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January 25, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-01-25

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Ublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Celinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
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Is War
Inevita ble? ..
I ture Wednesday was one of the
most sensible pieces of thinking offered an Ann
Arbor audience in some time. The Student Chris-
tian Association should be congratulated on bring-
ing him here.
Committed neither to an overly optimistic nor
overly pessimistic view, Professor Niebuhr com-
bined realistic analysis with a confidence in the
ability of America and the world to subdue the
forces of disintergration and catastrophe and
emerge into a better life.
"War is almost inevitable," he said, and it is
the truth or untruth of this statement that will
largely determine the validity of Professor Nie-
buhr's analysis.
Distinguished observers have disagreed with Pro-
fessor Niebuhr upon the inevitability of war.
Dorothy Thompson says it is out of the question,
because (1) a warring nation must be assured of
allies, a difficult proposition under today's diplo-.
matic situation, and (2) the only nations inter-
ested in war today are those who have something
to gain, and those nations reduce themselves to
two, Germany and Italy, of which neither is in a
position to secure allies or precipitate a world
Dr. Roland G. Usher, head of the history de-
partment at Washington University, who predicted
accurately the World war, disagrees with Professor
Niebuhr on other grounds. Asserting that there is
not an issue at stake important enough to foment
a world war, he further indicates that the great
wars have come at intervals of a century, and that,
therefore, the world can look "quite confidently
to several decades of peace ... "
None of these arguments is strong. Is it too dif-
ficult for a nation to get allies? Germany, Poland,
Japan, and perhaps Italy, would be stronger than
the coalition of Central Powers that entered the
World War. A German-Japanese alliance is al-
ready rumored. Are the only nations interested in
war today Germany and Italy? Japan right now
is waging war in North China. Miss Thompson
may be able to give convincing reasons for not
fearing war, but these are hardly good examples.
Professor Usher says there is no issue at stake
important enough to foment a world war. We see
exactly the same factor that fomented the World
war present in the world today - the desire for
something someone else has, the urge for economic
power, for expansion of markets. And, with an
economic crisis far more intense than any in 1914,
tension on this score becomes proportionately
more serious. As for the argument that wars come
in 100-year cycles, it would be more convincing
if such conflicts were an astrological rather than
an economic phenomenon. At best shakily borne
out by historical fact, the statement shows a com-
plete lack of consciousness of world conditions to-
Most important of these conditions, we believe,;
is the presence of fascist or military dictatorships
in Italy, Germany, and Japan.
The experience of Mussolini, who was driven
by internal pressure in Italy to a mad undertaking
in which he faced overwhelming odds, may well;
be -indeed, probably will be - repeated in the
case of Hitler. Today no "important stakes" are
needed to drive a man and a nation to slaughter.
An American problem - one which, fortunately,
an increasing number are becoming conscious of

solution when he foresees a rising farmer-labor
party, a party which may be in the minority when
a crisis comes, but still because of its composition,
numbers, and unity on the question of war will
exert a more powerful influence for peace than
can any "neutrality policy."
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
Letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
To the Editor:
This letter is prompted by the relatively high
excellence of the February number of Contem-
porary which has just appeared on the campus.
Through the last several student generations the
history of literary magazines at Michigan has been
a checkered one. One organ after another has
been launched by a small enthusiastic group only
to languish from lack of support by the general
body of student readers and writers. If cultishness
and insulation from broad and vital currents of
thought have been contributing causes to the
nonsuccess of each venture, these characteristics
have been as much the result of public indifference
as of editorial narrowness and infertility.
Contemporary is the product of the faith, en-
thusiasm, and labor of a somewhat more repre-
sentative group than the groups which have spon-
sored its predecessors. This fact, together with
the one that the student mind is today stirred
more profoundly than formerly by social issues,
doubtless explains the broader appeal and superior
richness of its contents. The present issue, as
well a the preceding one, represents an encour-
aging drift away from a bill of fare composed fo
literary trifles. So far this tendency is most clearly
manifest in the criticism and general essays.
A good beginning has been made, and there is
reason to hope that the magazine is firmly estab-
lished. But if it is to achieve the status of an
important agent in the intellectual and artistic
life of the university community, if it is to make
any sort of bid for more than local attention -
and the literary organ of a university so fortunate
as to be the seat of the Hopwood Awards should by
rights command national consideration, Contem-
porary must receive more generous support than
it has to date. It must be bought and read and
discussed. If this is done, more writers, particular-
ly more undergraduates, will aim their best efforts
at its pages, and it will have a chance of becoming
an adequate expression of the ferment of thought
and feeling in the student mind today.
-Sigmund K. Proctor.
Sex Equality
To the Editor:
The writer is whole-heartedly with The Daily in
its campaign against infantile behavior at the
motion picture theatres and elsewhere. Another
very exasperating form of this is "line-crashing"
specifically, line-crashing by co-eds at the
League cafeteria.
Infantile behavior on the part of modern women
is the more stupid in view of their increasing suc-
cess in obtaining equal rights and opportunities
with men. With increased rights and opportunities
go increased responsibilities. "Sex-prerogatives"
are as out-of-date as "sex-inferiority."
Honor and fair-play are qualities to be expected
in modern women. Coquettishness and coyness,
petulant egoism and the assumption of prior rights
because of sex, have no place in today's scheme of
Even though the League is a women's building,
co-eds should remember that the cafeteria is open
to the public, and act accordingly.
-Instructor and Grad.
As OLkers See I


(From The Conning Tower, June 23, 1919)
(Joseph Conrad, the greatest living writer of
English. - New York Tribune.)
TELL ME, tell me, F.P.A.,
When did Kipling pass away?
Evidently he is dead.
("Let the burial rite be read.")
Gone, before the frost of age
Could tinge his laurelled heritage;
Gone, while yet the years were young!
(Let the funeral song be sung.")
Tell me, tell me, F.P.A.,
When did Kipling pass away?
All around the rolling world
Let the English flag be unfurled:
For his message was at one
With the never setting sun;
Welded into one the nations
Live that read his great creations;
For his voice was as a breeze
Blowing from the seven seas;
His prophetic soul has been
Right through all the years between-..-.
Little children, on their knees,
Beg for "Just So Stories, please" .
Older boys, a little raw,
Study still the jungle law.
Adolescents, tall and gawky,
Still compare themselves with Stalky.
Youths adventurous and free
Still applaud the soldiers three;
While the prematurely "wise"
Flirt with Mr. Mauksbee's eyes.
All who earn their daily rations
Laud the Bard of of Occupations -
Laureate of every band,
Whether on the sea or land,
Who toil and sweat till day is done
And count their daily wage well won.
Nothing that he has not seen,
Nowhere that hehas not been,
Understanding great and small -
Says of him "'E liked it all".. .
Always wise and always right,
Always ready for a fight.
"Damn all neutrals!" was his word,
And a hundred millions heard,
Ever watchful, ever ready,
Like our own immortal Teddy -
Gentle, human, sweet, and tender, .. .
Never willing to surrender.
Beauty, truth, and justice, he
Worshipped as a trinity
(Three in One and One in Three).
This was the tricolored flag
That he bore without a brag -
That he never left to lag.
He whose soul was ever just,
Never trailed it in the dust;
Gave his well beloved son
(Only one . . . oh, only one! . .. )
That the will of God be done:-
That the endless realm of right
Should triumph o'er the lust of might.
As an artist, what a man! ...
Watch him, since our days began! ..,
You and I, dear F.P.A.,
Appreciate the worth of "They" .. .
Nothing else so fine has been
Written since our-years were green.
Count the humanizing tears
Shed throughout the passing years
By all the people everywhere
Who read "The Brushwood Boy," and care! . .
Master of good workmen - each
Who tries to ply our English speech
Adores him as a sovereign who
Knights us as we kiss his shoe.
Who, among the best of us-
J. Conrad or the rest of us-
Can soar to that world-circling height
That'Kipling rules by winged right?
Never weakling, never base,
He leads the Anglo-Saxon race!
Endowed with guts and all that make
A man, he fights for justice's sake.
Let us celebrate him yet-

"Lest we forget, lest we forget." .. .
Tell me, tell me, F. P. A.,
When did Rudyard pass away?
To yesterday's Sun wrote Mr. George Fentrick,
saying that Bryce Oliver, a new commentator,
quoted a poem beginning "Let the winds of the
world make answer! North, south, east, and west,"
which he credited to Kipling. It was written, Mr.
Fentrick says, by Henry D. Labouchere. Maybe
it was, but in 1891 Kipling wrote "The English
Flag," whose first well remembered stanza is:
Winds of the Worlds, give answer! They are
whimpering to and fro-
And what should they know of England who
only England know?
The poor little street-bred people that vapour
and fume and brag,
They are lifting their heads in the stillness to
yelp at the English Flag!
The drive against the usurers is quiescent; at
least the publicity is mute. The bill for water
rates is due this month, and the 50 per cent in-
crease still persists. Also "Interest at the rate
of 7 per cent per annum will be charged on the
amount of this bill from January 1, 1936, to the
date of payment, if not paid on or before January
31, 1936."
The majority renort against President Rnhinson.

i I -Mmmmmm




The Conning Tower


A Washingon
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.-The "new
Hoover" previously detected in
short-sentence and even wise crack-
ing speech writing tendencies was
nore in evidence in the Lincoln, Neb.,
speech than before.
Here was a Hoover who dealt in
five- and 10-word sentences. He got
down as low as three words once or
twice. And from the start of the
"sad" story of the New Deal and the
farmer that he set out to tell, down
to his emotionalized conclusion, Mr.
Hoover managed to keep his audience
chuckling as well as cheering.
He coined quite a few good cam-
paign phrases like "the economic dog
chasing his tail," or his charming la-
ment over the sad fate of the regi-
mented potato, "once the happiest
of all vegetables," or that crack about
"goose-stepping the people under this
pinkish banner of planned economy."
0 ANYBODY who both read the
speech and heard it over the
radio, it probably occurred that Hoo-
ver's oratorical style needs further
overhauling to fit in adequately with
his new and more popular approach
to discussion of political or economic
issues. It read better than it radio-ed.
How it sounded to the direct audience
with added visual dimensions, only
those present could say.
Amending habits of oratorical de-
livery is not as easy as changing lit-
erary style. Voice inflections, such
as those President Roosevelt uses so
artfully, if they are not a natural gift,
cannot be acquired overnight.
W HETHER President Roosevelt will
answer directly the Hoover fire at
New Deal farm policy is still unknown.
In 1932 Candidate Roosevelt waved
aside Republicantsharpshoters such
as Ogden Mills to reserve his direct
attack for Candidate Hoover. Polit-
ical strategy might make it conven-
ient for him to deal with Hoover now
as though he were again a candidate.
In some way, however, it looms as
certain that Mr. Roosevelt cannot
continue to ignore the reiterated Hoo-
ver charge that the depression corner
had been turned before the '32 elec-
tion. Hoover added that the "era
otagreh ef taoinaoinARFaoinARRF
of the great fear" followed, bringing
on an entirely new depression when
"fright over the coming of the New
Deal skidded the country into the
money and bank panic."
There might be possibilities in that
for the Democrats. From the Pres-
ident down, they are making much of
that big money and big business "gang
up" phrased as of this campaign.
Could they translate Hoover's '32
"great fear" into a great gang up,
:: MUSIC ::
When Ossip Garbrilowitsch can-
not be with the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra there is no one symphony'
goers will accept as a substitute as
readily as they will Signor Bernar-
dino Molinari. He possesses the
primary quality necessary to all con-
ductors of skill: a compressed feeling
for the emotions of all the composers
with whom he may come in con-
tact and the ability to rephoograph
these emotions upon the ears and
minds of his audiences. -
The evening's program was off to
a brilliant start with the colorful
Roman Carnival by Hector Berlioz.
All the mad gaiety of carnival life
is expressed in the music, now a wild

joyousness, now a tender spot sug-
gestive of youthful love-making in
some cool place between the happy
racings from one part of the fair to
the other.
The Haydn Symphony in G Major
which followed the overture was a
very safe haven after the excitement,
of the Carnival. The entire work is
so completely Eighteenth Century
that all the smugness and placidity
which was the essence of those pow-
dered wigs and salon days is felt
throughout the four movements.
Happy and smoothly-flowing are the
melodies and that of the Largo
movement is rich, with a calm, sus-
tained bass. The counterpoint which
follows is extremely beautiful - a
combination of woodwinds and
strings. So round and opulent is the
effect, that one gets a mind-picture
of a large circle, dark with the color
of strings, and edged ever so finely
with silver, or flute color.
An admiration for all the seasons,
from buds bursting from their win-
ter beds in spring, to all the lone-
liness and bleakness of late Novem-
ber was felt in the Molinari interpre-
tation of Malipiero's Symphony of
the Seasons. It seems to be a work
worth hearing many times for the
full appreciation of its merits.
The show piece of the evening was,
of course, the Respighi Pines of
Rome - the work that not only uses
all the orchestra's regular members
but in addition brings in the piano,
nine oraan, and the nhnnnaranh ( ne

VOL. XLVI No. 85
SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 1936
Graduate School: All graduate stu-
dents who expect to complete their
work for a degree at the close of the
present semester should call at the
office of the Graduate School, 1006
Angell Hall, to check their records
and to secure the proper blank to be
used in paying the diploma fee. The
fee should be paid by the end of Jan-
Registration forms for the second
semester will be available in the of-
fice, 1006 Angell Hall, this week.
Graduate students are urged to fill
out the forms in advance of the regu-
lar registration period, which will ex-
tend from Wednesday noon to Satur-
day noon, Feb. 12, 13, 14 and 15. Fees
must be paid by Saturday noon, Feb.
15, to avoid payment of the late reg-
istration fee.
C. S. Yoakum
Automobile Regulation: Permission
to drive for social purposes during
the weekend of the J-Hop from Fri-
day, Feb. 14, at 12:00 noon until
Monday, Feb. 17, at 8:00 a.m., may
be obtained at Room 2, University
Hall through the following procedure:
1. Parent signature cards should be
secured at this office and sent home
for the written approval of the par-
2. Upon presentation of the signed
card together with accurate informa-
tion with regard to the make, type
and license number of the car to be
use, a temporary permit will be grant-
ed. It is especially important to des-
gnate the year of the license plates
which will be on the car during the
week end of Feb. 14.
3. Out of town cars used for the
weekend must not be brought into
Ann Arbor before 12:00 noon on Fri-
day, Feb. 14, and must be taken out
before 8:00 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 17.
The foregoing will not apply to
those students who possess regular
driving permits. The above permis-
sion will automatically be granted to
this group.
W.B. Rea, Assistant to the
Applications will be received for
Earhart Foundation Scholarships for
the second semester not later than
Jan. 25. Eligibility for these scholar-
ships requies an average grade of not
less than "B," willingness to devote
one day perweek in field investiga-
tion, registration in Sociology 206, a
Pro-seminar which meets Monday
from 3-5.
Application blanks may be obtained
from the Sociology Department Offi-
ce, 115 Haven Hall.
Academic Notices
Geology 11: The make-up bluebook
will be given Monday at 3:00 p.m. in
Room 3056 N.S.
A laboratory make-up period will
be held Tues. 3-5 in 3055 N.S. for all
incomplete laboratory work for the
semester. This will be the only
nake-up given.
Coming Events
Scalp and Blade semi-annual din-
ner at the Union Sunday, Jan. 26, 6
p.m. Professor A. D. Moore will speak.
All members are urged to be present.
Room will be posted.
Mech and Aero. Divisions of A. S.
M. E.: The Michiganensian picture of
the combined groups of the A..M.E.
will be taken at Spedding's studio at
12 o'clock noon Sunday, Jan. 26.
Varsity Glee Club: Very important
rehearsal and business meeting Sun-
day, 4:30 p.m. Every member must
be present.
'Ensian business and editorial staff
try-outs will please meet at Rent-
schler's Studio at 4:30 Monday for

the group picture.
Acolytes will hold their last meeting
of the semester Monday, Jan. 27, 7:30
Orders Inquest
To Investigrate
Seven Deaths
DANVILLE, Ill., Jan. 24 -(/')-
Edgar County Coroner W. S. Jones
ordered an inquest today to inves-
tigate the deaths of William A. Al-
bers, 54, his wife and their five chil-
dren, found slain in their farm home
near Sidell, Ill., 25 miles southwest
of here.
A posse which recovered the bodies
yesterday from the blazing house be-
lieved Albers, deranged because of
worry over debts, shot and beat to
death the members of his family, then
fired the house and shot himself.
Mrs. Albers, 45, was found shot
as were her children, Gene 4, and
Shirley Anne 2. A blood-stained base-
ball bat lay near the beaten bodies

p.m., in Room 202 South Wing. Pro-
fessor G. Y. Rainich, of the Mathe-
matics Department, will present a
paper, "A Mathematician Philosophi-
zes." All members are urged to at-
tend this meeting.
Michiganensian business staff will
meet at 4:00 on Monday instead of
Monday Evening Drama Section of
the Faculty Woman's Club will meet
Monday, Jan. 27, 7:45 p.m., third
floor of the Michigan Union. Mem-
bers may bring guests."
Stalker Hall, Sunday:
12 noon, Class led by Mr. L. L.
Finch on "Was Jesus Religious?"
6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Mr. L. L. Finch will speak on "Build-
ing the Christian Life."
7 p.m., Fellowship Hour and Sup-
First Methodist Church, Sunday:
Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on
"How Discipline Your Life?" at 10:45
a .m.
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:30 Service of Worship with ser-
mon by Mr. Heaps. Subject, "A Por-
trait of St. Paul as a Teacher." Last
in the series. Special music under
the direction of Thor Johnson.
6:00 p.m., Student Fellowship meet-
ing. Following the supper, Miss Wil-
ma Lester will speak on "An Ameri-
can Student views the Orient."
First Baptist Church, Sunday:
10:45 a.m., Mr. Sayles will speak
on "Durable Satisfactions." Church
school meets at 9:30. Dr. Waterman's
class meets at 9:45 in Guild House.
Young people meet at 7:00 in church
Roger Williams Guild, 503 E. Huron
street. Noon class Sunday. Forty
minutes. Mr. Chapman.
6:00 p.m., Rev. H. O. Yoder, Min-
ister Trinity Lutheran Church and
Lutheran Student Pastor, will talk
to students on "Why I am a Chris-
tian." After the address eats will be
served during a social hour.
First Presbyterian Church, Sunday:'
At the Masonic Temple, 32 South
Fourth Street. Ministers, William P.
Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel.
9:45 a.m., Prof. Bennett Weaver
speaks to the Westminster Forum,
subject, "Literature and the Abun-
dant Life."
10:45 a.m., Dr. Lemon preaches,
subject, "The Cure of Souls."
5:00 p.m., Mr. Kunkel speaks to
the Westminster Guild, subject, "A
Historical Approach to Christianity."
5:30 p.m., Social hour with cost
6:30 p.m., Westminster Guild meet-
ing, Dorothy Shapland, leader. Re-
ports of the five o'clock meeting will
be presented and discussed. There
will be no social meetings following
the regular meeting for the next two
Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun-
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Cowin, Minister. 12:00 noon, Stu-
dents' Bible Class. Mr. Pickerill,
leader. Continuation of the discus-
sion on the Life and Teachings of
Jesus. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour. 15c
supper served. 6:30 p.m., Discussion
program. The officers will lead the
guild in a consideration of the pur-
poses, plans and programs for the
next semester. Each person will be
given oaportunity to suggest pro-
gram topics to be considered during
the remainder of the year.
Harris Hall: The regular student
meeting will be held in Harris Hall
Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. The
Reverend Henry Lewis will speak on,
"Personal Equipment for Marriage."
All students and their friends are
cordially invited.

Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services Sunday are:
8:00 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30
a.m., Church School; 11:00 a.m.,
Kindergarten; 11:00 a.m., Morning
Prayer and Sermon by The Rev-
erend Edmund H. Felldwes, Canon of
St. George's Chapel, Windsor, Eng-
land, A Tribute To King George V.
Unitarian Church, Sunday:
5:30 p.m., Twilight service, "Re-
ligion is Experience." 7:30 p.m., Lib-
eral Student's Union, "Economics and
Science." Prof. John F. Shepard.
9:00, Social Hour.
Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday:
9:00 a.m., Church School. 10:30
a.m., Church Worship. Sermon by
the pastor on "Faith Firmly Estab-
lished." 5:30 p.m., Lutheran Student
Club, social hour. 6:30 p.m., Forum
hour. Speaker, Dr. Edward Blake-
man, Counselor of Religion.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday:
9:15 a.m., Church School. 10:30
a.m., Church worship. Sermon, "Joy
in Spite of Suffering" by thej pastor.
Lutheran Student Club will meet in
ion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30.
Dr. Edward Blakeman will sneak to

Publication in the Bulletin is coitructive nti (e to all members of the
University. Copy received at the oflice of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

The Retort Courteous
(From the New York Times)
SECRETARY ICKES continues to administer oil
to all comers. His gracious suavity never fails.
His kind words never die. He pours unction upon
all comers. His urbane apology to Mr. Hoover
had hardly been pasted in the scrapbooks of
earnest .students and seekers of deportment when
he made a loving and a fair reply to Governor
Talmadge, the Georgian Chesterfield with whom
from time to time he has exchanged sympathetic
Really, I don't pay much attention to any-
thing His Chain-Gang Excellency says.
This is a model soft answer. It should have
been enough to turn away a greater wrath than
that of the governor's even if he were a man of
wrath and not the polished controversialist he
is. It was unnecessary to add that "You couldn't
rely on his word"; yet the addition is edifying
and will not be regarded as weakening the effect
of the compliment, in itself a fine instance of
ornamental description. The governor, reverting
to that dialect which he uses to indicate that,
in spite of his intellect and accomplishments, his
heart is with the people, contents himself with
saying of the Secretary: "Aw, he's just one of them
That is a pearl of praise. Boondoggling is a
highly original and admired sort of planning.
Mr. Ickes is one of the most eminent of planners.
So we have here a fair exchange of civilities be-
tween masters of the art. It is to be hoped that
public men of both the great parties, lessoned by
these professors of politeness, may refrain from
scurrility in the Presidential campaign. So theyI
will make groundless the fears of Mr. Farley, who.

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