contest To Enterl p Pink Flamingos WOODY Just look through todys Classfied YOU WIN ALLEN ERIRIN Ads. FiveU.ofM. s dents will findtheir TWO FREE TICKETS and ANNIE HALL name and address appear, cal ourb to any one of JOHNwaTPRsanqI s i Hiau nes oiat 7606 .m.p). 42 Maynard, within 48 hours. Two tree State 1-2-3-4 11 nuiuiuxMaudu tickets toraState 1-2-3...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 19, 1980-Page:Y SEXY REXY and CO. "I just tell my husband that Thursdays are bowling nights." Now in its fifth Thursday, the Sure Thing bar in Ypsilanti brings Sexy Rexy and three other male dancers to the stage and to your table. The traveling male strip show, based in Cold- water, MI., consists of four male dancers, a comic MC, and two managers. One dancer comments, "I do get lots of phone numbers." ADM. $...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 8

…. ... .,. . ,r .. , , . . ... Page 8-Saturday, April 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily KC WINS IN 11, 9-6 DAILY CLASSIFIEDS SPRING TERM SUBLET. Large single room in cooperative house. Alan, 9944238. 63U420 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY SUBLETS WY have an extensive list of low-priced sublets for spring and su~mmer. 1, 2, and 3 bedroom furnished' apartments located on and off campus. For best selection call now. 668-6906 or 663-3641. 52U420 SPRUNG-SUMMER...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 9

… .. ., ,n,,.,, /' Michigan's defense. The Michiaan Daily-Saturday, April 19, 1980-Page 9 With departure of seven lettermen, Schembechler has reason to worry By MARTHA CRALL Head coach Bo Schembechler said is his primary area of concern. efensive coordinator Bill McCartney echoed Schembechler's sentiments. With a defense that lost -seven of last season's starters, it's no wonder the girdiron hierarchy is worried. The coaches will find out f...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Saturday, April 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily Anderson'leaning toward' independent candidacy Teddy's niece in Az to stump for uncle From United Press International While most of the candidates were. oking toward Pennsylvania-which ould hold the last hurrah of the 1980 rimaries Tuesday-John Anderson 'as in Washington plotting an indepen- ent run for the White House. Anderson, virtually out of the GOP ace and not even on the Pennsylvania...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 11

…£, 0 0 C . 0r 0 C -o Z m N. C U CD x I 0~ 0 0 C,) 0 CD -El ~ft 0 U, CD 0 C n 0 CD CA 1 N 1 'A 0c ' 9Q aQ k. "w XE 1 " V- o-mIo-uO EOA m . rz 5. 0#c F CDpr m l I0 Q 0 * m . 31 CD CD C~CD 2o 0o 0 z o Q I. I _ 5. F kD ( CD ro 0 0 -0 m -I w. C w a !9 Hr 'O !'! Q N, 0 z z 0 z n m .H 'a 0) CD ' 0 r U) m ~CD . ,V (a C . a 00 a 0 ~*5 d N cI "0 -Q. U. a .9 .r q I m m i- 0 C, C Z 0 0 -S. r_. -I I …

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 12

…-I- -.Mfi"ui 6 Page 2-Saturday, April 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily ~Ur~ 9 The Michigan Daily-Sati Where do we By Patricia Hagen and Mark Parrent 0 * It's near midnight. It's very dark. You're very confused and you begin to get a sinking feeling in your stomach. At first you brush it. off, attributing the nausea to the last four stops at Mc- Donald's. But your palms start to sweat. Soon the symptoms become too much: You're forced to ac...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 13

…Ask _ 191 ... I- w - 0 :U The Aichigan Daily-Saturday, Page 10-Saturday, April 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily r .: ..:... .... ,...., ... ..,,.r. . . . . ..... . . ..i.. I Toronto teems with' activity - By Doug Feltner On the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario lies the modern metropolis of Toronto, a skyscraper and restaurant- filled jungle, teeming with activity. Toronto has something for everyone and facilities to cater to the mildest ...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 14

…- __ _. ., 0 e e The Michigan Daily-Satui Page 4-Saturday, April 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily Biting in to the Big Apple Utah: Good skiing, lousy nil If you've taken many vacation or business trips, chances are you've been bored more than once somewhere along the way: beaches are fine, but how much saltwater can you take? Skiing's great, but snow blindness gets a little an- noying. Cruises are fun, but the claustrophobia can relly set in...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 15

…-.--- ~Yr -~ ..ter 9 --I Page 8-Saturday, April 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily Riviera offers 'the real thing' The Midgan Daily-Saturay andd riving thru the 00 If the whirling pace of Utah is not your speed, you may want to consider something a little more sophisticated. It may cost you a bit more, but where else can you get good croissants these days? Well, all right, there is a pseudo- french bakery or two in town (the kind run by lit...…

April 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 159) • Page Image 16

… " Page 6-Saturday, April 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily -W Ir -W The Michigan Daily-Satu 'Take me out to the ballgame! Take me o ut to the par FTER THE LAST out in the World Series is made and the champagne has been wiped off the locker room floor, months b metimes without any hope that the cold winter will ever end. Dreams of those hot summer days spent watching Abner Doubleday's invention begin to permeate both sleeping and waking ho...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…SHAPIRO See editorial page E Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom 1E3 ai1 GROOVY See Today for details Vol. XC, No. 158 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 18, 1980 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages Students scramble for in-state residency status By JULIE SELBST Obtaining in-state residency status can mean a difference of almost $10,000 in tuition for an undergraduate, even more for students seeking graduate and professional degrees. It can also mean ...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…... ... -. -.. . .. . ........ a Page 2-Friday, April 18, 1980-The Michigan Daily CENTRAL INTELLIGENCEAGENCY FOREIGN LANGUAGE r SPECIALISTS ARABIC TURKISH UZBEK AZERI KAZAKH CHINESE BENGALI KIRGHIZ JAPANESE PUSHTU TURKMEN KOREAN RUSSIAN (scientific and technical) The Central Intelligence Agency has openings for idi- viduals qualified in any of the above languages. Thorough knowledge of the written language, idiomatic command of English, good...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…7,000 STUDENTS COMPLETE FORMS A T CRISP Course evaluation project begins By MITCh STUART LSA students have apparently taken a strong interest in the newly- implemented Michigan Student Assembly course -evaluation program being administered at CRISP during early registration. Approximately 7,000 people have taken time to fill out the evaluation forms, according to MSA- President and project originator Marc Breakstone. LSA freshman Michael Go...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…0 Page 4-Friday, April 18, 1980-The Michigan Daily t tYetai Whether the nuclear industry should become 4 major source of energy for this nation is a Oighly controversial issue. One of the primary qontentions of the anti-nuclear movement is hat nuclear plant operation, safety and cost aside, creates a serious problem of nuclear aste disposal. 'The process of removing uranium from its eological home, converting it into a fuel, and sposing of ...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

… The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 18, 1980-Page 5 Apathy cancels divestment protest at Regents meeting SIR JOHN VANBRUGH'S Ticke, pm o E_ 6-8 p: 0450 The U-M Department of Theatre & Drama Guest Artist KEVIN O'LEARY POWER CENTER TONIGHT through SATURDAY at 8pm SUNDAY at 2pm r PTP, 10-1 and 2-5 at Power Center, onight. Call 764- 63-3333 after 6. BY DAVID MEYER Coordinators of a Diag rally calling for University divestment from cor- porations ...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Friday, April 18, 1980-The Michigan Daily ICE IAI 1EUROPE ON A BIG RD ANDA LOW FARE Brom By STEVE HOOK David Bromberg did two things, during his Michigan Theater perfor- mance Wednesday night. Number one, he appeared with his seven-piece band, and led them through an inspired and memorable set. For nearly two hours, the band effortlessly jumped genres and shifted gears, affirming Brom- berg's command of' virtually every aspect of hi...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 7

… The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 18, 1980-Page 7 'Relapse' a pleasant throwback i i By WILLIAM BOLLING How about a little adultry, some stolen encounters, closet meetings and occasional pinch? All are present in e Relapse (or Virtue in Danger), the Restoration comedy now playing at the Power Center. Written in 1696 by Sir John Vanbrugh, the play contains the usual formula of mistaken identities, cheating husbands and wives, interwoven sub...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Friday, April 18, 1980-The Michigan Daily .mf. '. ........ . ....'............. . . . . . ..EWM9 M MSER Declining enroilments to have little effect on" University (Continued from Page 1) Coincidentally, the Chronicle report also said first rank universities, like Michigan, are in a position to reduce their admissions standards to adjust to declining enrollments. However, University President Harold Shapiro said he would rather see the...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 18, 1980--Page9 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT WORKING TO EASE PROBLEMS City housing plagued by code violations (Continued from Page 1) inspection of a house on N. Thayer which is rented to students. HIS INSPECTION began in the basement of the building, where he searched for excessive storage of com- bustibles (paper, boxes, mattresses, etc.), examined the electrical panel, and carefully scrutinized the boiler or furna...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 10

…4 Page 10-Friday, April 18, 1980-The Michigan Daily -I_. _ " " - v ..1M 'lr . w - -.1OYRa I If you find your name and address in today's MichiganVaily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS I (TTF -2-3 eIN326 FR g AT.Mv NIDASHO i dt/111" 1 d6 .f T o0"l-s7YO - - No Contest To Enter! Pink Flamingos an exercise in poor taste WOODY ALLEN and ANNIE HALL .. _ DO. GO to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. FOR SA LE BIKES, 5-speed...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 18, 1980-Pag OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217 S. University cFtc . I MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR! (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & weddingrings cFtc SITUATIONS W NTED RESPONSIBLE MECHANICALLY oriented Univer- sity graduate available for house-sitting. Call 662- 5602. 8 aU m i n in enn u x nur r MA N o appan, ...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Friday, April 18, 1980-The Michigan Daily MICHIGAN JOB LIFE LONG DREAM RESUMES THESES - DISSERTATIONS COVER LETTERS REPORTS SOFT COVER BINDING 24-HOUR TURN AROUND THE TYPING POOL 612 SOUTH FOREST ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48104 (313) 6650843 OFFICE HOURS MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Frieder ecstatic over new recr The week of March 30, 1980 is one that Bill Frieder will not likely forget. At a late afternoon press conference ...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 13

… - A v I The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 18, 1980-Page 13 Michigan offense prepares for next season's gridiron action I CONCENTRATES ON BASEBALL Paciorek slugs away BY MARK FISCHER There are still many questions that need :to be answered about the 1980 Michigan football team. Although the big question marks involve the defense (seven starters from last year's 'D' are gone) and the kicking game (one of the worst in the Big Ten last seas...…

April 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 158) • Page Image 14

…Page 14=Fridoy, April 18, 1980-The Michigan Daily x CLOGS by (9/of aug/ters OF COURSE Blue, Cognac, Wine *3300 ENERGY- We can't afford o AMERICAN INDIAN LAW DAY FRI., APRIL 18, 9-5 Hutchins Hall, U-M Law School featuring RUSSELL MEANS (Siux) Director of American Indian Movement (AIM) at 2:15-3:25, rm. 100 Also including eight other guest speakers through- out the day discussing such topics as the Indian Fishing Rights controversy. For inf...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…WOMEN'S STUDIES See editorial page i:l;bt Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom LktiI BRIGHTER See Today for details A WVol. XC, No. 157 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 17, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Diverse management characterizes A 2 housing By MARK WILSON Third in a seven-part series Landlords, owners, investors, and management companies form a complex web of Five local landlords discuss renting to stu- dents, tenants' ri...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…a Page 2-Thursday, April 17, 1980-The Michigan Daily Ford urges tax aid for industry ~ - (Continued from Page 1) such a disaster in the 1920s and 30s unless there is deliberate dumping." Replying to questions at a morning press conference, Ford repeated that he would support the Republican par- ty's nominee in 1980. He has so far withheld an endorsement of either Ronald Reagan, George Bush, or John Anderson. "I would hope that through discu...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…S- ' ' - -,-.- - - . - Program supporters appeal to Dean Frye (Continued from Page 1) Marty Bombeck, a graduate student Od teaching assistant in the program, said the rally marked an important point in the maintenance of the program. She said the announcement of the demonstration won verbal concessions from Frye on Monday. The concessions include an extension of current 300- level TA-taught courses for another academic year, the hiring of a ...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Thursday, April 17, 1980-The Michigan Daily ~be S1d. a DiI ir f difori(1l Iree(Iom Vol. XC, No. 157 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Spying no j WE HAVE TO say one thing for CIA Director Stansfield Turner: The man has guts. No coward could have stood before a convention of newspaper editors and told them that the agency has every right to press journalists into service as CIA operati...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 17, 1980-Page 5 Business Day panel claims. 'U' abused by in dus try By BONNIE JURAN The political economy of the University was the theme of a panel discussion held in the Anderson Room of the Union last night kicking off today's series of events sponsored by the Ann Arbor Big Business Day Coalition. The local group is part of a nation-wide coalition which has chosen April 17 as the day to bring attention t...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 6

… a f-i eo- ATTENTION COLGE GRADUATES If you need a good job with a solid future, why not try the United States Air Force? There's real oppor- tunity for advancement. and you can earn your cgmmission by com- pleting the three-month Air Force Officer Training $chool.Plus you receive an excellent salary ... executive experience..,. world- wide assignments... 30-days of paid vaca- tion a year... medical and dental care...low cost life insuranc...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 7

…d The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 17, 1980-Page 7 Landlords discuss rental EDITOR'S NOTE: Five campus- area landlords recently agreed to share their perspectives on the Ann Arbor rental housing situation with *hree Daily staff members in a joint interview. Together, the five lan- dlords own some 500 rental units. Some owned less than 20, while one owned more than 100. These lan- dlords, who oversee their property without the services of ...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 8

…If you find your name and address I f S WINNERS EVERY DAY in today's MichiganDaily classified No Contest To Enterl page Pink Flamingos WOODY Just look through todays Classified YOU WIN mALLEN Ads. Five U. of M- students will find their an exercise in poor taste n A N E H A LL N Ames hidden n this sectiron. ifyour TWO FREE TICKETS and ANNIE HALL name and address appear. call our busi- to any one of ft howNo mipsai' lS~jxm ness office at 764 056...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 9

…Now" i Police cI By WILLIAM THOMPSON Although Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny is still on the job seven weeks past his scheduled retirement date, members of a committee to select his successor say they do not expect to name that person until next month. Krasny announced his retirement from the city's top police spot after 13 years of service in that position in September. At that time Mayor Louis Belcher said he wanted to name the police...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 10

…. 0, MANN im.t .,.c. l I {~ " ..:* Y fll I .~s r, ~ .x {} Plus 7 Other Convenient Locations: Q East Liberty at Maynard Q Carpenter Road at Packard Road Q Plvmouth Road at Page 10-Thursday, April 17, 1980-The Michigan Daily Islanders slide past Bruins in OT, 2-1 BLUE NOTCHES SEVENTH SHUTOUT BOSTON (AP) - Clark Gillies lifted a 20-foot wrist shot over Boston goalie Gerry Cheevers with 1:02 gone in over- time last night to give the New York...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 17, 1980-Page 11 Karzen: from tennis family to Blues no.1 By KENT WALLEY Tennis has always been a part of Kathy Karzen's life. As a little girl she watched her family play from court side. Sometimes, she even got to hit the ball around for a few minutes before they left. Karzen,i'now a senior at the University of Michigan and the Wolverines num- ber one singles player, came from a family of racquet swingers...…

April 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 157) • Page Image 12

… 0 Page 12-Thursday, April 17, 1980-The Michigan Daily S. . . . . .. ..k:..:.. .A tidz .,... .r ..x. .ie ..*.iC~K.**..'T. . .* a.****.***G**. .. . . . . . .. . . AATA Employee Union protests rule's By LEE KATTERMAN The Transportation Employees Union (TEU) last night voiced its "anger and outrage" over proposed work rules for Ann Arbor Transpor- tation Authority (AATA) employees. In statements to the AATA board union members said sections o...…

April 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…FEE HIKE See editorial page C I' he Sic ian l ltig BETTER See Today for details Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom 1. XC, No. 156 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 16,1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages Existential writer Sartre dead at 74 From wire and staff reports French writer-philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, whose theory of existentialism inated lturope after World War II, dyesterday of lung disease. He was 74. Sartre was admitted to Broussais ...…

April 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…. . , .n . . =Page 2-Wednesday, April 16, 1980-The Michigan Daily CLAIMS LAST RECOURSE FOR OPPRESSED AFRICANS Revolutionaries call for violence BY KEITH RICHBURG Namibian black revolutionary leader :Theo-BEn Gurirab, speaking to a small crowd at Shorling Auditorium Monday night, called the Patriotic Front victory in his neighboring Zimbabwe a "vin- dication" for the use of violence in over- throwing white minority regimes of 'Southern Africa...…

April 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

….. 41W The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 16, 1980-Page 3 .'.. .:. , ......................... ...... ..:.. :. "" . ft.. -".;...,: .. ."}", {: *;: .a. .... .. .. . . .......f.... . ...r... . . . .,.. . . . .f.. .:.. .'i.}, , . , : Y . ..... .r...,. ...,{:".:: ':"m ,> .";~ ~r ',' Students will Abe able to verify SAT test scores By LISSA OLIVER Students who tape the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test...…

April 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…Page 4--Wednesday, April 16, 1980-The Michigan Daily rr Some looks at some books Nitel "1I'(l rs o f" Eliioria I Freedomn Vol. XC, No. 156 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Regents and 'S OFTEN nice to be surprised. In last week's- Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) elections, students surprisingly voted 2-1 to raise their m'andatory student government fee assessment by $1.33 over the next thr...…

April 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 156) • Page Image 5

… RECORD S By DENNIS HARVEY, Every time a new female voice hits the charts, a sizable percentage of music critics and listeners go through the usual spasms of goggle-eyed sur- prise over the idea that a member of the opposite sex should attempt to invade that supposed last stronghold of masculine domination, the rock in- dustry. After all, Olivia Newton-John and even Rickie Lee Jones don't quite fit into the category, and Linda Ron- tadt well...…

April 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 156) • Page Image 6

…..., __ A,... .~..- If you find your name and address 6 F I-5 WINNERS EVERY DAY in today's MichiganVaily classified No Contest To Enterl page * Sk lmngos WOODY U iust look through todays Classified YOM WInexr ALLEN PflIrieipoEAds. Five U. of M. students will find their TWO xerciseadApoor tastLL names hidden in this section If your Toeand ANNI HALL name and address appear, clt our busi- to any one of Oa m nishassfipce Hof76us * *ia60560 a.m p...…

April 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 156) • Page Image 7

… The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 16, 1980-Page 7 Begn propose non-stop talks for future Palestinian autonomy From AP and UPI WASHINGTON -- Israeli Prime. .., Minister Menachem Begin proposed to President Carter yesterday that six weeks of non-stop negotiations be held in the Middle East to try to reach an agreement on the future ofs Palestinians, diplomatic sources said. The talks would be held by the Israeli t/ and Egyptian negotiating t...…

April 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 156) • Page Image 8

…C Page 8-Wednesday, April 16, 1980--The Michigan Daily Travelin To China Or Taiwan? Acquire the basics of spoken Mandarin Chinese, the standard language of mainland China and Taiwan, in on economical and effective group format. Bring a tape recorder to the first session. Spring classes are: Spoken Chinese for Beginners i Saturday--10-12 A.M. (April 26-June 14) Spoken Chinese for Beginners II Tuesday-6:30-8:30 P.M. (April 22-June 10) Spoken C...…

April 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 156) • Page Image 9

… m.nryn .w. r .tC. YrW. .na 4' xw.. *.ak+rNWyY.: My...~.v.. 0 BLUE TIES CENTRAL IN NIGHTCAP: Chippewas skin The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 16, 1980-Page 9 Wolverines, 11-2 By BUDDY MOOREHOUSE and DREW SHARP It was a day better suited for football or even ice hockey yesterday at Fisher Stadium, but the Michigan baseball team braved the cold anyway, taking on the visiting Central Michigan Chip- pewas. Perhaps the Blue nine would have be...…

April 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 156) • Page Image 10

…10-Wednesday April,16, 1980-The Michigan Daily BELIEVED MAN LONEL Y BEING 'rench existentialist dies of his most essential faculty: he was nearly blind. "I see lines and spaces between words," he told an interviewer in 1975, "but I cannot distinguish the words. I can no longer read or write. "There is nothing I can do about it, so there is no need to feel sad," he said. "All I can do is adjust to what I am, evaluate my possibilities and make...…

April 15, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…ISRAEL See editorial page Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom 1Iaiig BLEAK See Today for details !Vol. XC, No. 155. Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 15, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages History of A2 off-campus housing filled with tension I Editor's note: During the past three months, a team of Daily reporters conducted *n investigation of the causes and effects of the Ann Arbor rental housing "crisis." In this article, and in six others...…

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