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May 21, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-21

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See Page 4


5k q~an


Showers likely tomorrow
with slightly lower temperatures.

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Four State Schools Hike


Cut Operations

Board Votes To Hike
w Out-of-State Fees
Decides To Drop NMC High School,
But Chooses To Continue EMU Unit
Eastern, Western and Central Michigan Universities and North-
ern Michigan College will raise out-of-state tuition and cut opera-
tions and maintenance next year in order to meet the appropriations
given them by the Legislature.
The State Board of Education, meeting in an almost unprece-
dented two-day session, Friday and yesterday, decided to discontinue
the teacher-training high school at NMC and to raise pupil tuition
at the EMU experimental school.
Normal Schools
Both schools are major parts of the institutions' programs, re-
maining from the period when the four schools were solely teacher-
training colleges. The board's ac-
tions on the two high schools were
E rolim eni different because the EMU school
is larger and can train more
teachers than that at NMC,
4 Cuts B lasted Chairman Stephen Nisbat said.
Purchases of new equipment,
maintenance costs and proposed
B y E nigstroi faculty salary increases must be
severely cut or completely elimi-
nated, the board said. Out-of-stae
TRAVERSE CITY (J)-Sen. Ar- tuition will be raised $110.
nell Engstrom (R-Traverse City), Instruct Officers
chairman of the House Appropria-
tions Committee, yesterday blast- The board's action was in the
ed back at the state's universities form of instructions to the in-
for their decisions to cut student stitutions' administrations, laying
enrollments this fall. down the principles they are to
"If any institution denies ad- use in preparing an operating bud-
mission toqualified Michigan stu- get for the next year. The budgets
dents, it should justify its action will be submitted to the board at
on the basis of all the facts and I its June meeting. d
will ask the House Ways and All four colleges will hold en-
Means Committee to insist on rollments at present levels, the
such justification," he said. board decided.
The University, Michigan State The board's action leaves only
University and Wayne State Uni- one of the state's nine public col-
versity all have said they will be leges and universities to formally
forced to reduce the number of act on its budget after the Legis-
students admissions this fall be- lature passed the appropriations
cause they didn't get enough bill.
money from the Legislature., Michigan Tech
Engstrom said he was disturbed This is the Michigan College of
by the recruiting of out-of-state Mining and Technology, where the
students at the universities and administration has announced that
the inclusion of such courses as it plans to recommend a tuition
ones for bowling, badminton, folk hike for at least out-of-state rtu-
dancing, bait fishing and flycast- dents to the governing board.
ing, all offered at Wayne. Michigan Tech has about 30 per
In Holland, Sen. Clyde H. Geer- cent out-of-state students, the
bigs (R-Eolland) said yesterday second largest percentage of the
he believes the Legislature has nine schools.1
been more than fair to educa- The other four institutions all
tion." plan either to hold enrollments at
. Geerlings, chairman of the Sen- the present levels or to cut them.
ate Taxations Committee, said ap-
propriations for primary, second-
ary and higher education were in- A
creased by $75 million in antici- South A frica
pation of the recent 'one-cent in-
crease in the state sales tax.
The $75 million amounted to al- Faces Strike
most two-thirds of the $120 mil-
lion increase in state revenue JOHANNESBURG ) - Two
realized for the sales tax hike. J
more citizen defense regiments
were called up yesterday to help
enta H ealth TSouth Africa's white government
ivien ai n aitn tighten its control over restive
Negroes threatening a nationwide
Budget Deficit strike.1
Regular armed forces already
arp on battle alert and police have
Forces Cuts been bolstered against the strike
call issued for May 29-31 to protest
The State Mental Health Corn- South Africa's change to a repub-
The tateMentl Helth om-lic.
mission has decided to abandon When the nation leaves the
one of its hospitals and to curtail British Commonwealth May 31,
certain other programs because of the Negroes feel the last restriants
a budget deficit of more than against white supremacy policies
$2,000,000. here will have gone. The voteless
The commission decided on Fri- Negroes demand political rights;
day to drop its lease for the Farm- Prime Minister Hendrik F. Ver-
m ove Children's Hospital and to woerd's government has shown no
move about 300 retarded and men-
tally ill children from there into inclination of yielding.
the first of two units that is com-
pleted near Plymouth. TENNIS:
They also decided to send only
25 out of a planned 200 psychotic

prisoners from Jackson State
Tecommission's naew Howl e n
Prison to the Ionia State Hospital.Th omsinsnwHwl
facility will maintain its present
patient load of 144 instead of ex-
k panding it to its 390-bed capacity.
Thirty idle beds for the mentally
ill at the Southwestern Michigan
Tuberculosis Hospital will not be .
filled either.
Garber Quits
Liberian Post
MONROVIA, Liberia (M)-Li-
beria's Attorney General, Joseph
Garber, resigned yesterday saying
he no longer enjoys the confidence
of President William V. S. Tub-

















Win Big Ten
Baseball Title
Fisher Tops Illini,
Pitches One-itter
special To The Daily
CHAMPAIGN - Unaffected by
the intermittent rain, sophomore
Fritz Fisher pitched Michigan to
the Big Ten baseball title and with
it a trip to the NCAA district play-
offs when he hurled a magnifi-
cent one-hitter at Illinois; in the
first game of a doubleheader here
Illinois' Ron Johnson held the
Wolverines to four hits in pitch-
ing the Illini to a 4-1 victory in
the seven inning nightcap, but it
didn't matter.
Clinch First
The first game victory had lifted
the Wolverines' Big Ten record to
10- and made it mathematically
impossible for second place Min-
nesota to collar them even if they
swept their doubleheader.
Bill Freehan continued his in-
believable hitting in both Y Imes.
After gathering four hits in five
tries at Purdue Friday Freehan
came back yesterday with four
singles in six trips, .wo in each
In the first gar. e, Fisher and Il-
linois' Ernie Ktmerow hooked up
in one of those old fashioned
things that you hardly see any
more-a pitching duel. Throagh
the first five innings each hadal-
lowed only one run on one hit.
But in the sixth the Wolverines
broke the game wide open. Free-
han reached first on an error.
Merullo Doubles
John Halstead flied to center
and Jim Steckley topped to second
base, but Joe Merullo, hitless in
his last seven at-bats, rammed a
double off the right-centerfield
fence to score Freehan.
Ed Hood drove in the second
run of the inning when he liaed a
curve ball to left field bringing
in Merullo.
That was all Fisher needed. Us-
ing a crackling fast ball and a
dipsy-doo curve, he set the Il-
lini down in 1-2-3 order over the
final four innings to chalk up his
third conference win against one
Only Hit
Illinois' only hit off the lean,
blond southpaw came in the se-
cond inning when catcher Lloyd
Flodin lined a clean single to left
In the third inning the Illini
scored their only run without ben-
efit of a hit. Fisher walked second
baseman John Matt and he moved
to second on Tony Provenzano's
Matt then got a big jump on
Fisher and stole third. He scored
See FISHER, Page 7

lBaseball, Tenni'*s,
TrackWin Meets'
Five Crowns Captured by Squads
In This Year's Big Ten Competition
Sports Editor
Michigan athletes closed one of the most successful years
in Wolverine sport history yesterday by adding Conference
championships in baseball, outdoor track and tennis to the
two crowns they won in March.
Coach Don Lund's baseball team won the first game of
a doubleheader at Illinois yesterday to clinch Michigan's first
Conference crown since 1953. Southpaw Fritz Fisher pitched

-AP Wirephoto
BIG TEN CHAMPIONS!-Members of the Michigan track team admire the championship plaque
they won at Iowa City yesterday. Gathered around the plaque are Marsh Dickerson, Captain Tom
Robinson, Dick Cephas and John Gregg. Looking on are Don Chalfant, Ben McRae and Dave Martin.
Thiuc lads Swvzeep Big Ten Meet,

< 7---

Special To The Daily
IOWA CITY-Michigan's fired-
up trackmen made it a clean
sweep of the Conference Cham-
pionships here yesterday by scor-
ing 55 1/5 points in the Big Ten
outdoor meet, leaving their rivals
to fight over the table scraps.
This victory was even more sa-
tisfying to Coach Don Canham
than the indoor title because of
the outstanding performances
turned by four members of the
Tom Robinson sprinted to double
wins and tied the Varsity record
for the 100-yd. dash. Ergas Leps,
middle-distance man, also took
double wins and in his familiar

finishing kick repeated his mile
championship time.
Hurdlers Bennie McRae and
Dick Cephas turned in single wins
in good style. Cephas flashed over
the 220-yd. lows around a turn
making a new Big Ten record and
McRae hurdled to win the 120-yd
Michigan's 55 1/5 point total
was well below Illinois' record 74
points and the Wolverines' win-
ning indoor score of 69 two months
ago. Indiana was second with 36
points, Illinois 27 1/5, Iowa 24%/,
Northwestern 24 1/5, Michigan
state 16, Minnesota 15, Ohio State
141/2, Purdue 13 1/5, and Wiscon-
sin 5 1/5.
Robinson got revenge against
Indiana's Eddie Miles, who beat
him in the indoor 60-yd. dash, by
coming through to win the 100 in
:09.5, tying the Varsity record
he holds jointly with Sam Stoller.
He also won the 220 in 21.1.
"He let up coming down the
home stretch," pointed out Can-
ham, "because he thought he

would have to run in the mile re-
lay. That's the best Robinson's
ever been. Boy, was he sharp! If
he had run all out, he'd have had
himself a 220 record, too.
Nine Titles
These were the eighth and ninth
Big Ten sprint titles for Robinson,
who lost his only Conference race
to Miles, and missed the outdoor
meet as a sophomore because of
in juries.
Leps turned on his familiar fin-
ishing kick to win the 880 in 1:54.0,
and to repeat as mile champ in
4 Best Day
McRae and Cephas had one of
the best days of their careers, the
former negotiating the 120-yd.
highs in :13.7 while Cephas flash-
ed over the 220-yd. lows around a
turn in :23.4, setting a new Big
Ten record.
Canham has thought for some
time that they are two of the beet
hurdlers in Conference history.
"In fact, I was sure of it. It was
See ROBINSON, Page 6

Plan Change
For Bureau,
WASHINGTON (P) - The State
Department's Intelligence and Re-
search Bureau is being revamped
to promote efficiency and economy,
officials said today.
Under the shakeup, a large
chunck of the unit would be sent
"up the river" to the Central In-
telligence Agency. CIA is moving
to a new building on the Potomac
river above Washington.
The reorganization has nothing
to do with the intelligence inquiry
President Kennedy has assigned
retired Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor,
former Army staff chief, to con-
duct in the wake of the Cuban
fiasco, authorities said.

o wskiLeadsNe
Special To'
titles to pull away from arch riva
sixth Big Ten tennis title in seven
Ray Senkowski, Wayne Peacocl
won individual titles as the Wolverir
Indiana hung on to third place
western with 28. The rest in order
Purdue 9, Wisconsin 8, Ohio State
Win in]
Senkowski and Peacock also t
doubles title and Bruce MacDonal
Jim Tenney and Maentz lost to Jim
western in the number two finals.
However, MacDonald was surr

Rusk Assesses Measures
Needed in Laos Negotiations
WASHINGTON (P)---Secretary of State Dean Rusk arrived back
in Washington last night from the Geneva conference on Laos with
the observation that "a lot of hard work is ahead" before any definite
results can be obtained.
He said that there was still three main points to be ironed out:
Effective Cease-Fire
Clarification of ways-to obtain an effective cease-fire control;
Reaching of an understanding on the meaning of neutrality (There
nowas a difference of concept of
neutrality among the countries in-
volved in the talks, he said) ; Cop-
ing with the indications that the
communists "will want to sprinkle
a lot of vetos throughout the nego-
Rusk left Geneva, apparently
having won the good will of the
VEINHARDT neutral Asian delegations to the
The Daily 14-nation conference on Laos.
von four singles and two doubles Meanwhile Tokyo reported that
li Michigan State and capture its Laos' pro-Communist rebels
years, claimed the pro-Western govern-
1k, Bill Vogt, and Scott Maentz all ment's troops, supported by South
nes amassed 72 points to MSU's 5 Viet Nam units, launched attacks
with 33 points, followed by North- Maymein violation of a cease-fire
were Illinois 21, Minnesota 13%, agreement.
'l l2, nd Iwa , iRed China's New China News
7%, and Iowa 2. agency quoted the rebels as charg-
Doubles ing an unspecified number of
eamed up to win the number one South Viet Nam troops took part
d and Vogt won at number three. in attacks in Northern and South-
a Kohl and Jim Erickson of North- ern Laos.
Western sources mn Laos said
yesterday the royal government
prised by steady Jack Damson of apparently is trying to stall peace

a nifty one-hitter and Bill0
Freehan continued his spec-
tacular hitting (his .585 aver-
age won the Conference title)
to pace the win.
At East Lansing, Coach Bill
Murphy's tennis team topped host
Michigan State, with sophomore
star Ray Senkowski taking top in-
dividual honors. The title was the
Wolverines' third in a row and the
sixth in seven years.
At Iowa City, Tom Robinson
and Ergas Leps took two firsts
apiece as the Wolverines won
their first outdoor track title since"
1956. Coach Don Canham's squad
has won the indoor title for the
past three years.
The golf team, however, did not
do too well. They finished seventh
as Jack Nicklaus paced Ohio State
to victory.
In March, Michigan athletes
won the Conference gymnastics
and indoor track titles and missed
winning the wrestling and swim-
ming crowns by the narrowest of
GOP Blamed
BY Swcainson
LANSING () - Gov. John B.
Swainson declared yesterday that
the Republican-controlled Legis-
lature either chose to do nothing
or to do too little in preparing the
state's'1961-62 budget.
Swainson said Republican legis-
lators wrought havoc "with knowl-
edge aforethought" in the fields of
higher education, mental health,
welfare and civil service employ-
"They cannot escape the blame,
and they cannot shift it," he as-
The governor made his remarks
at an all-day Democratic party
leadership conference here attend-
ed by about 100 persons.
Swainson said he had made
every effort to cooperate with the
GOP lawmakers during the ses-
sion, which formally adjourns
June 9.
The governor said that because
of what he termed unwarranted
budget slashing and refusal to ac-
cept available federal aid, hun-
dreds of state employes face lay-
offs, welfare boards are losing
money daily, mentally ill children
may be barred from state hos-
pitals and thousands of students
may have to abandon plans to at-
tend college.
German Chief
Sees de Gaulle
BONN ()-President Charles de
Gaulle of France and Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer held a three
and one half hour meeting yester-
day in which they were reported
to have moved closed together on
questions involving the North At-

Cuba Trades
With Council
For Hostages
MIAMI (P)-The Cuban Revo-
lutionary Council yesterday a-
cepted Fidel Castro's offer to trade
prisoners for bulldozers.
Dr. Jose Miro Cardona, presi-
dent of the council in exile, an-
nounced from his sick bed that
the council would collect contri-
butions from throughout the
Americas to buy 500 bulldozers and
trade them for prisoners now held
in Cuba.
Contravene Convention
"Despite the fact that the pro-
cedures employed by Castro con-'
travene international convention
regarding prisoners of war, for
reasons of human solidarity we
agreed to pay the exacted price,"
Miro Cardona said In a statement.
He added that the council will
also ask that civilian prisoners in
Cuba be freed.
Miro Cardona recommended that
the International Red Cross acti-
vate the negotiations "as is usual
in such cases."
Commission Arrives
'The 10-man prisoner commis-
sion, which arrived by plane from
Cuba yesterday morning, were un-
der orders from the revolutionary
council not to talk to newsmen.
Miro Cardona said the prisoners
are free to go wherever they wish
as long as they return to Cuba
within the time limit-said by
Havana radio to be seven days.
Given Asylum
The United States Immigration
Service said the prisoners had
been given asylumby a spokesman
for the group assured newsmen
"we are going to return to Cuba."
Immigration officials said the
prisoners are free to proceed to
Washington if they wish, but Miro
Cardona said "there is no need for
them to go to Washington since
the revolutionary council will take
care of matters."
South Koreans
Plan Support
Of West, 'UN
SEOUL ()-South Korea yes-
terday formally installed a mili-
tary government which pledged to-
build a strong anti-Communist,;
pro-Western nation on a sound
economic base.
The new regime has promised
the United Nations cooperation
and the restoration of civilian gov-
ernment as soon as the aims of
their revolution are accomplished.
Lt. Gen. Chang Do-Young, who
became premier in the recent
coup, 'listed these objectives of
his new government in order that

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