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May 23, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 167) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN n A l l.V PAG SI TUF l1 ll11 1hiLl TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1961 Wolverine Nine Picked forNCAA District P1 Layoffs Freehan, Joyce Named District All-Stars; Wolverines Travel To…

… to go to Omaha, Neb. and the College World Series. Big Ten Champion Michigan, Mis- souri Valley Conference Champion Cincinnati, Mid-American Confer- ence Champion Western Michigan, and Wolverine

Wolverines' first foe, has compiled an 18-2-2 record throughout the season, compared to Michigan's 20-7., Detroit and Western Michigan posted season records of 15-1=1 and "14-6, respectively. The playoff…

… also announced the District All-Star team yesterday, with Wolverines Bill Freehan and Mike Joyce being named to the ten-man squad. The selections came as no sur- prise to anyone, most of all to those…

… Michigan Today the Wolverines travel to Kalamazoo to face Western Mich- igan in a tuneup and possible pre- view of next week's playoff series. Coach Don Lund has named junior righthander Franz Neubrecht to…

… start against the Broncos, who were ahead of the Wolverines 4-1 in a May 13 game which was called in the fourth inningbecause of rain. In that game, the Broncos threw Bill Ortlieb at the Wolver- ines…

…. Ortlieb is the other pitcher on the All-Star team along with Joyce. Today, however, Western Mich- igan will start righthander Ray. Larned against the Big Ten champs. The game will be the Wolverines' last…

… brilliant Satur day's one - hitter clinched Michigan's playoff berth, will all be available for action against the Titans, Broncos, and Bearcats next week. Along with these pitcher the Wolverines will also…

… the number two singles title in 1959, the year the Wolverines won every possible match in the conference tourna- ment. Last year he played first singles and lost to the champions, Denny Konocki of…

… remarkable 124-21 dual meet record since 1948 behind him and a flock of talent on hand the Wolverines hope to repeat as champs in 1962. Once again, Northwestern and cross-state rival Michigan State should…

May 18, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 163) • Page Image 7

Wolverine Opponents By BRIAN MacCLOWRY OUSpecial To The Diyn ye cocked at the sky, and the Big Ten baseball crown within reach, Mich- igan swings into this fabled Indi- ana city early this afternoon to meet…

… Notre Dame on the first leg of a four-game weekend series. The five-day weather forecast for the Midwest is rain and more rain. If the weather man is cor- rect the Wolverines could back into their first…

… will also assure the Wolverines the title, and a trip to the Mid-Eastern NCAA baseball playoffs. Nobody wants to think what could happen if the Wolverines drop two, or even all three of their conference…

…, againsti the Wolverines on Satur- day. Three Homers In the first game last Saturday Kumerow no only pthd a ie three home runs as well, to win his own ball game 5-4. Johnson whipped Minnesota 4-3 in the sec…

…- ond game. Purdue is resting in a tie for eighth in the conference with a 3-8 record. But Lund has no illusions about LOOKING AHEAD-Wolverine center fielder Ed Hood, shown here awaiting a pitch, figures…

… to see a lot of action this weekend as he and the rest of the team prepare for the final four games of the reg- ular season. The Wolverines currently lead the Big Ten, and hope to keep leading it…

…* looking past the Boilermakers. He was cured of that affliction last year. On opening day in 1960 Lund sent assistant coach Moby Bene- dict to Michigan State to scout Purdue. The Wolverines were scheduled to…

Wolverines on five hits to win 4-2, and hand Michigan their initial Big Ten de- feat. Never Again tom orrow Lund hopes to aver a similar catastrophe. On the brighter side, Michigan catcher Bill Freehan has…

… tournament which opens here to- day. Northwestern, host Michigan State, and Indiana are all solid contenders.W Of th thee th up Wolverines the most trouble. Solid Depth Michigan will rely on Ray Sen- kowski…

… leading their team to a 5-4 dual meet victory over the Wolverines three weeks ago. That day Michigan played with- out Wayne Peacock and Bill Vogt but Northwestern's lone veteran, Charlie Lockhart was also…

May 14, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 160) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 14, TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 14, inkster s Win; Diamoudmen Sweep into First Wolverine Golfers Easily Defeat Spartans, Buckeyes; inish Dual Meet Season…

… with Unblemished Record Highlighting the Wolverines was Youngberg with a 75-72-147, and needless to say it was his best round of the year. Youngberg started out strong in the. morning with a one under…

… Newton was high man with a 159. Michigan led all the way in the lopsided victory. After nine the Wolverines had a four stroke ad- vantage over MSU, and a 16 stroke advantage over the Buckeyes; af- ter the…

… first round Michigan had increased their lead to 14 strokes over the Spartans and 18 over the Buckeyes. Led After 27 After 27 holes the Wolverines led the Spartans by 20, and the Buckeyes by 46, and at…

… the finish the winning margin was 24 and 52 strokes over MSU and OSU respectively. There were several bright spots and a few not so bright spots to the Wolverine victory. Bright, Bright Sun Without a…

May 09, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 155) • Page Image 6

… since Ray Senkowski became ill, rose to the occasion by downing the Bron- co's Kent Miller 6-0, 6-1. Senkow- ski, Wolverine sophomore ace who is undefeated in first singles action this year, has just been…

… Peacock, who had played in the fifth and second slots respec- tively for the Wolverines, took on Miller and Zuidema, Western's two top players, in the first doubles action. Behind the serve of Pea- cock and…

… finished third in the Big Ten meet last year, were 7-2 victims of the Wolverines' cham- pion squad .in a dual meet last year. Coach Murphy plans to use Ten- ney, Peacock, MacDonald, Vogt, Maentz, and Tim…

…, Katzenmeyer set a 450 goal for his team. Last week, on the cold and wet Univer- sity Golf Course and against medi- ocre Detroit, the Wolverines failed with a 446 total. Broke Barrier However, last week-end at…

…, Scoring 451. But during the after- noon round, the Wolverines tore up the course for a 446, an average of 74.3 per man. The 897 overall total gave Michi- gan an average score of 74.75 per man. However, it…

… by Dick Staats Jon Windness, Rick Gleac- her and Jim Wagner, the Wildcats notched a 901 score, a mere four strokes above the Wolverines. Katzenmeyer was pleased with all of his six golfers. "I can…

Wolverines invade Wayne State. Over the weekend Don Lund's club split a doubleheader with powerful Indiana and relinquished its Big Ten lead to Minnesota. The Gophers and Wolverines have each lost one contest…

… second meet- ing of the year between the two teams. The Wolverines won the first game, 14-8, with Marcereau picking up the win. in co-operation with the Creative Arts Festival present A FOREIGN AUTO SHOW…

May 02, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

… the Wolverines in action today when the defend- ing Big Ten champs take on De- troit on the tennis courts at 3 p.m. For the Wolverines, who evened up their season's record at 3-3 with victories over…

… Titans have never beaten the perennially powerful Wolver- ines who have compiled a 118-21 record since 1948. Wolverines Upset In addition to its two victories, Michigan was upended by sopho- more…

… match with Indiana he became ill, forcing the Wolverines to forfeit the match. Encouraging Sight The sweeps. by Maentz and Hienle were an encouraging sight to Wolverine coach Bill Murphy, since it gives…

… apiece to the Wolverine cause. 'A' SOFTBALL: Tinaylor Nip .Anderson Pitcher Bill Buhl withstood a determined Anderson House rally and a streak of his own wildness to preserve a 7-2 victory for Tay- lor…

May 25, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 169) • Page Image 6

… for the Lundquist Insurance team of Detroit, a na- tional championship team. On the team, along with Fisher, were pres- ent Wolverines Bill Freehan, Dick Honig and Jim Steckley. Fisher seemed to be…

…, however, I start finding the plate more easily, and the walks usually go way down." Fanned 69 A follower of Wolverine statis- tics will know that Fisher has struck out 69 batters in 57i/3 in- nings pitched…

… as a Wolverine. This, too, is not a rarity for Fisher. "I always had a lot of strikeouts, even in high school." "The difference between me now and when I first came to Michi- gan is that today I'm more…

… that won games despite their sub-par bat- ting averages. These two knocked in all the runs against Minnesota. Statistics indicate that ' the Wolverines' depth and balance were instrumental in the tea…

May 03, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 150) • Page Image 6

… Three-Run Fourth Inning Homer Gives U-D 3-2 Win; Wolverines Held to Five Hits as McGinn Takes Loss By JOHN SCOCHIN It takes six men to make a tennis team, but Coach Murphy's squad did without three of…

…, the number two and five men, were tied up in3 the classroom and missed Tues-1 day's action. The Wolverines,i nevertheless, spared little time n waylaying the Titan sextet, despite; the cold weather and…

…, came up with a two-run single. On a full count, Syring poked a soft, low looper that floated into short left field. While the ball floated, Steckley and Honig raced home with two Wolverine runs, and Syr…

…- ing took second on a throw home. However, the rally ended there. The Wolverines did not threaten again seriously until the eighth inning, but Dick DeLamielleure struck out with the bases loaded. In the…

…. The next test for the Wolverines will come this weekend when they travel to Wilmette Country Club outside Evanstan to meet North- western and Illinois in a trian- gular meet. wow ST. LOUIS (A') -- Think…

May 21, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… Garber, resigned yesterday saying he no longer enjoys the confidence of President William V. S. Tub- * * * * * * * * * * * * H I I 4 eV Wolverines Win Big Ten Baseball Title Fisher Tops…

… to the NCAA district play- offs when he hurled a magnifi- cent one-hitter at Illinois; in the first game of a doubleheader here yesterday. Illinois' Ron Johnson held the Wolverines to four hits in…

… Competition BY TOM VITECKI Sports Editor Michigan athletes closed one of the most successful years in Wolverine sport history yesterday by adding Conference championships in baseball, outdoor track and tennis…

… Illinois' record 74 points and the Wolverines' win- ning indoor score of 69 two months ago. Indiana was second with 36 points, Illinois 27 1/5, Iowa 24%/, Northwestern 24 1/5, Michigan state 16, Minnesota 15…

… East Lansing, Coach Bill Murphy's tennis team topped host Michigan State, with sophomore star Ray Senkowski taking top in- dividual honors. The title was the Wolverines' third in a row and the sixth in…

… seven years. At Iowa City, Tom Robinson and Ergas Leps took two firsts apiece as the Wolverines won their first outdoor track title since" 1956. Coach Don Canham's squad has won the indoor title for the…

May 30, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 173) • Page Image 7

…'m very happy," MacDonald said. "I've always wanted to play pro hockey but I didn't think that I'd ever get the chance. However, the Wolverine star in- dicated that the arrangements were similar to those…

… education. In his last year fo' Michigan MacDonald picked up 12 goals and 10 assists to finish in a three-way tie with Al Hinnegan and Bill Kelly for third place among the Wolverine marksmen. He was also used…

May 30, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 173) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Lep 880, Mile Titlist, Elected Track Captain Bearcats Down Wolverines in Ten n Ll L. Ergas Leps, Big Ten titlist in the 880-yd. and mile run, was elected captain of the…

… league double down the right field line. A wild pitch moved him to third, where he scored on Freehan's sac- rifice fly to center. As it turned out that was the end 'of the line for the Wolverines. They…

May 20, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

… in the thick of the fight for the four spring championships. Indiana (swimming) and Michigan State (wrestling) stopped the Wolverines' dream last February, and these two nemeses, along with Ohio State…

…, are blocking the road again this spring. The Wolverine baseball team got back into its winning ways yes- terday by downing Purdue, 7-5. Bill Freehan poled two homers and a two-run ninth inning single to…

… propel Michigan to its ninth Big Ten victory against one loss. The win coupled with Wisconsin's upset victory over Indiana gave the Wolverines a little breathing space at the top of the standings. A split…

Wolverines to a come from be- hind 7-5 victory over Purdue. The victory coupled with In- diana's 5-0 loss to Wisconsin left the Wolverines needing only a split in this afternoon's double- header against…

May 14, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…-Michigan's Joe Jones tags second as Northwestern's Bill Schwarm attempts to slide in in yesterday's action. The Wolverines took both games, 6-3 and 7-2, and the Big Ten lead. Wolverine Nine Leads Big Ten Cl…

… twentieth century feudalism, he ... lew capitalism said. By BRIAN MacCLOWRY Michigan jumped into the lead in the Big Ten baseball race yes- terday when Fritz Fisher and Bob Marcereau pitched the Wolverines

… virtual first place tie with Michigan by defeating Purdue twice, 14-8 and 7-6. With three conference games remaining, the Wolverines hold a .071 per- centage lead over, the Hoosiers, but are one game to the…

… out at least three of his starting assignments. The only question that remains now is who's going to stop these rampaging Wolverines? Only a 3-2 heartbreaker against Indiana mars Plan Re-Use Of Mercury…

May 19, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 164) • Page Image 6

… erased 5-2 Michigan lead with three rum in the sixth inning. Wolverine southpaw Bill Br feld replaced starter Franz Neu brecht in the seventh and ha shutout Notre Dame on one h until the tenth. Gentempo…

… hits and four Notre Dame errors, Walker settled down and blanked the Wolverines on three hits for the final five frames. Just Six Hits Neubrecht and Brefeld held the Irish to only six hits, but three…

Wolverines made it 5-2 on Freehan's single, a walk to Steckley and error on Walker, who dropped the throw while covering first base on Spal- la's ground ball. The Notre Dame fans were real- ly a on Freehan…

May 24, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 168) • Page Image 6

… on a single, a double, and a third strike that Freehan. dropped which permitted Ihne to reach base safely. A sacrifice by Michalski brought in the fourth tally. Meanwhile, the Wolverines were battering…

…. Newcomb was the number two Wolverine in the Big Ten Cham- pionship Meet with a 306 total for 72 holes. Darnton has narrowly missed winning a number of close races in distance freestyle events, not- ably…

… State Two More Runs The home team registered two runs in their half of the fourth to bolster their lead to E-2. Both runs came on the play on which Freehan sustained his cut. The Wolverines, far from…

… Larsen and fanned Newman to end the threat and leave the sacks full for the second consecutive inning. The Wolverines managed but one hit off Hamet, a ninth in- ning single by Halstead, but Steckley…

May 12, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 158) • Page Image 6

… compete on the same track with the great Wolverines. And even more interestingly, they deny that they will slam the discus. In fact, they are conceding the event to Michigan. "That's nice," commented as…

… Dave Martin and Western's John Bork and Dick Pond. And despite Canham's pessim- ism, the Wolverines go into the meet as the favorites. Of course that's allhdependent upon what will happen in the discus…

May 05, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 152) • Page Image 8

… will, in effect, destroy the SGC Wolverine Club. Therefore,I Student Government Council requests1 that the Board in Control of Intercol-l legiate Athletics maintain the SGC Wol- verine Club Block M in…

… its present lo- cation (i.e., from row 25 to and includ- ing tow 70 in sections 25 and 26). Stu- dent Government Council requests that its President and the president of the SGC Wolverine Club be able…

May 27, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 172) • Page Image 7

… all year, and' al- though Fisher looked sharper in the Illinois doubleheader last weekend, the Wolverine mentor will continue to follow the pattern that brought Michigan its first Big Ten baseball title…

…, won one game in relief against Michigan State. By being paired with Cincinatti in the first game, Michigan will avoid meeting either of the teams that have accounted for three' of the Wolverines nine…

…; and Cincinnati square off for a double elimination playoff series beginning Monday at Ferry Field. The Wolverine player shown is shortstop Dick Honig. SPORT SHORTS: Boston Breaks Record; Villanova Takes…

May 11, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 157) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _THIsDAI i At the 19th H~ole with Fred Steinhardt xTMoments To Remember ICHIGAN'S SWIMMING SEASON and a stirring NCAA victory are many weeks past and Wolverine sports fans are…

…' 9", 150-lb. sophomore phys- ical education major from Detroit. is currently pounding the servings of Big Ten pitchers at a .391 clip, and is one of the main reasons fr the Wolverines' surge this…

… season. Double-play Maker He has had 27 hits in 19 games ,for the Wolverines, including a four-for-five day against Indiana, the game which Michigan won 24-5. In addition to his hitting, he has saved…

May 05, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 152) • Page Image 5

… Wheeler, '61, that the Intercollegiate Board of Ath- letics maintain the SGC-Wolverine Club block 'M' card section in its present location in the Stadium. The board is considering mov- ing the card section…

… to the end- zone which would in effect de- stroy the club. The Council requested through the motion that Wolverin~e Club President Judy Kaplan, '61, and Council President Richard Nohl, '61, be allowed…

May 30, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

… Bill Faul's five hit pitching combined to give Cincinnati a ten inning 3-1 victory over the Wolverines yesterday in the first round of the District Four NCAA baseball playoffs. And unless the men in blue…

May 24, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

Wolverine hope world series in Omaha, for sluggin gash on his left hand that requir It is not known whether the ready come Monday when Michigai cats in a first round game. Freehan Inji hFrhn'shn iniur…

May 21, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 166) • Page Image 6

… champ Mike Johnson of Purdue a real battle in the pole vault, finally finishing second at 14' 0" when Johnson made 14' 4" on his second try. Wolverine Steve Overtn fin- ished in a five way tie for third…

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