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=Page 2-Wednesday, April 16, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Revolutionaries call for violence
Namibian black revolutionary leader
:Theo-BEn Gurirab, speaking to a small
crowd at Shorling Auditorium Monday
night, called the Patriotic Front victory
in his neighboring Zimbabwe a "vin-
dication" for the use of violence in over-
throwing white minority regimes of
'Southern Africa.
Gurirab, and three other African
Located in beautiful Northern
Michigan. Interviews Friday,
April 18 at Career Planning
and Placement. Call 764-7456
to arrange appointment.
revolutionary leaders from neighboring
Zimbabwe, have been touring the state
this past week garnering U.S. public
support for the use of violence in the
struggle against white minority
regimes in southern Africa.
VIOLENCE AND armed struggle,
Gurirab said, is justified as a last
recourse of oppressed peoples, and then
only when coupled with a political and
diplomatic offensive that must not end
when the shooting begins.
Gurirab's South West Africa People's
Organization (SWAPO) has been
engaged in just such a multi-front war,
trying to free Namibia from its protec-
torate status under South Africa's
military occupation. SWAPO was for-
med in 1960, and for six years tried to
peacefully attain black majority rule
for Namibia before turning to violence.
"The objective of SWAPO was to
regain our land, and after that to
'establish control over our own natural
resources," Gurirab said. That objec-
tive, he said, has been waged on three
"The first and the primary front is
Namibia,, itself. It is the objective to
mobilize the people, to educate them, to
teach them" that they are their own
liberators," Gurarib said.
THE SECOND front, he said, is "to
establish contacts and communicate
with. progressive nations - to galvanize
the international community."
"Having tried all channels to
peaceful solutions to the Namibian
problem, having petitioned the United
Nations repeatedly, we decided on 26
August, 1966, to advance the struggle to
the third front - the armed struggle."
Gurirab said armed struggle "was
something that was thrust upon us." He
added, "We have always carried out
the struggle concurrent on these three
fronts. Diplomacy and military action
are not contradictory, but must always
be carried out concurrently."
Gurirab himself has lately been
waging the diplomatic war as SWAPO's
representative to the United Nations,
where the liberation movement has ob-
server status. Having traded in his
fatigues for more diplomatic pin
striped suits, the guerrilla leader said,
"I have been condemned to live in the
jungle of New York."
AT SHORLING Auditorium Monday
night, SWAPO's Gurirab shared a panel
with Ernest Simela and Andrew Mtiwa,
both of Zimbabwe's recently victorious
Zimbabwean African National Union
(ZANU) of the Patriotic Front coalition
of black liberation movements. Their
Ann Arbor stop was sponsored by the
Committee on Southern Africa, a cam-
pus organization headed by Political
Science Professors David Gordon and
Ali Mazrui.
Simela emphasized to the supportive
audience that the patriotic front's hard-
fought victory "does not mean an end to
the struggle" in Zimbabwe, which will
formally transfer to black majority
rule Thursday.
A story in yesterday's Daily concern-
ing the city's proposed 1980-81 budget
should have said the proposed budget
includes an 8.5 per cent cut in the city's
property tax levy, rather than a cut in
the smaller lelvy that supports the
city's general fund.
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Knifethrower says he
tried to kill Ghandi
NEW DELHI, India-The man accused of throwing a switchblade knife
that narrowly missed Prime Minister Indira Ghandi admitted he intended to
kill her, police said yesterday. They also said that they arrested five more
people in an effort to uncover an assassination conspiracy.
Ram Bulchand Lalwani, 37, who allegedly made the attempt on
Ghandi's life, was taken into court yesterday and will remain in police
custody until April 24 for further questioning. His lawyer told the magistrate
that police had beaten and tortured the suspect and were forcing him to say
things he did not want to say.
Courtdecides warrants
needed for in-home arrests
Thursday, April 17, 1980
Department of Neurology
Cornell Medical Center
Regulation of Neuronal Development
MHRI Conference room 1057
3:45 to 5:00 p.m.
TEA 3:15 p.m. MHRI lounge
(Continued from Page 1)
our traditions since the origins of the
republic," Stevens said.
BUT WRITING for the dissenters,-
Justice Byron R. White charged that
the decision "ignores centuries of com-
mon-law development and distorts the
historical meaning of the Fourth
Yesterday's decision did not attempt
to define what kind of emergency
"would justify a warrantless entry into
a home" to make an arrest.
Presumably, police pursuing a fleeing
suspect would not always have to stop
as soon as the suspect ran inside his or
her home.
Stevens' opinion also left unanswered
whether the warrant requirement
exists when police want to arrest a
suspect in someone else's home.
THE DECISION overturned the con-
victions of two New York City men.
State authorities must now retry the
men or set them free.
Theodore Payton was convicted in
the 1970 slaying of a service station
manager. Police, believing Payton was
home, broke into his Bronx apartment
while he was out. They found evidence
that helped'convict him. If a new trial is
held, that.evidence will not ,be ad-
Obie Riddick of Queens was convic-
ted of possessing heroin in 1974, after
police arrested him at his home and
found some of the drug there. If Riddick
is retried, the seized heroin found by the
arresting officers will not be admissible
as evidence.
THE RULING carries immediate
impact for at least 24 states-including
Michigan-in which police have been
allowed to make warrantless arrests in
criminal suspects' homes.
Eleven states have no formal position
on the issue, while the remaining 15
states already prohibit such arrests.
1976 that police do not need a warrant to
make arrests in public places when
they have "probable cause" to believe.
the person committed a crime. But
Stevens' opinion drew a distinction
between a public place and an in-
dividual's home.
Stevens pointed to the Constitution's
exact wording-"The right of the
people to be secure in their . .
houses"-and the "unequivocal endor-
sement of the tenet that a man's house
is his castle."
His opinion was joined by Justices
William Brennan Jr., Potter Stewart,
Thrugood Marshall, Harry Blackmun
and Lewis Powell Jr.
JOINING IN White's dissent were
Chief Justice Warren Burger and
Justice William Rehnquist.
IN OTHER decisions yesterday, the
* Ruled by an 8-1 vote in a
Washington, D.C., case that judges
may impose stiffer sentences against
convicted criminals who refuse to tell
authorities about others involved in the
crime; and,
" Ruled that a $100 million lawsuit in
which the Quinault Indian Tribe in
Washington and individuals living on
allotted tribal lands charged the federal
government with mismanagement of
timber was filed under an unap-
propriate federal law. The case now
returns to the U.S. Court of Claims,
where the government could be forced
to pay damages under some other law.
Kennedy gets endorsement
from Philadelphia mayor
PHILADELPHIA-Senator Edward Kennedy plunged back into the.
Pennsylvania campaign on the upswing yesterday with an endorsement
from Philadelphia Mayor William Green and a concession from the Carter
camp that Kennedy could win the state's April 22 presidential primary.
"I believe it's possible for Sen. Kennedy to win in Pennsylvania," said
Mayor Green, the second of a large American city to endorse the senator for
Meanwhile, Kennedy also won the endorsement of the 600,000-member
Service Employees International Union, whose president previously
supported California Gov. Edmund Brown for president.
Ford to shut Dearborn plant
DEARBORN-In a drastic manpower and production cutback, Ford
Motor Co. anndunced yesterday it will close three plants, including one in
Dearborn, and will cut production in four others, including one in Wayne.
The shutdowns and cutbacks will eliminate 15,000 jobs.
The cuts, designed to save $1.5 billion a year, will reduce Ford's
assembly capacity by 14 per cent, or 448,000 vehicles a year.
They mean layoffs for 8,900 blue-collar workers-including 965 in
Canada-by the end of summer. An additional 6,100 salaried positions will be
terminated by a combination of layoffs, resignations and retirements by the
end of 1981, said Harold A. Poling, executive vice president in charge of
North American Automotive Operations.
"It is very tough medicine and we regret doing it, but there is no other
way," he said.
Milliken: Japan automakers
ready to locate in U.S.
Subscribe today for spring-summer term
$6.50 for spring and summer ($7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor)
$3.50 for spring or summer ($4.00 by mail outside-Ann Arbor)
Student Publications Building COVER LETTERS
420 Maynard Street REPORTS
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 SOFT COVER BINDING
Phone: 764-0558 24-HOUR TURN AROUND
Address: ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48104
(313) 665-9843
Phone: __ Student ID No.: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY
10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
POSITION OBJECTIVE: To generate a staff team capable of building active support networks
in a residence hall housing upperclass, graduate and international students. JOB RESPONSI-
BILITIES: Providing leadership in a house of approximately 150 students. Working to strengthen
community and support networks for house residents. Designing and implementing educational,
cultural, and social programs for residents. Serving as chair on special interest committees.
Serving as a peer counselor and referral agent. Advising house government and student special
interest groups. Orienting students to Baits and the University. Organizing and coordinating
house events. Handling house administrative functions.
Staff application forms are available starting April 16, 1980 in Charlene Coady's office, 1500 SAB.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 4:00 P.M., April 30, 1980
Daily Official Bulletin
Daily Calendar:
Psychiatry: Paul E:Chodoff, "The German Con-
centration Camp-The Ultimate Stress?", CPH
Aud., 9:30 a.m.
WUOM: Harold Deutsch, "TheRole of Intelligence
Services, 10:10 a.m.
Center for AfroAmerican & African Studies:
Charles Long, "The InteraCTION Between Religion
and Politics in the Black Experience," Whitney
Aud., SEB, noon.
Center for Russian & East European Studies:
Joseph McCadden, "Between Georgia and Turkey:
The Meskhi and Their Deportation," Lane Com-
mons, noon.
Academic women's Caucus: Peg Lourie, Dorothy
McGuigan, and Louise Tilly, The New Scholarship on
Women and A Proposal for a U-M Center for Resear-
ch on Women, 3050 Frieze, noon.
Museum of Art: Louise Jackson, "Jean Lurcat's
Tapestry, Wings," Museum, 12:30 p.m.
Hopwood Awards: A. Alvarez, "The Myth of the
Artist," Lecture Hall, Rackham, 4 p.m.
Chemistry: Tom Kelly, "Measurement of Trace
Nitrogen Compounds in the Lower Atmosphere,"
1200Chem., 4p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: D. Axelrod, "Motion of
Molecules at Biological Surfaces," 296 Dennison, 4
3200 SAB
CAMP SEQUOIA, Adrian, MI. Needs counselors
with the following skills: arts and crafts, WSI,
western riding, archery and riflery, nature lore. Also
needs a cook. Sign up for interviews on April 16.
CAMP TAMARACK, Ortonville & Brighton, MI.
All types of camp positions. Sign up now for
interviews on April 17.
HEALTH. Needs student assistants for inspection of
agricultural labor camps. Completion of sophomore
year and biology or environmental health
coursework required. Sign up now for interviews on
CAMP TANUGA, Kalkaska, MI. All types of camp
positions. Sign up now for interviews on April 18.
SIGN UP PROCEDURES: Call 764-7456 or come to
Room 3529 SAB.
For more details about these organizations and
others offering summer employment, check the
information in the Summer Jobs section of Career
Planning & Placement, 3200 SAB.
LANSING-Gov. William Milliken,. preparing to leave for Japan on
Friday, said yesterday he believes that country's automakers are finally
receptive to locating plants in the United States.
"The Japanese are now getting to the point where they are actively
considering the United States as a base for manufacturing operations," he
Milliken hopes to convince the Toyota Co. to locate its operations in
Michigan. He has scheduled a meeting with Toyota Co. officials as part of his
eight day tour.
Carter extends mandator
temperature controls
WASHINGTON-Americans can get ready for another hot summer with
President Carter's decision yesterday to extend mandatory temperature
controls covering 2.8 million offices, shops, and other non-residential
buildings for the next nine months.
In addition to extending the program through January 1981,
administration officials said Garter would ask Congress to pass a law
making the controls permanent.
The regulations require setting thermostats in non-residential buildings
at 780 in the summer and 65 in the winter.
(USPS 344-900)
Volume XC, No. 156
Wednesday, April 16, 1980
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 sMaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
The Michigan Doily is a membr of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International,
Pacific News Service. Los Angeles Times Syndicate, and Field Newspaper Syndicate.
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" "~ Q