At the 19th H~ole
with Fred Steinhardt
xTMoments To Remember
ICHIGAN'S SWIMMING SEASON and a stirring NCAA victory
are many weeks past and Wolverine sports fans are now occupied
th title contendihg spring teams.'
Only Coach Gus Stager, busy drawing a bead on high school
nimmers, and assorted swimmers still in training beat a path to
e varsity pool every day.
However our thoughts were recently turned to swimming when,
'phomore Dick Nelson, and seniors Ron Clark, Dave Gillanders and
cank Legacki were honored by being named to the College Swim-i
ing Coaches Association All-American team on the basis of NCAA
iamplonship wins. Also given recognition was the NCAA medley'
lay team composed of Alex Gaxiola, Nelson, Gillanders, and Steve
Ironically, Nelson, Clark, Gillanders, and Legacki showed their
ue colora in a losing cause-this year's Big Ten championship meet.
hich went to Indiana by a narrow 205-201 margin.
3reez Bounces Back..
NELSON CAME TO THE TOP of the top of the swimming world
ot year as a freshman by setting an American record of 1:02.4 for
1e 100-yd. breaststroke at the National AAU meet.
Knowing insiders shook their heads. "Once in a lifetime," they
id. "He's a one shot champ." "Who's he?"
The 100-yd. breaststroke is not contested at dual meets and
elson, or "Breezy" to his teammates, worked all fall and winter
ith one goal in mind-winning the Big Ten 100-yd. breaststroke.
His major obstacle: Chet Jastremski of powerful Indiana,
the team favored to 'dethrone Michigan as conference champs.
When the six finalists stepped up to the blocks that Saturday
fternoon, every point counted as Michigan was making the bid
fat was to fall just short minutes later.
Nelson and Jastremski matched stroke for stroke for the first
5 yards and were even coming out of the final turn when Nelson
ne through with that "something extra" which every champion
as, and won in a record 1:01.8.
Swimming in the AAU's against Jastremski and past his com-
btitive peak Breez was back in the pack as the Hoosier Jet became
he first man to go under one minute for the 100-yd. breaststroke.
ut: both have two years of eligibility left and it will be interesting
see if Nelson can regain his supremacy. Don't bet against it.
Zecord smasher . ,
IT MAY BE SAFE to say that Clark was the premier breast-
roker in the world through the past swimming season. Disqualified
tom the Olymbic trials for an illegal turn, he had to sit idly by
nd watch Bill Mulliken of Miami (O.) reap the gold medal glory
But once he hit his stride in February, records began to fall
ster than Paul Foytack gopher balls. Swimming without opposition
fter the Ohio Mtate dual meet, Clark coasted home to break Mul-
ken's 220-yd. mark by three seconds.
In the Big Ten meet when the points were needed, he made
incemeat of Jastremski and Ken Nakasone of Indiana with a 2:14.3
the 200, three seconds faster than his own American record at
iat time. He lowered that to 2:13.4 at the.NCAA meet.
GILLANDERS LABORED under the shadow of Mike Troy
In the butterfly events for three years. But he never gave up
trying to beat him and finally did at the Big Ten meet when
the chips were down.
Gilladers swallowed a bitter pill when he, narrowly missed an
pset over Troy in Troy's' best event, the 200-yd. butterfly. But
e came back the next day with a splendid effort to whip Troy
i the 100-yd. butterfly, giving Michigan precious points.
A superior student in a difficult electrical engineering curriculum,
illanders still was able to put in the great amount of time re-
ired of championship caliber swimmers. He is a credit to the
niversity and richly deserves his All-American honors.
com etitor and Captain . .
LEGACKI WILL HAVE TO BE remembered as one of the finest
rimining competitors ever.
'His training and competitive habits as a varsity swimmer were
miniscent of Bobby Layne's. Both enjoy a good time. Both are
so capable of rising to an occasion as few other men in their
spective sports can.
",In Legacki's case, the 400-yd. freestyle irelay final at this year's
ig Ten meet is as good an example as any.
It was the final event of the first big night of competition'
and favored Indiana held a comfortable lead.
As expected, favored Michigan State broke into a sizeable lead.
partan anchorman Mike Wood hit the water and was almost a
alf-length down the pool when Legacki dove in after him, frantically
Turning before he hit tne water. Somehow, though it seemed fan-
stic at the time, you knew that Legacki would catch him. More
perienced pressbox observers laughed at our youthful exuberance
a. losing cause. We were up on our feet waving a towel with the
st of the Michigan squad and the whole place was in an uproar.
Then, slowly, the glances of mirth became expressions of dis-
lief. He WAS catching him. Wood looked like he was on a treadmill
Legacki passed him on the last turn to win.'
Michigan was now within two points of Indiana going in to the
nial day. Wood was clocked in a very fast :49.0. Legacki? All he
ad to do to make up 30 feet and more was a mere :47.6.
Legacki was not a captain in name only. He was a leader who
spired his teammates as they swam and set an example for them
hien he swam.
n Closing ..
SOPHOMORE DICK NELSON will continue to shine for Michi-
As for the seniors. Ron Clark and Dave Gillanders were skilled
id spirited swimmers of the first magnitude. Michigan could point
th pride to both Frank Legacki the captain and Frank Legacki
ie comipetitor.
These'three will be hard to replace. We wish them luck in
the future.
Second Sacker Jones' Hitting,
Fielding Key To 'M' Success
PSK Tops Dekes, 3-1;
Zeta Psi Still Unbeaten
A good leadoff batter is sup-
posed to get dozens of walks, have
good speed on the bases, and beat
out enough hits to bat around .275.
If he does not get very many
walks, then he is considered a
poor leadoff hitter.
Unless, of course, he gets hits
That, briefly, is the case of Wol-
verine second baseman, Joe Jones.
The 5' 9", 150-lb. sophomore phys-
ical education major from Detroit.
is currently pounding the servings
of Big Ten pitchers at a .391 clip,
and is one of the main reasons fr
the Wolverines' surge this season.
Double-play Maker
He has had 27 hits in 19 games
,for the Wolverines, including a
four-for-five day against Indiana,
the game which Michigan won
24-5. In addition to his hitting,
he has saved numerous games by
going far to his left or right to
stop hits, throwing out fast "un-
ners on slow rollers, coming up
with many a threat-killing double
play ball, or relaying a double play
throw to second in time to nip the
Jones came to Michigan with
excellent qualifications. As regular
secondbaseman for Detroit's
Southeastern High School, he hit
over .300 in his sophomore and
senior seasons, but hit only .270 in
his junior year. He also hit over
.300 in each of three seasons of
summer ball with the Modern
Hard Chrome Class D team of
Shortstop Dick Honig and Jones By JAN WINKLEMAN
help each other out whenever they
can. According to Jones, he and Phi Sigma Kappa took advan-
Honig try to find where the other tage of a fine baseball day yes-
likes to take throws, help each terday and downed Delta Kappa
other out on covering second base, Epsilon 3-1 in a first round 'A'
and cover up for each other when fraternity playoff game at Burns
they make mistakes. Park.
Jones attributes a large portion The Phi Sig attack was spear-
of his own and the entire team's headed by pitcher Dale Geiger
excellent performance to date who besides pitching a no-hitter
directly to Lund. "He is by far and striking out 13 men, hit a
the best coach I've ever had," home run.
admis Jnes He now ho to Zeta Psi defeated Delta Tau
admits Jones. He knows how to Delta 9-4 in a battle between two
nt a topere y knows hs baseba. undefeated teams, thereby gain-
Ydh really knows his baseall ing a first place playoff berth.
the way for him,, Pitcher Don Mast fanned nine of
his opponents. The Zeta Psi vic-
Chance for Big Ten Title tory marks the fourth time in five
He thinks that the team still years that Zeta Psi has made the
has a chance to win the Big Ten 'A' league first place playoffs.
title. "We've had some bad luck John Zanglin did the hitting
on the rainouts because we haven't and Rick Staelin did the pitching
played as many games as Min- for Phi Delta Theta in their tri-
nesota, but all Minnesota has to umph over Theta Xi by a 3-1 mar-
do is lose one more game, and gin in 'A' second place playoffs.
we'll be right up there. We'll have Come From Behind
to take all our conference games Psi Upsilon's four runs in the
from here on in though." last of the sixth were badly need-
.Jones' performance and his ed. They provided the winning
overall value to the team were margin for a 7-6 come-from-be-
probably best summed up by Lund. hind victory in third place 'A'
"Joe has something which niore playoffs over Acacia. In another
ballplayers should have--an even 'A' third place playoff game Zeta
temperament. He doesn't get down Beta Tau was successful, beating
on himself; he gives out 100 per Phi Kappa Sigma 20-8 sparked by
cent all of the time; he makes the the strong hitting of Steve Link-
big play 'when you need it; and er.
he gets the clutch hit when you Chi Psi gained the first place
need it." 'A' playoffs by overcoming Sigma
"You can't ask a ballplayer to Phi 18-5. Tom Watson's three
do more than he's done for us."
. . hits instead of walks
"We never had any doubt that
Joe would be our regular second
baseman," says coach Don Lund.
"Even aside from his great hit-
ting, he would have played if only
because of his glove. He and Dick
(Honig) give us a far better double
play combination than we've had
here i years."
Jones admits that he has had
his bad days in the- field. "I re-
member when I was playing in
a league for ages 13-16. I used to
make plenty of errors then. I,
guess that was because I. didn't
have any confidence in my fielding
Goode. Plays with Confidence
Happy-go-lucky Mike Goode is
one of the reasons why Michigan
golf' Coach Bert Katzenmeyer is
so pleased with 'his team's per-
forrance so far this year.
Goode, who played little last
year as a sophomore, has blos-
somed into -one of the most con-
sistent golfers on the team. Dur-
ing the spring trip, he was medal-
ist against Duke and again In the
first dual meet with Detroit.
His worst round of the season
was a good 78 on the tough and
wet- Scarlet Course at Ohio State.
His last week's' score of 73-75-
148 tied him for second on the'
pm - -u
, _
:. -
team and his regular season aver-
age is a low 74.4.
Mental Attitude Better
Goode attributes his success to
his mental attitude.
"Last year if I hit a bad tee
shot or had a bad iron I would
give up, but this year I know that
I can recover and make a par on
a hole that I would have bogeyed
last year.
"I guess Dick Youngberg has
been the biggest factor in my im-
provement," continued Goode. "He
worked with me this spring and
he gave me the confidence I
Katzenmeyer gives Goode's
driving and putting credit for his
success. "Mike is not a long knock-
er, as a matter of fact he is one
of the shortest hitters on the team,
but he makes up for this by his
accuracy," said the Michigan men-
Controls Drives
"He can control his drives, and
almost always keep the ball in
play," continued Katzenmeyer. As
far as putting is concerned, Goode
has shown himself to be one of
the team's best.
"Mike has tremendous confi-
dence on the green. He hits for the
Golf Meet Today
The varsity golf team will
play the freshmen today in an
18-hole meet. The public is in-
vited to the meet which will
take place at the University
Golf Course, starting at 1 p.m.
cup and expects it to go in, and it
is very rare that he has a bad
putt," said Katzenmeyer.
At Northwestern, Goode showed
that he could play under pressure.
After a low first round, he confi-
dently set out in the afternoon,
but on the second hole he hit the
wrong ball and had to take a two
penalty stroke.
Good Recovery
Naturally this upset him, hurt-
ing his game. He made the turn
with,.a four over par 40, and was
informed by Katzenmeyer that
the team was three strokes down.
With this in mind, Goode finish-
ed the last nine, with a par 35 for
what Katzenmeyer has termed a
"masterful recovery."
In addition to a good game of
golf, Goode adds a little humor
to the team. "I guess I'm a pretty
funny guy, but I get serious when
I get out to play;" he said.
"The guys are always sticking
the needles in Mike, but they only
do it because he is such a wonder-
ful sport and takes it so well,"
said Katzenmeyer.
Working Hard
Goode is working hard on the
practice tee, as is the rest of the
team in preparation for hosting
the 36 - hole triangular meet
against Ohio State and Michigan
State on Saturday.
As far as the team's future is
concerned, Goode is naturally con-
fident. "Everybody on the team is
going to be up for the Big Ten and
if we give it a little extra we can
end up Conference champions."
31a jor League
New York
Kansas City
Los Angeles
W IL Pct.
18 6 450
14 8 .636
12 11 .522
12 11 .522
12 11 .522
9 10 .478
9 12 .429
9 13 .409
8 14 .364
9 16 .360
9 /
Cleveland 8, Chicago 2 (11 inn.)
New York 9, Kansas City 4.
Minnesota 11, Baltimore 6
Detroit 7, Washington 1
Boston 3, Los Angeles 2
Washington at Detroit
Baltimore at Minnesota
Only games scheduled
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San Francisco
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W L Pct.
15 8 .652
16 11 .593
14 10 .583
12 10 .545
10 10 .500
10 11 .476
9 14 .391
6 18 .250
San Francisco 3, Pittsburgh 0
Los Angeles 6, Philadelphia 0
Milwaukee 3, Chicago 2
Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 2
No games scheduled
. .. consistent golfer
ophers :on Top
By The Associated Press
lnesota's Golden Gophers,
an eight-game winning
: in quest of their fourth suc-
e Big Ten baseball title,
s leaders in five individual
icial conference statistics
Gopher third baseman Bruce
with a tie with Michigan's
Marshall for homers at
each, and a lead in scoring
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