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April 17, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-04-17

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See editorial page


Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom


See Today for details


WVol. XC, No. 157

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 17, 1980

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Diverse management





Third in a seven-part series
Landlords, owners, investors, and
management companies form a complex web of
Five local landlords discuss renting to stu-
dents, tenants' rights, and finances. See story
page 7.
business persons who operate the apartments
and houses in the campus area that are rented by
University students.
The bulk of the rental units near campus are
owned and managed by individuals, but the
remainder are managed by management com-

REPRESENTATIVES OF management com-
panies and individual owners cite both advan-
tages and disadvantages of various owner-
management relationships and the problems of
dealing with student tenants.
The largest management company in, the
campus area, McKinley Associates, owns very
few of the 600 rental units they manage, accor-
ding to Elaine Daily, vice president in charge of
the campus division.
"It's our name on the building, but most of our
units are managed for other owners," she said.
THE MANAGEMENT company acts as a
middleman between the owner and tenant,

collecting rent and maintaining the units.
"Many times the owner will invest in property
in Ann Arbor and live in some other section of the
state. Or others who just plain don't want to dpal
with the problems of renting to students," said
Don Taylor, vice president of operations at
The typically cited "problems" include
student rental inexperience, high turnover rate
among transient University students, and
University Student Legal Services.
"GENERALLY through lack of experience,
students fail to keep up and maintain their apar-
tments properly. We try to work them in
gradually," said Suzanne Feliks, rental

manager for the Maize and Blue Co.
Students with complaints against their lan-
dlords can receive free legal advice from attor-
neys at Student Legal Services, a factor that
some landlords consider a problem.
"They don't operate under the same rules as
regular tenants '(non-University students).
There is no pressure on them to settle because
their case is free, while it costs us to go to court.
That's one of the prices you pay for operating in
a University town," according to Steve Welch,
real estate manager of Ann Arbor Trust Co.
which maintains 35 units in the city.
INSTEAD OF dealing with these problems
See RENTAL, page 9

Renting in A2:



600 rally to



Women's Studies'

Daily Photo by PETER SERIING
MORE THAN 600 people attended yesterday's noon rally to save the Women's Studies Program. After the rally, the
demonstrators marched to LSA Dean Billy Frye's office to express their support of the program.
'Iansanctions weighed

More than 600 students demonstrat-
ing to "Save the Women's Studies
Program" marched to LSA Dean Billy
Frye's office after a noon rally on the
Diag yesterday.,
Representatives for the Coalition to
Save Women's Studies presented Frye,
the vice president for academic affairs
designate, with a list of demands and a
petition with 3448 signatures.
Frye, who was having lunch with
former President Gerald Ford when the
crowd arrived at the LSA Building, left
his luncheon date prematurely and en-
tered the building through a back en-
trance to meet with the demonstrators..
Five undergraduates majoring in
Women's Studies presented Frye with a
list of three demands including:
" That the Women's Study major and
curriculum be maintained;
" That the College of LS&A make
funds available for TAs to teach two
particular courses in the program, if
other faculty cannot be found; and
" That the program be given the
autonomy to make its own curriculum
The program has undergone an ex-
tended review by both external and in-
ternal review committees during the
past several months. After considering
the committee's reports, the LSA
Executive Committee presented the
program with several recommen-
One recommendation called for
curriculum cuts and the phasing-out of
TA teaching responsibilities in upper-
level courses in the program, to be
replaced by faculty-taught courses.
HOWEVER, NO additional funds
would be provided to. the program by
the college to hire additional faculty
members, and teaching assistants, freed
from their instructional duties, would
be encouraged to pursue research-
oriented activities, the Executive
Committee report said.
Frye, sporting a "Save Women's
Studies" button on his lapel, told the
tightly-packed crowd outside his office
he would make their concerns known to

the Executive Committeee, which will
meet today to discuss the program. He
said he could not guarantee the group a
definite response to their demands by
the Committee.
"The Executive Committee. has no
will to damage the Women's Studies
Program," Frye said in the midst of
Secret Service men preparing the
building for Ford's entrance later that
afternoon. "We want to work with you."
Officials from the Coalition to Save
Women's Studies, which sponsored
yesterday's rally, said they would
demonstrate outside both today's
Regents and LSA Executive Commit-
tee meetings.
THE CROWD requested that Frye
open today's Executive Committee
meeting regarding the Women's
Studies Program to the public, a

request Frye said he could not comply
During an impromptu press con-
ference in his office, Frye said the final
decision on the future of the program
must be based on its needs and
merits, not from overt pressure.
The rally demonstrates "an "im-
pressive show of support and interest
for the program," he continued. "The
support showed the program will be
taken into consideration at today's
Executive Committee meeting," he
THE GROUP had gathered earlier in
the day under sunny skies on the Diag
to demonstrate their support for the
program. Thirty-seven community and
University organizations endorsed the
See PROGRAM, Page 3

From The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter may order fur-
ther retaliatory moves against Iran as early as today but will
not consider military action to free Americans held hostage
in Tehran until after mid=May, a top aide said yesterday.
The aide, who declined to be quoted by name, indicated a
Carter announcement of new economic and diplomatic san-
ctions would come soon - perhaps in time for a nationally
broadcast news conference tentatively scheduled for today.
In any case, this source indicated, action would be likely
by the end of next week.
The source also said the U.S. government has told its
allies that Iran should have ample time by mid-May to
espond to the sanctions Carter ordered last week, which in-
cluded the severing of diplomatic relations with the Tehran
If the Iranian response is not positive, he said, the allies
will be asked to carry out additional non-military steps
aimed at increasing pressure on Iran to free the 50
Americans who have been held hostage since the U.S. Em-
bassy in Tehran was seized on Nov. 4.
White House press secretary Jody Powell later em-

phasized that each ally will not necessarily be expected to
adopt identical sanctions or to impose all the sanctions put in
place by the United States.
But he suggested that fresh U.S.-imposed sanctions
might have added significance because, he said, the United
States would not ask allies to adopt sanctions it had not em-
braced itself.
Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
has said the fate of the hostages will be decided by a new
Iranian parliament, which may not be selected by the middle
of May.
One official in Tehran said it may be as much as three
months before the parliament debates the hostage issue.
White House press secretary Jody Powell labeled as
inaccurate a Boston Globe report yesterday that the United
States has told its allies and Iran that it is ready to stage a
naval blockade if the hostage crisis is not settled by the week
of May 11. The newspaper said Secretary of State Cyrus Van-
ce planned to visit European nations that week to discuss
such a move.
Powell told reporters no decision on a possible blockade
or similar move "has been taken or communicated."

Doaily Photo bDAVW~ID nHuuKu
PETER McCARUS,' an LSA senior, accepts a Hopwood Award for major
fiction from English Prof. John Aldridge, chairman of the Hopwood Com-
50th HopWoodshow
rewards creativity

.~....Ford urges auto tax
aid duri~ng U visit

Former President Gerald Ford
suggested yesterday during a visit to
the University that Congress consider
changes in industrial taxes in order to
protect the nation's ailing auto in-
Ford said the government should
allow big business to gain tax credits
for 'depreciation of plants and equip-
ment over-a shorter period of time.
A 1935 graduate of the University,
Ford returned yesterday as an adjunct
professor in the political science depar-
tment to teach a large class of un-
dergraduates and to lead three infor-

mal seminars.
Yesterday's visit was Ford's fourth to
Ann Arbor as a professor since he step- 4'.
ped down from the presidency in
January 1977.4
"I believe that some of our taxa
policies in this country are very unfair
in comparison to some of the tax,
policies in other countries, such as s a
Japan and West Germany," giving auto
manufacturers in those countries a
competitive edge over American car
makers, Ford said.
But he cautioned that he was not
proposing "trade barriers that were
See FORD, Page 2
w: ;}i{::ii:4}iei"ioviiiimvm :'i:?".:.

Thirty University students-award
winners in the 50th annual Avery and
Jule Hopwood Contest in creative
writing-shared $29,200 in prize money
awarded yesterday in ceremonies
before approximately 200 people at the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Daniel De Vries, a doctoral student in
English, received the highest cash
award, $3,000, for his entry, That
Treeplanting Story (and others) in the
major fiction or short story division. De
Vries said he wrote the book in about
six weeks.
"I knew I was going to win
something, but I didn't know it would be
that much," De Vries said. Award win-
ners were informed by letter last week
that they had won an award, but were

not told what the specific award was.
Ellen Ilfield, a doctor of alts student
in English, received $2,700, the second
highest sum, for her novel, Go Children
Slow and short story, Patching and
Other Pieces.
"I did the writing in about five to six
weeks, but I've been working on it for
about half a year," Ilfield said. "It's an
early draft and I have to revise it.
"I hoped to win," she added. "We
knew we were going to win, but we
didn't know what."
The Hopwood awards are funded by
an endowment left to the University by
playwright Avery Hopwood, a member
of the class of 1905. The awards are
divided into a major awards category,
See 50th, Page 5

- - - - - - - - - - -

France has fine food, fine wine, and the highest alco-
holism rate in the world. According' to government
statistics, the French downed 4.2 gallons of alcohol per
capita while consuming wine, cider, and hard liquor during
1978-almost twice as much as Americans. This
consumption takes its toll-every 53rd Frenchman is a
registered alcoholic, and 19,000 to 21,000 die an alcohol-
related death each year. Though consumption is beginning
to slacken slightly due to state-organized campaigns

yesterday for an off-the-cuff remark made during debate on
a bill banning sexual harassment in the workplace. Senator
Steven Casey of Bristol, Connecticut was quoted during a
lull in the debate Tuesday as saying, "I wish I were
Isexually harassed." Casey went to the Capitol press room
with a written apology for the remark. He noted he voted
for an amendment to make the sexual harassment bill
tougher. "I apologize deeply for the thoughtless and
insensitive remark," said his statement. "Sexual
harassment in the workplace is a most demeaning problem
for anvone to suffer." E

Bufferin and Excedrin, and Armerican Home Products,
maker of Anacin, but are still unresolved. The moral of the
story? Dbn't judge an aspirin by its cover-do comparative
pricing. Q
On the inside . .
An ironic look at presidential qualifications, on the
Editorial page. . . A review of The Little Darlings, on the
Arts page ... and, in Sports, the men's tennis team plays
Miami of Ohio. Q

Imupplp- , - L -Jol , M,




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