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March 25, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-25

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of'The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this 'newspaper. A11 rights of iepub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as,
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptyns du ,ring the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, bk-mall $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertisin Service, Ine.
College Pblers Ret.resent.ive
420 MADIsoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y.

"Don't worry, Hermann I changed the needle."
I - . '-' 1- ':
-Z.- 7 "7. : ' .-.


WASHINGTON, March 25.-
Efficient Postmaster General Frank
Walker has got himself into a situ-
ation whereby certain zealots of
the church to which he belongs
have become unofficial censors :of
American magapines. And Prank
is playing into their hands.
The situation has gone so far
that scores of American maga-
zines, before going to press, send
their manuscripts to the repre-
sentative of Bishop John F. Noll,
of the Catholic National Organi-
zation for Decent Literature,
where they are examined.
The NODL office is at 1312 Mas-
sachusetts Ave., Washington, and
is under the supervision of William
Smith, who reports to Bishop N9ll
in Ft. Wayne, Ind. It has no con-
nection at all with the Government,
except as a volunteer adviser to
Frank Walker's Post Office Depart-
Through the powerful weapon of
removing magazines from the sec-
ond class nailing list, a most effec-
tive censorship is being used daily.
Undoubtedly some censorship of
magazines may be necessary. Cer-

tainly no one wants the U.S. mails,
which are subsidized by the Gov-
ernment, used for the distribution
of salacious literature. However.
the NODL has set itself up as the
unofficial censor.
Here is one report from William
Smith, head of the office in Wash-
ington, to his chief, Bishop Noll,
which shows how the system works:
"Your Excellency:
During the past week, Mr.
Selinka, Counsel for the Dell
Publishing Company, brought to
me a revised dummy of Modern
Romances magazine. Since they
made the changes which I sug-
gested I have already written to
your excellency, that this maga-
zine does not violate the code.
"Mr. William H. Fawcett, ac-
companied by the new editorial
director of their Confession mag-
azines, Mr. William H. Lingel,
called on me with the dummy of
Romantic Story. I carefully read
this dummy, made a few minor
changes in it, but had to object
to one.of the stories. Mr. Lingel
assured me that this story and

the others I objected to wotild
be changed...
"I talked to Mn Hassel, Coun-
sel in the Solicitor's office of the
Post Office Department. He told
that the following magazines had
been cited for hearings to show
cause why their second 'class
mailing privileges should not be
revoked. They are: Special De-
tective Cases, Romantic Story,
Crime Confession. I shall of
course attend these hearings.
"The Post Office Department
is apparently trying to avoid as
much publicity as possible with
regard to these hearings because
no news releases were sent out
naming the magazines or giving
the dates and times of the hear-
"Most respectfully yours,
William Smith."
Postmaster General Walker, when
questioned by the Washington
Merry-Go-Round, indignantly de-
nied that members of his own re-
ligious faith were influencing his
policy in barring magazines from
the mails.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Editorial Staff

John pErlewine'.
Bud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford.
Charlotte Conover
Eric Zale0ski
Betty Harvey
James Conant

M4anaging Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
. Associate Eoitor
Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
Women's Editor

Business Staff

Edward J, Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindcberg'.

Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women 'sAdvertising Marha*er

Telephone 23-24-1

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are ivrillen by members of The Daily staff
and represent, the views of The writers only.
$25,000 LIMIT:
Congressmen Qyibble
Over Salary L-,'imitation
THIS ARGUMENT about the $25,000 income
limit is the kind that Congressmen love-
they hug it gently to their bosom while waltzing


t -9t
By Jason

around and around in the clouds, never once
coming down to the good, green earth.
They come to the conclusion that, the limita-
tion is right off the party line because the Com-
mies were in favor of it back in 1928, and maybe
still are. Or it is of the color red because it
means "equality of income," Which of, course it
does-for about 200 persons who would have to
scrimp through the rest of the war on a measly
$25,000 a year.
(As the Congressmen mouth "communism" a
man named Marx is laughing.)
In between airy waltzes, Congress says to the
people, "Now, if that man Roosevelt can limit
incomes to $25,000, he can do the same for
$2,500 or $250-and you wouldn't want that
to happen, would you?" And isn't that a nice
cloud right over there, Mr. Senator?
But the people have a discerning ear and
they hear another voice saying,, "Listen, mister,
you've heard about wage control? Well, yoU'e
getting a buck an hour now and that's all you'r'e
going to get.".
STRANGELY enough, the people have a way of
putting two and two. together and coming out
with four (which seldom happens, to a CoigresA-
man). In this case, the addition is apt to look
a little like Congress is in favor of limiting the
income of everybody except those 200 gentlemen
with the $25,000 and over. This kind of addition
can result in just one thing-demands for the
lifting of wage controls and farm price ceilings.
Even Congress should know that means in-
flation, which would be infinitely more danger-
ous to our system of government than any
income limitation this side of Saturn. Some-
times one wishes our Congressmen would spend
a little less time in the clouds and a little more
time on the important business of the day.
- Dart Murphy-
Internatiol ,Group Asks
Support in J ct.ry Drive
T ENLIST more youth in its drive for victory,
world solidarity,-ajnd the Four Freedoms,.the
International Youth Assembly; an organization
representing the youth of thirty United Nations,
is now staging a World Youth Week until March
Its membership campaign is not the usual
plea for students to join a club or society. It
asks for no, contribution or weekly dues. It
requests merely your cooperation in a vital
task which interests each one of you, namely
to do all you can for victory and the peace
The youth of the occupied countries, France,
Poland, Norway, and all others, are opposing the
Axis with brave guerrilla fighting. The youth
of Russia, China, and Austria are struggling oft
the battlefields at the cost of their lives.. The
International Youth Assembly strives to relieve
the burden of these allies, who have already con-
tributed so much.
President Roosevelt has said, "The case of

TWERE IS only a certain probability that our
American free-enterprise system will survive
in any form.
So far, that system has failed to meet recur-
ring problems. Tremendous accumulations of
wealth lie in the hands of the Morgans and
Rockefellers; three or four monopolistic com-
panies dominate great industries-steel, tobacco,
chemicals, aluminum; and the whole economy,
at best, operates only within 80% of capacity.
We have two alternatives. We can repair our
limping system, or we can scrap it.'
I thought I'd find a debate like this-a clash
between advocates of controlled capitalism and
supporters of straight-out communism or social-
ism-in a radio contest to be staged April ,18
by the American Economic Foundation, On the
"Wake Up, America" program, four college de-
baters-the best of 226 entrants-will try to
answer the question, "Should American youth
supportthe'. re-establishment after the war of
copeitveenterprise as our-dominant, eco-
nomic system?"
'f we don't re-establish competition, we'll
have to go to socialism, communism, or some,
other system of government ownership. That's
myinterpretation of the contest, and it's the
one which first occurred to Professor Hance
of the Speech Department here.
lUT only 25% of the nation-wide contestants
, took it that way. The others considered the
debate to be* between laissez-faire capitalism
(the kind, they tell you in Ec 52, which exists
only in the textbooks) and controlled capitalism.
They had justification; the 'topic is worded
completely ambiguously.'
'So it seems very probable that the finals, on
April 18, won't be a clear-cut, smashing en-
counter 'between the two points 'of view which
will .have to fight it out 'in this couitry ater
the war. It will be, rather, a pretty foggy batch
of verbal generalities.
The eliminations on campus, held January 12,
were a good preview. Now don't get us wrong.
Four of the contestants are personal friends of
ourS. We've interviewed the judges-Professor
Hance, Dr. Secord and Mr. Ndrton, all of the
Speech Department, and they're all fair and
competent men.
But the Michigan contest, from our point
of 'iew, was a farce.
The winner, John Steward, made an excellent
speech for the affirmative. The others-headed
by -John Muehi, 'for 'the negAtive-were good.
But they all agreed with each other.' Every one
of them thought that the competitive system-
with regulations-should be kept. Ed. Podia-
shuk-advocating a "socialistic attitude"-was
the only possible exception.
ICHIGAN has been labeled a hotbed of
M . U !, t4 h
communism. But in this contest not one
whole-hearted admirer of the gussian exper -
ment came' forward to present his point of
view. That is a discredit to the campus. 'For
a real university, I think you'll agree, must
provide clashes of opinion, and must encour-
ge even" urorthodfx students to think for
A radical speaker would have received a'fair

I'd Rather,.,,
Be Right
NEW YORK, March 25.- American isolation-
ists are curiously pleased with Mr. Churchill's
speech. The New York Daily News praises it.
Mr. Herbert Hoover and Mr. Hugh Gibson, who,
if not isolationists at the moment, take very ser-
iously their roles as the theoreticians of the right
wing in American foreign policy, endorse it.
Why the cheering? The reason is not far to
seek. Mr. Churchill's proposals for a "Council
of Europe" and a separate "Council of Asia,"
open the door for us to get out of the world. We
could, conceivably, be in both councils, or either,
or neither.
Messrs, Hoover and Gibson point out that there
is a third council, a kind of Council of the Ameri-
cans, in the Pan-American Union. That's us.
Mr. Churchill's plan is a plan for regional domi-
nance. Regional dominance is the cornerstone
of isolationist thinking.
There is nothing in Mr. Churchill's speech
to upset the American isolationist dream of
strong bonds with Canada and with Latin
America, a firm grip on outlying bases, and a
thumb to the nose against the rest of the world.
All of a sudden, of a Sunday afternoon, the
post-war world has begun to take form.
Messrs. Hoover and Gibson have sensitively
and quickly sized up the possibilities. There is
a bewildering variety of them. One is that,
theoretically, we may not have to enter into
formal agreement on the post-war world with
Russia at all. If there is a Council of Europe, we
can, theoretically, deal with Russia through the
Council's western department, England. Eng-
land can be the go-between. Mr. Churchill may
have decided to take our reluctance to enter into
long-term contractual relations with Russia at
face value, and decided to stop fooling himself,
her or us. The Council of Europe is the famous
three-column London Times editorial of March
10 reduced to three words.
The feeling is strong that, somehow, Mr. Chur-
chill has struck pay-dirt; he has found a way
to make a bid to American isolationist opinion
over, through, around and under American offi-
cial opinion.
Just as we can, obviously, stay out of the Coun-
eil of Europe, we can, conceivably, stay out of the
Council of Asia. We can be in neither and' yet
be a link between the two. If the world is too
much with us, if we want to get out of the orld,
a kind of opportunity to do so has been offered
to us. I have the feeling that Mi'. Churchill has
decided that the world has waited long enough
for the Republican Party to make up its mind.
He is prepared with an alternate conception,
in case we decide to check out of any world
organization. Apparently he does not intend to
have the whole planet hang breathlessly on
every word of another Senate debate.
It is too early to say whether all this is good,
bad or indifferent. All we can do so far is to
look at the thing. It is, as I say, of dazzling
complexity. For one, if you examine the
Council of Europe and the Council of Asia
closely, you will see that the membership of the
two will be curiously the same. The strongest
military powers on the Council of Europe will
be Russia and England. The strongest mili-
tary powers on the Council of Asia will be,
also, Russia and (through dominion and co-

VOL. LIII No. 121
All notices for the Dally Official tpul-
letin are to be sent to the Officeof the
Presient in ,typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its pub ca-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should he submitted by 11:3* a.m.
School of Music Assembly will be held
today at 2:00 p.m. in Lydia, Mendelssohn
Theatre. All students are asked to attend.
Classes dismissed from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Summer forestry work in the West:
Both forestry and non-forestry students
are needed-forforest. fire. controland tree
disease control work during the summer in
Oregon, for the Department of the In-
terior, and throughout the entire Western
States area for the United States Forest
Service, Department of Agriculture.
War gives forest fire protection added
importance, and students may consider
employment in this work a patriotic serv-:'
ice. Wages will amount to $130,000 a
month, less deductions for board .where
this Is furnished and a small deduction
for quarters where the workers camp -in
permanent buildings. Ordinarily there
will be a six-day week of forty-four hours;
and special training will be given at the
beginning of the work. Such a summer
will amount to good hardening experi-
ence for students who expect to enter
the Army in the fall. Students 17 years
of age are particularly desired.
Inquiries may be made and applications
are available at Room 3052, .Natural Sci-
ence Building, Wednesday and Thursday
afternoon, between 2 and 5, March 24 And
25; and Saturday morning between '9 and
11, March 27.
S. T. Dana,
Summer work with TVA:
students who hae completed their
basic forestry courses, particularly plane
surveying, forest mensuration, and' den-
drology. are needed for timber survey
summer work on ,Authority lands by the
Tennessee valley Authority, Knoxville,
Candidates should be in good physical
condition, able to swim, since theyh wi
travel by boat and live on houseboats,
and should have a taste'for outdoor living
in sparsely settled country. Salaries, based
on a six-day week, are expected to be
$133.83 per Month. The Authority wll
furnish living quarters, equipment Ad
travel on the job. Employes will furnish
their own' transportation from school or
home to the base of operations, .and will
provide their own subsistence and .bed-
Applications are available and inter-
views may be obtained at Room 3052,
Natural Science Building, Wednesday And
Thursday afternoon, between 2 and 5r
March 24 and 25; and Saturday mnorn-
ing between 9 and 11, Ivrch 27.
S. T. Dana,
Seniors, receiving their teaching certifi-
cates this year, who are interested in
teaching in the Detroit Public School
ony) England. The two councils
Will be, to a large extent, one coun-
Something is happening, quick, big
and handsome. It is not directed
against us. It is, rather, directed
away from us, out of respect for our
penchant for directing ourselves away
from it. If it is our intention only to
help beat the enemy, as we must,
but to have no concern for the orga-
nization of the peace, Mr. Churchill
is prepared to let us off. lut he is
not prepared to lose the peace there-
And yet, somehow, r. Chur-
chill's iron realism does not really
let us off at all. ite'poses a choice
to us: we can be as important as
we want to be in world'affairs, or

System, are asked to call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
University Lecture: Dr. Merle Curti,
Professor of History, University of Wis-
consin, will lecture on the subject, "The
Impact of American Wars on Education".
under the autpices of the School of Edu-
cation and the Department of History to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. The public is Invited.
University Lectures: A Symposium on
Traumatic Shock will be conducted by
Dr. Carl J. Wiggers, Professor of Physiol-
ogy, Medical School, Western Reserve Uni-
versity; Dr. Roy D. McClure, Surgeon-in-
Chief, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit;. Dr.
Frederick A. Coller, Chairman of the De-
partment of Surgery, Universityof' Michi-
gan; with Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, Chair-
man of the Department of Internal Medi-
cine, presiding; under the auspices of the
Medical School and of the Michigan Acad-
emy of Science, Arts, and Letters, on Fri-
,day. March 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the Kellogg
A'uditorium. The public is invited.
Lecture: Dr. C. Sverre Norborg, Pro-
fessor of Philosophy at the University ot
Minnesota, will lecture on the subject,
"Does Christianity Square with the
Wacts?", under the auspices of the Com-
mittee for *Dynamic Christianity (affili-
ated with the Student Religious Associa-
tion), tonight at 8:00 in the Raclsham Lee-
ture Hall. The public is invited.
Academic Not.ice
L.S.A. FAculty Members in Charge of
Large Courses: If you are in charge of a
course 'in which the enrollment exceeds,
.ay, 100 students, please send me imme-
diately the name and number of the
course, and the approximate enrollment.
As far as possible, final examinations in
the larger courses will be scheduled dur-
ing the first four days of finals.
D. L. Rich
All those planning to write the prelim-
inary examinations for the Ph.D. in Eng-
lish, please get in touch with me before
April 1.
Norman E. Nelson
English 47 will meet in 3231 A.H. Mon-
day night, A-10.
E. S. Everett
The History ianguage examination for
M.A. candidates will 1e given in Room B
Haven Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March
28. Students intending to take this exam-
Ination please report immediately to the
History office, 119 Haven Hall.
History 12, Lecture Section II, mid-
semester will be given at 2:00 p.m. on
Friay, March 26. The sections of Deries
and Slosson in 1025 Angel Hall; all others
in Natural Science Auditorium.
Students preparing to enter the Hop-
woo cots sould make their requests
for records from the Registrar's Office by
April .
R. W. Cowden
Bronson-Thomas Prize Competition (for
junior and senior students in German) to
be held today, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., in Room
203 University Hall'.
KOthe -Hidner Prize Competition in
German to be held today, 2 to 4 p.. in
Room 203 University HAll.
Riding Classes: Women students inter-
ested in elementary or intermediate rid-
ing classes may register In Office 15, Bar-
bour Gymnasium, before Monday, March
I 2..
May Festival Tickets: The over-the-
counter sale of Season Tickets (6 con-
certs) for the Golden Jubilee May Festi-
val. at $8.047.70-46.60 each-will begin

ductor; Festival Youth Chorus, Marguer-
ite Hood, Conductor.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architectue sl d
Design: Italian majolica loaned froW col-
lection of Detroit Intitute Of Arts-
pitchers, bowls, plates and tiles of 14th
& 15th centuries; also fragments typ"Ial
of several phases of majolica technique.
Ground floor corridor, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday,
until March 26. The public' is invitd.
Exhibition, College of Architecture ald
Design: Alpha Alpha Gamma, honor so-
.ciety for women in architecture, -decor-
ative design, and landscape Architecture,
Is showing photographs In archtcture,
sculpture, and decorative design'by prae
ticing members of the society. Third
floor exhibition room,tArchteeture Build-
Ing. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00,.except Sun-
day, through March 31. Open o he
Events Today
Graduate History Club will met
tonight at 800 in the East Conference
Room. Professor Crane will be the speak-
Phi Tau Alpha will meet tonight at
7:30 in the Fireplace Room of Lane Hal.
Refreshments will be served as a box so-
cial tea. All members of the Latin ad
Greek Departments are cordially'nitd
For details, see your professors.
The regular Thursday evening reco4d
Program In the Men's Lounge of the Rack-
ham Building, tonight at 8:00, will be
Sibelius: Symphony No. 7.
Beethoven: Quartette No. 2' in A Vajor.
Symphony No. 3 'Eroica".
Mortar Board members will meet tonight
at 7:00 in the League Councln-Room.
Michigan Dames home nursing -group,
will meet tonight at 8:00 in North Hall.
Hillel Foundation will have a "P.M."
today, 4:00-6:00, at the Foundation. All
students and soldiers are cordially invited.
Coming Events
The luncheon of the Sanitary and 'Med-
ical Section, Michigan Academy, 'Is to 'be
held on Friday, March 26, at 12:15 p.m.
at the Michigan League. Professor ,. T.
Qqggesball, Department of o
Will speak on "Medical Probles of't0*
Trans-African Air Route and their Im-
portance to this Cuntry." ReservagAons
may be made through Dr. J. W. sea,
East Medical Building.
The Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to the public from 8:00 to WA:00
Friday evening, March 26, in case the sly
is clear or nearly so. The planets, Jupi-
ter and Saturn, and star clusters willbe
shown through the telescopes. The Ob-
servatory will be closed if it is a cloudy
evening. Children must be accompanied
by adults.
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual meting IM
Monday, March 29, at 4:00 m. Roo
1035 Angel Hall. Members are urged t .
The Chinese Students Club, in cooper-
tion with the Interlub Board, is pre-
senting a China Night at the Internatoia4
Center on Friday, March 26, at ,:00 p.
The program will consist of a picture, "We
Fly for China", showing the ttsiulng Of
Chinese pilots in American camps and a
demonstration of Professor uhang Shau-
ci's manner of painting. Anyone pitr-
ested mnay attend. No chaige.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at the
west entrance of the Rackham Buiding
on Huron street, at 2:30 p.m. on *uAMay,
March 28, for a hilpe to the Sagf"W Fqrz
est. All graduate and professignal stn-
dents are invited.
Picnic, sponsored by Sigma Gamma p-

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