See editorial page
C I'
Sic ian
l ltig
See Today for details
Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
1. XC, No. 156 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 16,1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages
dead at 74
From wire and staff reports
French writer-philosopher Jean-Paul
Sartre, whose theory of existentialism
inated lturope after World War II,
dyesterday of lung disease. He was
Sartre was admitted to Broussais
Hospital March 20 suffering from
pulmonary edema, an accumulation of
fluid in the lungs that hampered his
:bfeathing. He was treated in the inten-
sive care unit, but the traditionally
secretive Sartre ordered that no
medical bulletins be issued on his con-
Oartre's writinigs expounded the
eory of man as a responsible but
lonely being, burdened with the
terrifying freedom of choice - the only
freedom worth fighting for, he- often
SARTRE WANTED his materialist
philosophy to help mankind shake off
oppression and inequality. But his
message was too intellectual to appeal
to the masses he tried to help,.
Paradoxically, he had the greatest
See FRENCH, Page 10
Soviets step
up strength
near Iran
Doily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER
CITY COUNCIL monday night placed the Michigan Theater in limbo. The city has been attempting to save the 50 year
old building on E. Liberty St. through a sale of bonds to purchase it. But due to inflated interest rates, the bonds are,
not selling.
Michian Thneatrei lmo as
The future of the Michigar
was placed in limbo Monday n
City Council rejected chang
contract with the theatre':
owner. The city made a down
toward purchasing the th
Mayor Louis Belcher,
proponent of the purchase pla
Council, vowed yesterday to'
rejected amendments to the t
tracts which comprise the deE
City Council Monday wit
changes for another vote.
"I DIDNtT lose," Belcl
yesterday, "so far I think th
lost and I think City Council ha
On Nov. 5 City Council app
purchase of the 1800-seat then
entering into a complex deal ti
50-year-old Liberty St. building
rejects contract changes
UNDER THE terms of the deal: sell the bonds at eight per cent.
" The city would purchase the Belcher Monday evening asked coun-
n Theatre theater through the sale of bonds which cil to authorize attempting to sell bonds
ight when would earn eight per cent interest; at nine per cent for one year and then at
;es in its . The bonds would be paid back by 10.per cent for another two years if a
s former the Michigan Community Theater buyer were not found in an attempt to
payment Foundation, the non-profit group entice a buyer with a more profitable
eater in currently operating it, over a 15 year return.
period; "There's no guarantee they will be
major . While the city searched for a buyer able to sell the bonds for years," said
in on City for the bonds, it would make a $162,000 Leslie Morris D-Second Ward). Morris,
bring the downpayment to the Poulos family, Susan Greenberg (D-First Ward) Ken
;hree con- descendants of Angelo Poulos, who Latta (D-First Ward), and Ed Hood (R-
al back to built the theater; Fifth Ward) voted against the contract
;h slight . The foundation would pay the city changes, which failed Monday by a
rsaid $5,000 in rent per month which would be single vote.
her s passed on to the Poulos family, to com- The theater has not yet made a rental
e city has pensate them for the time their money payment to the city.r
s lost, continues to be tied up in the theater; Foundation director Bob Johnson
roved the . If the city failed to sell the bonds, said yesterday the group had the money
ater, thus the Poulos family would return the to pay rent but was waiting to pay until
o save the city's downpayment. the city sold the bonds.
g. BUT THE CITY has been unable to The city has already spent $16,000 on
miscellaneous costs connected with
trying to sell the bonds, and Morris and
others pointed out that council pledged
publicly in November, after allocating
$2,000 for the project, not to spend any
more on it.
army has increased the strength and
readiness of some of its motorized rifle
divisions north of Iran, U.S. intelligence
sources said yesterday.
At the same time, Pentagon officials
announced that a combat force of
Russian marines with equipment to
support a landing force had arrived in
the Indian Ocean.
asked to remain anonymous, said the
strengthened Soviet army units in the
Transcaucasus region of Russia north
of the Iranian border also had stepped
up maneuvers and exercises.
But these sources exhibited no
serious concern that the Russians
might be preparing a strike into Iran
similar to their intervention in neigh-
boring Afghanistan late last year.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Car-
ter's top security adviser, said Monday
night that there had been "credible
reports" that the Soviet Union had
moved military forces into the Tran-
scaucasus area, which lies between the
Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
military buildup had preceded the
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, the unit of at least 400
Soviet marines entered the Indian
Ocean from the South China Sea aboard
Russia's biggest amphibious assault
ship, the 13,000 ton Ivan Rogov.
This is the first time the Soviet com-
mand has committed a combat force of
marines, which the Russians call naval
infantry, into the Indian Ocean region.
THE ARRIVAL of the Soviet marine
force, following the recent deployment
of an 1,800 person U.S. Marine battalion
into the Arabian Sea aboard a Navy
task group, represented another
escalation in the show of force by both
the United States and Russia since the
Red Army moved into Afghanistan.
The entrance of the Rogov and two
other Soviet warships through the
Strait of Malacca on Monday raised to
28 the number of Russian naval vessels
operating in the key waters leading to
the oil-producing Persian Gulf, the cen-
ter of U.S. concern.
ON THE OTHER hand, the U.S. Navy
has 26 ships patrolling those waters, in-
cluding two huge carriers bearing
many. warplanes.
To the north, U.S. intelligence has
kept a close eye on the Transcaucasus
region, which stretches about 150 miles
north of the Iranian border, because
that is considered by U.S. strategists as
the natural corridor for any Soviet at-
tack into Iran.
needed for
Court told police officers nationwide
yesterday they cannot enter a person's
home to make an arrest without a
warrant unless it is an emergency.
By a 6-3 vote, the justices ruled that
both the Constitution and the ancient
belief that "a man's house is his castle"
require such an imposition on police.
The court previously had ruled that
police usually must have a court
warrant before searching a home, but
never before had the justices extended
the warrant requirement to arrests.
"THE FOURTH Amendment protec-
ts the individual's privacy in a variety
of settings. In none is the zone of
privacy more clearly defined that when
bounded by the unambiguous physical
dimensions of an individual's home,"
Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the
"Neither history nor this nation's ex-
perience requires us to disregard the
overriding respect for the sanctity of
the home that has been embedded in
. existentialist
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housing compared
Second in a seven-part series
CLOSE TO campus, 1 bedroom,' carpeted, a/c,
parking, heat, furnished. $135. Evenings 294.
2 BEDROOMS, new bathroom, stove & refrigerator,
balcony, laundry, parking. $175/month. 305 E.
17th. 451-1156.
3 ROOM efficiency-very nice. No pets. March
opening. $125. 442 E. Maynard Aver 856-5374.
The prices aren't misprints. These
apartments (and many more) are all
close to campus and waiting to be ren-
ted for the fall of 1980.
But to take advantages of prices like
these, you'll have to transfer to Ohio
State University.
If you prefer to remain a Wolverine,
you've probably already braved the
housing jungle here in Ann Arbor. And
more likely than not, you'll be paying
almost double what your peers at OSU
will be paying for rent next fall.
A SPOT CHECK of off-campus rent
rates at peer institutions shows Ann.
Arbor is one of the most expensive
college towns to live in. In the Daily
survey of six Big Ten schools, only ren-
ts in Evanston, Illinois, where North-
western University is located, topped
Ann Arbor's housing prices.
Ann Arbor tenants can expect to pay
between nine and 14 per cent more in
rent during the 1980-81 school year than
they did this year. The University Off-
Campus Housing Office estimates that
furnished efficiencies next year will be
going for $265/month, one-bedroom
apartments for $290/month, and two-
bedroom units for $440/month. People
who live in rented houses can probably
expect to pay as much as $200 per mon-
th for their own bedroom.
The most popular off-campus housing
unit for college students seems to be a
four-person, two-bedroom apartment,
according to most of the off-campus
housing representatives surveyed at
other schools. Many noted a growing
preference toward studio or efficiency
apartmentseven though these units can
be the most expensive alternative to
dormitory living.
CHIPPED PAINT, worn carpeting,
and cockroaches are synonymous with
the term 'student' apartment in almost
every college town. "The closer you get
to campus, the more run down it (off-
campus housing) is,'' said Purdue
University student Heather Rossman,
in a statement that can be applied
almost universally to college towns.
The Northwestern University cam-
fpus shares many similarities with our
campus - including high rents for off
campus housing. At Northwestern, the
average price for a studio apartment
next fall is $290, a one-bedroom $350 and
$500 and up for a two bedroom.
Like the University campus, NU's
See OFF-CAMPUS, Page 10
Renting in A2:
Lisa and Mark Yao use colored acetate shapes t
being constructed in the old fire station. See stor
o * h 4
. w
ng by touching Daily Photo by USA KLAUSNER
to create geometric compositions. The exhibit is in a special museum
pry, Page 3.
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in 1956. A 1957 graduate of Illinois State University,
McHenry is one of five people who will be. awarded
honorary degrees at the commencement. The other
recipients are: Charles Correa, an architect in Bombay,
India, George Rochberg, a composer and educator,
Raymond Wilder, University professor emeritus of
mathematics, and James Wyngaarden, a physician and
leading medical scientist. About 5,700 Universtiy students
will be receiving their diplomas at the annual ceremony
scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at Crisler Arena. O
lu> t ,b , r.
during the afternoon despite the lack of illumination. Mills
moved her 1 p.m. Russian 102 class out of the stuffy, dimly
lit basement up to the Commons on the better-ventilated
first floor where windows provided light. News of the power
failue spread quickly along with rumors that repairs might
not be possible for days, and many students who assumed
class would be cancelled merely failed to show up. Boss
said yesterday afternoon that the transformer would
probably be repaired by this morning. Classes as usual. QI
Tax time trauma
yesterday, there is a penalty. A spokesperson for H & R
Block, at 34S. Ashley, said if you owe Uncle Same some
money, and your return isn't postmarked by April 15, you
will be charged five per cent per month of the amount you
owe, plus one per cent interest. The penalty, however, may
not exceed 25 per cent of your total return, the spokesperson
said. If you don't owe any money, or the government owes
you a refund, there is no penalty for filing late. Tax return
forms are still available at the Federal Building and at
some local banks.
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