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March 25, 1943 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-25

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A 4 1,1



Thinclads Run in Two
Meets This Week-End

Daily Sports Editor

Michigan's thinclads will make
their last indoor appearances this
week-end, when Coach Ken Doherty.
takes limited squads to the K. of C.
Games in Cleveland Friday and to
the Purdqe Relays on the following
Featured by the undefeated two-
mile relay quartet. an 8-man team
will represent the Maize and Blue in
the Cleveland meet. Only six Wol-
verines will travel to Purdue.
Face Old Rivals
The famous foursome, John Rox-
borough, Ross Hume, Dave Matthews,
and Bob, Ufer will face old rivals in
the Cleveland two-mile relay. Two
dangerous threats to Wolverine su-
premacy in the event, Fordham and
-New York University, are competing.
In New York's K. of C. Games a
few weeks ago the Fordham outfit!
came close to nosing out Michigan,
and they can be expected to perform!
just as well, probably better, this
Friday. The Rams, in fact, will be
stronger, since they will have the
services of their star; Joe Nowicki.
Noxwicki, Fordham's best half-miler,

did not run against the Wolverines
in New York.
At the Purdue Relays the relay
team faces two more ancient foes.
Notre Dame and Illinois will both be
on hand to make the race a very close
duel. In the Chicago Relays last
week the Irish were ahead of the
Maize and Blue with only one lap to
go. Captain Matthews' final kick
won the day, however.
Other Entrants
Other Michigan entrants in the
Cleveland Games are: Bob Hume in
the two-mile run; Chuck Pinney in
the 45-yard low hurdles; Elmer
Swanson in the lows and 45-yard
highs; and Bob Segula in the pole-
vault. Ufer will run the special 600-
yard event and Matthews the 1,000-
yard run. At Purdue, besides the
relay, will be two members of Coach
Stackhouse's freshman team, George
Kraiger and Bob Gardner in the shot
All men who have signed up for
golf please report to the first out-
door practice this afternoon at
3:30at the University Course.
Coach Rtay Courtright

(Editor's note: Today's column was
written by Bud Low, a junior mem-
ber of the Sports Staff, in the absence
of Daily Sports Editor Ed Zalenskl)
More Relay Dope
N yesterday's mail we received a
letter from an interested track fan
in regard to our column in last Sun-
day's paper. A portion of it proved
highly interesting, and we thought
that it would be worthwhile to pass
it along, in addition to attempting
to answer several pertinent questions
that this fan brought to light.
"What I would like to know, is
why, if these dual meets seem to
be going out of the picture, and
the relay meets coming in, doesn't
Michigan hold a relay meet? It
seems that Michigan would gain
renown if they had one once a
year, either an outdoor relay, or
an indoor one. As far as I know,
only the Drake and Penn relays
are being held outdoors at the pres-
ent. And these are both on opposite
sides of the country. Wouldn't it
b to Michigan's advantage to hold
a mid-western relay?
"A school guch as Michigan
seems a .logical place for a large
relay meet. An outdoor event riv-
aling the Penn and Drake relays
would be welcomed. You seemed
to dodge this issue in your column.
Why ?..
IN the first place it was not a ques-1
tion of dodging an issue. We were
discussing indoor track trends and
indoor relay meets solely, and space,
if nothing else, prevented us from
even mentioning the outdoor picture,
which is a separate story in itself.
You did, however, bring up several
points which may be bothering other
track followers.
Of course, one look at the Yost
Field House would be enough to satis-
fy anyone that it is practically im-
possible for the Wolverine athletic
authorities to stage an indoor relay,
carnival. Since the majority of the
track is underneath the seats, the
oval would have to be moved out in
order that the spectators would have
a clear view~of all events. This, how-
ever, is impossible because of the
narrowness of the width. Just imag-
ine 250 athletes warming up in the
Field House during the meet and you

will see that it would be foolhardy to
stage an indoor relay carnival there.
The outdoor track situation pre-
sentsan entirely different picture.
Because the outdoor season lasts
only four or five weeks, as com-
pared to an Indoor season of about
eight weeks, outdoor relay meets
are not nearly as practical as those
that take place inside.
IN the east and midwest the weather
does not permit any meets before
the last week in April, and since this
is the weekend that the Penn and
Drake relays are held, dual meets
cannot be scheduled before the first
week in May. Furthermore, most con-
ferences hold their championships
the last weekend in May, which al-
lows only three weekends at most for
dual competition. This is the major
reason why there have never been
any outdoor relays of any importance
in the east and midwest outside of
those held at Drake and Penn.
As for the practicability of Michi-
gan holding a relay carnival; it is
more a question of policy rather than
anything else. Of course, the Ferry
Field track would have to be widened
from six to eight lanes, but this
problem would not be too difficult
to overcome.
There is, however, a danger of
carrying a good thing too far, and
ruining track from the contestants'
standpoint. One thing must be said
here, If ever there was a school
tht . conducted athletics for the
contestants' sake, it is the Univer-
sity of Michigan. And it is to this
end that Fritz Crisler and his as-
sociates work when they plan
Michigan's athletic program.
It is very easy for relay promoters
to forget about the welfare of the
competitors in their anxiety to cater
to the general public. Take for ex-
ample last Saturday's Chicago Re-
lays. Bob Ufer was supposed to have
had an hour and twenty minutes be-
tween the "600" and the two mile
relay, but for some reason or other
the officials moved up the relay a
half hour. The starts at these big
meets are also very poor. In order to
speed up the events they use a fast
start, instead of waiting until all the
runners are ready and have an equal
opportunity of getting a good start.

Swim Title
Split by Two
Phi Delta Theta, Psi
Upsilon in Deadlock;
Michigan House Victor
After battling neck and neck
through the entire meet, Phi Delta
Theta and Psi Upsilon tied for first
place in the fraternity swimming
meet last night in the Sports Build-
ing, with each garnering 15 points.
Michigan House captured the Res-
idence Hall title by piling up 20
points to the 18 earned by Williams
House. Nu Sigma Nu, led by Jim
Skinner, won the professional fra-
ternity crown with 27 points.
50yd. Breaststroke: first, Wenz-
lau, Phi Delta Theta; second, Allen,
Psi Upsilon; third, Hamilton, Sigma
Phi Epsilon; fourth, Chubb, Phi
Gamma Delta. Time, :30.3.
100-yd. Freestyle: first, Cohen, Pi
Lambda Phi; second, Haughey, Psi
Upsilon; third, Osborne, Alpha Delta
Phi;, fourth, Reed, Trigon. Time,
50-yd. freestyle: tie for first, Allen,
Psi Upsilon, and Serrester, Zeta Psi;
second, Coil, Phi Delta Theta; third,
Haughey, Psi Upsilon. Time, :25.2.
50-yd. Backstroke: first, Daskel,
Zeta Beta Tau; second, Dodge, Phi
Gamma Delta; third, Hall, Theta
Delta Chi; fourth, Serrester, Zeta
Psi. Time, :32.5.
200-yd. Freestyle Relay: first, Phi
Delta Theta; second, Zeta Psi; third,
Psi Upsilon; fourth, Sigma Phi Epsi-
lon. Time, 1:52.2.
50-yd. Breaststroke: first, Shaw,
Wenley; second, McTaggart, Michi-
gan; third, Jaffee, Williams; fourth,
Marks, Michigan. Time, :33.8.
50-yd. Freestyle: first, Walton,
Williams; second, Shaw, Wenley;
third, McRitchie, Michigan; fourth,
Jokela, Michigan. Time, :30.4.
100-yd. Freestyle: first, McTag-
gart, Michigan; second, Potter,
Lloyd; third, Brooks, Williams;
-fourth, Walton, Williams. Time,
50-yd. Backstroke: first, Potter,
Lloyd; second, Laird, Lloyd; third,
Minty, Williams; fourth, Lewis,
Wenley. Time, :34.5.
200-yd. Freestyle Relay: first,
Michigan; second, Williams- third,
Wenley. Time, 2:03.3.

As was predicted early in the sea,-
sonl, the NCAA swinamii:gmeetbeing
held this weekend at Columbus will
involve chiefly the swimmers from
two schools, Ohio State and Michi-
gan. And, since the Buckeyes have
their Big Ten title-winning team plus
one of the greatest swimmers of all
time, freshman Bill Smith, they are
'slated. to be even more involved in
the capturing of the championships
than will be the Wolverines.
Only two or three of the ten in-
dividual titles appear to be possibly
headed away from either Columbus
or Ann Arbor. Those are the 50 and
100-yard freestyles and the 200-yard
In the 50, and again in the 100, a

freshman from Northiwestern, Ernie
Kozlowski may wvell collect the first
place medal. Young "Koz' has turned
in very fine times.
The century looks like a battle be-
tween the Wildcat and Michigan
Captain Johnny Patten. Jack has
been doing some fancy swimming
this past week and may come out on
The only other race in which
an outsider seems to have a chance
to win is the breaststroke. Here East-
ers Champ Charles Gantner of Rut-
gers is the possible victor.
This morning the Wolverine team
will leave for Columbus. The squad
will be virtually the same that made
the trek to Evanston for the Big Tens.

Natators Leave Today


I. _________



$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request

STUDENT WANTED for part-time
position in receiving department.
Apply in person. Goldman Bros.
Cleaners. 214 S. State.
enings for part time soda clerk be-
tween 6. and 10 p.m. 50c per hour.
226 S. Main St.
STUDENT WANTED for part-time
driver's position. Apply in person.
Goldman Bros. Cleaners. 214 S.
State St.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
LOST-Alligator cigaret case; black
And grey Shaeffer pencil, inscribed
-Burton Burg. Reward. 2-4409.
LOST-Shaeffer pen between Wit-
ham's Drug Store and Presbyte-
rian Church. Reward. Call Lewis,
LOST-Black 'leather zipper billfold,
containing $25.00 and valuable pa-
pers. Campus vicinity. Reward.
Phone 2-3790, 328 E. William.

Now -m Starts Today

-Any size. For 1-day service come
to 802 Packard. 6-7:30 weekdays.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of-
fice and portable models. Bought,
rented, repaired. Student and Of-
fice Supplies. 0. D. Morrill, 314
South State St. Phone 6615.

PART-TIME JOBS available. Willow
Lodge Cafeteria. U.S. 112, Ypsi-
lanti. Apply 2049 E. Mich.
HELP WAN TED-Young lady, not
student, 20-30 years old, reliable
and efficient-for secretarial work
and selling from record and radio
stock. 10:00 to 5:45 daily. $25.00
a week. Apply Mr. Wallace, 3542.
LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price.
FOR RENT-3 room apartment for
2 months to responsible party.
West side on bus line. Phone 6803.
Autker Triumph
lroe M--X_

Today's cost of
of the average family budget dollar
OF ALL THE ITEMS in the family budget, probably
none gives so much for so litle as the money you
spend for electricity. Only a CENT-AND-A-HALF
of the average budget dollar goes to pay your elec-
tric bill . . . yet Idok at the things electricity does:
It lights your house, washes and irons clothes, cooks
meals, vacuum-cleans rugs, washes dishes, makes
toast and coffee, grills sandwiches, bakes waffles,
keeps accurate time, runs a food mixer, operates
the radio. Here is how the cost of electricity com-
pares with other items in the average family budget:

_____________________ _______________________- ________________.--.------- -.-.------------ nil

Officers and Enlisted Men

We wish to announce we are carrying
the following ARMY SUPPLIES for
McGregor Officers Shirts . . . . $5.00
Enlisted Men's Shirts . . . . . .$3.50
Sweaters (sleeveless) Navy . . . $3.95
Sweaters (sleeveless) Army . . . $3.95
Regulation Ties . . . . . . . . . $1.00
Money Belts . . . $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00
Tag Chains . . . . . . . . . . . 50c
Shoe Shine Kits-Navy and Army
Duffle Bags-with and without fittings.
Apron Kit-with and without fittings.
Sewing Kits . . . . . . .
White Silk Scarfs-for the Navy . . .
Wool Gloives for the Navy . . ,

. . $2.50 to $5.00
. . $2.50 to $4.00
* $1,00 and $1.50
. $3.50
. . . . . $2.00

Unforgettable . . . 0ol-stidr-
rng.coe theOve drams,
tat h.driM ' t di heart of
Directed by MERYYN LeROY

Food . . ..o.*
Rent . t4.
Personal Care, Recreation, Household
Expenses .-.-
Gifts, Contributions, Miscellaneous.
Transportation . . . . .
Household Furnishings .
Fuel Ice * * * . * * * *
Medical Care . . . . . . . .
Electricity (at Detroit Edison residence

6.1 c
1 .54

rates) * * * * *
(All figures except electricity
-. S. Department of Labor statistics)


Screen Play by Ors3r,.Wclles and Joeeph Cotten. From the Novel by Eric Ambler.
_____ ___ _____ ____Fy~trn ,AAAc __ __ _ __ __ __ _

Small as it is, the 1 cents for electricity does a
BIG job, especially at a time when nearly all other
living costs are rising. Electricity is one item that
has NOT gone up. The average unit cost of resi-
dential electricity is at an all-time low. The Detroit








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