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January 25, 1939 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-25

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Y, JAN. 25, 1939


President's Ball
Are Announced
Faith Watkins, Robert Reid
And Robert Canning Are
Chairmen For Dance
Robert Canning, '39, Robert Reid,
'39, and Faith Watkins, '39, have been
appointed co-chairmen of the Presi-
dent's Ball, to be held trom 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Monday, it was announced
yesterday by Read Pierce, chairman
of the dance for this district.
Committeemen Named
Members of the committee include
Tom Adans, '40, Bill Babinger, '40,
Frank Bussard, '40, Wilbur Davidson,
'40, Fritz DeFries, '40, Hugh Estes,
'40, Oscar Seferman, '40, Robert Gol-
den, '40, John Goodell, '40, James
Grace, '40, Edmund Harris, '40, Dav-i
id Haughey, '40, John Hoppin, '40,
Robert Johnson, '40, Ben Jones, '40,
Dick Livingston, '40, TOm Markham,
'40, Joseph Mason, '40, Howard Par-!
ker, '40, Larry Rinek, '40, Clarence
Sahlin, '40, Jack Sherrill, '40, Charles
Smith, '40, Robert Goodyear, '40,
Durk Vander Burch, '40, Jack Read,
'40, Walter Hinkel, '40, and Howard
Eggert, '40.
Women On Committe
The women's committee is com-
posed of one member from each sor-
ority and dormitory. Members are:
Jeanne Clemmons, '40, Kappa Delta;
Alberta Wood, '40, Delta Gamma;
Sybil Swarthout, 39, Kappa Alpha
Theta; Marietta Killian, '39, Colleg-
iate Sorosis; Jean Morgan, '39, Delta
Delta Delta; Jane Nussbaum, '40,
Pi Beta Phi; Margaret Ford, '40, Al-
pha Phi; Mary Jane Kronner, '40,
Alpha Chi Omega; Beulah Downs,
'39, Alpha Omicron Pi;
Miriam Szold, '40, Alphp Epsilon
Phi; Selma Chibnik, '39, Phi Sigma
Sigma; Bernice Hvistendahl, '40, Al-
pha Xi.Delta; Harriette De Weese,
'39, Gamma Phi Beta; Virginia Voor-
hees, '39, Kappa Kappa Gamma;
Mary Jane Adsit, '39, Alpha Gamma
Delta; Helen Westie, '40, Zeta Tau
-Alpha; Mildred MacArthur, '39, Al-
pha Delta Pi; Jean Hastie, '40, Mar-
tha Cook; Myra Short, '39, Mosher
Hall; Betty Howard, '39, Jordan Hall;
Maya Gruhzit, '41, Betsy Barbour
House; Norma Curtis, '39, Helen New-
berry Residence.
Shops Exhibit
Easter Bonnets
To IcyW orld
Ann Arbor is in the grip of winter
at its freezingest, so any frost-bitten
student hurrying to classes with his
hands over his ears would agree, but
spring is here in the hat shops. Light
fabrics and colors are in all the shop
windows and more new spring bon-
nets are appearing daily.,
A new hat is probably the best way
to refresh a winter costume and spirit,
and Vogue has several novel sugges-
tions to make on this point. There
are several pages showing new white
hats to compliment a black outfit-
with interesting materials such as jer-
sey and other light wools being fea-
tured. These new hats are small, us-
ually of the favorite spring style, the
sailor. They are trimmed in black-
a crisp black veil or several saucy
black bows,
The thing that distinguishes this
year's sailor hats from those of more
ancient vintage is the novel highF
crown. Indeed crowns are generally,
so high as to be reminisent of the
headgear of a Pilgrim father. They
are naturally not restricted to white,

which is rather the exception, but are
in navy, black and fresh pastel
Another new note is the wimple
which was given a big play in Life re-
cently. Growing out of the neces-
sity to protect the back of the head
and ears, left quite exposed by the
uplift hairdo and doll's hat, it con-
sists of a scarf draped from the hat
and falling down around the face and
neck. Though at present a rather
extreme idea, it threatens to become
quite popular as were the bright chif-
fon scarfs that were flaunted on the
spring hats of a few years ago. The
wimple has the same glamorous ap-
peal of those scarfs, the flowing
graceful lines give the wearer a defi-
nite Marlene Dietrich feeling.
But there are always those who will
prefer the more youthful impudence
of ridiculous small hats perched at an
impossible angle on a saucy head.
These hats will be shown in all pos-
sible shapes, from the neat compact
pill box to something resembling a
bird's nest or fish bowl. Flowers and
feathers are the favorite decoraions
at this point, nothing more spectacu-
lar or lunatic having as yet appeared
from the fertile imagination of some
ingenious fashion designer.
Mrs. Walter Sample of Detroit ha:
announced the engagement of her
daughter, Dorothy Isabel, '32, to Wil-

Tweed Reefer Featured

Michigan Nursing School History
Demonstrates Efficient Expansion
By ESTHER OSSER " class rooms as well as living quarters
The history of the University of for the students-who emphatically
Michigan Hospital School of Nursing pronounce it to be a most convenient
illustrates admirably that breadth arrangement-especially for those
and vision so important in any insti- early morning classes.
tution that must anticipate, and func- 30 Fields Arc Opened
tion according to changing and ex- Today, with the nurse being called
panding community needs. upon to play the role of health edu-
Established by the University in cator as well as that of curative agent,
1891, in response to an increased de- approximately 30 different fields ofI
mand for graduate nurses, the School, work have opened up to the graduatej
including the University of Michigan nurse. To prepare her so that she
trranfi+Qhn r T~oeim~ n~ravo f hraz diiff ~rt

Curfew Rings
EarlyIn Korea
Z-1 in t



So you've heard the rumors about
new freshman hours to the effect that
you may have to be in on week nights
after 8 p.m.? So the Daily hopefully
conducts a survey to see if other
schools don't set a precedent of more
liberal hours? Perhaps instead you
had better thank those lucky stars

iomeopathic tIchooi for Nurses
(which amalgamated with the Univer-1
sity Hospital in 1922) has, since thatI
date, graduated approximately 1,6001
students, and is today one of the l
largest and most efficient trainingJ
units in the country.1
Clinical Services Available
Having the dual advantage of be-1
ing able to draw on the facilities of a
prominent and well-established edu-
cational institution, and, at the same;
time, being able to enjoy the unusual
clinical services found only in a large!
hospital has meant much to the stu-
dent in the way of enriched curricu-
lum and increased opportunity. And
every effort has been made to turn to
account the opportunities thus exist-
I How much success has attended
these endeavors can be seen most
clearly when we compare the school
as it exists today with that which!
the original six students entered in
the vfinter of 1891. The course of!
.instruction offered at that time was
only two years in length, and was
limited in scope to medicine, surgery
and obstetrics.
We get some inkling of the prob-
lems of expansion which had to be
met when we realize that until 1915,
the School had no full-time instruc-
tors, and, until 1898 had no special
housing facilities. In that year, with
the enrollment increased to 20, the
first nurses' home was built.
Program Enlarged
In 1918, when entrance require-
ments were made the same as those
for admission to the literary college,
we find the first sign of a "tightening
up" and gradual enlargement of the
training program. The following
year, the five-year Combined Curri-
culum in Letters and Nursing course
was instituted.
Couzens Hall, the new home for
nurses, made possible through the gift
of Sen. James Couzens, was complete
three years later, and is, today, one
of the largest dormitories on the cam-
pus. The Hall was built to include

may enaei anIy UofU1±et. Uinere1n Eand stripes you were born under and
branches has necessarily laid many let well enough alone!
new demands upon the school which And here's why. Imagine your-
trains her. The establishment of a self a Korean girl. According to
Combined Curriculum in Letters and Chooncha Lee, a Korean student on
Nursing, the opening of the Outpa- cd
tient Department to Student nurses, ou o e at Eha witout a
and the revision and elaboration of(or dormitories at Ewha without a
thebasc siece ouresallrepe-chaperon after 7 in the evening."
the basic science courses all repre- By thestandards of careful Korean
sent the effort of the University of families even, it is cheap for a girl
Michigan School of Nursing to mea- appes on t stretat nih un-
sure up to the new standards. to appear on the street atsnight un
sureup o te ne stndads.chaperoned, and for groups of wom-
en students attending shows or con-
certs, college teachers or advisers
must be provided.
H er" Less Dating In Korea
. Social life, Miss Lee said, is quite
V iewp int Isimilar to ours except that there is
much less "dating." Moving pictures
come from all foreign countries and
by V I CK I: from the Korean producers.
~~_~~~~~~~~~~. Schools are largely run by mis-
sionaries, Ewha College for Women,
The Michigan campus, character- h MissEaoeedWoen
istically unsympathetic to such move- which Miss Lee attended, being a
mens a thsewhih rsutedin heMethodist missionary school. Be-
ments as those which resulted in the cause there are many more potential
Wolverine and coouerative houses, students than there are available fa-
has reason to reverse its sentiment as cilities, entrance examinations are
the long desired Book Exchange- more strict than those we know and
fruit of just such a movement- that only those people whose families
comes into being. are in a position to finance their edu-
Principle Is Simple cation can attend, and Miss Lee said
The principle of the Book Exchange that it is almost unheard of for any-
is very simple. For the first week, one to work their way through school.
Feb. 3 through Feb. 11, books will Another interesting contrast to ourj
be taken in, and during the first week own system is the fact that what cor-
of the second semester the books responds to our departments are sep-
will be sold. The indivdual bringing arate schools in Korea. A student
his book in names the price he wants may enroll in any school he chooses,
for it (approximately three-fourths but, once in, his program is fixed
of its original price, is recommend- leaving him no room for electives.
ed) and if it is sold during the second Distractions Are Few
week he gets back that amount, min- The students ii Korea are more
us ten per cent for operating ex- serious about their school work, Miss
penses. Lee feels, because they have fewer
Essentially a non-profit organiza- outside distractions and their gen-
tion, arly surplus remaining to the eral interests run to art, music and
exchange after expenses have been flowers and the natural beauty of
paid will be divided three ways: into their country. "We aren't very prac-
a scholarship fund, the Dean's Good- tical, I guess," she said.
will Fund, and a reserve fund. Thejshe herself is working for a Mas-
Exchange will be held in the North ter of Music degree.
Lounge of the Union and is sponsored She is very modest about her work,
by the League and Union. but the record speaks for itself. Hav-
Students To Determine ing never had piano instruction until
Great care has been taken ir seeing her first college year, she graduated
to it that arrangements for the Ex- with a decoration for distinction from
change are perfect. Mechanically, it the Korean royal family, and taught
can't fail. It's future lies wholly in in the Ewha music school for four
the hands of the students. If it re- years before coming here this fall.
ceives the support it deserves, the!-_---
Exchange will become part of regular CORRECTION
campus routine between semesters. It was erroneously announced that
Its failure will be a loss to every stu- Mary K. Pray was engaged to Joseh
dent who is interested in getting N. Conlin. The couple were married
money instead of a pittance for his Jan. 16 and are living in Port De-
used textbooks. posit, Md.



The classic tw4ed reefer with vel-
vet collar is seen wherever well
dressed women gather. Its fitted
lines and built-up shoulders are
becoming to all figures. Tiins coat
is excellent for the woman with
only one coat in her wardrobe, for
it is casual enough for every day
wear, yet dressy enough for most


Michigan Wome
"Four out of five girls are beauti-
ful, and all four of them go to Michi-
That is the candid opinion of Mrs.
Mott, tall,wavy-haired, housemother
of Jordan Hall. Nor is her opinion to
be taken lightly. Any woman who
has over 17 pictures of undergraduate
men on her bedroom wall, and who
expects a portrait of Tom Harmon in
a few days, can well be regarded as
an authority on the subject of college
"I don't belive that I'm prejudiced,"
she added, "for Mount Holyoke, not
Michigan, is my alma mater."
After Mrs. Mott received her A.B. at
Mount Holyoke, she was engaged in
business in Jackson. Last year she.
was appointed house-mother at the
Phi Delta Theta house. Since Sep-
tember, 1938, however, she has been
in charge of 223 women at Jordan
Mrs. Mott smiled serenely when
asked whether she preferred to chap-

,n Are Beautiful
eron boys or girls. There was no
question in her mind that they were
'equally companionable. "Besides,"
she added, "When you'chaperon boys+
you are very likely to meet the girls
as well." I think the girls at this+
University are as friendly and naturalI
as I have found them anywhere ini
the country."
Mrs. Mott will tell you that girls
can make as much "racket" as boys,
and have just as much fun making it.
She admits that it is much easier to
enforce quiet hours at a fraternity
house than it is in a dormitory. "Don't
let anyone tell you that girls don't
have to study as much as the boys do,
though," she said.
While she doesn't miss the rushing
dinners, and agrees that brocoli is
brocoli in either dining hall, her
friends at the Phi Delta Theta house
admit that they miss her. Anytime
during the afternoon, and often in
the evening, one can see five or six
of her "boy friends" coming to call on

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Belle-Sharmeer Stockings



Why spoil a good girdle with stock- Sharmeers in your own individual
ings so short they yank it down at legsize are so easy to buy and so eco-
the garters -or so long they let it nomical;too.They're accurately pro-
"ride up"and bulge? For that matter, portioned in both width and length

why spoil your perfectly good legs
with misfit stockings, when Belle-

for a smooth, sleek fit from top
to toe. See them here exclusively.

1.00 to L65.





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