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January 25, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-25

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Dr. E iomfield
TIs ,eakI Here
Te. )' peak Here

i{t l
Lec -

Jack J. 1
J. S. PPn-'
er a serf
ygiene tra
n the West
4edical 13t
Mr. B)
hority r, )
.m. toc.."

Hygienist Opens
Series Today
omfield, engineer in the
dustrial Hygiene of the
*Health Service will of-
f lectuers on industrial
r, tomorrow and Friday
nmphitheatre of the West
.field, a well known au-
-. subject, will speak at 3
: "The Development of
.T;iene." His lecture will
sever the nature and
te problem, its histori-
1, u. legislation dealing
past and existing at-
-tc slution.

,1 dcve
ith it

At, 9 . c: ,morrow, Mr. Bloomfield
will beg,_. itdies of Health Hazards
in Indu s: a lecture expected to be
carried ov ' to Friday. In it he in-
tends to d = ;ibe preliminary surveys
to defin ' 'roblem and to evaluate
such hei'. 'atzards as dust, mists
and pti o . apors. Their effect on
respiratory :.' e3ars will also be con-
M-,c- 'i , will conciude his
Thmricld ur which takes four
hours t ? at a.m. Friday. At
9 a'. t; to discuss existing
medical ..! neering control 'of
indusi isl r. th hygiene.
Engi ~ cRefuses
A- 'T Barcelona
C< .:. from Page i'L
increased 1 14 to 18 corps and the
36 ,divisio At by the 1935 conscrip-
tion law : . to 51, including three
speciafly ped mountain divisions,
five armor " ar or tank divisions and
Europe 'airkets, frightened into
a big selli t ave yesterday by a va-
riety of rac.- -s and general nervous-
ness over i nternational situation
regained .. .e of their lost ground
While )=,.nting many rumors
reaching j.t don, British officials
failed tc eal their apprehension.
Some e i es expected Germany
and Italy c .i to stage simultaneous
moves de'..ned to frighten the de-
mocracies .. '3 a colonial settlement.
Germany . .s might join her own
colonial c' rs with Italy's demands
for terr ' or.a,[ concessions from
Others -)sight Germany might
loudly ba : t.tply's claims to distract
attention n. her own intensified
eastward - vc toward the Ukraine
and possit the Rumanian oil fields.
Britain ' ,shed her own defense
program. -.1e announced plans for
an ' . .l volunteer "overalls
army" ci : are than 6,000,000 mn
and distr..r; ted literature to spoon-
feed the . ' l; with information on
the new' nalservice program and
voluntar: rense organizations. #

Compulsory Class
Atten dance Is Now
Question Of Day
Abolition of compulsory class at-
tendance in colleges, a subject seldom
mentioned two decades ago, has be-
come an issue of the day.
That development seems largely a
result of pioneering by educators like
Robert Hutchins and his Chicago
Plan which allows students to at-
tend classes at their own discretion.
Few schools, however, have fol-
lowed the lead taken by the Univers-
ity of Chicago. The majority of the
nation's colleges, and Michigan is no
exception, still require compulsory'
class attendance in varying degrees.
Although educators discuss the
question among themselves, seldom
have they asked the opinions of their
students, who are most vitally inter-
ested in the "cut-ability" of classes.
The Student Opinion Surveys of
America., an organization sponsored
by the University of Texas, recently
completed a survey on the issue.
The nation's college youth were
asked, "Should complsory class at-
tendance in colleges be abolished?"
Sixty-three and five-tenths per cent
said yes; 36.5 per cent said no.
"Even though the poll revealed a
sizeable majority who favored aboli-
tion of compulsory attendance, the
fact that more than a third opposed
the idea is significant. It 'invalidates
the claim of many faculty members
that practically all students, if given
the opportunity, would want to do
away with compulsory classes," the
directors of the survey remarked.
Hospital Jooks
Help Patients
Recover Health

City Awards He

Design Prize
Jane Kidder Wins First;
Prize For Panel Design '
TMiss Jane Kidder, '39A, was award-
ed the first prize of $10 for herj
design of a panel to be placed on
main highways at the city limits,
t was announced yesterday by the
Board of Public Works which spon-
sored the contest. Miss Mary Lavan,
'39A, was the winner of the second
prize of five dollars, and Irving
Isaacs, '39, received honorable men-
Miss Kidder's design, which was
selected from 20 submitted by stu-
dents in architectural design and
advertising, features an outline map
of the city and a slogan, "A Friend-
ly City of Opportunity."
Dean Wells I. Bennett; Prof. Jean
Hebrard and Prof. Walter Gores of
the architectural college judged the
designs and their decisions were con-,
curred in by the Board of Public1

Publicit io c iuhe Bunm is ecrnstunctve notice to all members of the University.
Long smouldering opposition to "There is no particular a Copy reCeit thl ciicc oZ th Assistant to the Psesident until 3:30 P.M.;
the East-of-Division Street-Beer-Ban either, why we shoudil not have both 1: .M. on Saturay
crystallized five years ago today at a beer drinking and dancing on State
meeting of the Council's Ardinance Street. Those who want to dance
I(Continued from Page 4) hold the anual initiation banquet on
Committee at the City Hall. will be told by way of the menu h__d__he__nnua___n______n___nu____
that they are not to drink. I think wsThursday evening, Jan. 26, at 6:30
State Street restaurant owners ta ilke hmfo t hs There will b a dscussion of the re- pr.a h ihgnUin
that will keep them °from it. Those Thr p.m. at the Michigan Union.
massed behd C. J. Fingerle, one o who wish to drink . may do so but ceThe speaker for the evening is Dr.
their leaders, who presented the East may not dance. It can all be perfect- Elzada Clover whose address will be
Side arguments. As soon as such mat- ; ly well regulated." Coming Events based on the Colorado River expedi-
ters as dancing in beer cafes, closing One committee man suggested 1939 Mechanical an Electrical En- tion and will be illustrated with mo
hours of such establishments and that an initiative petition be taken to: 1939: Mr. F. L. Pierce, Product tion pictures.
floor shows were done away with, test people's opinion. Mr. Fingerle Engineer of the Hoover Company, About 30 graduate engineering stu-
Mr. Fingerle rose and remarked bit- promised that once the petition was North Canton, Ohio, will give a group dents will be initiated at this banquet.
terly. started, he would get 600, even 1,000 talk on Thursday evening, Jan. 26, at
Fingerle Speaks }people to sign. 7 p.m. In Room 31i, to outline the Freshmen Women's Glee Club will

"I'm getting tired of taking care
of men and women who come from
the West Side after their drinking
and dancing. Why not let the men on
State Street have the young people
first hand and do their best to keep
them out of trouble. I think we can
do it."
The members of Ordinance Com-
mittee paid no attention to Mr. Fin-
gerle who went on to say.

, l1A i W. , V H+ 4 ..

One Woman Opposed I general policies of the company, and
One woman who opposed the re- explain the possibilities open to those
peal of the Beer Ban was reported to interested in employment with them.
have said that "it is the duty of the Appointments will be taken for in-
Common Council of the City of Ann dividual interviews to be held Friday.
Arbor to protect the weak who might
be led into the temptation of beer The Beta Chapter, Iota Alpha, will
drinking." She added that it was _- ----- -
ridiculous for young people to be out
until 11 p.m., midnight or 1 a.m. Chinese Club Elects Heads
Another Dry emphasized the effectCh
of intoxicants on the students and New officers of the Chinese Stu-
cited cases of extreme drunkenness in dent Club elected last week are Tong
which the students "reeled home" to Ling, Grad., chairman: Y. , T. Tsau,
her boarding house. Grad., vice-chairman; Ying Liu,
Possible state government inter- Grad., and Keh-Chin Sun, Grad.,
vention was discussed. The Wets left secretaries; and Ming Chau, Grad.,
the meeting satisfied and the whole treasurer. The election was held in
affair was promptly forgotten. Lane Hall{


not meet this week or next.
The Graduate Outing Club will have
its usual Saturday night open house
at the Club-room in the Rackham
Sunday, Jan. 29, the group will meet
at the club room at 3 p.m. for out-
door winter sports. Supper will be
served as soon as the group returns.
ANt graduate students are invited.
The Michigan Dames Child Study
Group will meet in the library, of the
University Elementary School Thurs-
day at 8 p.m. Miss Edith Dowley, a
first grade teacher of the school, will
give a talk and demonstration on
} "Creative Playing."


ated Debate Over Beer Ban


First Semester, 1938-39
Time of Exercise Time of Examination
Mon. at 8 Mon., Feb. 6 .......... .
Mon. at 9 Fri., Feb. 3 ............f
Mon. at 10 Wed., Feb. 1 .......... .
Mon. at 11 Mon., Jan. 30 ........ .
Mon. at 1 Tues., Feb.7...........
Mon. at 2 Mon., Jan.30.........
Mon. at 3 Tues., Feb. 7 .......... .
Tues. at 8 Mon., Feb. 6 ...........2
Tpes. at 9 Tues., Jan. 31 .........
Tues. at 10 Wed., Feb. 1.........
Tues. at 11 Tues., Jan. 31 . . ....
Tues. at 1 Wed., Feb. 8 . , ....... .
Tues. at 2 Fri., Feb. 3 ............
Tues. at 3 Thurs., Feb. 2 ..........c
Special Period
No. Time of Examination Courses
1 Sat., Feb. 4........9-12 German 1, 2, 31, 32.
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32.
Music 31.


2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5
2- 5

xr "

i ake Shock'

is taLall Work
On steam Tunnel
Subterrar an rumblings which
have bee: i ,:uing intermittently dur-'
ing tW few weeks from sections
of the , u is behind the Main Lib-
rary h : en caused by workmen
insta" T,.' wamr pipe in the tunnel
connrc;c ROTC Headquarters,
with . all, and not by geo-
logical ;. tances as suggested by
Th < it will replace one which
has been se for about 40 years,
and w.ll t of a greater capacity to
take care o' the increased require-
ments of I' . ! new Union Dormitories.
Wort i.ig done in the housing
tunnel v i_ h is one of the first to
have be( k uilt on the campus. The
oldes : i now in use, is a brick
one = f ";,m the ROTC build-
ing . he University Power
lax r i al oiiCSe which is-
sued s m the surrounding
_":used by pneumatic
drilis u xv zxJ2n the tunnels.
Avizt;i' Group To Install
Staik.:1 As Vice-President
Prof. E -w.ard A. Stalker, Chairman
of the iL acnt of Aeronautical
Engineerir. al be installed as vice-
president o ie Institute of the Aero-
nautical ices during its annual
meeting i' w York, Jan. 25 to 27.
The e- ve council of the In-
stitute eh t -Professor Stalker vice-
president a meeting last week.
Prof. MiL: J. Thompson and Prof.
Edward] I' lon, both of the aero-
nautical t .eering department, will
attend tLies meting with Professor
'Read b i, y Classified Ads

A library service is one of the many
services rendered by the Hospital
Social Service department to more
than 30,000 sick and convalescent
people who are confined each year to
the University Hospital.
Last year, the library service filled
over 12,000 book and magazine re-
quests from hospital patients. The
librarian makes the rounds of the
wards twice a week at regular times
and her coming is looked forward to
by the patients.
These books help the patients find
new interests while they are con-
fined. Often they do purposeful read-
ing and study subjects that will help
them when they take their places in
the outside world again.
It is in this way, Dorothy Ketcham,
director of the Social Service depart-
ment pointed out, that the Hospital
contributes not only to the physical
health of its patients, but helps them
add totheir fund of knowledge as
Wood Carving Art
RevivedBy WPA
Wood carving, as an art, is being
revived for display purposes in Michi-
gan museums. This work is being done
as part of the state-wide museum
project being conducted with WPA
funds,under the direction of the Uni-
versity Museums
Already Alice in Wonderland, the
March Hare, and the Mock Turtle of
Lewis Carroll's famous story have
been fashioned out of wood for the
Children's Museum in Detroit. The
wood carvers are now working on
statuettes of Michigan animals,
which will be distributed to the vari-
ous Wayside Museums being organ-
ized throughout the state.
The carvers, most of whom were
formerly employed in furniture fac-
tories, are supplied with pictures to
copy. The woods used for the carv-
ings are white pine, red gum, oak,
yellow poplar, and occasionally ma-
Plane Power Dives
575 Miles An Hour
record-smashing dive of 575 miles an
hour by an American-made warplane
destined for export to France sug-
gested today that the United States
Army Air Corps may have been even
more spectacular craft whose per-
formances have been kept secret.
In the matter of improvements,
the latest American military planes
normally are two years or more ahead
of those permitted to be sold abroad,
officials here said.
New York Asked
To Back Roosevelt
NEW YORK, Jan. 24 -(m)- The
Herald Tribune says that Thomas
G. Corcoran, adviser to President
Roosevelt, has been attempting to
enlist New York state's delegation to
the 1940 Democratic Convention in
support of either a third term for
the President or, if he does not run,
a candidate of Mr. Roosevelt's choice.

II Sat., Feb. 4........2- 5
III Sat., Jan. 28 ........2- 5
IV Thurs., Feb. 2.......2- 5

Zoology 1. Botany 1.
Psychology 31_. Music 1
French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32,
41, 71, 111, 112, 153.
Speech 31, 32.
Pol. Science 1, 2, 51, 52, 107.


8:30 P.M.

Bartlett & Robertson


in Hil Auditorium
Taking the place of Budapest Chorus-

English 1 shall be examined on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2-5.
English 30 shall be examined on Friday, Feb. 3, 9-12.
Economics 51, 52, 53, and 101-shall be examined on Thursday, Feb. 2, 9-12.
It shall be understood that classes entitled to the regular examination
periods shall have the right-of-way over the above-mentioned irregular
examinations and that special examinations will be provided for students
affected by such conflicts by the courses utilizing the irregular examina-
tion periods.
A fy deviation from the above schedule may be made only by mutual
agreement between students and instructor and with the approval of the
Examination Schedule Committee.


-Boston Transcript



wienpuke 6iirhkn for -on? Snolinf Pleasere
y combining (blending together) the right
kinds of mild, ripe American and aromatic
Turkish tobaccos, Chesterfield brings out all
their fine smoking qualities and gives you a
cigarette that's outstanding for mildness ... .: :
for aroma ... for taste.

b - ~- tfied-


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