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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
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Remove Amendments
From Education Bill
Withdraw Motion on Parochial Aid,
Defeat Denial to Segregated Schools
WASHINGTON (A")-Managers
of the multibillion dollair federal'
aid to education bill brushed aside
attempts in the Senate and House
yesterday to entangle their bill
France Asks
Of Troops
GENEVA (A')-France called yes-
terday for the withdr wal of all
foreign troops , from strife-torn
Laos'except for a French contin-
gent to replace United States ad-
This proposal-made at the in-
ternational conference on Laos-
was contained in a three-stage
plan to pacify the Southeast Asian
The withdrawal provision would
apply to United States officers ad-
vising the royal Laotian govern-
ment and to the Communists
from North Viet Nam supporting
the Pathet Lao rebellion.
Ask 1954 Accord
The French called for a return
to the military arrangements for
Laos contained in the 1954 Geneva
accords on Indochina which set
up Laos as an independent king-
The 1954 agreements allowed
the French to maintain 1,50 mili-
tary instructors in Laos. The
French also were authorized to
maintain two bases with a total
strength of no more than 3,500
A handfull of French troops re-
main in Laos but most of the mill-
tary instruction and supplies re-
ceived by the royal Laotian gov-
ernment now are being provided
by the Americans.
Three Documents
The French peace plan for Laos
is contained in three documents.
Two were submitted today by
Ambassador Jean Chauvel. The
third will be ready in a few days.
The French offer a counter-
proposal to the plan for Laos in-
troduced last week by Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko.
The Soviet plan would give the
Communists a veto over a peace
machinery operations in Laos.
Others Agree}
The French plan is in line with
the thinking of various non-Com-
munist delegations, informants
An American spokesman told
newsmen that the United States
delegation "thought the French
proposal was very good, very con-
cise." The Americans have a plan
to be presented later.
The first French document con-
tains this provision:
The royal Laotian government
would proclaim a desire for neu-
trality. It would call on the 13
other nations at this conference
to respect its territorial integrity
and to assure "the free function-
ing of its national institutions."
Thailand's Foreign Minister
Thanat Khoman made these pro-
posals to the conference:
Enlarge Commission
1) The present Indian-Cana-
dian-Polish international control
commission should be enlarged to
include two countries from South-
east Asia.
L) The conference itself should
be enlarged by extending invita-
tions to Indonesia and Malaya to
3) Penalties might be provided
in any conference agreement on
Laos to prevent violations of Lao-
tian neutrality.
'Met' Refuses
with segregation and church
school amendments..
In the House Education and La-
bor Committee, behind-the-scene
maneuvering quietly laid the reli-
gious controversy to rest. A mo-
tion to consider grants to paro-
chial schools was withdrawn.;
In the Senate, administration
forces, with a 62-32 vote, defeat-
ed a Republican amendment de-
signed to stop federal money from
reaching segregated schools.
Supporters of the bill fear that
amendments either stopping mon-
ey to segregated schools or pro-
viding money to church schools
would kill the whole bill.
' Before Defeat
Before defeating the amend-
ment on segregation, the Senate
adoptecd an amendment of Sen.
Winston L. Prouty (R-Vt) to per-
mit states to use the $2.55 bil-
lion in federal grants for the gen-
eral operating expenses of their
public schools.
This would mean states could
use the funds to pay for such
items as buses, books and jani-
tors as well as the teachers and
classrooms already included.
The persuasive powers of ad-
ministration spokesmen and the
promise of committee chairman
Adam C. Powell (D-NY) to con-
sider parochial aid in the Na-
tional Defense Education Act com-
bined to cool off the fiery religious
issue in the House.
Faces Opposition
The big school bill faces far
more opposition in the House than
in theSenate, where a vote may be
reached today,. and the Education
Committee's removal of the reli-
gious issue was hailed by admin-
istration Democrats as a major
It was accomplished in undra-
matic fashion when Rep. James
Roosevelt (D-Calif) withdrew an
earlier motion to consider a bill
offered by Rep. Herbert Zelenko
(D-NY) to extend grants to pri-
vate and parochial schools.
Roosevelt, who was opposed to
Zelenko's bill but said it deserved
consideration, withdrew his mo-
tion after consultation with Ze-
lenko and his supporters.
"We decided we just didn't want
a knockdown, drag-out fight at
this stage that might hurt the
whole bill," said Rep. Roman C.
Pucinski (D-Ill) ,a proponent of
parochial school aid.
Powell's Announcement
Greatly influencing the deci-
sion, he added, was the announce-
ment by Powell before the meeting
began of accelerated hearings on,
the National Defense Education
Act, with an assurance that long-
term loans for private and paro-
chial schools would be considered.
.The act, passed in 1958 and up,
for renewal, already extends loans
to such schools for laboratory
equipment. Catholics have propos-
ed broadening the loan programo
to cover construction of non-re-1
ligious academic facilities.t
The "Freedom Ride" will con-
tinue this morning.
Members of the ride will come
out of hiding in riot-torn Mont-
gomery and continue their journey
towards Jackson, Miss. and New
Orleans, Marvin Rich, national
director of Congress of Racial
Equality said last night in New
According to Rich the riders held
a "non-violence workshop" late
last night to plan their actions on
the last leg of their journey.
Will Leave Hospitals
Even those members of the
original ride who are now in
Montgomery hospitals will attempt
to leave today, he added.
Also, Rich said, CORE is re-
cruiting highly trained members
of its organization nto take part
in a new "freedom ride" to take
place in the near future.
In Ann Arbor the Political Issues
Club and Voice political party with
the cooperation of the Ann Arbor
Direct Action Committee, a local
affiliate of CORE, will support
the riders by sending an open
letter to Attorney General Robert
Kennedy protesting actions which
led to the Alabama rioting.
Expresses Disappointment
The letter expresses "great con-
cern and disappointment" over the
"long standing disconcern for fed-
eral law and human dignity"
which was evidenced in the treat-
ment of CORE members who par-
ticipated in the r' e.
It supports the lispatch of fed-
eral marshals to Alabama and
urges Kennedy "to take every step
within his power to guarantee that
every bus in America will be both
a safe ride and a freedom ride."
University students will be able
to add their names to the letter
(which is written in the form of a
large 'scroll) between 8 a.m. and
5 p.m. today in the "fishbowl."
SGC To Hear Motion
In addition, Roger Seasonwein,
'61, at this evening's meeting of
Student Government Council will
present a motion which, if passed,
would mandate the Council presi-
dent to send letters to Rev. Martin
Luther King and Attorney General
The letter to King would express
the Council's sympathy and sup-
port for "the principles of non-
violence which motivate the riders
and courageous Southerners at-
tempting to work for integration
in the South."
The Kennedy letter would ex-
press support for the attorney gen-
eral's action in regard to the riots
and would condemn the violence
employed in the demonstrations.
NSA Asks Support
Yesterday, thekUnited States Na-
tional Student Association sent a
telegram to Kenneth McEldowney,
'62, national affairs vice-chairman
of the Michigan region of USNSA,
urging student leaders to send tele-
grams of support to southern stu-
dents fighting for equality.
CORE has urged students to
wire President Kennedy to ask the
indictment of Gov. Patterson and
Judge Walter Jones for violating a
United States criminal code in
connection with their actions in
the demonstrations in Montgom-
Free dom
Expect Regents
To Approve Plan
Commission Asks 'Split' Semester,
Integration of Academic Calendar
A University study commission recommended that year-
round operations be begun "as soon as possible" in a report
released yesterday by University President Harlan Hatcher.
The report, discussed in closed sessions by the Regents
last weekend, will come up again at their June meeting for
They are expected to approve the plan, which would in-.
stitute a semester long, two-part summer session with neces-
-AP Wirephoto
BUS UNDER GUARD-A "hate bus" of the American Nazi Party rode into Montgomery, Alabama,
and got gas. It was en route from Virginia to Mobile and received protection from the National
Guard. Although the bus tried to stop, officers escorted it out of town.
Bla-mes Washington for Riots'
By The Associated Press_
MONTGOMERY, Ala., - Gov.
John Patterson yesterday laid the
blame for rioting in Montgomery
on the federal government..
SGC To Act
On Evaluations
In Dormitories
At the Student Government
Council meeting tonight, Kenneth
McEldowney, '62, plans to intro-
duce a motion criticizing the con-
fidential nature of the residence
hall evaluations.
McEldowney's motion will be
proposed as a substitute motion
for the one submitted last week
by Thomas Moch, '62, Inter-
Quadrangle Council president.
Moch's motion supports the confi-
dential reports in men's residence
halls and recommends that the
existence and nature of these re-
ports be made known to the resi-
McEldowney will also move to
bring the Peace Corps resolution,
submitted by John Roberts, '62,
acting Daily editor, and himself,
off the table and present it before
the members for debate and con-
This motion proposes that SGC
endorse the basic idea of the
He particularly blamed federal
marshals for causing last Sunday
night's outbreak.
He indicated at a news con-:
ference that should a group of
integrationists wish to leave the
state, they would be escorted to
the state line.
"Surely the United States gov-
ernment, with all its prestige and
power, could persuade these people
to go home," he said.
In Washintgon, Atty. Gen. Ro-
bert F. Kennedy told reporters "we
have some ideas of what we are
going to do" if the freedom riders
go from Montgomery to New Or-
leans. He declined. however, to
say what form of action is being
Meanwhile, with National
Guardsmen and civilian police
keeping a watchful eye on the still-
tense city under martial law, a
Nazi "hate bus" rolled into Mont-
gomery, stopped briefly at a ser-
vice station, then procedded to-
ward Mobile.
No extra marshals have been
assigned to Mississippi or Louis-
iana despite announced plans of
an -integrationist group to continue
its trip through the south, Byron
White, deputy United States at-
torney general, said yesterday.
White said he knows of no plans
for the federal government to ask
the riders to halt their tests of in-
tegration in the South. But "cau-
tion and restraint" are advised,
he added.
White would not comment on a
statement by Gov. Ross Barnett of
Mississippi that the riders would
be forbidden to get off the bus in
that state. He said the marshals
are more interested in preventing
violence than commenting on such
sary adjustments in the times
of the two regular semesters.
Four Year Program
The University Commission on
Year-Round Integrated Operation
appointed by President Hatcher in
February, urged adoption of the
split summer session plan by a
series of gradual steps with fina
implementation coming in four
Regent Eugene B. Power indi-
cated, however, that any institu-
tion of year - round operations
would be dependent on financial
support from the Legislature.
"It is quite apparent that such
a plan cannot be put into opera-
tion until there is an increase in
the University's budget," he said
SGC, Senate To Get Plan
Student Government Counci
will receive the commission's re-
port today and is expected to dis-
cuss it at its meeting tonight. The
University Senate will hold a spe-
cial session Thursday to allow fac-
ulty discussion of the report.
The proposed schedule would
move the beginning of the first
semester back to the last week
in August. The term would run
about 15 and one-half weeks,
ending before the Christmas holi-
The second semester would be-
gin immediately after a two-week
break which would serve also as a
Christmas vacation. The plan pro-
posed calendars both including
and excluding a one-week spring
The plan would eliminate the
present registration week, pro-
viding for registration and classi-
fication during the preceding se-
mester. It would require revamp-
ing of orientation procedure.
The report would have any fin-
al examination periods included
within the 15 and one-half weeks
of the semester. Present semesters
are 16 and one-half weeks long,
including the exam period.
The commission called attention
to the need for a new effectiveness
in educational procedures.
The report stated that the
recommendation of a year-round
program calls attention to this
need and provides incentive for
placing responsibilities on indi-
vidtual students for "responsible
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin L. Niehuss empha-
sized that the new plan would in
no way place any obligation on
the faculty or the students for
more work.
And, he said, the University
would be careful not to allow the
change to place the faculty in a
disadvantageous salary position.
Power pointed out that the Uni-
versity would require more funds,
not for expansion of its plant,
which would remain the same as at
present, but for added faculty to
teach the approximately 25 'per
cent more students that the new
plan would allow. ,
Legislature's Desire
"If the Legislature really wants
us to take more students," he said,
this plan will allow it at a minimal
cost, since it will use present facili-
ties on a more efficient basis.
"With this proposed revision,"
Prof. William Haber, commission
chairman, said, "a student can
complete two and a half regular
semesters each year and still have
an eight week vacation to earn
mnenor v nrela"
SEOUL, Korea (A)-Lt. Gen.
Chang Do-Young, leader of the
South Korean military Junta,
said late last night he plans to
visit the United States to meet
1 President Kennedy and Im-
prove close ties between the two
Chang announced his plans
at a news conference,
"I will visit the United States
immediately," Chang said, "to
make personal contact with
President Kennedy in order to
make the government and the
people of the United States
fully understand the fundamen-
tal spirit of the May 16 revo-
1 lution and to seek support for
our efforts to achieve the revo-
lutionary tasks, and thus pro-
mote furthering of close ties
between the two countries."
Attempts yesterday to end the
mutiny of South Korean mill.
tary forces against the author-
ity of the UN command were
vetoed by Junta leaders.
Inactivity Hit
By, Herbert
Dr. Paul, A. Herbert, former
director of the division of con-
servation in the MSU college of
agriculture, accused college teach-
ers of not working hard enough.
Speaking in front of an Ionla
audience, he said that restricted
enrollment , was unnecessary if
teachers would work fulltime. He
went on to say that undergraduate
courses could be taught as easily
as high school classes.
College professors are better
paid, but have fewer discipline'
problems. They also have the bene-.
fits of automation in machine-
scored examinations.
. Herbert criticized university ad-
ministrators for continuing to
grant one-year sabbatical leaves
each seventh year when they are
short of teachers. He said, "Surely
if there is an emergency this fall
because colleges do not have the
funds to hire teachers, they should
defer leaves of absence and use
all their teachers fulltime to teach
all those who qualify and who
desire to enroll."
Dr. Paul A. Miller, vice-presi-
dent at MSU, answered Miller by
saying that outside research and
travel were stimulating and neces-
sary in order to teach success-
Attack Cuban
Tractor Swap
WASHINGTON (R) - M o r e
speeches echoed in the Senate yes-
terday denouncing as blackmail
the tractor-prisoner swap with
Fidel Castro being negotiated by
a group of American citizens. Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy remained
silent in the face of renewed de-
mands that he say whether the
government approves.
Kennedy was reported to feel
that the government "is out of it
and is going to stay out."
T-Tadalisrtae Inte ar+,nrm-
Western Michigan Defeats Wo
Kennedy Plans Request
For More Space Funds
WASHINGTON (') - President John F. Kennedy likely will ask
Congress tomorrow for a substantial spending boost in a catch-all
message keyed to giving the United States space program a potent
financial booster shot.
Democratic Congressional leaders reported this yesterday after
their weekly White House meeting with Kennedy. They said the
message would call for extra funds for aid to Southeast Asia,
* beefing up United States ground
forces, civil defense and retrain-
ing for unemployed workers.
There has been speculation that
= g the administration will seek a 25
lI3 I1 U per cent increase in space funds
to start new projects and speed
up work on space ventures already
ican Conference champion base- begun.
sterday as both teams completed The sources said the President's
Kalamazoo. plans will be geared to putting a
ipete in the NCAA District Four man on the moon within the next
Ferry Field. Yesterday's contest 10 years.
s for a berth in the NCAA college Before the White House meet-
g catcher Bill Freehan suffered a ing the cost of Kennedy's pack-
ed six stitches. aged proposals was estimated at
Big Ten's leading hitter will be $1 billion.
n tangles with Cincinnati's Bear- Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-
Minn) told reporters the message
will ask for an immediate supple-
ured Early mentary appropriation of $285
the fnurth inning when Rnncn
Western Michigan's Mid-Amer
ball nine topped Michigan 7-5 yes
their regular season schedules atl
Both teams, however, will com
playoffs to be held next week at
may prove costly to Wolverine hope
world series in Omaha, for sluggin
gash on his left hand that requir
It is not known whether the
ready come Monday when Michigai
cats in a first round game.
Freehan Inji
hFrhn'shn iniur nrccurred in
I N .