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January 25, 1936 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-25

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Committee Is Announced For Second Children's

Theatre Production




Secret~ary Kept Biusy




Zone V won the A tournament in a final blaze of glory by beating Betsy
Barbour Friday afternoon with a score of 20-18 . It was an exceptionally
smooth-moving, fast game with less trouble with fouls than most of the
games have experienced ... With Virginia Donahue as captain, Louise Paine,
Jeannette Schroeder, Gail Wellwood, Jean Irwin, "Pete" Chandler and Nedra
Evans came through as the victors although Betsy Barbour, championed by
Charlotte Hubbard, Mary McClure, Lenore Johnson, Elizabeth White, Jean
Jourlay, Kay Preihs, and last but not least, Captain Sarah Clancy made
them fight for each point . . . As the game progressed, the evenness of the
two teams became more and more apparent as neither side could precede the
other more than two points .. . Jeannette Schroeder and Louise Paine were
the outstanding scorers on the winning team while Mary McClure and Sarah
Clancey vied for that honor on the Betsy team ... A great many of the bas-
kets were shot from way out on the floor and displayed a great deal of skill
on the part of both sides .. . However, the games last Tuesday were much
more popular than the finals . .. The sidelines were lined up as Betsy Bar-
bour battled Alpha Phi and Jordan fought with Zone V . . . Betsy Barbour's
Athletic Manager - Elizabeth White started the game off by leading a cheer
and the struggle was on . ... As centers Ann Symth and Deborah Leonard
jumped, and the ball went over to the Alpha Phi forwards, the sidelines burst
out into mixed cries of delight, dismay, but most noticeably, instruction . . .
Alpha Phi players, Barbara Stewart, Betty Lyon, Ann Smyth, Virginia Nimmo,
Dotty Roth and Jean Bell with Margretta Kollig, and Nancy Stonington as
substitutes tried to regain the system used in former games but Betsy,
with Charlotte Hubbard, Sarah Clancey, Deb. Leonard, Ann Arnold, Frances
Ulrich and Jean Gourlay managed to place a basket just before the whistle
blew, thus winning the game by the close score of 23-21....
B Tournament Reachse Finals...
Thursday afternoon Martha Cook and Zone 3 fought for the honor of
the final match in the B tournament .. . Helen Harp appeared in a bright
red gym suit and was definitely pained when told that she would have to
wear a yellow pinny . . . The Southon sisters looked very smart, Maud in
re dand white checked shorts and blouse and Helen in orange . . . Betty
Robertson started Zone 3's career off in the first half minute by making a
basket as soon as the ball had been tipped off by the center . . . Esther
Middlewood followed quickly with another basket before a minute was up
. .. Mary Goodrich, guard for Zone 3, tore around in her yellow gym suit'
and guarded vigorously but in spite of her fine opposition and that of Helen
Harp and Sally Kenny, Maud Southon came through with a basket for
Martha Cook ... After Zone 3 had made a head start of several baskets, s
Martha Cook kept right up and held the score at 14-6 till the half . . . Justh
before the whistle blew, the Zone 3 forwards threatened to make another t
basket and had a grand scramble for the ball, from which Betty Johnson g
reiled it just in time to keep the score as it was until the end of thes
half .. . In the second half, Maud Southon having just made a basket for hera
side, was put out on personals . . . And Jean McKinnon and Helen Southon
were left to hold their side of the floor alone because there were no substi- i
tutes . . . Esther Adams, of Zone 3, hurt her ankle in the last quarter and t
was disabled for the rest of the game but Helen Harp came in in her place v
and Zone 3 came out on top 18-10. b
There was a unique spectator at Friday's games . . . Miss Hartwig's t
little dog "Pic" . . . He looked very innocent just sitting there with his chin a
on the table looking around at everybody but just to avoid misunderstandings h
Miss Hartwig put a sign in front of him "Beware of the Dog" . . . Pic seemed 1
to resent that and disappeared under the table for the rest of the game . . . i
The A.O.Pis and Sorosis teams came out for the rest of the game in full g
force .. . Esther Sethney, Elizabeth Evans, Charlotte Baxter, Mary Baxter,
Delta Glass and Alice Stebbins played for A.O.Pi, while Janet Allington, r
Jacqueline Kolle, Patty Haff, Betty Bingham, Gretchen Kauter and Dorothy s,
Utley played for Sorosis . . . Elizabeth Evans wore a pair of very attractivet
black velveteen shorts and Jacqueline Kolle wore brown shorts and a brown b
and white striped shirt-.. s
Jacqueline and Janet Allington had a system all of their own, consisting C
of several swift passes over the heads of all the guards and an easy shot k
for the basket. . . It worked consistently throughout the game . . . So good, b
in fact, that they won the game 23-15 . . . n
Calling All Sharpshooters. . . tI
The rifle squad is entering into a tournament which offers opportunities c
for fame outside of the campus. . . It is an intercollegiate meet and the
Ann Arbor shooters are competing with girls from 23 other Universities, in-_
cluding the Universities of Washington, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota,
Illinois, Cornell and Northwestern . . . Work starts at the field house the '
week of Feb. 14 from 4 to 6 p.m. daily and the contest is open to anyone who
wants to try . . . The matches are telegraphic and each week for eight c
weeks we compete with a certain number of the 23 other universities, the u
five highest scores from each college being sent each Friday to all the other c
colleges to be compared to see who is the winner. . . We understand that the h
meet isn't restricted to any certain people because when asked who was to
enter the contest, Manager Betty Robertson said that "The whole shooting
match is going to shoot.". . .
Last Wednesday in the Sarah Cadwell room of Barbour Gymnasium,
six bouts were fenced . . . The results were as follows: Margaret Webber,
'38, defeated Ruth Field, '38, Mary Parson, '37, beat Katherine Taylor, '38,
Grace Gray, '37, defeated Miss Webber, Elizabeth White, '39, vanquished
Louise Lockeman, '37Ed., and Mary Parson, '37, defeated Miss Gray . . I
Dr. May gave a short talk on fencing and Miss Gray fencing manager invited
anyone interested to join the fencing club . . . Incidentally, this club is
growing larger and larger and is planning a big future next semester with
fencing bouts as a regular feature . . a
Next Wednesday at the Union Pool, the women physical education majors
are having a swiniming meet . . . It will be sometime in the morning, I

although the exact hour hasn't been announced as yet . . . Two teams have
been formed, the Crabs and the Shrimps and we're told there's much con-
troversy over which species is superior . . .
Civic Theater Plans I Scalp And Blade Society

Excess applications for the din-
ner in Washington at which Al
Smith will speak had to be re-
turned by Roberta Gordon, secre-
tary in the Washington office of the
American Liberty League. She is
shown above as she started to re-
turn the applications after 2000
reservations had been exhausted.
[isle Lace,Black
Heels, And Colors
Shown In Hosiery
Ingenious style designers, ever in
earch of something new in fashions,
have recently launched a novelty in
he field of hosiery. This aspect
of style has too long been taken for
granted and the new trend is to make
tockings one of your more important
accessory notes.
The southern influence dominates
n shades this midseason. However,
here is no reason why you cannot
wear the new spring copper colors just
because you are contemplating noth-
ing but finals in this bleak zero wea-
her. These new tones are warm
nd spicy, very good with black, deep
lue, beige and especially wood vio-
et shades. With this new hosiery,
t is smart to wear copper colored
gloves, bags and belts.
Lace lisle hose also appears in the
new tones. These stockings are for
wear with tweeds and wools. A very
mart outfit was noticed on campus
he other day. It consisted of a
eautifully tailored, mannish gray,
uit worn with a deep blue sweater.
Over this warm ensemble was a gray
kid caracul coat, a hat with a wild
lue feather and -- an important style
note - bright blue ribbed lisle stock-
Chiffon hosiery, in one, two and
hree thread weights, comes in two
most successful colors. One is "apri-
ot," a live, glowing, towny tint, and
flamingo," a shade or two darker,
but a gingery copper which is per-
eot for wear with black.
Another startling innovation' in
hosiery is black heels. Nothing more
lenderizing and kind to one's ankles
ould be imagined, especially after the
unfortunate enlarging effect those

'Robin Hood Or'
Queen's Page'
Will Be Given
Valentine B. Windt Will
Direct Play Scheduled!
For March 6 Ad(I 7
Members of the committee in
charge of "Robin Hood or the Queen's
Page" which will be produced March
6 and 7 have been announced by
Lois King, '37, chairman of the the-
atre arts committee of the League.
Margaret Ayres, '38, will be the
chiairman of the box office committee;
Charlotte Baxter, '38, chairman of the
costumes; Phyllis Brumm, '37, chair-
man of properties; Mary Francis Mc-
Donald, '37SM, chairman of the
music; Dorothy Geldart, '37, in charge
of scenery; Katherine Bishop, '37,
chairman of programs and Mary Eliz-
abeth Moore, '37, in charge of the
story tellers.
"Robin Hood or the Queen's Page"
will be the second offering of the
Children's theatre, in cooperation
with Play flocuction. The first
play given was "Aladdin and His
Wonderful Lamp." The third and
last play will be "Alice in Wonder-
land" to be given during the week
of May 3.
The play will be directed by Val-
entine B. Windt, director of Play
Production. He will be assisted by
Virginia Frink.
There are a number of adult parts
in the play which are open to mem-
bers of the student body. Children
from the public schools are cast in
mob scenes and very minor roles suit-
able to their age, according to Mr.
More than 320 children have been
given the opportunity of seeing one
of the three plays in this series
through the donations made by soror-
ities, fraternities and private con-
tributions turned in to the Theater
Arts Committee in December.
Members Of
Sorority Plan
European T rip
A European tour of six countries1
has been planned by members of the
local chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi
for next summer. The party plans to
leave July 21 on the S. S. Statendam
and return on the S. S. Normandie
on August 31.
Besides many numerous side trips
and special features, the itinerary has
been planned to coincide with the
1936 Olympic Games being held at
Berlin, which the group will see.
Upon arriving in London various
points of interest throughout the city
will be visited and a side-trip in-
cludes the Shakespeare country.
From Lucerne in the Swiss Alps, the
tourists will go by motor-coach to
Interlaken via Lake Lower and the
world-famous Axenstrasse a n d
through the Furka Pass.
Vi _
We specialize in
%7 diiodL S ti/laS Y
Dont wear an 1836 hairdress
With a 1936 dress!

:. CO-t
0 13Beauty Shop 0
Across from Jordan Hall
217 Observatory St. Ph. 3411

Husband Is Ousted

-Associated Press Photo
Claiming that her husband, Rein-
hold T. Schrein, a West Point cadet,
had been seeing another woman,
Mrs. Lucille Taylor Schrein of
Steele City, Neb., notified the acad-
emy of their marriage and caused
his resignation from the institution.

Student Teachers Reveal True
Selves To Hih School Pupils
By RUTH SAUEE 1 a love poem of his own composition
The student teachers at the Uni- for the benefit of the girls present.
versity High School turned the tables Not to be outdone, Carlyle Bridwell,
on their pupils yesterday morning and '36, then gave a reading of the old
instead of instructing them, enter- English ballad, "Tommy Atkins." As
tamed them for half an hour in an it greatly resembled "The'Music Goes
assembly meeting. In answer to re- 'Round and 'Round," the floor was
quests, they revealed the "human cleared, and Carolyn Salisbury, '36,
sides" of their natures in a skit, or- Audrey Anderson, '36, Gertrude Pen-
ganized and directed by Helen De- hale, '36, and Floydene Beardsley, '36,
witt, '36. did a novetly tap-dance, accompan-
Maurice Mason, '36, chairman of ied by P'endorf.
the program, appeared in his R.O.T.C. Robert Schick, '36, brought the
uniform, bedecked with medals, to program to a close by pulling his
announce it. wriggling pet snake, "Benny," out of
AG. the curtain was drawn, Richard his pocket and frightening them
Gee, '36. was playing "Welcome, away. In conclusion, Florence Har-
i Sweet Springtime" upon the piano. per, '36, gave a brief talk.
Hilia Laine, '36, Margaret Sauer, '36, ___,__,gave _____f___k
and Margaret Smith, '36, were sitting
upon a sofa knitting. Lyda Whitney, D.A.R. PARTY PLANNED
'36, Elizabeth Nichol, '36, and Emer- The Sarah Caswell Angell chapter
son Powrie, '36, were playing bridge fo the Daughters of the American
in a corner, and Clair Magoon, '36, Revolution will hold its annual pre-
attired as a waiter, brought them lenten card party Feb. 8 in the Ethel
water, deftly balancing a tray in his Fountain Hussey room of the League.
left hand. In another corner, Keith Committee appointments will be
Campbell, '36, was making up poetry. announced soon by the regent, Mrs.
Campbell, with touseled hair and Thomas Reed, and the general chair-
a wild look in his eye, arose and read man, Mrs. C. O. Carey.

SSleighing Parties
Planned For Today
Two sleighride parties are being
planned for tonight by fraternities
who are taking advantage of the cold
The sleighride from 8:30 to 11 p.m.
tonight given by Phi Gamma Delta
will be followed by a supper and radio
dancing. Burton Coffe, '37E, will
be chairman and Prof. Robert Horn-
er of the economics department and
Mrs. Horner will chaperone. About
12 couples are expected to attend.
Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity will
hold a sleigh ride party tonight, ac-
cording to Jack Kerr, '36, in charge
of the affair. The chaperones for the
party will be Prof. and Mrs. H. L.
Kohler and Mr. and Mrs. Park Moore.
After the sleigh-ride the group will
return to the house for refreshments.
0 MM"

have just arrived
C ome in these frosty days and be revived by
a breath of Spring. Our new arrivals are the
essence of smartness and just the thing to add
a note of anticipation to your winter wardrobe.
We have that Formal you've been wanting for
the J-HOP and our new Prints and Sheers are
just the thing for the house parties. Our selec-
tion of colors is unusually extensive.
C. .Hutze Shops
Main at Liberty

State and Liberty
Watch Repairing!







hic fur-trimmed

galoshes seem to

Theatre: Wuerth, "Case of the
Lucky Legs" with Warren William
and "Whispering Smith Speaks" with
George O'Brien; Majestic, "King of
Burlesque" wvith Warner Baxter;
Michigan, "Dangerous" with Bette
Davis; Whitney, "Crime of Dr. Cres-
pi" and "Man From Guntown" with
Tim McCoy.
Dancing: Silver Grill of the League,
Rainbow Room of the Union, Chubb's
Hut Cellar.

Cover Tops


Opening its membership campaign,
the Civic Amateur theatre will pre-
sent. "Her Master's Voice," a play by
Clare Kummer, at 8 p.m. Monday and
Tuesday nights at the Union.
Open house meetings on the same
days will be conducted by Mr. Bert
Reynolds, chairman of the charter
council of men of the organization.
Mrs. A. O. Lee, secretary of the
theatre, will review the accomplish-
ments of the theatre in the past year
and Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson will re-
veal the future program and explain
the plans for developing dramatic di-
rectors from the membership.
All persons interested in dramatics,
or who would like to participate in
attendant activities such as design-
ing, art work, stage management, try-

Plans Dinner Tomorrowj
The Ann Arbor Chapter of the
Scalp and Blade, a social society of
men from Buffalo, will hold a dinner
at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
Prof. Arthur D. Moore of the elec-
trical engineering department will be
the guest of honor and speaker.
His subject will be, "Character-,
istics of Some Great Men I Have
Known." William Thompson, '36E,
chairman of the social committee, is
organizing the dinner.
Students who were elected to ex-'
ecutive and directoral board positionsP
of the Michigan Wolverine, coopera-
tive restaurant in Lane Hall, were
announced last night. George Varga

! I

NEW . . . beautifully fashioned
models . . . produced before raw
fur prices increased so radically.



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