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May 24, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-24

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CEO *r~lallBath9
Seventy-First Year

ISA Stumbles Forward'

eOpinions Are Free
uth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, MAY 24, 1961


Better Living or Selfraise?

Daily Staff Writer
sociation is at present barely
adequate in its attempts to bring
American and foreign students at
the University closer together. In-
ternal confusion and recent poli-
cy statements from its new offi-
cers only promise to threaten the
little effectiveness it has.
The activities of ISA are pri-
marily social in nature. The club
gives parties, cooperates with the
International Center in present-
ing a weekly International Tea
and provides other social func-
tions, Along with an occasional
educational seminar or discus-
sion. These activities are appar-
ently working successfully with-
in their limited context; social
interaction does take place since
half of ISA members are Ameri-
But within these limits ISA is
stagnating. It has failed to intro-
duce any new concepts or pro-
posals to further the integration

ANYTHING is going to lead to failure in
writing the Michigan House Plan, it will
he completely contrasting views of why
e should be any revision.
sistant Dean of Men for Residence Halls
i Hale is concerned with rewording cer-
outdated passages. Inter-Quadrangle
vcil President Thomas Moch wants to use
as an opportunity to take a good hard
at the residence hall system.
Hale's ideas are the guiding light of the
ect, the rewriting will be a failure. The
plan will include several more pages of
ring history of the residence halls, will
gnize the fact that IQC exists, and will
a notation that the staff is no longer corn-
d of faculty members. In effect, the only
tg accomplished would be a recognition of
status qup. There is no conceivable benefit

from such an approach and the University
might just as well not expend the time, effort
and money for such an end.
THE ONLY MEANS by which there can be
any useful result is to follow Moch's view-'
point. The rewriting of the plan could and
should serve as a means to ultimately improve
the residence halls. It must not be a restate-
ment, but an evaluation.
Somewhere along the line, the Michigan
House Plan has failed. The residence halls are
drifting along without purpose. The rewriting
of the plan must take cognizance of this dis-
turbing fact or it will be a meaningless gesture.
As things are, a choice lies before those in
charge of the project; they can produce a ridi-
culous document of purposeless self-praise or
can give a new meaning to residence hall living.

A 'Privilege' for None

'HE WISDOM of the University's ruling per-
mitting women to visit in men's apartments
contradicted by the folly of calling this ob-
us right a "privilege" and withholding it
)m freshmen..
The decision to declare apartments off-limits
freshmen women casts doubts on the ad-
nistrators' motives in passing the new regu-
ion. Lifting a restriction because it is un-
fotcable is certainly preferable to leaving it
the books. Perhaps it is even tantamount
tacit agreement that the restriction was un-
st. Nevertheless this is not the responsible or
en graceful way for a university administra-
>n to behave.
If the administrators are lifing the regula-
>n because it was unenforcable, they ought to
'mit it. If they are lifting it because they
alize that students, like all human beings,
ve a right to visit where and with whom
ey please, they ought to admit this too.
N EITHER CASE, the exclusion of freshmen
is indefensible. Assuming that the adminis-
ation has the best interests of the freshmen
heart, the reasons given by Vice-President
wis for keeping them out of apartments do
t make sense. Lewis says freshmen need time
adjust to the. campus and learn campus
gstoms before they can be extended the
There are two basic objections to this at-
tude. The first is that freshmen learn about
te campus by imitating upperclassmen. The
ly way notions and traditions are perpetuated
by a system of inheritance. If freshmen see
tat sophomores, juniors and seniors are per-
itted to attend apartment parties, they must
sume that this is the acceptable form of
impus dating.
How are they to learn what these parties
'e like if they are never permitted to attend?
fter a year of adhering religiously to the "off-
nits" restriction, they would be no more pre-

pared to enter the upperclass no-man's land
than they were as freshmen.
THE SECOND OBJECTION is that there is
no such thing as a system of campus cus-
toms in the sense of a campus value system
which would impress upon sophomores a code
of personalethics they might lack as freshmen.
These objections aside,,it is not doing today's
freshmen women justice to assume that they
are totally naive fledglings just out of the
parternal nest who must be watched over and
protected every minute. Some of them un-
doubtedly are. The vast majority are not.
Most students have a fairly clearly defined
set of moral standards by the time they reach
college. If their standards are high, it is in-
sulting to assume that students will lower
them just because they are permitted to enter
If their standards are not particularly ad-
mirable to begin with, it is not the purpose
of a university to attempt to change them, nor
is it likely to succeed even if it*should try.
IT IS OBVIOUS, then, that the University is
being unrealistic no matter how it tries to
justify the ruling. If the change is due to an
inability to enforce the present regulation
nothing has been gained since it will be far
morendifficult to enforce in its new form. It
is very hard to pick freshmen out of a mixed
crowd of students, and as long as parties are
legal and need no longer be shrouded in se-
crecy, it would be an almost impossible task
for the police to check each gathering to see'
if any freshmen girls happened to be there.
If the change is due to a realization that
students should be free to come and go as
they please in a free society, there is obviously
no justifyable reason, Mr. Lewis' included, for
withholding from freshmen the "privilege" of
entering a man's apartment.

(Continued from Page 2)
BS-Ms in Chem. E. Advance Develop-
ment Chemist-PhD in Organic Chem.
For Silicone Prod. Dept.
Professional Engrg. Associates, Bir-
mingham, Mich-Greatest need for C.
E.'s and Surveyors. Also interested in
other fields of Engrg.--BS. A firm of
Engrs. & Architects specializing in de-
sign and consluting services.
Harnischfeger, Milwaukee, Wis.-BS
in ME, EE, GE. Need 2 Electric Mining
Shovel Servicemen to erect and service
equipment at mine sites the world over.
Prefer single men because job necessi-
tates being away from home up to 90%
of time, for first 10 yrs., on both do-
mestic and foreign assignments.
Music Corp of America, N.Y.C.-Grads
to train as Agents for leading talent
agency and distributor of TV films,
Continuing need for interested seniors
and recent grads-particularly residents
of N.Y. area.
Henry G. Thompson & Son Co., New
Haven, Conn.-Chief Engineer for prod-
uct design and dev. BS, preferably ME,
with working knowledge of metallurgy.
Age 35-45 yrs. Ten yrs. responsible
engrg. exper. in metal work industry re-
studebaker-Packard Corp., South
Bend, Ind.-Experienced graduate engi-
neers for Corporate Research group now
being formed. Require some specialize(
background in Chem., Electro-mechani-
cal Engrg. Also, Engnr. with high pro-
fessional and leadership capacities to
head group.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
El-weekly listing of current vacancies
for college grads, men & women; now
posted on bulletin bd., 4021 Admin.
Openings for Supervisors, Librarians,
Bibliographers, Science Specialists..
Knowledge of modern foreign language.
desirable for most.
Please contact Bureau of Appts., 4021
Admin., Ext. 3371 for further informa-

of the foreign student into cam-
pus life. The recent suggestions by
the Union, made independently of
ISA, to promote better foreign
student-American relations by es-
tablishing exchange dinners, re-
ciprocal social functions, discus-
sion groups and even a system
whereby a foreign student and
American could room together,
have emphasized ISA's inertia.-
* * *
WORSE YET, the club may at-
tempt to "strengthen" itself with
a new plan to revise the constitu-
tion so as to draw ISA much closer
to the individual nationality clubs
by creating an executive board
composed of all the club presi-
dents. This board alone would
elect the ISA president each year,
and the grass roots members would
have no voice in the election. Such
an inane plan was favored by
the 1960-61 ISA president, but so
far the new officers have for-
tunately been unenthusiastic about
it although the proposal remains
under consideration.
Another of the new "ideas" is
to level a compulsory fee for ISA
on each foreign student,; whether
he Joins the club or not. This
would be somewhat akin to hav-
ing a mandatory subsidy paid to
the Young Democrats or Republi-
cans from student fees. ISA is im-
potent indeed if it cannot acquire
financial support from its mem-
bers and must resort to such tac-
Yet the most disturbing thing
about ISA is the internal confu-
sion about the club and its func-
tions. For example, the vice-pres-
ident did not even have an ap-
proximate knowledge of how
many people are members of ISA.
There have been issues, such as
how much revision the constitu-
tion needs,. in which the presi-
dent and vice-president have had
conflicting views.
* * *
IT IS OBVIOUSLY time for an
improvement in ISA. It should
be much more than a club which
provides social services - some-
thing which any other organiza-
tion could do. It should first of all
tryto regain the initiative in the
field of helping American-foreign
student relations by establishing
original and useful programs. Sec-
ondly, it can and should move in-
to new areas of concern.
One new area could be the co-
ordination of English Language
Institute students (ELI's) into its
programs. Although there are fun-
damental problems involved with
the EL's, they should definitely
become a part of ISA. These stu-
dents are here for only eight
weeks, re tied up with an ex-

tremely intensive course in basic
English and are usually somewhat
reticent due to the sudden shock
of having a new culture surround-
ing them. But their unfamiliarity
with the campus indicates their
need for friendships and services
ISA could offer.
And ISA's attempt to create
closer bonds between itself and
the nationality clubs almost forces
an integration of ELI's into ISA.
Some of the nationality clubs fully
integrate the ELI's into their ac-
tivities, while others do not even
bother to contact them. Thus if
ISA is going to work closely with
nationality clubs, it will natural-
ly have to work with some of the
ELI's. If it works with some of the
ELI's, it should not intentionally
or unintentionally exclude other
ELI's from its activities.
* * *
cern should involve a portion of
the club's purpose as stated in its
constitution--"to represent the
foreign students in matters in-
volving their interests." There are
issues at the University and in
other parts of the United States
which directly affect each foreign
student, regardless of whether he
comes from the United Arab Re-
public or Israel, from India or
Sweden. ISA could serve as the
spokesman for foreign students in
these issues, just as Young Re-
publicans does for Republicans
and Interfraternity Council does
for affiliates.
In this manner, ISA could dig
into the mysterious and touchy is-
sue of discrimination against for-
eign students in off-campus hous-
ing. It could investigate situations
such as the total absence of any
women ELI students in. women's
dormitories. It could pass reso-
lutions on incidents such as the
disgraceful treatment given to
Negro ambassadors to the United
States in certain Southern restau-
rants. There are surely many more
issues which involve the interests
of foreign students here and which
demand a statement of opinion or
A strong ISA is defifiitely need-
ed on this campus. The foreign
student population is rendered
ineffective merely because its
members are not native Ameri-
c'ans. They pay tuition and have
the same legal obligations as oth-
er University students. They
should become an integral part of
the campus community, not a body
misrepresented in student affairs.
The ISA officers should consider
these necessities and change the
club's current vapid, routine pro-
gram and revise the unwise direc-
tion of its policies.


MAXWELL ANDERSON'S sometimes-obvious excursion into the
world of child psychopathology, "The Bad Seed," is the second
week's offering of the 1961 Ann Arbor Drama Season. Featuring Nancy
Kelly of the original Broadway cast the production had some fine
acting from a few members of the cast and a wagonfull of others
that tended to pull the tension down and make the play seem less
than the well-paced drama it should have been.
* * * *
MISS KELLY was as subtle and thoroughly professional as one
would have expected, though many of her finest efforts at achieving
dramatic climaxes were hopelessly bogged down by other members
of the cast who either would not or could not follow her lead. As
a mother who slowly realizes her only child to be a full-blown psy-
chopathic killer at the age of eleven, Miss Kelly proved herself
adept at the difficult art of keeping character consistent but con-
stantly moving toward a horrible, inescapable conclusion.
This effort was not helped by the opposition of Nancy Cushman
as Monica Breedlove, whose near farcial overplaying brought laughs
(intended) to the opening sequences, and total disbelief of sincerity
(unintended) to the latter, tragic scenes where Monica must stop
clowning and be a thoughtful, mature woman. This tendency to play
stock characterizations was evident in much of the rest of the cast,
including a very dull radio-actonish performance by Stephen Elliott
as Reginald Trasker and a sincerely felt but totally underplayed
Richard Bravo by Royal Beal.,.r

* * *

IN TWO OF THE SMALLER PARTS, Fred Stewart as Leroy and
Michaele Myers as Mrs. Daigle gave depth, authority and polish to
characters that might almost have gone unnoticed. Mr. Stewart made
his bumbling, sly, wicked- janitor a perfect gem of sullen understate
ment that paid off handsomely when he and Rhoda, the child-
murderess, were left alone to taunt one another. Miss Myers played
a drunken, ironic, shell of a women who has lost a son and now has
nothing but drink and the suspicion of who killed her boy to keep
her going. She played it with full compassion and without resorting
to any of the stereotyped mannerisms of the stage drunk.
* * * *
I HAVE LEFT eleven year old Patty Growe to the last. For an
actress of her youth to portray a psychopathic killer is asking more
than might be expected from any child. Miss Crowe gave a thoroughly
polished, professional performance and, except for a tendency to give
the character away with a bit too much petulance, outshone many
of the older members of the cast.
-Barton Wimble

Constitutional Guarantees: Condiinl


T ragedyAinAlabama

The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Non-Academic Per-
sonnel Office, Room 1020 Administration
Building, during the following hours:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring part-
time or temporary employees should
contact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, ext.
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs
should consult the bulletin board in
Room 1020, daily.
5-Miscellaneous jobs, mostly yard-
1-Speech correction major, 1-2 morn-
ings or afternoons per week, thru
summer and fall.
4-Experienced full-time day camp
2-Waiters every day at noon, for one
3-Inventory clerks, full-time from
May 28, thru June 1 or 2.
4-Salesmen, commission basis, must
have car.
17-Psychological subjects, hours to be
3-Counter assistants, hours to be ar-
. ranged.
4-Meal jobs.
1-Counter clerk, Monday, Wednesday,.
Friday 3-7 p.m., and Tuesday,
Thursday 4-6 u.m., Saturdays 2-6
p.m., must be in Ann Arbor at least
one full year.
46-Psychological subjects, between the
ages of 21 and 30, to participate in
drug experiments.
3-Waitresses, every day at noon, for
one hour.
3-Waitresses, hours to be arranged.
1-Speech correction major, 1-2 morn-
ings or afternoons per week, dur-
ing summer and fall.

To the Editor:
FRED ULEMAN, in his May 17
editorial attacking the HUAC,
raises an interesting point when
he says, "If democracy is unable
to survive as democracy with
freedom, it does not deserve to
survive under the name of democ-
racy at all." Without condoning
certain excesses by the House com-
mittee, I would challenge the
larger question Uleman has raised.
During a national emergency, a
democracy is unquestionably jus-
tified in invoking extra-constitu-
tional measures to insure its sur-
vival. Lincoln, Wilson and Frank-
lin Roosevelt, each ,recognizing
wartime threats to our national
survival, found it necessary to sus-
pend, certain constitutional guar-
antees. In. defending himself
against the accusation of having
overridden the Constitution, Lin-
coln replied: "Was it possible to
lose the nation and yet preserve
the Constitution?"
Many people believe that we are
rapidly approaching, or have al-
ready reached, this point in our
struggle with the international
Communist conspiracy. Whether
or not this is true, I would dis-
agree emphatically with Mr. Ule-
man's conclusion that " . . , it
freedom is suppressed, the name
of the suppressor is irrelevant."
-Paul Breymann, '60

Israeli Details .
To the Editor:
N REGARD to the Israel-Arab'
conflict, a speech by Mr. Fawzi
Abu-Diab and his representation
of the real and absolute truth, I
would like to add some "minor
details" which occurred to me as
an Israeli student that I am sure
were forgotten by the honorable
director when-he brought the "un-
debatable truth" before the public.
He claims, for example, that
Israel refused to return to a reso-
lution by the United Nations in
1948. The idea of the resolution is
certainly very attractive; after all,
what is simpler than to accept a
"million" people whose "love and
reality" to Israel stands "beyond
doubt." (I can't forget the com-
parison that someone mentioned
that this is the same as bringing
sixty million devoted Communists
into the United States, relatively
that is.)
The lapse of memory of the
honorable speaker is unfortunate
indeed. Had he looked a little fur-
ther back into the past resolutions
of the United Nations he couldn't
possibly have overlooked another
resolution that determined the in-
dependence and'autonomy of Is-
rael (Nov. 1947). Had it not been
for his shortness of memory and
the shortness of foresight of his

leaders there wouldn't be a "mil-
lion refugees" problem at all.
A "million" rooted people own-
ing houses, fields, and other prop-
erties do not just leave all this
overnight, no matter what pres-
sure is put on them, 'certainly not
without a battle. After all, there
is a long tradition of Arab hero-
ism. But they left with the thought
of coming back soon which was
granted and supplied generously
by seven Arab armies, who prom-
ised to sweep off the Jews. "If this
is the case why take the risk of all
the shooting."
** .
MR. ABIU-DIAB unfortunately.
(I am sure not intentionally) tends
to forget some little and unim-
portant details and facts; Israel
suggested and expressed its readi-
ness to enter into any talks about
the refugee settlement and the
entire Israel-Arab conflict, and al-
ways expressed its willingness to
pay compensation to those who,
suffered loss of home and prop-
erty, but not under the precondi-
tion of the ultimate return of all
the refugees to Israel as the Arab
countries requested.
I believe that Mr. Abu-Diab was
joking when he spoke about the
expansion plans of Israel and its
geography books; if not, I can't
understand how he got the num-
ber, twenty million. (The total
number of all the Jews in the

world, including men, women, and
children) and eight million who
claim that they are first American,
Russian, French, etc.,,is fourteen
million.) If with God's help we will
be vigorous enough to ever get to
the twenty million mark, the
Arabs at the time, according to
the present birth rate, will num-
ber about seven hundred million
which will naturally balance our
pressure for expansion
I can't avoid sharing Mr. Abu-
Diab's feelings about the Jewish
influence in those democratic
countries where they are a part
of the democratic process with the
right to hold opinions and ideas in
their own interests. After all the
word democracy in Its different
practical applications has small
use in the Arab countries.
In conclusion, I am afraid that
Mr. Abu-Diab didn't even repre-
sent his leaders' opinions about
the subject. The latter announced
in the past and keep announcing
in the present that the only real
solution is pushin gthe Israelis
back to the sea, a pretty humane
and logical solution, except that
some of us are bad swimmers in-
-Michael Lehmann
(Letters to the Editor should be
limited to 300 words, typewritten
and double spaced. The Daily re-
serves the right to edit or withhold
any "letter. Only signed letters will
be printed.)

HE DISORDERS in Alabama are tragic and
ominous. For they raise questions which
lsewhere in the world have proved to be insol-
ble by rational political means.
What has happened in Alabama is that into
he long controversy over civil rights, which has
een waged for a century in Congress, in the
>urts, in the press, there have in recent times
een added direct actions on which human lives
re staked.
WHAT HAD BEEN a movement of gradual
reform is showing unmistakable signs of
urning into a movement of physical confronta-
on, with all the dire possibilities of reprisal
,d counter-reprisal,
Federal law is being nullified by state laws
rhich contradict it and by overwhelming white
entiment which does not recognize it. NullifI-,
ation exists by the failure of the state authori-
ies to enforce Federal law and by the abdica-
ion of local authorities to mobs.
We are witnessing a non-violent rebellion
gainst this nullification, non-violent in that
.he agitators are unarmed and passive. This
ebellion marks a lessening of hope and faith
ni the processes of the courts, of elections, of
:ongress, and of education. It is influenced, no
,oubt, by the demonstrations in Africa that
white domination can be ended by agitation
nd rebellion, We must recognize the grim fact
hat we have no immunity here. It would be
ain for anyone to expect that there can be a
uick and easy end to the kind of courage and
.etermination. which has been shown in the
us rides and in the lunch-counter sit-ins. No
ne should expect this kind of thing to disap-
ear leaving everything as it was before.
W7TT T.TrA TCKT i. n +fha 1hinninao nf an ex-

by the bus riders is one of wisdom as well as
of law, there is no doubt at all that their ride
into Birmingham and Montgomery was lawful.
There is no doubt..that the Governor of Ala-
bama and the local law enforcement officers
failed to prevent mobs from depriving the bus
riders of their lawful rights. The authority of
the law must, therefore, be vindicated, and the
Attorney General has acted swiftly and boldly
to do just that.
BUT THAT is only the beginning of the story.
The Administration and the country are
compelled to face the problem of direct action
as a method of promoting civil rights. This is
a real and pressing problem. For it is evident
that after the lawful rights of the bus riders
have been vindicated by the Federal Marshals,
the Federal government will almost certainly
be in a position where it may be called upon to
intervene whenever and wherever someone
chooses to make a physical demonstration
against the nullification of civil rights. The
question is what kind of precedent is to be es-
tablished by the sending of the Federal Mar-
shals. The matter cannot be left at the point
where the Federal government is in duty bound
to protect those whose actions it cannot advise,
guide, and control.
It follows, so it seems to me, that the Ad-
ministration will have to have a thorough dis-
cussion with the leaders of the direct action
movement. It must do this before the incipient
rebellion gets out of hand. For while agitation
cannot, and should not be suppressed, it can-
not be left unlimited and uncontrolled. If this
rule is established, it may provide a basis on
which it is not unreasonable to hope that the
Administration can talk seriously with the re-
snnnsihleadrs of n the South-talkr to them


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