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April 18, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-04-18

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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom

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See Today for details

Vol. XC, No. 158 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 18, 1980 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages
Students scramble for in-state residency status

Obtaining in-state residency status can mean a
difference of almost $10,000 in tuition for an undergraduate,
even more for students seeking graduate and professional
degrees. It can also mean a long,.and occasionally tedious,
process of proving intent to remain in the state after
Though the rules governing residency status are fairly
stringent across the state - they are essentially the same at
all major universities in Michigan - University students
seem to be the most demanding of approval of such status.
This is primarily because the University's out-of-state
enrollment is close to 22 per cent, compared to an 11 per cent
rate at Michigan State University, its 'closest competitor in

the state for non-resident enrollment.
THERE DON'T seem to be any hard and fast rules
outlining residency. According to Ernest Zimmerman,
Assistant to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, rather
intangible claims, such as desire to become a permanent
state resident, help the Office of the Registrar to determine
whether the student's request for such classification is
"You have to demonstrate you have in effect abandoned
any former domicile, that you have established a plan to stay
in the state of Michigan beyond the time that you are a
student," Zimmerman said.
Michigan State University Assistant Registrar Scott
McMillan agreed the regulations for obtaining residency

were tough. But he conceded the guidelines leave a lot of grey
"THERE IS quite a bit of subjectivity in it (the
application process)," he said. "I don't mean you weigh
things differently from one person to the other. But what
you're looking for is a construct of evidence. This situation is
very complex all the way across."
Documents such as driver's licenses, voter registrations,
leases, automobile registrations, and birth and marriage
licenses can be useful as supporting evidence in a student's
claim for residency. However, an in-state residency decision
cannot stand on such information alone.
Other facts and claims considered useful, but not
conclusive. in determining in-state residency include:

*continuous presence during periods when not enrolled
as a student;
" reliance upon state sources for financial support;
" domicile in Michigan of family or persons legally
responsible for student;
" ownership of a home;
" admission to a licensed practicing profession;
" long-term military commitments;
" commitments to further education in the state
indicating an intent to stay permanently; and
" acceptance of an offer of permanent employment.
Of paramount importance is the student's ability to
establish and support with documented evidence that he or
she has remained in the state not simply for a year, but for
See OUT-OF-STATE, Page 8

OK 3-year
.MSA fee
The University Regents yesterday
approved a gradual hike in the man-
datory Michigan Student Assembly fee
assessment from the present rate of
2.92 per student per term to $4.25 in the
1982-83 school year.
In last week's MSA election, 4,300
University students voted by a two-to-
one margin to approve the fee hike.
Final approval by the Regents was
needed before the fee hike could
become official.
The 3-year jump in the fee
assessment. is subject to an annual
review in April of each of the years
covered. This means MSA can depend
upon the increased revenues when
making long-range plans, but the
Regents can still prohibit each year's
fee hike if they find MSA unaccountable
for its funds in the previous year.
A MOTION WHICH would have
required the assembly to seek the
Board's approval each year before the
assessment could be raised was
defeated by a narrow 4-3 margin.
Students will be assessed $3.50 per
term next year, $3.90 in the 1981-82
*school year, and $4.25 in the 1982-83
school year.
Almost all money raised by
assessment increases each year will
support Student Legal Services (SLS),
an MSA-sponsored program which
provides free legal counsel to Univer-
sity students. The additional money will
afford minor raises in the salaries of
the five full time attorneys whose
salaries are currently well below their
market value.
See REGENTS, page 3

Carter says
Iran to face
new sanctions

End of the line

Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS

LSA Sophomore Mary Anne Girbach fills out a course /instructor evaluation Wednesday at CRISP. The evaluation
project is sponsored by MSA. See story, Page 3.
Faling enrollments to have.Mild

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - President Carter
announced yesterday he is imposing
new economic sanctions against Iran in
an effort to force the Tehran gover-
nment to free its American hostages
and warned that "the only next step
available" if economic pressures fail
appears to be military action.
Taking military action against Iran,
he said, "is the prerogative and right of
the United States" if peaceful efforts
fail to resolve the hostage crisis.
THE NEW sanctions include a ban on
American travelto Iran, financial tran-
sactions with Iran by anyone in the
United States, and the payment of
reparations to families of the American
hostages, using Iranian government
assets frozen in U.S. banks and their
overseas subsidiaries.
Several other-countries also took ac-
tion yesterday. In Europe:
* Portugal imposed a total trade em-
bargo on Iran - the strongest step yet
by an American ally to press for the
release of the 50 American hostages;
" In Strasbourg, France, the
European parliament called on its nine-
member countries to break diplomatic
relations with Tehran and take "all
necessary and possible measures" until
the hostages are freed. The resolution
from center-right. parties demanded
Iran quickly set adate for the liberation
of the hostages; and,
" In Copenhagen, visiting Iraqi
Foreign Minister Saadoun Hammadi
hinted that Iraq, which appears to be on
the brink of war with Iran, would not

object to an American naval blockade
of Iran's ports in the PersianGulf.
Earlier yesterday, Iranian
revolutionary leader Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini dismissed the
American sanctions as an "empty
drum," and President Abolhassan
See CARTER, Page 3
The LSA Executive Committee ten-
tatively agreed last night to allocate
funds that would enable the Women's
Studies Program to hire two half-time
faculty members, according to LSA
Dean Billy Frye.
Frye, however, emphasized that
these plans were not definite. "We
believe that we can allocate sufficient
funds in the college that will support
recruitment of some faculty mem-
bers," he said.
Frye added an exact dollar amount
allocation could not be given, because
faculty salaries vary greatly depending
on qualifications and experience.
See LSA, Page 2

effect on '1
Editor's note: This is the first in a
three-part series of articles concer-
ning educational issues that will
confront the University in the 1980s.
Several University authorities on
higher education provided the Daily
with their insights on the issues of
teaching and research, declining
enrollments, and the value of a
liberal arts education.

officials predict

as 15 per cent at many higher education
institutions nationwide in the coming
decade, but this trend will have little ef-
fect on the University, according to
several University officials.
This opinion coincides with a study
published in the Chronicle of Higher
Education earlier this year. The report
said major research universities and
highly selective liberal arts colleges
will be least vulnerable to the trend.
Economics Prof. Harvey Brazer, the
chairman for the Committee on the
Economic Status of the Faculty, said

that since the number of applications'
the University currently receives far
exceeds the number of students thatn
can be admitted to most of the Univer-
sity's schools and colleges, declining
enrollments will have little effect.
"THERE WILL always be an excess
of applications for law, medical, and
other professional schools," noted
Brazer, "but the College of LSA may
have to trade off its admissions stan-
dards if it wishes to maintain its
enrollment." e

First in a three-part series
Enrollments will decline by as much

A2 housing plagued by violations

Fifth in a seven-part series
If you rent an apartment or house in
Ann Arbor, the chances are good that
your home violtes city housing codes
and has not been inspected as often as
required. In addition, you probably pay
rents well above the average rent paid
in most other sections of the nation.
This is the assessment of many
people in the city inspection depar-
tment, the Ann Arbor Tenants Union
(AATU), and Student Legal Services.
These and other organizations are con-
cerned with housing conditions, in a
city which historically has been
plagued by poor rental housing and
strained landlord-tenant relations.
Housing . Inspection Supervisor
William Yadlosky says housing con-
ditions in the city have improved over
the years. He credits this to the ef-
ficiency of his department, which has
been able to conduct more inspections
this year than in years past, and also
cites rent strikes against some landlor-

ds several years ago.
"The Tenants Union and Legal Aid
(rent) strikes scared some of these
property owners half to death," he said.
"ANN ARBOR has one of the best en-
forced housing codes in the country,"
Yadlosky adds proudly.
But his statement is tempered by an
unpublished report from the Office of
Student Legal Services, which states
that "Ann Arbor housing is extremely
poor." The report points to a recent
study done by the Center for National
Housing Law Reform, in which 90 per
cent of Ann Arbor tenants questioned in
the survey said their dwellings had
some type of housing code violation.
Yadlosky stated with some restraint,
that less than half of all buildings
satisfy the housing code when they are
Dave Cahill, AATA legal counsel and
board member, said the housing
situation "has improved dramatically"
over the past several years, but he and
other Tenants Union members still

maintain that the quality of housing in
Ann Arbor is bad. The Tenants Union
and the Public Interest Research Group
in Michigan (PIRGIM) are considering
a possible rent strike against one of the'
large rental agencies in the city to
publicize poor housing conditions, but
as yet, have not formally agreed on who
the target should be.
suring that all of the city's 23,000 rental

units comply with the housing code.
Using the 32-page inspection code as its
guide, Yadlosky's team of five inspec-
tors troops out to houses and apartmen-
ts every day to check for code
Yadlosky admits his department's
task is difficult with only five inspec-
tors. However, he is confident that by
the end of 1980 all housing units in the
city can be inspected every two years,
as required by the code. Currently, in-
spections occur about once every two-
and-one-half years.
The inspection chief speaks proudly
of his department's increase in ef-
ficiency since he took over the reigns
two years ago. Yadlosky figures show
that the number of inspections have
more.than doubled over the past seven
months, as compared to the same
period in the previous year.
A Daily reporter accompanied Pete
Peterson, a seven-year veteran of the
housing inspection bureau, on a recent
See CITY, Page 9

Renting in A2:



Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
RUBBISH LIES in front of a house on Catherine Street after the inspec-
tion department ordered it removed from the attic. The house was cited
for more than 40 housing code violations.

i i

-- I

automobile speeding away from a parking lot outside her
window. Suddenly, the storm window outside her office was
struck by an unidentified object. She notified campus
security personnel of the incident. Soon after the AAPD and
Secret Service became involved. After a search of the area,
the officials concluded that the "missile" must have been a
small stone kicked up by the departing auto. "Everybody
just wanted to be cautious," sighed University Safety
Director Walt Stevens. E
I Tn'a n'na Ah W ' .r . -

needed hardware part was brought in by taxi, and IBM
workers soon made the repairs. Students inconvenienced
by the breakdown were given priority time permits. And so
it goes . . .
Thrills and drills
Reacting to a Gallup poll which revealed that 50 per
cent of college students thought the oil industry should be
nationalized, Oklahoma Christian College began raising
money to build Enterorise. U.S.A.. a sort of Disneyland for

from Phillips Petroleum Co., Edward Gaylor, the president
of the Oklahoma Publishing Co., and Leonard Firestone,
director of Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., among others.
Stafford said the goal of the project is to improve people's
understanding. "If you become doctrinaire or attempt to
propagandize, you turn people off," he added. Q
On the inside
The snorts nape feature naoetinn-andannsweser sinn

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