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January 25, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

… Back, Breast Stroke (Continued from Page 1) Wolverines A nd Charley Pink Click, Bert Stodden, Michigan's hard- fighting defense man will again be in the starting lineup tonight when the Wolverines meet…

… sopho- rT more stars, will probably swim in o both distance events, a Attack Begins Early d Although the meet is scheduled toin begin at 7:30, nine of the Wolverine freshmen and varsity men will start w…

… place in the baseball Hall of Fame. Sisler, who was a first-baseman, played on tle Wolverine nine in the pre-war era. k: r 25% Reduction on MEN'S FURNISHINGS SPORT SHIRTS NECKWEAR BELTS SUSPENDERS…

January 25, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

… at 7:30 tonight in the Intramural building pool. The Wolverines are meeting the Canadians for the third time in as many years. An entrance fee of 50 cents will be charged for those wishing to attend…

… Scorers. i nadian champion, in the dual meet Coombe, Michigan center, was between the Wolverines and the the high .point scorer of the even- Toronto "Y" tonight at the Intra-' ing. He accounted for three…

… tuted for Duty in the last period. battled each other throughout the Wolverines Improve. practice with the Wolverine men- The Detroiters put up a hard tor constantly shifting his line-up fight to continue…

… their winning in order to get the substitutes streak, but the Wolverines had im- working smoothly with his Varsity. proved enough since the last en- Starting Weiss and Kanitz at counter between the two…

… all unlikely that con-T_______ Wolverines to Face Strongest ence basketball circles at the pres- siderable revmpinge'has- been con- £ast Wtimeetheethree eams intthegcet-ducted by the cofaches during the…

… EastLansing Hockey Team Plays Te m That State Has'Had liar and one quintet half way up intermission since heir last games Host to Wolverine Sextet in Several Years. the ladder will compete in two and the…

January 25, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

…, worked the ball in for- enough setups under the bas- k et so that every member of the Wolverine quintet broke into the scoring. Norm Daniels, the leader in conference scoring to date, step- ped out from…

…-0 Coutnt as Reid Scor-es Goal. lii spite (i} a valiant last minute di' ie by the despera te Gophers in, t o Clesing minutes of the third ,acricd, the Wolverine hio7 ey team t alum phed. 1-0 to piaco < seives…

… as a championship conten',r. Lead -, P'eic, oizrtis, and Crossman, the ~peedy outskated the Ccahrsthrough out the contest. 2.wlle Tclrpins sterling work in the cact keint the Gophers from…

… the entries and the three best scores will decide the whinners. Emmy Reid, Michigan wing, whlo scored the Wolverines' lone goal that won last night's hockey tilt from the M',inne- sota sextet, 1-0. ill…

January 25, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

… attacked Blalock. After Powell was taken to the hospital here, the eight other Negro defendants were taken to the Jefferson County jail. Varsity Wins Tank Match From State" Wolverines Swamp Foes, 58…

… Bonus Bill Veto Chinese Sef uses 11oughton Wiins Hockey Tilt, 3-2 Opponents Score 2 Goals In Last Period To Win First Of 2-Game Series A last-period rally by Michigan Tech defeated the Wolverine puck…

… its first win in a dual meet with the Wolverines in ten years. Bell, a sophomore from Lansing swimming his first race of varsity competition, beat Mark McCarty, lone Michigan entry and also a soph…

…- omore, by two feet in the 100-yard free-style event. His time of 46.4 was good considering the odd length of the 30-yard local pool. Coach Matt Mann's Wolverines won every other race of the meet with the…

…. McCarthy of Tech took Stack's pass to score the first goal with less than two minutes left in the opener. Berryman and Heyliger tallied in the second period to give the Wolverines a two to one lead…

January 25, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…MSDAY,JANUAY25, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Levamped Wolverine Basketball Five May Cappon Places Recaptures National Skiing Championship Capacity Crowd P LA Y . 1k .L- .. Hopes On New fViews Golden BY…

…, with : ewwth th ball into scoring zone has cost the In recent years interest among be used by the lighter boxers while two round lead piled up, was the n still locked and they swun. Wolverines many…

… mixup. ing up to the hopes of the Wolverine enough to insure a successful two-day that these boys need have no ex- peI patofse tak or * * * mentor the Michigan five has a good - t ing his man for the…

January 25, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…- (Continued on Page s) Hockey Sextet Meets Aggies Here Tonighi Wolverine Squad To Seek Comeback After Losses To Minnesota Last Week Michigan's battered but riot dis- heartened hockey sextet will have a chance…

Wolverines brought out the fact that what they lacked in scoring ability they made up with a fighting attitude throughout the game. Stronger Last Year Last year with a much stronger squad than the present team…

January 25, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 87) • Page Image 5

… and speaker. His subject will be, "Character-, istics of Some Great Men I Have Known." William Thompson, '36E, chairman of the social committee, is organizing the dinner. WOLVERINE ELECTS OFFICERS…

… Students who were elected to ex-' ecutive and directoral board positionsP of the Michigan Wolverine, coopera- tive restaurant in Lane Hall, were announced last night. George Varga i_ 'l I i ! I t I l NEW…

January 25, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…- most boomed out defeat for the Mich- igan quintet here tonight, but the doughty Wolverines, led by an in- spired Jake Townsend, weathered a desperate last-half flurry to emerge the victor, 29-26. A…

… forge a lead for the Wolverines which was never relinquished, although it was bitterly contested by the firing Buckeyes. 5,000 Fans Expectant A coliseum gathering of some 5,000 fans got down…

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