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March 02, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

… considered favorites to win the Western Con- ference track and Field championship held at Champaign this week- end.. . By no stretch of the imaginations can the Sophomore-laden Wolverines be figured on paper…

… seven. That's a real concentration of strength. Their total of 45 points will put them well in front of their near- est rivals which should be Illinois and Michigan in that order. Thee Wolverines and the…

… weight divisions. The 50-yd. free style figures to All men interested in participat- be a battle between Wolverine ing may sign up at either Water- Dick Weinberg and Keith Carter man Gym or the I…

… has been able to demonstrate his abilityaonly against the shorter teams. NOW IN HIS LAST season for the Wolverines Mik feels that it's his best. This conclusion is due mainly to his performance in the…

March 14, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 115) • Page Image 7

… squad, wit hIllinois second, and the Wolverines far back in the totals to capture third place. Wisconsin and Ohio State followed Michigan in that order. Schoendube was the only Mich- igan gymnast to place…

… tumbling crovn, but was Schoendube's sterling work was again close pressed:by Pat- on the trampoline. ton. Joe Fina of Illinois Finished Although the Wolverines fig- third. ured in pre-meet dope to take The…

Wolverine Coach Newt LokMT1 State second, to score the Buck's only points, and Len Bralower of praisedi satt butedpterorance Illinois took show honors. Minnesota to the superior experi- The flying rings event…

…"te y committee.I\3 EVANSTON, Ill. March 13-(, Opponents Shatter Records, But Wolverine Depth Wins f Cont inued from Page 1) -___ dmark of 2:29.2 with a sizzling Harlan to virtually wrap the 2…

… push to clinch the win. Heusner was clocked in 4:56.7 to continue the record smashing tactics but the several points picked up by the Wolverines gave them a commanding 15 point lead with only the high…

…-yard run in 49.9 Lanky Bill Porter, Jackson, seconds to give the Wolverines Mich., youth representing North- a fourth place ranking in the w .estern equalled the University still tvemlptp Tpp hiv…

March 27, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

… swimming and has a proportionate amount of ability, Courtright will have a valu- able addition to his squad. Wolverines outdoors-Coach Ray Fisher's baseball squad finally emerged yesterday from the hectic…

… until yesterday. The whole thing wouldn't be so bad except that word comes from Iowa City that the Hawkeye squad, which the Wolverines meet in the opening game of the season April 9, has taken to the open…

… Running on the triumphant quar- tet were Ross Hume, Dave Matthews, Johnny Roxborough, and Bob Hume. Bob Hume took over "Hose-Nose" Ufer's position, as the Wolverine mid- dle-distance star is suffering a…

… Princeton threesome in 1939. :Tonight's time was also slower than the fasteso Wolverine performance for the event. Against MichiganState the trio went the distance in 2.51.1. The other record was accounted…

… for by Buckeye freshman Bill Smith. Wolverine Baseball Squad Holds First Outdoor Practice Session Frosh Thinclads, Relay Entered at Purdue Tonight Two Wolverine freshman shot-put- ters and probably…

…-yard dash, 60- yard high and low hurdles ansl the shot put. The Wolverine baseball squad jul- ilantly took to the wide open spaces yesterday as they left the Yost Field House and practiced on the Ferry…

March 19, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

… as companion, adviser, and gen- eral buddy to all Michigan ath- lete& He's scheduled to leave the Wolverine scene very soon-prob- ably within two weeks-for Army service. Yesterday the trackmen dressed…

… with inscription to the finest little trainer in the coun- try. Many's the close Wolverine vic- tory that has had Stevie's skillful techniques indirectly behind it. HisI trainingefinesse has put…

… Hoo- sier team, the Wolverines came in ahead of the Indiana aggregation. That was in the Chicago Relays, when Warren Breidenbach shifted into high gear on the last lap and left Kane far behind, with the…

…, however, the Hoosiers gained full re- venge for that defeat, winning the university two-mile relay just a step ahead of the Wolverines, who took second. The Indiana team's time for that race was 7…

… shoot it out for the championship, in the Chicago Amphitheatre Friday. Composed of four such stars as Paul Kendall, Harry Price, Earl Mitchell, and Kane, the Hoosier team is favored to beat the Wolverines

March 20, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIG.AN DATTY PAGE TAR Gymnasts Win, 61-35; Fencer Tird iny State Meet "; Michigan at Top in Final Dual Meet with Badgers By HERB MUNZEL Third in total points for the The Wolverine

… * * * the Maize and Blue. His. team- THE TWO captains, Wolverine mate and NCAA Champion, Bob Dick Fashbaugh and Wisconsin's Schoendube, took second place John Matheus, shared top honors with Dave Lake coming…

…, Andy Tur- ner of the Wolverines took third losing only to champ Art Bruce of the University of Detroit and runner-up, John O'Conner of Wayne. Michigan, with only three men competing, took third place in…

…. won the Western divi- to the Wolverine in yesterday's fencing meet. sion of the NCAA playoffs 1last TWO DAYS TOO LATE: '11' uckster-s Whip Coldorao 10- nrght when they beat Oregon tae55-30. CKLAHOMA…

… over an outclassed Colo- rado College sextet yesterday af- ternoon. The Wolverines played one of their best games of the year to win the Junior Chamber of Com- merce Cup awarded to the third place team…

March 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…, is back again. Wolf was a member of the 1936 Olympic team and may tear up the pool. He supposed- ly swam 51.8 for the hundred. We're skeptical. But he's capable of throw- ing oil on troubled Wolverine

… chosen to take Breiden- bach's place, Capt. Ralph Schwarz- kopf will be the only Wolverine re- presentative, running in the mile and a half against Charles Fenske, Wal- ter Mehl and Gene Venzke ler…

… Capt. "Butch" Jordan leads a group of five Wolverines who will compete at Champaign, Ill., Fri- day and Saturday in the National Collegiate Wrestling Meet. Jor- dan seeks the heavyweight crown. GOLIF TIP…

Wolverine wrestlers leaves at 8 a.m. today for Champaign. Ill., prepared to make a strong bid for the National Intercol- legiate title. The men Coach Cliff 1,een picked to make the trip will be faced with the…

…, Eastern Intercollegiate titleholders for three successive years; Kansas State, Big Six Champions; and Indiana, one- point winners over the Wolverines for the Big Ten crown. Nichols, Danner Seek Title Coach…

March 25, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

… Relays will see Michigan in its strongest bid for mid-western prominence. One again at full strength the Wolverines will be facing a vir- tual duplication of the talent they met several weeks ago at the…

… Porter. The Wolverines have the best time in the country to their credit but the reinforced Buckeyes will be pressing close. r 6V TIES $1 "+ If you have ties you +***, don't care for, here's your chance…

… Hill, Wolverine captain, and Wally Grant were named to the right defense and the left wings spots, respectively on the first team. Malt ann IlII Carries Hope For'M'Win in 1500 Meters Itoogerhyde Smith…

…'s events.) By MERLE LEVIN Matt Mann III, Michigan's Big Nine champ in the 1500-meters, will attempt to get the Wolverines off to a flying start tonight in their bid to wrest the NCAA title from Ohio State…

… overconfidence could beat the Wolverines in this event. The' 220-yard freestyle will find defending champion Bill Smith facing an aggregation of swim- ming stars which for sheer bril- liance of name and…

March 23, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 121) • Page Image 7

… Michigan captured two relay firsts and Wolverine shot putter Charley Fonville won his specialty, but Illinois took home the university team title in the fifth annual Purdue Relays here tonight, scor- ing 46…

… Illinois set the other mark at 10:08.3, two seconds better than Indiana's 1940 time. The Wolverines started off in the right way by winning the two- mile relay in 7:51.6, whipping Drake University by eight…

… a little variety to his first place prizes this year. The Wolverine team of Vetter in the half-mile, Mel Detweiler on the "440" leg, Low running the .-mile, and Birdsall on the an- chor mile came back…

… back to put on a fine duel with Indiana's great Earl Mitchell in the anchor half- hile, the Wolverine winning by Phila. (N) .Phila. (A) 004 100 001---2 6 0 000 000 100-1 11 1 Leonard, RQwei(6) and…

… Barten a beautiful stick pass and the Wolverine took over immediately. Mitchell caught him but could not match the Bar- ten kick and the Maize and Blue won in 3:38.7. In the mile relay, Illinois took…

…, Witherspoon, and Forrestel ran for the Wol- verines. Wolverines Ed Ulvestaad, Gene Moody, and Max Kelly all brought home third place honors in the pole vault, as a total of 13 men tied for the third slot in the…

March 07, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

… at Garden; Swanson, Hirsch Contribute to Saturday Win J - Departs ftr Army By BILL LAMBERT Although most university activi- ties enjoyed a between-semester va- cation, the Wolverine track squad was…

…. In downing the Illni Saturday: night, the Wolverines showed the same well balanced power which has enabled them to-romp through their. schedules undefeated so far this sea-: son. They captured eight…

… sparked the Wolverine back- field last fall and held down the cen- ter spot on the basketball quintet, placed second in the broadjump with a leap of 23' 1/4". This was Hirsch's first itercollegiate track…

…'s ace half-miler and Western Conference champion in that event, will be inducted into the Army March 10. His loss will be a severe blow to Coach Ken Doherty's hopes for a Wolverine triumph in the…

…, the loss meant a tie with Northwest- ern for third place. Wolverines Are Sixth Michigan and Illinois head the sec- ond division with identical records of five wins against seven setbacks. The Wolverines

March 26, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

… and the 1500-meter freestyles, the 150-yard backstroke and the 300-yard medley relay. There is a great likelihood that the Wolverines will come out of today's events even with the Buckeyes in the matter…

… Rogers of Columbia should take fourth. Holiday Rtules Backstroke Field Wolverine Harry Holiday has be- come the exclusive ruler of the na- tion's college backstrokers, proved by his recent NCAA record…

… two-mile relay. Ufer Will Run 600 Doherty said that if it comes to entering the Wolverine in only one race he will be placed in the 600. In that case, Bob Hume, regular two- miler, would take over Ufer…

… hurdles, com- peting against such champions as Bob Wright and Whitey Hlad. Bob Segula competes the Wolverine con- tingent, being scheduled for the pole- vault. Two Freshmen Make Trip Making the Purdue trip…

… maybe a chance of John Liedy, last year's captain, returning to the team, although he is in the Army. I I - MICKEY FISHMAN ... Wolverine hurler, who along with "Pro" Boim, will be counted on to provide…

Wolverine ball club will be one of the molt interesting that he has had to work with since he came here in '21. There are only seven returning let- termen, the lowest number that he has ever had for a nucleus…

March 31, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

… policy designed to facilitate the com- escyeserhis right to the honor. Pound for Michigan upon the open air court. pletion of the full spring athletic day, the Wolverine thinclads were pound there can…

…. Last year at Maxwell Has Color annual conclave at East Lansing Sat- vious campaign is the vaunted Sigma Drake, the Wolverines took a sur- There was however one other mat- urday . . . at the big dinner…

… following year. off events were decided during the The Wolverine trackyjuggernaut tennis, but has never played on any Transfers Again past week. In badminton, Bill Mac- rolled overwthe Buckeyes last year…

…. He Theta Delts to no avail. teamed with Tom Gamon as the third doubles team and the duo went to the final round before bowing to Johannesen and Martin of Chicago, 9-7, 10-8. Wolverine Swimmers Lose…

… the Detroit city doubles cham- pionship by beating Jim Tobin, Wolverine captain last year. and his partner in the finals. With this, his senior year at Mich- igan rapidly drawing to a close, Gerry…

… year is that they are the smallest team in the Big Ten . . . the only six footer that will probably make the team is Paul White . . . The River Rouge slugger led the Wolverines in hitting in their first…

March 05, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

… Conference Win; Sofiak Scores 10 (Continued from Page 1) No Feudin' Please . . the floor swished the nets as the gun went off to close the contest at 43-32 for the Wolverines. Pink, Wood and Rae dropped the…

… Remain Alive DespiteHoosier Licking 13 15 431 scare at half: Michigan 16, Minne- sota 13. Big Ten Swim Marks Sought By Wolverin There is nothing sacred, nothing' inviolable in fact, nothing immortal…

Wolverines ought to find no, trouble surpassing the relay marks. Ohio State is the present king of the medley with the 2:56.8 timing turned in last year, but it was just two weks ago that the crack Michi- gan…

… able to come out on. top, the Wolverines gave a performance that showed them cap- able of taking the crown this eek- end if they get their share o the breaks. With Capt. Forrest Jordan and Bill Combs on…

… the sidelines with injuries, the Wolverines suffered only one fall at the hands of the Big Ten cham- pions, and in four matches came within a shade of getting the nod. Jordan and Combs will return to…

… record board reads 3:33.8 set by Ed Hutchens, Bill Holmes, Charley Bar- ker and Walt Tomski during the 1939 meet. This year's Wolverine quartet, made up of John Gillis, Bar- ker, Tommy Williams and Gus…

… Chicago, but he took time off to say a few words about last Saturday's meet with Notre Dame in which the Wolverines came the closest they've been to a dual meet defeat in the last two years-only a 13 point…

March 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

Wolverines Retain Swimming Crown In Bitter Struggle Thinclads Rank Fifth In Butler Relays As Notre Dame Takes First Place; Purdue Wins In Big Ten Wrestling By BUD HENDEL Michigan, staving off a great Ohio…

…. For Ohio State, employing every available ounce of effort and energy, staged the most heroic assault ever seen in the Wolverine natatorium. Bat- tling the Maize and Blue mermen on even terms throughout…

…-or-die effort, clinched the crown that almost passed into foreign hands. With the score tied at 44 all, the Wolverines, who entered the meet a top-heavy favorite, took first place and the Big Ten title in that…

… spirit to counteract near exhaustion, led off for the Wolverine relayers and handed Bob West a stroke lead over Capt. John Lett of Ohio State. West lost the advantage to speedy Ed Arm- bruster of Iowa but…

… Buckeye Don Schnabel had slipped to fourth posi- tion in the Scarlet and Gray lane. Then Wolverine Lou Kivi, swim- ming his heart out, regained Michi- gan's margin, heading Iowa's second place Clyde Kemnitz…

… good enough to give them the title. From the first event on the pro- gram until the last, it was a two- team battle. Wolverine followers saw a seven point lead erased in the fancy diving contest, where…

March 13, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

… athletes with low draft num- bers . . . The new Wolverine cage captain, who recently decided to stay in school another year, has been informed by his local board that he will be called shortly after next…

… wait until the .'"Harmon of Michigan" picture comes to town . . The Double has already applied for his tickets to see the Wolverine Gable and intends to sit through at least three shows . Wouldn't miss…

Wolverines for the Independent championship by a 25-15 scone. Gar- by of Robert Owens made eight tal- lies for the winers. Six Residence Hall wrestling cham- pions were determined. The title win- ners were…

… Doherty brought him along slowly in the cur- rent campaign, allowing the former, drive and power to return. At first' Puckmen Meet, Illinois Today At Champaign Wolverines Are Given Little Chance Of…

… neither has forgotten. It is likely that both Coach Eddie Lowrey of the Wolverines and, Vie Heyliger, the Illinois mentor, will start their second front lines and hold their first combinations in re- serve…

… Franck and Northwest- Wolverines, em's Myron Piker all the way to cop Then in the triangular meet against third in the 60 in a virtual blanket Michigan State and Michigan Norm- al at East Lansing, the…

March 03, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

….5. Williams, timed at :54.0, regained the lead for the Wolverines and gave Sharemet a two foot advantage at the start of the last century. Gus eased along as he pleased and pulled 10 yards in front of the…

… Wildcat an- chor man. The diving almost proved fatal to Mtt Mann's squad. Tom Powell, the long and lanky Northwestern ace, led the Wolverine entries through the first nine dives, but lost his ad- vantage in…

… breastroke in 2:27.1 with Johnny Haigh gaining the second place hon- ors. .. Wins Water olo Just as rie a Widcats were no match for the Michigan swimming balance, so the Wolverine water poloists found it hard…

… succession. But then the outclassed Wolverines gathered under their goal, clenched hands and decided to get together on things. Gus Sharemet followed this with a sensational goal from mid-pool which made him…

… Michigan's high scorer for the Wolverines never hit pay-terri- tory again. Benham started in the Michigan goal, but when the Wildcats proved he wasn't another "Spike" James, Beebe, then Haigh and finally…

… Larry Wehrheim followed in his place. But alas, it was all in vain. Going Was Rough The Wolverines were rough and tough. They stopped at nothing ex- cept the referee's whistle as they phdughed over the…

Wolverines a chance to break fast or set up plays. After trailing by only six points at the half, Mich- igan never got closer than seven points to the Bucks. Both Michigan and Ohio flooded the floor with…

… through the Paris defense, grabbed the rolling puck and shoved it into a corner of the net. The Wolverines had been blanked in their four pre- vious games with Michigan Tech and Minnesota. Paris tied it up…

March 21, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

Wolverines Capture National Hockey Title Senators Still Unconvinced On UMT Plan Poll Shows More Sup>orl for Draft By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 20 - -A majority of Senators remain to be…

… Marker By B. S. BROWN and HERB RUSKIN (Special to The Daily) COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, March 20-Michigan reigns tonight as National Collegiate hockey champions. Flashing a powerful attack, the Wolverines

… spark the four goal Wolverine rally that racked up a National title for the Wolverines. OPPOSITE ANGLES: U.S. Pul~iePolicy Reversal Hit by Camnpus Arabs, Jw and Rabbi Lymon issued a (Next Week…

… Square Garden tonight. Mack Suprunowicz was the li man in the Wolverine attack again as he pumped in 14 points in proving himself one of the bette' players of the turney. Un- like the Holy Cross game, his…

March 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…, and then came or to nip John Twomey of Illinois for third place. . The Wolverin' was clocked in about 4:16.8. Holland Beats McKeney After Holland of Northwesteri whipped Herb McKenley of Illi- nois in a…

… hurdles, Wolverine Bob Fancett was grab- bing himself a fifth place in the broad jump, with Miller of Purdue winning with a 24 ft. 5% inch leap. Birdsall Second Then came the two-mile with Birdsall…

… left, the Wolverine's were in the runner-up slot by one point margin over the Buckeye's. Illinois had all but sewed it up. With fastest times determining' the paces, Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio were all…

… fourth place in the 'high jump, with 6 ft. 3 inch leaps. With the Wolverines holding on their one-point lead over Ohio, the relay began. Ohio got off to an early lead and was never headed, in an indescrib…

… battle for second with Ryan getting the nod by inches. Wally Stewart of Michigan added an- other point to the Wolverine to- tal with a fifth place. The Buckeye 400-yard relay quartet put the Ohioans over…

… the former high of 75 points as they outdistanced the Wolverine team of Holiday, Crispin, Coates and Stager in 3:30.0, another new west- ern conference record, to make the evening a completely record…

… avenged an earlier setback by Illi- nois' Chuck Gottfriedson. The Wolverine heavyweight pinned' Gottfiedson in 5:01. Bill "Corky" Courtright ran true to form in the semi-final round as he threw Warren Greg…

… games this weekend by identical scores, which gave the Wolverines a successful season of 13 victories, seven defeats, and a tie with Minnesota. Goalies Brilliant Both goalies, Phil Waite for the victors…

… and Michigan's Jack Me- Donald turned in superb perform- ances to keep the score down, The Wolverines' failure to cover ini front of the net on occasion caused their defeat by the fast skating Huskies…

March 14, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

… results of the 47-team compe- tition held Feb. 16, which have just been announced. The six-man Wolverine squad paced Ohio State and Miami Univer- sity to win the Sectional event. Rifle matches were held at…

… various univer- sities throughout the country and the results of the national tournament found Northwestern in first place. Aside from Gilbert, whose 263 was high score for the Wolverines, other team…

… members were H. W. Dunn, B. D. Sagaser, J. T. Timidaisky, F. E. Cockerham, and team captain, J. C. Erickson. Returning Veterans Brigyhten Prospects for Wolverine Nine ... .__ t e Michigan's promising…

… time in as many years a Michigan State Collce basketball player has been singled out for the honor. Wolverine Track Squad i ampionship, were both chosen for He replaces Sam Fortino, another Fall…

… the ice he was the Wolverine's spark-plug. Speaking at the banquet, the Mich- igan coach complimented the mem- bers on their successful season and team spirit. He stated, "It was a great season and a…

… Church Lauritsen and outdoor track." declared the (ac(!. Warren Bent. the Wolverine's lead- Doherty said there was a pressing int POll vaulters who collected 3 need for additional men in eve oints Saturday…

Wolverine thinelds-compile n th e m 1 Indoor Conference meet last Satuidayb 1ISSpoiled I tRaiI1 23 will have to be subtracted when doping the outdoor rac(,. By The Associated Press The scheduled exhibition…

… relief pitcher, gaining a total of eight points. T1mt Murphy, that he was leaving Elmer Swanson, ace Wolverine hur- Jy autobile from Oak Ridge, Tenn., dier, will be on the baseball team and uldbe in camp…

March 04, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

… Bessone, almost assures another general melee on the ice, either tonight or Saturday, when the two teams close the season. Wolverines Prepared All week the two Wolverines have been getting ready to renew…

… Rugged The Michigan defense has proven that it can take care of the fleet Henry Coupe, Glenn Rolle, and Bucky Benson as they bring the puck down into Wolverine territory. Hank Loud, bydmaking 110 stops…

… battle for the title will narrow down to a fight between the Wolverines and the Buckeyes of Ohio State, and ever, optimistic Matt Mann is already pre- dicting a victory for the Maize and Blue. There will…

… be a private duel be- tween a Wolverine and a Buckeye, too. It'll be in the 220-yard free- style, where Michigan's Captain Johnny Patten and Ohio State's Keo Nakama are expected to battle it out for…

… their personal score. His time in this race was 2:12.7, also faster than the Big'Ten record, but over two seconds slower than the Michigan captain's time in the first meet. The Wolverines making the trip…

… Coach Ken State cindermen and grab the 1943 Doherty's Varsity cinder squad. indoor crown. Both Wisconsin and These first Wolverines will arrive Illinois are picked to give Michigan a in Chicago at 4:40 p…

March 12, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…- tice. He started the crooked hurling arm in action again. With two hockey games still on the Wolverine card, Ross now doubles up on the workouts., pitching in the afternoon and skating at night. And with…

… will at-. tempt to wrest the Fraternit- W1 In a stiff practice session last nieitzz By WOODY BLOCK at the Coliseum, the Wolverine hockey tPuzzled awimcrti rGinning t d h tuel fC hto wonder about a…

… hailed as a "Second Weis- tillating' defensive play of Bert Stod- muller" after pacing the Wolverines den, the squad didn't give the ice I in the National Collegiate and AAU nmeets last season By HAL…

Wolverines last week make off with two of the featured looms in the forthcoming cinder carn- relays, while Michigan gained added ival, for once again Coach Ken Do- points on Capt. Don Canham's win- herty…

…'s lads will be seeking an eighth ning 6 foot, 5 inch leap in, the high straight crown. And once again In- 'jump. But the Wolverine leader is diana's power-packed outfit, which expected to forgo his…

March 08, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…- fending Big Ten title-holders. (Special To The Daily) COLUMBUS, March 7.--There was a marked "Beat Michigan" atmos- phere around the Ohio Natatorium today as Matt Mann and his impreg- nable Wolverines

… nine scheduled events. Wolverines Against Field From the preliminaries tomorrow to the finals Saturday night, it will be Michigan against the field as the Wolverines seek their eleventh Big Ten title…

March 18, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

Wolverines, defensemen Connie Hill and Dick Starrak and forward Wally Gacek, are seniors, * * * THERE WERE twelve men se- lected to the All-Star squad, be- cause most coaches use the unit combination with…

… winning goal. Alan Keriven let fly with a chest- high shot from 30 feet out to give the Dartmouth team a one goal margin at 16:06. The Wolverines were again short-handed when the Indians scored their final…

… relay teams to the Knights of Co- counting heavily on sophomore lumbus Games in Cleveland. Lindquist in his hopes for a vic- The Wolverine quartet com- tory in the featured two-mile re- posed of Garth…

… in MEN'S SLACKS I>vi uI? Fs .. When your roommate smashes up the car you expected to use on a date thaf night..boy you're getting the full REAMENT. So simply- Wolverines know they can't get the…

March 16, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

… face-off are Wolverine puckmen Len Brumm (at left) and Gordie McMillan with coach Vic Heyliger about to drop the disk between them. Wally Gacek is the interested observer in the background, during the…

…'s top sextets beginning tomorrow. The Wolverines meet Dartmouth in their opening game. There will be a meeting of Phi Epsilon Kappa at 9:00 to- night, immediately following the IM swimming meet, in the…

… still has a few meets to go. Several in- vitational and relay meets have attracted some of the Wolverines' more outstanding talent. Coach Don Canham has en- tered five men in the Knights of Columbus games…

…. * *.* ILLINOIS, who won in 7:53.5, has entered in the K of C meet at Cleveland, and the Wolverines will get another crack at them. The most promising half- miler on the Wolverine relay quartet is Lindquist, who…

March 05, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

… will be broadcast by WPAG-FM. Tech Beaten Twia2 # Engineer Coach Eddie Maki will bring his charges south in an at- tempt to revenge the early season losses to the Wolverines at Houghton and the rough…

…\Michigan's teams split a pair of games, the Wolverines winning the first, 3-1, and losing the second by the identical count. Since the 9-8 ;nd 4-0 defeats j handed to the Techmen by Vic Heyliger's veteran team, the…

…-of-town tilts. Mc- Intosh accounts for this by say- ing, "I seem to tighten up trying to play better in front of friends." ARE YOU UNAWARE OF UNDERWEAR? the title. Although the Wolverine wrestlers boast only a…

… stated that since the entire Michigan wrestling team will be competing in their rightful classes, the Wolverine chances of success are the best they've been all season. Pre-meet favorites are: Purdue, Iowa…

March 30, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

… competi- tion came from Michigan and Navy, the Wolverines holding second spot four points ahead of the Middies' third place total of 14. Bob Anderson, Stanford's one-mane u_.- team, who flew here from the…

… Continuing batting drills in an ef- games with experience under its belt. fort to pull reputed Wolverine hitting MSC Powerful uip to a respectable level, Coach Ray, "Michigan State has a fine club," Fishera…

… Tallet. Notre Dame transfer, mid-season weather conditions, the and hard-hitting Tom Rosema per- Wolverine mentor sent his two aces, haps the most hotly contested. righty Cliff Wise and little lefty "Bo…

… indoor track meet of the current sea- son. The Wolverines are scheduled to enter only two events tonight, the special 1,000 yard run and the mile relay, the final race of the evening. Bob Thomason, fast…

… the 69th Regiment Armory, and Bill Clifford of- Ohio State, recent indoor conference mile champion. The Wolverine relay quartet of Val Johnson, Bill Haidler, Horace Cole- man, and Hugh Short, with Herb…

March 22, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

… season's opener against Western Michigan a little over three weeks away and with several out- door workouts to its credit, the 1945 Wolverine baseball squad is round- ing into shape as the team's regular…

… baseball. The same is true for 35-year-old Heusser. dtay at aiayete. inaiana Wolverine Coach Ken Doherty conceded the individual sprint, hurdle,j and field events to other schools, but hopes that his…

… neither is figured for a first place. Maize and Blue entrants may also pick up points in the special events. Illinois, losers to the.Wolverines in a photo finish at the Western Confer- ence Indoor meet two…

… in the Conference meet, Illi- Last year, the Wolverines finished in front by a convincing margin, pil- ing up more than twice as many points as the second-place winner, Purdue. Michigan tallied 49 to…

… Pur- due's 23. Illinois finished third with 22 'z In winning, the Wolverines copped the two-mile relay, the distance med- ley, and the four-mile relay. The latter event has been displaced this year by…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…u ;y:n10 h3~MiIIA AL ", : Mer en,Thiclaids De nd Big ( . Swim ers, Gindermen Wolverine Pucksters Taken Meet in Gonference Tilts y Viekers A.C. Sextet, 43 1y NK MANTHO Michigan Nalalors Fightin…

Wolverine's starting lineup was relatively the same as it had been was beaten twice, Mikan was never outplayed. Illinois and Great Evanston, as some of the finest swim- teams tonight in the University of in…

… Ohio State, Pur- triumph over the Wolverines in last spot. Defensemen were Bob Graham squads displayed an agressive spirit on the court. however, any coaches who have sent teams against DePaul ddue, and…

… the shotput, thus in angAll thatthe isaregonasfeagroundyir. for' amassing a high point total which The first period started off very It looked as if the Wolverines So, in choosing an All Mid…

…-Western team, you are on safe ground in The Varsity the Michigan squad will find hard to fast; both sides had possession of were going to gain their fifth vic- starting with Mikan for center. The Wolverines

March 06, 1945 (vol. 54, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

… 11-2 Friday night against at University of Western Ontario sex-t tet and dropped Saturday's game, 6-3, with the more powerful London1 outfit. The Wolverine pucksters jumped to an early lead in the…

… the assistance of Sullentich and Jens- wold; in scoring the second one Greer had the aid of Henderson and Upton. J The Wolverines' other tally was made by Francis Allman, assisted by Paul Groth. For the…

…. strong field of powerful contenders, which includes a potent Ohio State team, and a once-beaten Purdue squad. The Wolverine team, which so far this season has amassed victories over Northwestern, Purdue…

… the Wolverine ace from the amateur ranks,,-was based on" the contention that he was cashing in on his athletic abilities by coa- ching. Yet, other famous cinder- path stars have been combining coaching…

… WAR BONDS An Optical Service for the Student.« GLASSES IN 24 HOURS CONTACT LENSES "°the invisible eye glasses" 410 Wolverine Building Phone 6019 EAST LANSING, March 5-(,P)- Robin Roberts, one of…

March 25, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

… rivals in the Cleveland two-mile relay. Two dangerous threats to Wolverine su- premacy in the event, Fordham and -New York University, are competing. In New York's K. of C. Games a few weeks ago the…

… their star; Joe Nowicki. Noxwicki, Fordham's best half-miler, did not run against the Wolverines in New York. At the Purdue Relays the relay team faces two more ancient foes. Notre Dame and Illinois will…

… several points which may be bothering other track followers. Of course, one look at the Yost Field House would be enough to satis- fy anyone that it is practically im- possible for the Wolverine athletic…

… more involved in the capturing of the championships than will be the Wolverines. Only two or three of the ten in- dividual titles appear to be possibly headed away from either Columbus or Ann Arbor…

…. The only other race in which an outsider seems to have a chance to win is the breaststroke. Here East- ers Champ Charles Gantner of Rut- gers is the possible victor. This morning the Wolverine team will…

March 08, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

… Michi- get under way at 8 p.m. tomorrow in gan. (Betters National Intercollegiate' Purdue's spacigus field house with and Conference long course record. Wolverine Captain Don Cpnham, Former National…

… clinch an undisputed Western 165-pounder, ran into a tartar to- Conference Championship. night, in Little Ford, captain of the With one exception, Coach Vic Hcy- Chicago team, and the Wolverine liger of…

…- a junior, in the goalie spot instead right came back and won his conso- of Ray Killen, sophomore net-mind- lation match from Berry of Illinois er who held the Wolverines to one and will take on…

… Schumacker of goal Thursday. Heyliger considers Minnesota tomorrow. the two goalies to be about equal in The Wolverines lost a pair of hope- ability so he has been following a fails in the afternoon matches…

… Kallas but second line of Starr Owen, Joe Gan- to no avail. non and Gil Priestley or his high- Paup was the other Wolverine to scoring combination of Norbert be eliminated in the first round by Sterle, Joe…

March 01, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

… Kozacka, Robert Owen Coop; Herbert Crumrine, Robert Owen Coop; William Rutherford, Forestry Club; Edward Murphy, Hill- billy A.C.; Arthur Wendt, Admirals; Jack Barry, Wolverines. Fraternity All-Star Team…

… nation's two best collegiate high-jumpers may be meeting Satur- day afternoon when Michigan is en- tertained by Notre Dame's track: team. Don Canham, Wolverine leaper de luxe, will come up against the…

…. He smiled and replied "balance". Water Poloists Expect Victory By DON WIRTCHAFTER Concensus of opinion among Mich- igan's make-believe water polo play- ers has it that the Wolverine team will "murder…

… our team. Why my brother Gus and I played second team on a champion- ship high school squad in Detroit." In the meantime, the Wolverines worked hard yesterday in prepar- ation for the advent of the…

… Krieger, defending champion, with 369. a recruit from iterfraternity com-, The men making up the Wolverine petition, at left forward, entry were Stanton Babcock, '41; Matt Mann was plenty pleased Henry…

March 06, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

… i a : ... _ ,".* .r ..r.i irr, . ... . ...-........ . .-.4..... . Thinclads Lead Qualifiers; Swimmers Trail OSU, 42-29 Two Wolverine Grapplers Place in WrestlingFinals Holiday, Medley…

… wrest- ling crown faded tonight as Purdue the defending champion, and Indiana each quarified four men for the finals tomorrow night, while the Wolverines could place only Captain Manley Johnson and Dick…

… Illinois' star 175- pounder, 5-1. Green then was thrown in 5:43 by Hoosier Harry Traster, who now must be regarded as the man to beat in his division. In the 165-pound slot, Wolverine Hugh Mack drew a bye in…

… freestyle record was broken, then rebroken, as the Buck- eyes upset the Wolverines. The final was won by Ohio State's brown- skinned Keo Nakama, a native of Hawaii, in 2:11.2. In his wake came Captain John…

Wolverines tonight at eight in the Coliseum they will be crowned Big Ten Champions. Coach Vic Heyliger told The Daily yesterday that Big Ten officials had reversed its decision regarding the two Illinois…

…, Minnesota hockey games that were forfeited by the Illini in Champaign six weeks ago, Heyliger's charges were unable to go on the ice because they only had seven men. Wolverines Show No Power In changing its…

… decision, the Con- ference spokesman said that the war was responsible for the shortage of players, and that Illinois could do nothing about the matter. The Wolverines showed no offen- sive power to speak of…

March 14, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

… ever since they started battling in the Far East, bamboo pole exports from that sec- to" of the world have dropped off - zverely. As a result, the Wolverine tra-kr n are having difficulties F ecuring the…

… poles they want when Sthey want them. Before the Conference indoor meet- last weekend, Decker was tearing his hair out trying to find a pole that suited his requirements. Wolverine grders were being…

…-yard race as Leafs in Series "A" of the Stanley the Tartars dropped a 51-33 decision CuD playoffs. to the Wolverines, while Charley Wolverine Trackmen Pu On Block With Indiana's By HAL WILSON to stop the…

Wolverines from winning They say that lightning never their eighth straight Conference strikes twice in the same spot. But crovwn, 44 to 33%. What's more, they Indiana's puissant trackmen are go- vowed that…

…, Wolverine pitching ace last spring, will report to the Reading (Pa.) training camp near Durham, N.C. within the next few days . . . A farm team of the Brook- lyn Dodgers, Reading is a member of ! the Class B…

March 08, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

… fought. For the bulk of Indiana's strength lies in distance events none of which have been run. In tonight's trial the powerful Hoosiers, slight favorites to dethrone the Wolverines, performed almost as…

… trials and the semi- finals to place easily after he had al- ready qualified in 60 yard dash fin- als. Other Wolverine qualifiers were Junior Bud Piel in the 60, Jeff Hall in the high hurdles, Bob Ufer in…

… while Chi- cago trailed with one lone trackman. In the 440, the Wolverines' blazing Bob .Ueri, won his semi-final heat in the excellent time of 49.4 immed- iately after the highly favored Coch- ran had…

… tournament, the Michigan Wolverines will go into the final rounds tomorrow afternoon with two men in the semi-finals of the championship division and a like number in the consolation with chances for third or…

… long course marks were set by both the Wolverine relay teams. And Jack Patten shattered the existing confer- ence times in the 220 and 440 yard races. Iowan Al Povilaitis, the breast- stroker who whipped…

… face-off to be at 8 p.m. This is the last home contest for the Wolverines and it's safe to say that the boys would be willing to give up a meal or two (Sunday din- ner excluded, of course) for a. victory…

… Illinois club turned on the heat with a vengeance in the third frame, scoring :ix times, to take a 7-1 win. Should the Wolverines come through, however, it would be a de- cided blow to Illinois' hopes for…

March 19, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1948 THE MiC------A -Y-r-bA-,- -A- -19- 194 i mousy, Kaftan Too Much or Wolverines To Handle A 4 Ketucky Tops Columbia in NCAA Opener NEW YORK, March…

… points. The Wolverines. got off to a good start and after grabbing the 21, 16 lead wero unable to score as the men from Boston caught them and went ahead fast. Michigan did its best to stop the Crusaders…

… all their available men. The usually adept Wolverine subs were ineffective this time,j however, and the Crusaders pro- cecded to make it a rout. Columbia held its own with Kentucky through the earlyl…

March 27, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…. According to all pre-meet statistics, the meet will narrow down to a three-cornered contest between Matt Mann's Wolverines, Ohio State, and the Big Red of Cornell. Gordon "Scotty" Little, Cornell swimming…

Wolverines copped the Big Ten title in the event with a time of 3:06, they will be without the services of Bob Mowerson, South Sea veteran, because of a ruling prohibit- ing graduate students from swim- ming…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 53, iss. 0) • Page Image 22

… years Congresses, Tournaments, and great and illustrious Wolverine exr ter i a, wthyr re- i ago, Ariel Flinn, one-time leader Ma'or League aseball, a sobsid- checker quintet las appered in porter, snd…

…. MACARTHUR Wolverines was captain George Le Rockne's famous statement of fif- Guzzling-Favorite Indoor Sport ordinating Government Bureaus . , . might manage Yanks (N.Y. George, who scored the first king teen…

… Estate, to mean that the his P-Beaus and P-Belles are in Baseball Will Continue eral manager of the New York a king. Wolverine spring athletic squads, the greatest possible condition, Yankees, said today…

March 10, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 91) • Page Image 26

… athletics, yesterday in an time. Since President Roosevelt Congres, Tournaments, and 'great and illustrious Wolverine exclusive interview withs your re- first inauguration twelve years Ma or League Baseball…

…'HUR Wolverines was captain George Le Rockne's famous statement of fif- Guzzling-Favorite Indoor Sport ordinating Government Bureaus .'. might manage Yanks (N.Y.) George, who scored the first king teen years ago…

… Estate, to mean that the his P-Beaus and P-Belles are in iBaseball Will Continue eral manager of the New York a king. Wolverine spring athletic squads, the greatest possible condition, ,-Yankees, said…

March 26, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

… Bill Kogan. dI Michigan will be represented in the annual Purdue Relays at Lafayette tonight by a seven man task force. The Wolverines are sending their two mile relay team, against a strong field…

… the absence of Bruce Har- lan and Hobart Billingsley of Ohio State - the Wolverines stand a good chance. Harlan and Billingsley, OSU'S diving aces, are competing in the NCAA swimming champion- ships…

… Kell-are over the .300 mark. And none of the other regulars are over .261. The Wolverine ex, Dick Wakefield, is out-doing himself in the spring session with a fancy .161 on five bingles in 31 attempts…

… are the better. But that doesn't say the game wasn't an upset. Pre-tourney dopesters had the Wolverines figured a safe bet to repeat. Boston College was seeded in the number two spot. All of which…

March 07, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 109) • Page Image 7

… lost 25 yards on his competitors. The Wolverines were never able to make up the deficit and finished that distance behind at the finish. Illinois grabbed a second by two feet over Minnesota. The Buckeye…

… quarter compos- ed of Russ Owen, Bill Wittaker, Bill Clifford and Jerry Cogwell was clocked at 3 minutes, 21 seconds. Wolverine Tom Dollan got in on a four way tie in the high jump with a leap of 6 feet, 2…

…'s editionk of the NCAA basketball play-offs at Madison Square Gardens it will be the fourth appearance for the dynamic Wolverine coach who has lifted the Michigan cage squad from a second division outfit to…

… groupings.) G A DEN KNOW-HOW: Cowles Takes Fourth Trip To NCAA Cage Tourney_ HERB BARTEN ... leads Wolverine attempts Pole Vault-Tom Bennett, Wis- consin, and Harry Cooper, Minne- sota, tied for first 13…

March 25, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

….. where they placed second Cush- ing Motor Sales boasts a team av- erage of 932 per line. I i Four Wolv erine Wrestlers Place in State AAU Tourney } A contingent of Wolverine western and Illini meets…

… to place. Climaxes Comeback Ke Sed Tw Johnston, a former WolverineKenSendsTwo Michigan wrestling scene at the Coach Cliff Keen, Wolverine mat captain, returned to the mat mentor, is sending Captain…

March 28, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDA, MAUCR 28;'5 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fourteen Teams Entered in Annual NCAA Meet Sixty-five Swimmers To Vie in Eleven Events Wolverine's Mert Church, Heini Kessler Will Struggle Against Stiff…

… Competition By HANK KEISER Fourteen eastern and midwestern schools hale signed up for the 22nd annual NCAA swimming championships scheduled for this Friday and Saturday at Michigan's Varsity Pool. Wolverine

…-cornered battle between Michigan,. Cornell and Ohio State. The Wolverines are conceded slight edge even though Bob Mow- Dodgers Giants BacK Lombardi BEAR MOUNTAIN, N. Y., March 27-(IP)-Baseball's feuding Hatfields…

…. Wolverine's probable starting lineup. *I' Service Teamns Pull Curtains in I-M Comp etton' Two service teams, Naval Supply and the Rangers, will meet at 1 :30 P. m. Satufday, at Waterman Gym in the finals of…

March 12, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 92) • Page Image 7

… Pool, and copped the 100th Big Ten title to be won by Maize and Blue athletic teams.f Captain Mert Church, Wolverine ace freestyler, and Ohio State's,{ Keo Nakama, were the individual stars of the meet…

… contests ever witnessed in Big! superiority in the 35th edition of the Ten competition. annual Championship Meet, emerged Wolverines Take Relay MATT MANN The Wolverine crew drew first victorious in both…

Wolverine Munson Finishes Second mentor stated, "should be better than In the 150-yard backstroke clash, last year, and my outfield should be Bob Knight, of Indiana, lead the at least as good." field, but was…

March 19, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

… blond prodigy from Butler, Pa. Ear- $s in the season he surpassed the ndard of 57.2 seconds for 100 y"'i by two-tenths of a second, Iotttng the Wolverine medley relay off toward a new American rec- Try…

… scheduled for May 16, the chances for Wolverine participation were made slim. The date for the proposed spring meet between the stars of five Mich- igan colleges and some of the state's top ranking…

March 22, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

… Burton, Battle Creek. Jim Wilkinson of Park Ridge, Il- linois, received a secondary award. wolverine Trackmen CompeteIn Chicago Relays Today National Swim Meet To Offer LotsOf Action By WOODY BLOCK A…

… random roundup of what Michi- gan will face in the National Collegi- ate swimming meet next week reveals that: 1. The Wolverines should walk off with the team championship withI ease-nearest rivals being…

… lead over Lyman early in their match, after Lyman took the Wolverine to the mat. Courtright evened the score on a reversal from Star Michigan, Sprinter Runs Tonight Two-Mile Relay Team Faces Indiana…

… shellacking as per usual when Michi- gan enters a swimming meet. It's a disease with the Wolverines and this year they have it worse than ever. into Schwarzkopf's face when then run together. But Ralph has…

March 14, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…-cushion cham- pionships yeseterday. The meet was conducted by tele- graph and 13 colleges participated. Michigan's total of 98 points was fol- lowed by Wisconsin with 92. Last week, the Wolverines annexed the…

… his usual astute ob- servations of late. His particular{ piece de non resistance this year has been Francis Heydt, Wolverine swim- mer who transferred from Iowa last year. At the time of Heydt…

… one of his better dives. Ohio had Johnny Patton, a sensational sophomore, and there wasn't too much confidence in the Wolverine lockerI room when Hutchens expressed his hopes , . . "Don't worry, Matt…

… start working." But Hutchens isn't through. To- morrow night he meets Wayne's great star, Andy Clark, in the furlong feat- ure of the Wolverine-Tartar dual meet at the I-M tank. Clark will be favored…

March 02, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

…, the Wolverine natator has set the following new records: 1S-yard individual medley- 1:32.9 (New American record). 150-meter individual medley Special to The Daily WINDSOR, Ont., March 1 - --1:47. (New…

… already lowered them in practice trials. Michigan's hockey team dropped a 6-5 decision to the Wind:or Hockey Club here tonight w:th two Wolverines sitting in the penalty box as Spitfire Louis Tallatto…

…. slow minutes, Ted Greer started off the evening's festivities when Bob Marshall in- tercepted a Spitfire pass in the corner, passed to Greer in front of the nets, and the Wolverine put it in the nroat9 8…

… ries and break a seas'on- long road game jinx. The Wolverines, controlling both baekboards from the open- inmg whistle, were in command throughout the game, despite a Spirtan surge that moved the scere…

…-6 lead. Wierda tied it with a free throw and Pete Elliott put Michigan out in front and the Spartans never regained the lead. The Wolverines opened a comfortable 21-12 :rardan andl thcn went into a scoin…

…. Subject: "How's Your Cocoon?" Student Discussion Group, 7:30 p.m., Reading Rooms. Noonday Prayer services daily (except Thursdays) through Lent at 12:10. Visitors are welcome. inine corner at vU 01E riWolverines

March 24, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… na- tional honors for themselves and their alma maters in this gala sports car- nival. Although the entry blanks have not yet been received, Coach Matt Mann, Wolverine swimming mentor who is in charge…

…-yard breaststroke crown, with Vern Ojam- pa, of Minnesota. Coach Mann believes the Wolverine squad is in top condition and expects the boys to give a good account of themselves in next weekend's battles…

… also figure to cut heavily <ent upon a successful defense of into the Wolverines' potential point their title in the University division total. of the Purdue Relays tonight at La- Distance Men Slated To…

… Win rayette, Ind. Michigan Coach Ken Doherty *is Although installed inthe role of banking heavily on his distance run- .ine-mee favoritetheaWolvernehi h;: a t, rn pre-meet favorite, the Wolverine

…Hners to pull victory out of the hat squad is expected to have a much Unless the Wolverines can pick lp 4n du j o anslast ya first places in the two-mile relay and Mhen it rolled up 49 points against 3f c pa…

March 17, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

… triumph over the Buckeyes handily. _____- -~Ohio State, which camne in second I -~ Jto thc Wolverines by twelve points ini W orl oi c ies the Confeirnce meet, will threaten maizLe and Blue supremacy only…

… Laur- itsen as the Wolverine delegates to the relays, which will feature the famous Banker's Mile. i a r c'ou~t at two-all. That these defeats at the hands of a comparaitive newcomer humiliating to…

… himself when est throwing arms the Wolverine h le took two first places at the Con- mentor has ever observed on Ferry ference meet. Field. Barnard to Run 100 Weisenburger Probable Shortstop Also in the 1…

…,000 yard dash, Coach aWeisenburger will probably go at DoetEa hse madt u shortstop this year, filling the shoes beside Hume. This will further en- of Bruce Blanchard, who was both a Ntan~ce the Wolverine

…, the Wolverines will haveI half-mile, and Jimmy Herbert, vet- marks a good ball club, With Bob eran New York Athletic Club runner.I jHerbert defeated Forrestal in the - j Sheppard 600 as lie copped this…

… Wed. a. m., Call artother' newvcomer to the Wolverine j Psychology department office. f squad, Thomas entered the National ___-__ AAU 1,000-yard run at M~adisoni LOST: Silver' thunderbird pin, green…

March 12, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 116) • Page Image 5

… committee. Lieut. L. W. Peterson of the military science de- partment is faculty adviser to the committee.. Record Dance Wil Be Held By Wolverine. Wolverine will sponsor a record dance which is open to the…

… affair con- sists of Paul Gardner, '44, Murray Gotleib, '42; Gerry Moskowitz, '45E; and Edward Sosnowski, '43. Composed of almost 700 members of this student body, the Wolverine is one of the largest…

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