I _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _
State House
Sends School
Bill to Senate
Rules Suspended To
Pass $50,000,000
Education Aid Grant
LANSING, March 24.- (iP)--The
House of Representatives today
passed and returned to the Senate
for concurrence in admendments the
$50,000,000 state school aid bill.
The lawmakers suspended rules to
shove to an immediate vote the
measure which, with Administration
consent, shoves the state budget more
than $2,000,000 out of balance.
The appropriation, biggest ever
gfanted the school-$5,500,000 great-
er than this year's record sized
grant-was amended on floor to
guarantee that no school district
wbuld receive less fromh the expanded
sWW than it received in the current
Rep. Fred J. . Gartner, Wyan-
dotte DMInorat, led a fight in which
tigs provision was inserted, contend-
ing that a number of districts actu-
w. would have- received less from
e bigest appropriatiin the schools
azVe recelved .from the state than
t *ynow are getting. He* identified
se protected by his' amendment as
Arin Arbor, Ecorse, Fordison, Ham-*
tram , Grosse Pointe, Alpena and
To Recruit Here
Officers from Detroit
To Hold Interviews at
League and Armory
Lieut. Sarah S. Hudgens, Lieut.
Nina Muncie, and Lieut. Helen L. Cox
from the WAAC recruiting center in
Detroit will be at the War Informa-
tion Center in the League, and the
Armory today, tomorrow, and Satur-
day to answer questions concerning
the WAAC and interview applicants.
Lieut. Hudgens and Lieut. Muncie
will alternate as recruiting officer at
the League and the Armory. They
will be accompanied by Auxiliary or
Private Jean Lindquist. Regular re-
cruiting hours at the Armory are
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and from
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday and Thurs-
day evening. Lieut. Cox will inter-
view Negro women interested in the
WAAC from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Satur-
This week and next have been des-
ignated "WAAC Week" in Ann Arbor,
Lieut. Hudgens said, due to the excel-
lent recruiting results obtained here.
WAAC applicants from Ann Arbor
have been accepted 100% as com-
pared with 40% accepted from the
Detroit area. The Ann Arbor candi-
dates are both "mentally alert" and
"physically fit" she stated.
Students who are 20 years of age
are especially urged to meet the offi-
cers and leave their names if they
are interested in joining the WAAC
as the age limit will soon be lowered
from 21 to 20.
Rec-Raly Will
Be Held Friday
All Soldiers Invited;
Prizes To Be Given
Rec-Rally goers (alias "Gingham
Hoppers") will find new faces urging
them on to fun and frolic when they
invade Barbour and Waterman gyms
from 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday,
since members of the recreational
leadership class will be in charge of
the various sports and games.
Costumes of every known size,
shape and design-with the accent
on farmerish calicos and ginghams
(hence the monicker, "Gingham
Hop") will be the order of the day as
a new wrinkle is added to the now
familiar Rec-Rally.
The committee in charge of Rec-
Rally plans to award prizes for the
most original and the funniest cos-
tumes. Monna Heath, '44, represent-
Ing the WAA Board, and Phoebe
Scott, '44, recreational leadership rep-
resentative, are co-chairmen of the
"Gingham Hop."
Soldiers and civilians, with or with-
out dates, are invited to play bad-
minton, volleyball, shuffleboard, deck
tennis and ping-pong, throw darts,
bowl and climb ropes from 8:30 p.m.
to 11 p.m., and to square dance from
9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Students and Soldiers
Invited to Hillel Today
The Hillel Foundation is holding
an open house from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
today at the foundation.
Maxine Hanchrow, '44, and Elyse
Gitlow, '44, student director, are in
charge of the affair. Refreshments
will be served and there will be music
for dancing. All students and sol-
diers are cordially invited.
U.S. Gun Crew -nri enra
Curti To Talk
On Education
Lecture To Be Held
Today at Rackhan
"The Impact of American Wars on
Education" will be the subject of Dr.t
Merle Curti's lecture at 4:15 p.m.
today in Rackham Amphitheatre.
Prof. Cu'ti, a distinguished educa-
tional and social historian, is the
author of the American Historical
Association Commission's report on
"The Social Ideas of American Edu-
cators." This book shows how the
school in its aims, curriculum and
leadership has been conditioned by
the economic, political and religious
forces in American culture.
Dr. Curti's lecture will deal prin-
cipally with education as it was affec-
ted by three wars, the American Rev-
olution, the Civil War and the First
World War.
The lecture is sponsored by the
School of Education and the Depart-
ment of History.
Kaufman Wins
Essay Contest
On recommendation of the Depart-
ment of Sociology the Eita Krom
Prize of $50 for 1942-43 has been
awarded to Louis Wellstein Kauf-
man, '43, it was announced yesterday.
The prize is given for the best
essay written by a junior or senior on
community with which the contes-
tant is familiar. Kaufman's prize
winning essay was entitled "A Criti-
cal View of the Grand Rapids Youth
The prize is annually given from
the income of an endowment pre-
sented to the University in 1923 by
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Krom of Iron
River, Mich.
Kaufman is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Wise Kaufman, 746 Col-
lingwood, Detroit.
At the State ...
Terse, exciting drama, handled
with a realism that makes it one of
the most talked of of the year, "Jour-
ney into Fear," opening at the State
today, is a fast moving story of in-,
trigue, espionage, and terror along
the fringes of war-torn Europe.
Co-starring Dolores del Rio and
Joseph Cotten the chiller is a distinct
departure from anything Orson
Welles has previously produced. In
it, Cotten plays an American Naval
Gunnery engineer, fleeing from Nazi
agents, while Miss del Rio is seen as
a worldly-wise adagio dancer appear-
ing with her partner Jack Durant in
second-rate seaport cafes.
At the Michigan . ..
"Random Harvest," hailed by crit-
ics throughout as the successor to
"Mrs. Miniver," acclaimed during its
record breaking run at the Radio City
Music Hall is now in the second halt
of its week long run at the Michigan.
Starring Greer Garson as a dance
hall performer, and Ronald ComaU
as Charles Ranier, a millionaire Brit-
ish industrialist, the plot deals with
'Ranier's fight to recapture the lost
period in his life during which he
was a victim of war shock.
Philip Dorn as the doctor, Susan
i Peters, Henry Travers, and Reginald
Owen are featured in a fine support
ing cast.
-Associated Press Photo From U.S. Army
This picture, of a U.S. gun crew was made during the Allied drive
-on Gafsa, March 17-18, and is one of the first transmitted by a newly-
opened U.S. Army Signal Corps radiophoto circuit linking Algiers and
the War Department at* Washington.
Ann Arbor Windbreaker Group
Qbserves Second Anniversary
A cablegram of appreciation from
the English Speaking Union in Lon-
don- wasreceived recently by theAnn
Arbor Windbreaker Group, which
yesterday celebrated the second anni-
versary of its founding.
The 'occasion, which marked the
completion of nearly 1,000 wind-
breaker 'jackets* by the group, was
celebrated by about 25 members with
a birthday cake and a patriotic pro-
granq after the regular meeting.
The' cablegram received by Mrs.
Charles'E. Koella, chairman of the
group, said: "Good wishes. Warmest
thanks from Britain for grand
achievement to - Ann Arbor Wind-
breaker Group on second birthday."
V.1.. merit badges were awarded
to Mrs. Carl. Dahlstrom, who has
completed '300 jackets, Mrs. Walter
B. Pillsbury with7 200 to her credit,
and others. .
- The latest jackets by the two wo-
men and 'two more, made by Mrs.
Orover,' C. GrIssmore and Mrs. Heb-
rard, are ,on display today at the
League. ,Mrs. Hebrard's windbreaker
was made, for Sgt. Joseph A. Groes-
beck, '39, L.S., from leather donated
by the University Library.
Each windbreaker is usually made
of thiee pounds of leather remnants
from automobile upholstery. A De-
troit motor company has given 21
tons of leather, which formerly was
sold to Japan. Mr. William Hollands,
superintendent emeritus of printing
and binding of the University Library,
saved 80 pounds of scraps from book-
binding for 10 years and is responsible
for the University donation. Several
jackets of library leather were given
to the University's hospital unit in
the Army, now overseas.
Letters of appreciation from gun-
ners, instructors at air stations, am-
bulance drivers, pilots, and men or
minesweepers, submarines, and other
ships have been mounted and bound
by Mrs. Hollands and displayed at the
mIeeting yesterday afternoon.
Showing the gratitude typical of
the recipients is part of a letter re-
ceived by Mrs. Herman Haas, maker
of the writer's jacket:
"In this time of world-wide need
for closer cooperation between the
civilized people, I feel that such a
letter (sent to him in the pocket of
the windbreaker) helps to make one
realize that' our valuable friends, thE
Americas, are not just a fallacy of
the newspapers."
Houses that will be special
guests at the surgical dressing
unit between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.
today in the League are Stockwell
Hall, Alpha Omicron Pi, and Chi
A WAA Physical Fitness meet-
ing for all athletic managers and
exercise leaders will be held at
5 p.m. tomorrow in the dance
studio of Barbour gymnasium.
Rayon mesh stockings'Wit-
NYLON reenforced toes and
218 SOUTH STATE - across from State Theatre
dul, Attering as can be .
Itwo shades: victorious, glor-
ious. Cotton reinforced feet.
604 East Liberty
I I i l 1 1
-~ ''i in
Pollock Gives
Post- War Plan
Under the supervision of an in-
ternational educational organization
the.German people must be forced
to change their moral values, Prof.
James Pollock said at the Post-War
panel in the League last night.
Prof. Pollock, of the political
science department, Prof. Roy Sellars
of the philosphy department and Mr.
John Ebelke of the German depart-
mient participated in the discussion
of "Reeducating German" sponsored
by the Post-War Council.
After a short outlining of the sub-
ject by tIle faculty men, the audience
participated in the discussion. Wil-
liai Muehl, '43L, was student chair-
man for the meeting.
Triangles, Honor
Society, Taps 11
Triangles, honorary junior engin-
eering society tapped eleven new
members at 11 p.m. yesterday, Presi-
dent Ralph Amstutz, '44E, announced
last night.
The neophytes are: Gordon Ander-
son, '45E; Bob Wiese, '45E; Harry
Holiday, '45E; Bob Mulligan, '45E;
Cecil Sink, '45; Merton Church, '45E;
John McCarthy, '45E; Bob Allen,
'45E; Jack Kelso, '45E; Hal Anderson,
'*E; and Bob Derleth, '44E.
Interviewing for positions on
Panhellenic Board will be held
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. today and
tomorrow in the League.
Coeds whose last names begin
with letters from P-V will be in-
terviewed for sophomore project
positions from 3:30-5:30 p.m. to-
day. Coeds who were not able to
come at the time scheduled for
them are also urged by the com-
mittee to come In today.
'17,mlf e
How are you in Legonometry?
Q. Is there a difference between leg lengths and
Belle-Sharmeer leg sizes in stockings?
A. Just as much difference as there is between so-so
legs and smooth delights. Belle-Sharmeer
Stockings are individually sized to fit around
as well as up and down. And they do!,
Q. What makes leg sizes in stockings more of a
must than ever these days?
~ddrn~g 4r"DUCHe
essentials for those
who take their
tailoring seriously
triumphs are tailored
In a fabric that
stays crisp as
( ,r
a new green-back
for work or play.
Deep colors and soft
0feminine pastels,
itroductg . *,
Our Bonny
for Spring
Wear it plaim (as it comes) with campus clothes,
work togs. Dress it, up for dates with veiling, your
serviceman's insignia pin. Clap it on your curls...
beck, straight or forward. Most versatile hat we
know . . in pastels, red, Kelly, navy, black or
,w 1v
A, All the new textures stockings are being made
of! Only perfect leg-size fit-Belle-Sharmeer
fit-can give that sleek, smooth look in every
0. How can you know you're getting the right
Belle-Sharmeers for you when you outfit yourz
self in stockings?
A. Simply place your legs in the capable hands of
one of our knowing Belle-Sharmeer sales-
women. She'll size you up in a jiffy and fit you
perfectly with Brev for small legs, Modite for
middling, and Duchess for long legs. Here
Boy Blue, Burma
Hed, Peiping Greenf,
Deep Purple,
and White.
Sizes: 30 to 40.
3.00- 5.95
cut go wear as fuck-in
or jacket blouse.
Colors: Saddle Yeltow,