See Page 4
.Ifr igaun
Warmer, showers or
thundershowers tonight.
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
Claim Hare,
Quimby Ask
'U' Position
Say Two Democrats
Seek Nelson's Post
Michigan Secretary of State
James M. Hare and Thomas M.
Quimby, in charge of Peace Corps
training, both Democrats, are re-
>ported to ,be contenders for the
position of Vice-President for Uni-
U versity Relations soon to be va-
cated by Lyle M. Nelson.
They were reported as seeking
the position in the Ann Arbor
News yesterday. Nelson is leaving
to take a position at Stanford Uni-
versity after this summer.
Hare has been Secretary of
State since 1954 and is now serv-
ing his fourth term. Quimby is a
former Democratic Party national
committeeman from Grand Rap-
ids and is now working in Wash-
ington, D.C.
Neither Hare nor Quimby could
be reached for comment. Regents
Eugene B. Power (D-Ann Arbor)
and Donald M. Thurber (D-De-
troit) said no comment would be
forthcoming until official an-
nouncement of Nelson's plans had
been given by the University.
Although report of Nelson's
plans to become Director of Uni-
versity Relations at Stanford was
received from Stanford Friday,
there has not been any official
announdement or confirmation
from the University. h
The next meeting of the Board
of Regents will be Thursday at
Traverse City, when official an-
nouncement of Nelson's resigna-
tion and his replacement may be
National Committeeman
Quimby was succeeded as Dem-
ocratic national committeeman
last year by Neil Staebler. Quim-
by made an unsuccessful attempt
several months ago to become
elected secretary of Michigan
State University's Board of Trus-
Hare ran for the' Democratic
guberrnatorial nomination last year
but was defeated by Gov. John
B Swainson. He is 48 years of
age ind holds degrees from both
the University and Wayne State
Hare, a former teacher of gov-
ernment at WSU, began his politi-
cal career as Safety Commission
chairman. Both as Secretary of
State and the commission chair-
man Hare has helped publicize
highway safety, tightened restric-
tions on bad drivers, and urged
stiff enforcement of traffic laws.
He became a contender for po-
litical office after serving three
years as manager of the Michigan
State Fair.,
ADA Supports
K ennedy Plan
For Americas
backs of President John F. Ken-
nedy's Cuban policies some day
will seem unimportant as his long-
range Latin American program is
carried out, Arthur M. Schlesing-
er, Jr., a top presidential adviser,
said last night.
Schlesinger drew a parallel be-
tween the criticism the adminis-
tration now is taking as a result
of the abortive move against
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Cas-
tro and criticism he said was
heaped on President Franklin D.
Roosevelt's policies during anoth-
er turbulent period in Cuba, in
Schlesinger spoke at a banquet
of Americans for Democratic Ac-
tion, an avowedly liberal organi-
zation of which he is vice-chair-
"Just as the Cuban policies of
1933 now seem of no importance
in comparison with the unfolding
of the grand design of the Good
Neighbor Policy," Schlesinger, a
Pulitzer' Prize winning Harvard
historian, said, "so the present
Cuban troubles will seem of no
importance in comparison with
the fulfillment of Kennedy's alli-
ance for progress."
In 1933 the Cuban government
of Gerardo Machado was forced
out through internal political op-
position. During four months of
intermittent strife in Cuba, the
United States refused recognition
of any government.
U' Team Reports on Plans
For Medical Care in State
At Laos P,
The increased attention of
the public to health care has
brought greater attention to
hospitals and medical care
plans, the first of three reports
on Michigan hospitals and in-
surance plans stated.
The report asked particular
consideration of the problems
of the aged in the area of
health insurance.
The report, compiled by a Uni-
versity research team headed
by Prof. Walter McNearny of
the business administration
school, was presented yesterday
to the governor's commission
on pre-paid hospital care.
Compiled over the past three
years, the study has been sup-
ported by grants totaling $382
thousand. ,
Care Necessity
The public now views health
care as a necessity like food,
clothing, and shelter, the report
"There is no longer any ques-
tion of whether people receive
health services. It has only be-
come a matter of how.
"A more affluent society, thor-
oughly conditioned to time pay-
ments, gives every indication of
wanting to put more than acute
hospital illnesses under pre-
payment or insurance," Prof.
McNearny stated in his report.
Government Action
He predicted that 70 per cent
of medical care costs will be
covered somehow in the next
ten years, but warned that un-
less the coverage is compre-
hensive and widespread, the
government will act.
"The consumer is likely to in-
sist on representation at policy
levels, channels for grievances,
minimum standards and evi-
dence of quality a layman can
understand," the report said.
As the public will probably
assume a more influential role,
the providers of care and the
financial machinery will have
to accept this shift in power.
Close Gaps
The only way to maintain
control in this situation is to
close coverage gaps as quickly
as possible, the report said.
"How well the voluntary sys-
tem closes the gaps will be
watched closely by government
at all levels. The system will
likely be held in less awe and
judged more and more in terms
of its ability to get things
done," McNearny predicted.
Basically, problems of cover-
age and cost face the voluntary
health care system. "There is
concern with gaps, not with
Faster Rise
"The rapid rise of hospital
costs has clearly sharpened the
aptitude for reform. Hospital
and medical costs have risen
faster than most other major
elements in our economy in re-
cent years," the report stated.
"Labor wants comprehensive
coverage, government support
to cover gaps, reorganization of
medical practice to improve
quality and effect controls and
representation on key institu-
tion boards.
"Labor says it is willing to
spend more on health if there
is some guarantee it is being
well spent," McNearny stated.
Since the public, divorced
from organizational leadership,
is apt to be inarticulate or unin-
formed about individual and
community needs, hospitals and
health groups should look at
organizations as major forces.
Face to face meetings, airing
of problems, and solicitation of
opinions are suggested by the
report to meet this situation.
"In short, groups must learn to
employ skillfully the techniques
of social administrative action."
To determine what the hos-
pitalized public was like 11,000
cases were studied. Seven panels
of specialists were asked to de-
velop a set of norms for meas-
uring the appropriateness of
hospital use and these norms
were applied in depth to 18
different diseases or types of
care, which represented 40 per
cent of all discharges.
Under-, Over-Stays
The basic problem uncovered
was that of one and two-day
understays and overstays in
"A few days longer in the
hospital, multiplied by hun--
dreds of thousands of patients,
can seriously jeopardize volun-
tary health insurance and pre-
payment plans," the report said.
The study also tried to relate
improvements in hospital care
over the past two decades to the
increase in expense for treat-
ment. Cases including births,
appendectomies and gall blad-
der troubles were studied.
Shorter Stays
In the past twenty years the
length of hospital stays have
shortened, but the intensity of
See 'U', Page 8
-Daily-David -Gitrow
YOU'RE OUT-Michigan's Joe Jones tags second as Northwestern's Bill Schwarm attempts to
slide in in yesterday's action. The Wolverines took both games, 6-3 and 7-2, and the Big Ten lead.
Wolverine Nine Leads Big Ten
To Secrecy
CHICAGO ()-A committee of
legislators says legislative com-
mittees should be free to exclude
the press and public from execu-
tive sessions.
The assertion was contained
yesterday in a report by seven
lawmakers from seven states who
make up the Committee on Legis-
lative Processes and Procedures,
part of the National Legislative
The report was distributed to
7,800 state legislators and many
other state officials by the Coun-
cil of State Governments in Chi-
The Council is an unofficial
body of elected state officials
which serves as a clearinghouse
for study and interchange of in-
formation on state government
Eleven recommendations were
made for overhauling aspects of
the lawmaking machinery which,
the committee said, has bogged
down and confused work of as-
semblies in many states.
Committees, which should be
fewer in number, the report said,
should make provisions "for pub-
lic hearings on major bills, with
adequate facilities for such hear-
ings." Notice and rules of hear-
ings should be posted well in ad-
vance of such sessions.
"The right of legislative com-
mittees to hold closed or executive
sessions when necessary should be
recognized, and its desirability em-
phasized," the committee said.
Griffin Sees Capitalism
Road to Greater Freedom
"Free enterprise is not a fortress to be defended but a road to
greater freedom for the individual, Prof. Clare E. Griffin of the
business administration school told the school alumni yesterday.
Discussing the "New Face of Capitalism," Prof. Griffin noted the
role of increasing capital, the resulting equality of income and the
new role of the corporation in the modern society.
The increasing affluence of the United States allows for extended
economic freedom. This freedom comes with the increase of capital
per worker. As the consumer no longer needs products for sustenance
living, he begins to demand varied products. This gives a trend away
from mass production as varied products make for less standardiza-
tion, Prof. Griffin said. However, since the consumer no longer needs
't he products, he may not buy
them, an is akes forinstabi
.................;:.";:-;} itY in the m arkets.
::}:?:-liii:: :: ."}v Capitalism as an equalizer has
made for a more equal distribution
of income and an abolition of pov-
erty as it was understood in the
19th century, he said.
"Capitalism is an equalizer be-
cause the demand for any one
.factor depends on the supply of
"There is an element of danger"
in the fringe benefit corporation
care of the employee however. It
is reminiscent of the feudalistic
care of the serfs. "The money sys-
tem of wages and the free man is
a new thing, an experiment of the
last 150 years," he noted.
If modern man cannot handle
the freedom, then we may have a
PROF. CLARE GRIFFIN twentieth century feudalism, he
... lew capitalism said.
Michigan jumped into the lead
in the Big Ten baseball race yes-
terday when Fritz Fisher and Bob
Marcereau pitched the Wolverines'
to 7-2 and 6-3 victories over
Northwestern at Ferry Field.
Minnesota dropped to third from
the top spot when it was bounced
in both ends of a doubleheader by
Illinois, 5-1 and 4-3. Indiana
moved into a virtual first place
tie with Michigan by defeating
Purdue twice, 14-8 and 7-6. With
three conference games remaining,
the Wolverines hold a .071 per-
centage lead over, the Hoosiers,
but are one game to the good in
the important lost column.
Shriver Gets
Good Response
On Corps Trip
BANGKOK (R) - R. Sargent
Shriver, director of the United
States peace corps, said yesterday
he has received uniformly favor-
able responseto the project on his
swing through eight nations of.
Africa and the Far East.
He indicated Thailand and Tan-
ganyika will be the countries in
which concrete operations will
"We have been received gener-
ously and with great interest
everywhere," Shriver told a news
conference in Bangkok.
He said he had long discussions
with Thailand's Deputy Prime
Minister Thanom Kittikachorn
and Foreign Minister Thanat Kho-
"By June 1 we expect to reach
understanding with Thai govern-
ment officials about what we can
do here," Shriver said.
Agreements already concluded
would have the corps supply Tan-
ganyika with 20 highway survey-
ors, 4 geologists and 4 civil engi-
Fisher went all the way in the
first game allowed the Wildcats
only five hits while striking out
ten. In the process the lanky left
hander with the whiplash fast ball
recorded his fifth win against only
one loss on the season.
In the seven inning nightcap,
Marcereau was staked to a six run
lead in the first inning and al-
lowed only one run and four hits
until he tired in the final frame.
It was that man Mike Joyce
again who came in to bail out
Marcereau after a single, an error,
a walk and a hit batsman had
forced in one run and left the
bases loaded with two out.
Another Run
Another run scored when catcher
Dick Syring let one of Joyce's low
fast balls get away from him for
a passed ball, but then the big
sophomore, who pitched ten in-
nings yesterday, got Wildcat third
baseman Hal Neimer on a bounder
to third to end the ballgame.
For Marcereau it marked win
number two of a season that has
seen the rain wash out at least
three of his starting assignments.
The only question that remains
now is who's going to stop these
rampaging Wolverines? Only a 3-2
heartbreaker against Indiana mars
Plan Re-Use
Of Mercury
MACON (R) - Wernher von
Braun said yesterday the Mercury
capsule that carried Alan B. Shep-
ard into space will be used later
this year for a true orbital flight.
Plans call for the 3,000-pound
capsule, called "Freedom 7," to
circle the globe once in the first
attempt, and possibly several times
on subsequent shots, he said.
A Redstone rocket, developed at
the Marshall Space Flight Center,
was used to send the Mercury
capsule on its sub-orbital flight.
an otherwise perfect Big Ten rec-
Twelve Hits
Yesterday, Michigan banged outj
12 safeties in the first game and
came back with seven more-six
See FISHER, Page 6
Business RiseI
HOT SPRINGS, Va. (A) - The
government's Business Advisory
Council told Secretary of Com-
merce Luther H. Hodges yester-
day the business recovery has tak-
en off at a faster pace than anti-
cipated, with most elements of
the economy contributing to the
Hodges concurred in the coun-
cil's forecast that national pro-
duction will end the year at a
$520-billion annual rate. That
would be a 4 per cent increase
from the recession low of $499.5
billion in the January-March
Stable Prices
The business group also foresaw
nearly stable prices ahead. A rise
of only about 1 per cent. in the
next 18 months was predicted.
The council, made up of about
160 industrialists representing
scores of the country's biggest
corporations, met here in closed
session, but reporters were briefed
afterwards by Hodges, F. R. Kap-
pel, president of American Tele-
phone and Telegraph Co., and
It had been disclosed earlier
that a majority of the council's
panel of professional economic
consultants had foreseen a $525
billion rate of gross national prod-
uct by the last quarter of the
year, a bit higher than the judg-
ment of the council's economic
committee headed by Kappel.
Rate Faster
Kappel said the rate of pick-up
was faster than had been foreseen
at this stage, and that virtually
all major segments of business
except retailing shared in the
gains last month.
The council nevertheless feels
that the $520 billion production
rate by year's end is an appropri-
ate guess, Kappel said.
This figure represents the dol-
lar value of all goods and serv-
ices produced.
Report Plans
For Viet Aid
NEW YORK (A)-The New York
Herald Tribune said last night 100
of America's best-trained jungle
West Argues
With Soviet
Over Seating
U.S., Russia Disagree
On Selection of Unit
To Represent Nation
GENEVA () - The 14-nation
conference on Laos, still unable to
get off to a start because of a
dispute over who is to sit in for
the Laotians, erupted into a brisk
war of words last night.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
charged the Communists with ly-
ing in their accusations that the
United States was trying to sabo-
tage the conference.
British Foreign Secretary Lord
Home, still hopefully seeking a
compromise that would get the
conference into session tomorrow,
had a blunt exchange in a private
meeting with Soviet Foreign Min-
ister Andrei Gromyko.
Must Start
He told Gromyko a way must
be found to get the conference
started soon or the foreign min-
isters gathered here would look
Rusk obviously was stung by the
charges of a spokesman for Red
China's Foreign Minister Marshal
Chen Yi that the conference trou-
bles all could be laid at the door-
step of the United States.
Lord Home was reported, how-
ever, to have got along well with
the Chinese foreign minister in an-
other of the feverish diplomatic
exchanges here yesterday.
British officials described Chen
as in a "philosophical" mood and
said he conducted himself in a
"calm, polite and restrained" man-
Rusk's position is that the Path-
et Lao cannot be admitted on an
equal basis with the pro-Western
royal government of Premier Boun
Oum because it is not even recog-
nized as a government by the
Communist bloc.
The American secretary de-
scribed as fiction the claim that
the Pathet Lao rebels controlled
two-thirds of Laos. He added that
the Pathet Lao had sent troops
down two roads "but there is an
awful lot of territory not under
their control."
IA Chinese Communist spokes-
man claimed Prince Souvanna
Phouma, a former premied who
claims to be a neutralist, heads the
only legal government in Laos.
The spokesman said the cabinet
of Boun Oum, supported by, the
United States, has no legitimate
But even the Chinese Commun-
ists did not maintain that Pathet
Lao constituted a government.
Rival Leaders
Sign Formal.
BAN NAMONE, Laos (A)- The
warring faction in Laos signed a
formal cease-fire yesterday and set
up political talks that may help
resolve the East-West, tangle on
who will speak for Laos at the
Geneva conference.
-The agreement marked at least
a step forward after more than a
week of haggling while diplomats
in Geneva held back on negotia-
tions about the political future of
The Communists and the West
are backing different factions at
the stalled 14-nation conference in
the, Swiss city.
Sitting at a U-shaped table
placed on the dirt floor of the
schoolhouse in this jungle village,
representatives of the pro-Western
government in Vientiane, the Com-
munist-backed Pathet Lao rebels
and the rebels' neutralist political
allies.agreed to order all field com-
manders to enforce a strict ban on
Emerson, Baragrey Work Easily in Diverse Media
In spite of the technical differ-
ences involved in working on tele-
vision, in the theatre or in the
movies,, performers Faye Emerson
and John Baragrey find little dif-
ficulty in adjusting themselves to
diverse media.
Miss Emerson and Baragrey,
who will be appearing in the
Drama Season's first production
"The Marriage-Go-Round" from
May 16 through 20, believe that
working in different media is
"just a matter of acceptance."
"In the old days theatrical per-
formers acted in the theatre, but
1 "Yes, on television the actor Miss Emerson and Baragrey
feels reduced to the size of a have been actively rehearsing for
bouillon cube," Baragrey agreed. "The Marriage-Go-Round" since
But, asked if he would rather Tuesday.
play in the theater than on tele- The play, which has only four
vision, Baragrey declared, "I'm so characters, requires each of the
enthusiastic abouthacting that I performers to memorize a great
like to do it anywhere, many lines, Miss Emerson com-
"Actually, I do prefer playing ments as she skims part of the
to a live audience," he added. script.
"But it's a lot of fun in television Week Rehearsal
and movies too." "A week of rehearsals is pretty
Larger Audience normal for any play on the road,"
Miss Emerson notes that on tel- Baragrey notes. "On Broadway, of"
evision the actor or actress is play- course, the play is rehearsed three
ing to a much larger audience. wesi e okadsvrl
"If you goof on television, you've weeks in New York and several
t_ -- _ imore on tour. But then you're