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May 24, 1961 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-24

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Profile: Perry Morton

Commission Asks Full Year Operation

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
th in a series of profiles on the
ders of major student organiza-
Magazine Editor
he Michigan Union is an out-
or students interested in sup-
enting their education through
allege activity which would
ide leadership and managerial
rry W. Morton, former presi-
of the Michigan Union adds

return the Union to its former1
high status in the eyes of thet
"We have just taken the 'first
steps to correct this. The survey
we are working on would be a
point of departure for adapting
programs to most current campus
needs. This is important because
a lot of people felt the Union
would continue regardiess of what,
people thought, but in my mind
the only way to justify existence
of the Union would be the vigor-,
ous executing of its purposes.
Wants To Serve;
"The Union basically wants to
serve the student body. It tries to
do things in the campus interest
and cannot stand still. It wants to
keep up with the student inerest
whatever it may be. While the
changes the Union makes might
dislocate people, they may also
serve a greater number of other
students. We wish to serve as many
students as possible in the best
way we can."
A the head of one of the Uni-
versity's major student activities.
Perry has had to divide his time
between the Union and Student
Government Council, while pre-
paring for legal studies at lar-
vard this fall.
He sees the role of the ex of-
ficios on SGC as "one of provid-
ing stability and continuity and
a -primarily campus orientation to
a somewhat flexible and fluid
Ex Officios
He also notes that "an idea
might come up at the Council that
SGC would be unable to Imple-
ment. So getting the ideas from
SGC, the ex officios can take them
back to their organizations which
have a better chance for imple-
menting them."
"Supposedly the ex officio must
represent his own views. I know
I did, but these views must be in
each member's own conception of
what is best for the University.
The individual must divorce him-
self from his organization, though

this is hard to do in the campus
eyes, for the purpose of all ac-
tivities as they come together is
one-serving the University.
Focal Point
"In fact while serving the cam-
pus, they can lead it. Student
Government Council is the focal
point for what the campus wants.
It can give these needs and de-
sires an organization and there-
fore lead it. I feel this is impor-
tant for one of the main purposes
of SGC is to express student opin-
ion, and you cannot afford to for-
get the students' ideas.
"On this campus I am a conser-
vative, but there is a more liberal
attitude here than normal. For ex-
ample, it would seem to me that it
would be improper to override or
ignore methods already existing in
order to get a problem solved.
"For example, if I want more
liberal driving regulations, instead
of simply complaining, I would
instead sit down and work out a
satisfactory solution with all the
parties involved. In this way you
can get more done and do it in a
better way.
Another Example
"Or another example of this is
the sit-ins. I cannot see advocating
disobedience of the laws. Instead
these people should work through
the NAACP or someone who is sup-
posed to work with this kind" of
"I also can't see putting virtually
everything that comes along with-
in the public domain before SGC.
Even in the case of bias clauses I
don't think the Council has the
right to examine every little detail
of the constitutions of fraternities
and sororities which are, after all,
private organizations.
"And I certainly can't see SGC
examining the rituals of these
groups. The problem of being ab-
solutely sure that'these groups do
not discriminate cannot be solved.
SGC can only go as far as the rules
of these groups will permit it to.
'Primarily Educational'
"Along this same line, I think
SGC's function is primarily edu-

cational and not punitive. When
you are working with these groups
you must realize that things are
going to take a few years to
change. There should be no arbi-
trary time limits for the removal
of bias clauses.
"The Council should work with
and educate these groups to a bet-
ter way of life. The bias clause
problem is a many faceted one.
You cannot change things over-
"Many of these groups are go-
ing to have problems with their
alumni, and some fraternities and
sororities have a great many chap-
ters in'the South."
"Council's Future"
As for the future of the Coun-
cil, Perry says that "so long as it
does not go too far out of bounds
and is not too removed from the
Campus interest and work in an
acceptable method the SGC has a
good future ahead of it.
"The members of the group can-
not afford to blindly follow doc-
trine. They must be able to com-
promise in order to reach a solu-
tion that will be acceptable to
all segments of the University.

(Continued from Page 1)

"The new plan is a real godsend:
to graduate students who make up
40 per cent of the enrollment.
They can complete their education
in a much shorter time."
He also said that undergraduate
students could take advantage of
the calendar and that the extra
semester "can easily become a
normal and formal part of the reg-
ular student's educational pro-
Cautions Student
The commission report, however,
cautioned that "each student
should proceed at the pace best
suited to him. The program should
be sufficiently flexible to permit
the acceleration of exceptionally
motivated, able, mature individu-
als, while providing for an even
slower rate of progress for those
students for whom such a program
would be desirable."
The eight - man group, whose
recommendations were unanimous,
stressed the necessity for increased
state appropriations to effect the
calendar change. The expanded
enrollment will require a growth
in the size of the teaching staff.
Planning for a gradual transi-
tion into the "split" semester, the
commission recommended a five-
step process:
Starts Next Year
1) Introducing a pre-registra-
tion and pre-classification plan for
students by next year;
2) Integrating the present sum-
mer session into the new pattern
as a regular half-semester in the
same year;
3) Advancing the 'start of the
fall and spring semesters that fol-
lowing September;
First Half
4) Inaugurating the first half
of the third term on "a modest
basis" in 1963-64, and
5) Achieving a fully integrated,
year-round program by 1965.
Pointing out that the number
of Michigan youths reaching col-
lege age will jump an estimated 37,

per cent in that year, the commis-
sion said "the increasing number
of young people in need of the
educational services available at
the University and the changing
attitudes of the student body to-
ward residence at the University
dictate that year-round operation
should be fully implemented" by
Flexible Schedule
From an economic viewpoint,
flexible year-round schedules will
make it easier for students to
obtain jobs, help finance : their
college education and start regu-
lar employment after graduation,
the Commission reported.
The calendar plan calls for re-
tention of semester long periods
because they provide "an efficient
and educationally sound plan
which can be achieved while pre-
serving the basic instructional unit
which the University has developed
over a long period of time."
The added teaching loads could
be carried chiefly by the present
faculties, Prof. Haber said, "but
that doesn't mean they should be."
Younger Faculty
Prof. Haber commented that
younger faculty men, whose chil-
dren are in elementary and sec-
Bellow To Give
Hopwood Tall
Novelist Saul Bellow will give
the annual Hopwood writing con-
test lecture at 4:15 p.m. Thursday
in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Creative writing awards for the
contest will be announced at that
time. Prof. Arno L. Bader of the
English department will present
awards in drama, essay, poetry
and .fiction.
Bellow, who is the author of
five books, four novels and one
collection of short stries, will speak
on "Where do We Go from Here?
-The Future of Fiction."

ondary schools until late June year-round plans" that he
(when the first half of the "split" seen.


semester ends), might want to
teach an extra semester.
Niehuss said that full - time
teaching on a continuing basis by
individual faculty members would
not be part of the plan. But they
might be allowed to teach continu-
ously for a while in order to earn
a longer vacation period.
The proposed calendar is simi-
lar to one adopted by the Univer-
sity of California last year. The
California plan includes earlier
spring and fall semesters, but of-
fers only a 12-week 'split' summer
Lauds Group
President Hatcher praised the
Commission, saying, "The Univer-
sity is indebted to the commission
for a splendid report, reached
after the most carefud considera-
"The commission's work is an
outstanding example of the Uni-
versity's sincere effort continually
to improve its program, to achieve
new peaks of excellence in higher
"The University has tradition-
ally provided the highest quality
of instruction at maximum effec-
tiveness for its students and the
people of Michigan. The commis-
sion's report promises to continue
this tradition in the future."
Power also called the report a
"fine report, a good job," praising
the commission's inquiry into all
the various ramifications of the
Best Plan
Niehuss called the split summer
session program "the best of the

Confess Reluctance
The commission confessed its
reluctance and skepticism of the
beginning of the examination of
calendaring alternatives, but com-
pleted its work "convinced" of the
necessity of year-round operation.
Commission members included
Professors Stuart W. Churchill, of
the engineering college; H. R.
Crane, of the physics department;
Robert E. Doerr, of the dentisty
school; Algo D. Henderson, direc-
tor of the Center for the Study of
Higher Education; Warner 6.
Rice, chairman of the English de-
partment; L. Hart Wright, of the
law school, and Stephen H. Spurr,
of the school of natural resources,
who was executive secretary.

... Union President

at his organization wishes to
1 the daily and special needs
students, and therefore, wishes
adapt to students desires and
shes. "At the same time we must
member that alumni and aca-
mic and non-academic personnel
so should be served."
Critical Year
Perry feels that this was a crit-
al year for the Union. "The most
lportant single thing that hap-
ned while I was president was!
e realization that the Union was
At foremot in campus eyes as it
ight be, and the steps taken to

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-- ----

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two, days preceding
General Notices
REGENTS' MEETING: Fri., June 16.
Communuications for considerations at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than June 6. PLEASE
Attention Science Research Club
MIembers: The notices announcing the
Annual Science Research Club Banquet
aave been sent out. The banquet will
:e held June 6, 6:30 p.m. in the Michi-
gan League Ballroom. Dr. Joseph A.
Boyd-IST, will #peak on "The Institute
of Science and Technology-Its Aims
ad Programs." The cost of the ban-
quet will be $1.50. Please check and
return the card attached to your notice
before June 1, whether or not you plan
,o attend.
Special Meetinig of the University
Senate will be held on Thurs., May 25,
at 4:15 p.m. In Trueblood Aud., Frieze
Meeting of the Senior Class Presidents
and other specially appointed represen-
atives wil lbe held in 302 West Engin-
eering Bldg., Wed., May 24, at 7:00 p.m.
for the purpose of discussing the sched-
ule and plans for Commencement.
lege of Literature, Science and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health, and School of
Business Administration: Students are
advised not to request grades of I or
X in June. When such grades are ab-
solutely imperative, the work must be
made up in time to allow yourrinstruc-
or to'report the make-up grade not
later than noon, Mon., June 12.
MIENTAL HONORS: Teaching depart-
mnents wishing to recommend tentative
iune graduates from the College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts, for hon-
ors or high honors should recommend
such students by forwarding a letter (in
two copies; one copy for Honors Coun-
:il, one copy for the Office of Regis-
tration and Records) to the Director,
Honors Council, 1210 ;Angell. Hall, by
4:00 p.m., Fri., June 9.
Teaching departments in the School
of Education should forward letters
directly to the Office of Registration
and Records, 1513 Admin Bldg. by 8:30
a.m., Mon., June 12.
Delta Phi Alpha (German Honorary),
Initiation Ceremany & Meeting, May.
24, 8 p.m., Rackham Bldg., E. Conf.
Rm. Speaker: Prof. H. W. Nordmeyer,
German Club, Coffee Hour, May 24,
3-5 p.m., 4072 FB.
* * *
WAA Crop & Saddle, Free Riding,
Brief Meeting Afterward, May 25, 6:50

June 17, 1961
To be held at 5:30 p.m. either in
the Stadium or Yost Field House, de-
pending on the weather. Exercises will
conclude about 7:30 p.m.
Those eligible to participate: If
weather is fair, Graduates of Summer
Session, 1960, and Feb. and June, 1961.
Those eligible to participate: If exer-
cises must be held indoors, Graduates
of Summer Session, 1960 and June, 1961.
Tickets: For Yost 'Field House: Two
to each prospective graduate, to be
distributed from Tues., June 6, to 12:00
noon on Sat., June 17, at Cashier's
Office, first floor, Admin.kBldg.
For Stadium:. No tickets necessary.
Children not admitted unless accom-
panied by adults.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe's Sport Shop, North University
Ave., Ann Arbor.
Assembly for Graduates: At 4:30 p.m.
in area east of Stadium. Marshals will
direct graduates to proper stations. If
siren indicates (at intervals from 4:00
to 4:15 p.m.) that exercises are to be
held in Yost Field House, graduates
should go directly there and be seated
by Marshals.
Spectators: Stadium: Enter by Main
St. gates only. All should be seated
by 5:00 p.m., when procession enters
Yost Field House: Only those hold-
ing tickets can be admitted owing to
lack of space. Enter on State St., op-
posite McKinley Ave.
Graduation Announcements, Invita-
tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Student
Commencement Programs: To be dis-
tributed at Stadium or Yost Field
Distribution of Diplomas: If the exer-
cises are held in the Stadium, diplomas
for all graduates except the School of
Dentistry, the Medical School, and Flint
College, will be distributed from desig-
nated stations under the east stand
of the Stadium, immediately after the
exercises. The diploma distribution sta-
tions are on the level above the tunnel
If the exercises are held in the Yost
Field House, all diplomas except those
of the School of Dentistry, the Medi-
cal School, and Flint College, will be
distributed from the windows of the
Cashier's Office and the Registrar's Of-
fice, lobby, Admin. Bldg. Following the
ceremony, diplomas may be called for
until 9:00 p.m.
Doctoral degree candidates who quali-
fy for the Ph.D. degree or a similar
degree from the Graduate School and
EXERCISES will be given a hood by the
University. Hoods given during the cere-
mony are all Doctor of Philosophy,

hoods., Those receiving a doctor's de-
gree other than the Ph.D. may ex-
change the Ph.D. hood given them dur-
ing the ceremony for the appropriate
one immediately after the ceremony, at
the Graduate School booth under the
East Stand, or at the office of the
Diploma Clerk, Admin. Bldg., on Mon.,
June 19, and thereafter.
SITY EMPLOYEES: The Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics extends
to the Faculty and to futll-time Uni-
versity employees the privilege of pur-
chasing Athletic Cards.
Those Eligible to Purchase: 1. Uni-
versity Faculty and Administrative Of-
ficers. 2. Faculty members who have
been retired, but still retain faculty
privileges. 3. Employees on the Univer-
sity payroll who have appointments or
contracts on a full-time yearly basis;
or, if an hourly basis, are full-time
employees and have been employed by
the University for a period of not less
than twelve months prior to the date of
application for the purchase of an Ath-
letic Card. The date shown on the
Employee"s University Identification
Card shall be considered as the date of
employment. 4. For spouses and de-
pendent children between the ages of
10 and 18 of the above groups.
Cost of Athletic Card-$15.00.
Purchase Date: 1. At Ferry Field Tick-
et Office beginning June 1. 2. Prefer-
ence for location expires August 10. 3.
Additional Season Ticketupurchasing
privilege (limit 2) expires August 10.
Conditions and Privileges: 1. Athletic
Cards or Tickets are not transferable. 2.
Ticket privileges end with termination
of employment with the University and
no refunds or rebates will be made. 3.
Football tickets issued on Athletic Cards
may be stamped. Faculty members must
have their University Identification
Cards; and spouses and dependents
must have their athletic cards together
with their football tickets to gain ad-
mission at the gate. 4.Faculty members
and employees who purchase Athletic
Cards will receive a reserved seat at
each home football game and general
admission to basketball, track, wrestl-
ing and baseball, as long as seats are
available. 5. The Board will not guaran-
tee the sale of Athletic Cards after Aug-
ust 10.
Events Wednesday
Doctoral Examination for Heinz Koh-
ler, Economics; thesis: "East Germany's
Economic Integration into the Commu-
nist Bloc," Wed., May 24, 217 Economics
Bldg., at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, Morris
Bornstein. ,

Doctoral Examination for Ghanshyam
Datta Sharma, Geology; thesis: "Geol-
ogy of the Peters Field St. Clair County
Michigan," Wed., May 24, 4065 Natural
Science Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
K. K. Landes.
Doctoral Examination for Ian Murray
Matley, Geography; thesis: "The Soviet
Approach to Geography," Wed., May 24,
210 Angell Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman,
George Kish.
Doctoral Examination for George Wa-
tha Kosicki, Biological Chemistry; the-
sis: "Studies on the Citrate Condensing
Enzyme," Wed., May 24, 5410 Medical
Science Bldg., at 1:00 p.m. Chairman,
P. A. Srere.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Law-
rence Holmes, Philosophy; thesis: "John
Dewey's Epics in the Light of Contem-
porary Meta-ethical Theory: An Analy-
sis and Interpretation of his Account of
the Nature of Moral Judgments," Wed.,
May 24, 2214 Angell Hall, at 4:30 p.m.,
Chairman: C. L. Stevenson.
Events Thursday
novelist, will lecture on "Where Do We
Go from Here?-The Future of Fiction,"
on Thurs., May 25, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall at 4:15. Presentation of the
Hopwood Awards for 1961 will follow the
LECTURE: Dr. Irving M. Klotz, De-
partment of Chemistry, Northwestern
University, will speak on "Non Covalent
Bonds in Protein Molecules" on Thurs.,
May 25 at 4 p.m. in M6423 Medical Sci-
ence Bldg. Coffee in M5410 at 3:30 p.m.
Philosophy Lecture: Prof. Sidney Mor-
ganbesser, Columuia University, will
speak on "Determinism and Responsi-
bility" Thurs., May 25, in Aud. C, 8 p.m.
LECTURE. Prof. Robert V. Daniels,
Department of History, University of
Vermont, will speak on "Changes in
the Function of Communist Doctrine,"
Thurs., May 25, 4:10 p.m., Aud. C.
University Lecture: May 25, 4:10 p.m.
Aud. A. Edmund R. Leach, St. John's
College, Cambridge, England on "Pulle-
yar and the Lord Buddha: an aspect of
Religious Syncretism in Ceylon,"
Informal Lecture to graduate students
and faculty: May 25, 8:30 p.m. E. Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg. Topic:
"Levels of Abstraction in Anthropologi-
cal Analysis."

.................................- y.. ..... ...},.. r.. r. }......av .ti.","a vam 1 .mss wa."

Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.
R. V. Curchill will speak on "Singular
Boundary Value Problems of Elemen-
tary Types" on Thurs., May 25, at 4:00
p.m. in 246 West Engineering. Refresh-
ments in 274 West Engineering at 3:30
Doctoral Examination for Bruce Wise,
Music: Composition; thesis: "Patterns
for Orchestra," Thursday, May 25, E.
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 4:15
p.m. Chairman, R. L. Finney.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Wil-
liam Albrecht, Nuclear Engineering;
thesis: "The Measurement of Dynamic
Nuclear Reactor Parameters by Meth-
ods of Stochastic Processes," Thurs.,
May 25, 315 Auto. Lab., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, William Kerr.
Doctoral Examination for Richard Lee
Dunham, Music; thesis: "Music Appre-
ciation in the Public Schools of the
United States 1897-1930" Thurs., May
25, 48 Lane Hall, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman,
A. P. Britton.
Doctoral Examination for Bonifacio
Padilla Sibayan, Education; thesis: "En-
glish in Ilogo Segmental Phonemes,"
Thurs., May 25, E. Council Rom, Rack-
ham Bldg., at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, C. W.
Doctoral Examination for Howard
Martin Rosenfeld, Social Psychology;
thesis: "Social Choice as a Function of
Resource Comparison and Motivation,"
Thurs., May 25, E. Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., at 7:30 p.m. Chairman, A. F.
Doctoral .Examination for Roland
George Tharp, Psychology; thesis: "A
Factor Analytic Study of Marriage-
Roles: Expectations and Percieved En-
actments," Thurs., May 25, 7615 Haven
Hall at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, E, L.

Wed., May 24
Ann Arbor YM-YWCA Day
Charles Plese interviewing
sports & crafts--from 1:30 to
SAB D-528.

Camp -
men for
4:55 p.m.

E. FREDERICK, Mackinaw City, Mich.
Man with knowledge of boats to operate
-16 ft. Glasspar cruiser (outboard) avail-
able for charter during summer-Mack-
inaw-St, Ignace Area.
Devoe & Reynolds Co., Inc. Louisville,
Ky.-Summer openings in long-range
Basic Research Lab for man with MS in
Chem. who plans to earn his PhD in
Organic Chem., or a doctoral candidate
presently working for his degree. Work
primarily concerned with synthesis of
new monomers, polymers and interme-
diates for use in coatings and plastics
Veterans -of Foreign Wars National
Home, Eaton Rapids, Mich.-Two men
for work in Recreation program involv-
ing swimming pool, playground and
general supervision.
For further information, visit the
Summer Placement Service, D-528 SAB.
Open each weekday afternoon from 1:00
to 5:00, and all day Friday.
General Electric, Waterford, N.Y.-
Process Engnrs; Development Engnr.-
(Continued on Page 4)

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