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May 24, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-24

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* 1961



outh Korean Leaders
L)pp ose End of Mutiny

Verwoerd Threatens Fore
Against Nonwhite Striker
Tension.Rises in South Africa as Army,
Reserves Join Police To Prevent Violence

Against UN


Johnson Tells of Danger
In Southeast Asian Area

HAMILTON, Bermuda ('--
Vice-President Lyndon B. John-
son said yesterday southeast
Asia's situation is quite serious.
The struggle to preserve free-
dom there, he said, will be "long,
costly and , in many instances,
dangerous." Johnson summed up
impressions of his two-week spe-
cial mission for President John F.
Kennedy at a news conference on
this British resort island.
The outcome of the struggle
against Communism subversion,
terrorism and insurrection, he
said, "will depend on not only
the determination and resolve of
the free peoples of Asia, but upon
the steps we takes to help them
preserve their liberties."
To Make Report
Johnson will fly on to Wash-
ington today. He is to report to
Kennedy at the White House.
"Frankly, I was reluctant to un-
dertake this mission," he said.
Johnson said he felt that little
or nothing might be accomplished
and that he was being sent into
a world of pessimism and defeat,
where "peoples willingly were sur-
rendering their freedom."
"I am happy to say that the ex-
perience and observations of the
last two weeks stripped away many
doubts and my report to the Pres-
ident is going to be a good deal
more optimistic than I ever
dreamed it might," he declared.
The Vice-President said that,
throughout south and southeast
Asia, he found the backbones of
the peoples "a lot stronger, the
strength of the countries a lot
greater, the determination to re-
main free a lot more vibrant than
I ever dreamed would be the case."
- Freedom Not Lost
"So I'm prepared to tell the
President that freedom is not lost,
that although we may appear to
have lost a skirmish here and

... back from Asia

there, the war of free men against
tyranny is f ar from over."
Johnson cautioned, however, !
that he does not want to mislead
either the President or the Amer-
ican people about the gravity of
the situation in Southeast Asia.
"The Communists seem deter-
mined to overwhelm tht region
through subversion, terrorism, in-
timidation and trumped up insur-
rections," he said.
To Get Recommendations
Specific recommendations on'
steps the United States ought to
take, both of a militant nature
and in the fields of economic de-
velopment and social justice, will
be handed to Kennedy.
"Let me emphasize that new
military strength and techniques
appear to be essential if the peo-
ples of Asia are to beat back these
immediate assaults upon their in-
dependence and national integri-
ty," he told the newsmen.

U.S. General
Asks Return
Of Troops
Council Overrules
Parts of Agreement
SEOUL (P) - Attempts to end
the mutiny of South Korean mili-
tary forces against the authority
of the United Nations command
were vetoed yesterday by junta
The command, headed by United
States Gen. Carter MaGruder, has
demanded that the troops pulled
from combat units to take part
in last week's coup be returned to
their position at. once. Korean
forces technically are under Ma-
Gruder's authority, and the UN
command terms their withdrawal
MaGruder met for more than
three hours to discuss the problem
with Maj. Gen. Pak Chung-Hi,
vice-chairman of the 30-man rul-
ing military council.
Reach Agreement
They reached an -agreement on
returning the troops, but the UN
command announced later that
the council had overruled parts
of the deal and ti was no longer
This tended to confirm reports
of dissensions among the generals
and colonels making up the court-
el. Marine and paratroop officers
are said to be demanding a larger
role in state affairs in keeping
with the part their units played in
the coup.
MaGruder was backed by United
States pressure on South Korea's
military leaders to accept the
authority the UN commander has
exercised over all, armed forces in
this country since the Koren War.
Returned Soon
Pak, strategist of the May 16
uprising, told newsmen the txocps
used to occupy Seoul in the coup
would be returned to their old
positions as soon as possible
But his disagreement with Ma-
Gruder apparently centered on
how soon they would be sent back,
and on the military's refusal to
clear major Korean military ap-
pointments with MaGruder.
Pak said none 01 the 7,000 troops
occupying Seoul during the coup
had been stationed opposite the
North Korean Communists on the
truce demarcation line. But he
acknowledged some had been
moved from'reserve areas behind
front line units. He said they could
be returned in two hours.
United States Questions
The United States also ques-
tioned other. aspects of the new
regime and asked about its plans
for restoring civilian rule, pro-
tecting civil rights and stating' an
economic program.' The United
States has poured hundreds of
millions of dollars into South
Korea in hopes of making it a
showcase of democracy In Asia.
Pak told reporters that "per-
haps in due time" general elec-
tions will be held and the political
system abolished this week will be
The military chiefs named a 72-
man planning committee, made up
mostly of college professors.
The leaders of the coup say they
had to step in because the legally
constituted government of ex-
Premier Jonh M. Chang was in-
efficient and corrupt.
Gone-at least for the time be-
ing-are freedom of speec, elec-
tions and other civil liberties that
the people restoed a year ago in
a revolt led by students against
the dictorial regime of Syngman

-AP Wirephoto
ALGERIA MEETING - Algerian rebel negotiators arrived in Evian-les-Bains, France, yesterday for
bargaining sessions with French representatives on the future of Algeria. Belkacem Krim, foreign
minister of the rebel government-in-exile, who is heading the Algerian's delegation talks on the
far left.
Rebe'ls Bl1ast French Gesture





CAPE TOWN, South Africa W)
-- Prime Minister Hendrik F. Ver-
woerd warned yesterday that non-
whites will be met by the full
force of South Africa's troops and
police if they go through with
plans for a nationwide strike
against his white supremacy poli-
cies next week.
Unyielding as tension rose in
South Africa, Verwoerd told Par-
liament the strike could lead to
riots and violence. He blamed the
protest movement op "agitators
and intimidators."
Spokesmen for some of the na-
tion's nonwhite majority have
called on all Negroes, Coloreds
(mixed race) and Indians to stay
home from work next Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday to protest
the new South African Republic to
be established on the last day of
the month.
Low-Wage Base
The nonwhites, who constitute
the low-wage base of South Afri-
ca's economy,' demand voting
rights as their price for coopera-
tion with the new republic. Ver
woerd's government has made it
plain they will remain voteless.
Verwoerd refused to disclose any
details on precautionary measures
against the strike.
Civilian reserves have Plready
been called up. Police have been
augmented and the army put on
the alert.
To Maintain Order
Verwoerd said his government is
determined to maintain law and
order and to insure that the in-
auguration ceremonies for the new
republic are not disturbed.
Verwoerd said the ban he has
placed on public meetings is aimed
at preventing meetings to incite
or intimidate Negroes. He claimed
the great majority of the hun-

dreds arrested in police raids were
loiterers, hoodlums and couriers
serving the inciters.
Reserve units have been called
up not only to deal with physical
protection, he said, but to make
certain that essential services con-
tinue if the strike is successful.
No Public Meetings
The. prime minister said public
meetings have been banned until
after June 26 because nonwhite
agitation has been planned to
last that long.
Verwoerd said "certain intellec-
tuals or so-called intellectuals and
also certain newspapers" are play-
ing with fire in demanding a
multiracial national convention to
revise South Africa's strict racial
segregation laws and give the vote
to nonwhites.
This demand has already been
rejected by Verwoerd, and he pic-
tured it as nothing but an attempt
to bring down his government and
help the Communists.
Daily Classifieds
Bring Results

Early in June, five
patterns of
WEDGEWOOD queenware
will be on sale. You
must inquire about
this, as it is really
an exceptional sale.

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-- The Algerian rebels charged
last night that the Paris order
halting offensive operations by the7
French army in Algeria was illu-
sory and meant to sow confusion.
The charge was made by Bel-
kacem Krim, foreign minister of
the rebel government in exile, who
is heading the Algerians' dele-
gation to peace talks here.
Speaking at a news conference
at his delegation headquarters near;
Geneva, Krim repeated that the
rebels will continue their nearly;
7-year-old offensive against the,
French until a political solution is
Not Realistic
Krim saic the French order, an-
nounced at Saturday's opening of
the peace conference, does "not
correspond to reality."
He declared that under the
terms of the announcement,- the
500,000-man French army in Al-
geria could "suspend the order un-
der any pretext."
The French order leaves troops
free to respond to rebel fire and
to prevent movements of rebel
bands. Nor does the order cover
the immediate area of Algeria's
frontiers with Morocco and Tuni-
sia, countries where the rebelsa
have important bases.
World News
By The Associated Press
can and Asian nations will demand
a Security Council meeting on
Portuguese Angola, a high Asian'
source said yesterday.
The source said a private meet-
ing of the 46-nation Asian-Afri-
can group appointed the United
Arab Republic, Ethiopia, Ceylon,
Liberia, Burma and Iraq to draft
the demand.
* * *
SAN JUAN, Puerto' Rico - The
Puerto Rican House yesterday
voted 49-0 to unseat Rep. Jose
Feliu Pesquera of the Christian
Action Party, declaring he won
election last November through
fraud and unconstitutional coer-
cion of the voters by the island's
three Roman Catholic bishops.
Observers here said it was the
first time in the 61-year history
of the House that a representative
has been unseated.
* * *
DACCA, East Pakistan-Presi-
dent Ayub Khan yesterday accus-
ed the Soviet Union of supplying
arms and ammunition to Afghan-
Addressing a news conference,
Ayub declared Russian. arms had
been used in recent raids on the
Pakistan-Afghanistan border by
Afghan regulars and tribal war-

Krim said the rebel leaders will
continue to reject any efforts to
realize a cease-fire before there
are firm guarantees for self-
determination by Algeria's nine
million Moslems.
Self - determination has been
promised by President Charles de
Gaulle, and the present peace talks
are designed to work out the de-
French and Algerian rebel dele-
gations had buckled down to ser-
ious talks yesterday as French
authorities moved in antiaircraft
elements to strengthen already
tight security "measures.
General Discussion
Neither delegation would reveal
details. A French spokesman de
scribed the atmosphere as "for-
mally correct" and said there was
a general discussion of the snarled
Algerian issue.
The spokesman would not say
why security measures had been
A half dozen half-tracks, each
mounting a 50-caliber machine
gun, appeared around this Lake
Geneva resort town.
Troops Join Police
Troops manning the half-tracks
joined scores of security forces and
policemen who have clamped a
firm guard around the city and
the conference site, the Hotel du
Authorities obviously fear at-
tempts at sabotage by French ex-
tremists who oppose independence
for Algeria.
Despite the French order for the
army in Algeria to obse-ve a cease-
fire, there was no peace there as
talks began.
Fourteen Killed
Fourteen persons were killed and
eight wounded in continuing rebel
attacks in Algeria in the past 24
hours, French authorities there
The Algerian rebels h've warned
they will not go along with the
cease-fire. They want to be in a
position to continue military pres-
sure for a settlement.
Throughout Algeria the rebel
underground network attempted to
justify with leaflets to the popula-
tion the decision not to follow
the cease-fire. Reports from Al-
gers said- there are indications
large numbers of Moslems are

bitter over the decision of the
leaders of the nationalist revolt
not to follow France in halting
military operations.
The peace talks got under way
Saturday with a formal opening
session at which each side read a
brief summary of its position.
Discuss Plans
For Summit
By The Associated Press
VIENNA - Presidential Press
Secretary Pierre Salinger met yes-
terday with Soviet officials to dis-
cuss tentative plans for opening
the June 3 conference here be-
tween President John F. Kennedy
and Premier Nikita Khrushchev in
an American-owned building.
The United States Embassy was
mentioned as a site in talks be-
tween Salinger and Soviet secur-
ity chief M. V. Zakharov. A lunch-
eon is planned after the first
meeting between Kennedy and
Khrushchev and some United
States officials feel the embassy
is not well equipped for such a
The second conference, on June
4, will be held in the Soviet Em-
Early today Premier Khrushchev
and United States Ambassador
Llewellyn Thompson conferred to-
gether until well into the morning
hours in Moscow about the June
meeting of the Soviet leader and
President Kennedy.
Thompson told reporters after-
ward nothing has been changed
by the discussion. He declined to
disclose any of the details. He
said he had sent a telegram to
Kennedy and it would not be fair
to tell the press what had happen-
ed before the President knew about
Usually reliable sources said
Khrushchev will arrive in Vienna
by train late Friday, June 2. There
was comment in some Austrianj
quarters that the Soviet premier
may shun planes since the recent
Soviet air accident that killed four
high officers.

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