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Hligh-7 2
Becoming cooler tonight
and tomorrow.
See Page 4
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
Set Informal Tala
On Cold War Cris
President Hopes Parley Will E
Full Evaluation of Soviet Po1
WASHINGTON (k)--President John F. Kennedy and S
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev will meet in Vienna the weeken
3 and 4 for informal talks-but not an attempt Ito settle m
West issues.
This was pointed up by an announcement yesterday
chiefs of government of the two major powers in the Cold
see each other while President Kennedy is on his European
It will be their first meeting since Kennedy became Pre
No Negotiations
"The President and Premier Khrushchev understand
meeting is not for the purpose of negotiating or reaching agr
the major international
Vienna Meeting
* 4**
to meet Khrushchev
'' Experts
Favor Talks
University, foreign and Congres-
sional comment was generally
favorable on the upcoming meeting
between President John F. Ken-
nedy and Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev early next month.
"I see no harm in an attempt
on the part of the President to
discover the state of mind of his
principle antagonist," Prof. Henry
Bretton of the political science
department said last night.
"I also think that it would be
beneficial if the determination of
determination of the United States
to resist pressure on certain issues
could be communicated to the
Russians," he said.
Desires Acquaintance
Prof. William Ballis, also of the
political science deparement, said
that Kennedy desires to get ac-
quainted with Khrushchev and to
enable Khrushchev to recognize
that in future negotiations, the
United States will negotiate from
strength rather than weakness.
The British foreign office said
that "such a meeting could im-
prove the atmosphere for interna-
tional negotiation."
Members of the entourage of
French President Charles de
Gaulle unofficially reported that
C he has no objection to the meeting
but also little enthusiasm.
Expresses Confidence
West German Chancellor Kon-
rad Adenauer commented that "it
is desirable and necessary for the
two leaders to become personally
acquainted." He expressed "full
confidence" in Kennedy to protect
West German interests.
In Washington, Senate Demo-
cratic Leader Mike Mansfield of
Montana remarked that "no one
should have any great expecta-
tions concerning the meeting," al-
though it certainly is a good idea
for the two chiefs of state to dis-
cuss world problems informally.
However, Sen. Eugene McCarthy
(D-Minn) questioned the timing
of the conference after the events
in Cuba and Laos. "It seems to me
Khrushchev has most of the
marbles now."
Peace Corps
To Test Soon
Candidates for the Peace Corps
who want to begin their service
this summer will be tested next
Saturday, June 5, or possibly June
that involve the interest of many
other countries," the White House
statement said.
"The meeting will, however, af-
ford a timely and convenient op-
portunity for the first personal
contact between them and a gen-
eral exchange of views on the ma-
jor issues which affect the rela-
tionships between the two coun-
President Kennedy will fly to
Vienna probably during the morn-
ing of June 3. He will make a two-
hour flight from Paris, following
his May 31-June 2 visit with Pres-
ident Charles de Gaulle of France.
London Trip
Late on Sunday, June 4, the
President plans to head home-
ward, stopping in London. In Lon-
don he. will lunch with Prime
Minister Harold M. Macmillan be-
fore leaving for Washington late
in the evening.
United States officials disclosed
that President Kennedy took the
first step toward meeting Khrush-
chev. The secret negotiations be-
gan last February. 'The project
cooled off as United States-Soviet
relations deteriorated in March
and April, but Khrushchev revived
the idea early this month.
The original United States idea
was to get President Kennedy into
a session with Khrushchev be-
cause all other major world lead-
ers had negotiated with the Krem-
lin chieftain except the new Pres-
ident. The plan was, and still is,
for an informal chat, not a formal,
negotiating summit conference.
President Kennedy wants the
conference to evaluate his chief
adversary on the international
Soviets Develop
New Technique
MOSCOW (P)- - Ostislav Kei-
dysh. new president of the Soviet
Academy of Sciences, saad lavt
night Russians have applied a new
principle of space vehicle iaunch-
ings: "The start of a guided cos-
mic rocket from aboard a heavy
artificial earth satellite."
Keldysh, a mathematician chos-
en yesterday for Russia's ton
science job, told a meeting of the
academy, "Such a method (of
launching) has opened up a new
possibility for interplanetary
flights. In this case, there is no
longer any need to select certain
dates for flights to the moon."
-AP Wirephoto
BOARD MEETING-The State Board of Education, meeting at Western Michigan University, considered solutions for the problem of
financing four state universities and colleges with a reduced legislative appropriation. The Board considered the possibility of closing
Northern Michigan College. Shown from the left are: Mrs. Cornelia Robinson, of Kalamazoo; Western Michigan University President
James W. Miller; Board Secretary Mrs. Eva Westfall; member Chris H. Magnuson of Detroit; and chairman Dr. Stephen S. Nisbet, of
Africa Ends'
CAPE TOWN M - - South Af-
rica's government yesterday put
the nation under an increasingly
stringent siege-like rule with the
aim of smashing in advance the
three days of strikes and demon-
strations proclaimed by nonwhite
spokesmen for the end of May.
Prime Minister Hendrik F. Ver-
woerd's Minister of Justice, Fran-
cois Erasmus, banned all public
meetings except church .services
until June 26.
At the same time police swept
across the country, rounding up
thousands of nonwhite and sus-
pected white subversives in non-
stop raids.
Courts all over the country con-
ducted assembly line trials of per-
sons seized in raids yesterday and
The Ministry of Defense, which
is putting the country's police and
armed forces on a battle footing
to crush internal unrest, also an-
nounced the virtual closing of
South Africa's northeastern cor-
ner area which borders on the
Portuguese colony of Mozambique.
An antiwhite revolt is feared
also by Portuguese authorities.
'Harden Sees Freeze
InFaculty Salaries
Officials of Four State Institutions
Predict No Increase in Enrollment
By The Associated Press
KALAMAZOO-The State Board of Education yesterday
considered the problems of sharp cutbacks at Northern Mich-
igan College and the possibility of closing the school com-
Edgar Harden, president of NMC, told the board his
institution must freeze faculty-salaries. He recommended that
NMC's John D. Pierce High School be closed before the start
of the fall semester.
The board, governing body for Northern Michigan, and
Central, Eastern and Western Michigan Universities, meets
again today to consider pro-T
Hilberry Defends WSU Action.
Wayne State University Presi-
dent Clarence B. Hilberry yester-
day made public an open letter of
explanation of WSU s recent bud-
get cuts.
The letter, sent to the legislative
appropriations committee chair-
men Sen. Elmer Porter (R-Bliss-
field) and Rep. Arnold Engstrom
(R-Traverse City) called WSU's
policies "perfectly obvious," in
Ask Change
BUFFALO MP)-Protestant col-
leges were advised yesterday to get
rid of the attitude that they
should provide "protective shelter-
ing from ideas" considered hostile
to the faith.
In a lengthy report, a Presby-
terian education committee said
church-run colleges must offer the
best in scholarship-even when it
involves challenges to church
There is no place in higher edu-
cation for "the kind of pietism
which substitutes the devotional
for the intellectual and which is
the death of learning," the report
view of the reduced appropriation,
and added the actions were "en-
tirely non-political."
WSU's budget request of $19.4
million was reduced to $15.6 mil-
lion by the Legislature, $217,000
less than last year's figure.
Francis Hurls Accusation
In another statement released
yesterday, Senate Republicanma-
jortiy leader Lynn Francis of
Midland asserted that recent deci-
sions by state universities to freeze
enrollments are "deliberate moves
to discredit the Legislature."
Francis, a member of the Senate
appropriations committee, added
"he was beginning to think Michi-
gan college educators are a bunch
of fakers, especially when they use
the figures they have been throw-
ing around the past week or so."
Commenting on Francis' state-
ment, Regent Donald Thurber said,
"the statement is not at all in
accord with the facts."
Thurber Comments
Referring to a Regents dinner'
with Engstrom last night, Thurber
commented, "I am glad Rep. Eng-
strom has taken a more responsible
position and has made no such
unfounded assertions.'"
Engstrom said he thought Hil-
berry's letter and his meeting with
the Regents would help "clear the
air. I'm sure the Legislature and
the universities have the same in-
terests," he commented. "What we
have to do is cease making vindic-
tive charges and try to resolve the
Engstrom said Hilberry's state-
ment "seemed acceptable." He
added that he would have further
comment upon receipt of the let-
Big Ten Alters
'Tender' Status
Special To The Daily
IOWA CITY-The unpredictable
Big Ten athletic directors and
faculty representative threw much
of what they accomplished Thurs-
day out the window yesterday by
reconsidering and passing the
"package plan" on athletic finan-
cial, aid.
This resolution eliminates the
need factor as a basis for finan-
cial aid to athletes and instead
requires a "predictable" 1.7 grade
point average out of a possible 4
point based on high school grades
and entrance exams for incoming
freshmen. It also reduces the
total number of athletic tenders
a school can offer from 100 to 80.
The directors seeped to contra-
dict themselves again by deciding
See BIG TEN, Page 6
posals brought up at yester-
day's meeting.
Recommend No Increase
The presidents of all four in-
stitutions of higher learning rec-
ommended no increase in enroll-
ments for the fall semester-thus
following the lead of the Univer-
sity and Michigan State Univer-
Meeting at WMU here, Harden
told the board that under the Leg-
islature's 1961-62 appropriation,
he will be able to spend only
$6,000 for badly needed equip-
"We need nearly $140,000 worth
of equipment," he said. "As it is,
we're renting typewriters and add-
ing machines and doing without
microscopes and other laboratory
Faculty Resigning
He said three faculty members
resigned last week because salary
increases have not been met. His
school had asked the Legislature
for a $250,000 budget increase, but
received only a $34,017 increment.
Harden said closing of Pierce
High School would take seven fac-
ulty positions from the secondary
school and allow them to be used
by the college. He said the col-
lege also would be able to use the
added room.
He wants the state board to
consider no salary increases for
faculty members during the next
school year for the college at Mar-
quette and to discontinue state
board scholarships for students.
Face Dilemma
Eugene Elliott of Eastern Mich-
igan told the board his university
is faced with a choice of two prob-
lems-the closing of 'its experi-
mental Roosevelt High School or
raising tuitions.
A group of Ypsilanti citizens
appeared before the board to re-
quest that the high school remain
open by doubling the current tui-
tion. It proposed making the tui-
tion $10 a year for the Roosevelt
Elementary School and $20 for the
high school.
Elliott expressed doubt that the
increased tuition for the second-
ary schools would give the uni-
versity enough money to maintain
a status quo.
Can Give Raises
Norvel Bovee, Central Michi-
gan vice-president, said Central
feels it can give faculty raises
called for annually by the board
next year. However, Miller asked
the state board for flexibility in
giving increases on a spot basis,
some of them to come with facul-
ty promotions.
StephenyNisbit of Freemont,
chairman of the four-member
board, said a dilemma would occur
if the four institutions varied on
pay raises.
MIPA Urges
More Fun ds
For Schools,
The Michigan Interscholastic
Press Association yesterday urged
the State Legislature to abandon
its "apparent indifference" to the
growing numbers of college age
youth and find more funds for
higher education.
The MIPA statement came out
of an emergency session attended
by teachers of journalism and ad-
visers to newspapers and year-
books representing 120 Michigan
high schools.
The group, holding its annual
convention at the University,
called for a "return to the State's
policy to encourage intelligent
planning and natural growth of
our great. institutions of higher
"It is inconceivable that a mod-
ern legislature can be unaware of
the problem of survival that this
nation faces in world affairs, and
that at these critical times it
should reduce the educational op-
portunities through which alone
the nation can meet its obliga-
tions, both in the services to our
citizens as well as in the leader-
ship expected of the United States
in a divided world."
The MIPA further urged that
all teacher education programs be
supported at "top level" so that
the need for more and better
qualified teachers may be "reason-
ably" met.
The secondary school officials
also asked that the Legislature
"assume its responsibility of lead-
ership by arranging a tax system
that will support the services the
citizens of Michigan need.'
Group Awaits
'Mixed' Ride
In Alabama
BIRMINGHAM W)-A racially
mixed group of college students
remained at a Birmingham bus
station last night, apparently
heading into a marathon effort to
ride integrated out of this tense
Deep South city.
Drivers' refusals to take them
on the road-perhaps because they
fear another outburst of race viol-
ence-stymied the group time and
The mounting tension, now'in
'M' Teams Vie for Four Sports Crowns
Roundup *..*ByTO
After barely missing a sweep of the four Big Ten winter champion-
ships by eight points, Michigan is once again in the thick of the fight
for the four spring championships.
Indiana (swimming) and Michigan State (wrestling) stopped the
Wolverines' dream last February, and these two nemeses, along with
Ohio State, are blocking the road again this spring.
The Wolverine baseball team got back into its winning ways yes-
terday by downing Purdue, 7-5. Bill Freehan poled two homers and a
two-run ninth inning single to propel Michigan to its ninth Big Ten
victory against one loss.
The win coupled with Wisconsin's upset victory over Indiana gave
the Wolverines a little breathing space at the top of the standings.
A split of today's doubleheader with Illinois will assure Michigan of
the title even if Indiana should sweep its two-game set.
,.- V-+ T -na . +S '\A'n -ira fan . oam is n nvP ia . t+wn_
Baseball . ..I
Special To The Daily
LAFAYETTE - Bill Freehan
literally lifted Michigan off the
floor here yesterday when he bit
two home runs, two singles, and
drove in five runs to propell the
Wolverines to a come from be-
hind 7-5 victory over Purdue.
The victory coupled with In-
diana's 5-0 loss to Wisconsin left
the Wolverines needing only a
split in this afternoon's double-
header against Illinois to wrap up
their first Big Ten title since 1953.
It had to be one of the greatest
nne-mannerfornmanens in Michi-