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March 25, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-25

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VOL LI No. 121





Miners OK
One Month
Partial Production Is
Assured by Northern
Soft Coal Operators;
Southerners Adamant
NEW YORK, March 24.- (P)-
Partial coal production in the Appa-
lachian soft coal fields for 30 days
after March 31 was assured today
when northern operators accepted a
United Mine Workers proposal to
limit wage negotiations to 30 days
after expiration of a current con-
tract on that date.
Southern operators, however, re-
jected the union's proposal and
countered with one calling for ob-
servance of President Roosevelt's
message asking that negotiations
and work continue on a retroactive
basis regardless of the length of time
taken to draft new contracts.
Progress Announced
Meanwhile, John L. Lewis, inter-
national president of the UMW, an-
nounced at a general press confer-
ence that he had advised President
Roosevelt that progress was being
:nade in the contract negotiations.
He said the statement was con-
tained in the union's answer to the
President's request that coal pro-
duction not stop regardless of the
status of the negotiations on March
3L Lewis said the White House
would have to release the contents
of his answer to the President.
The union head, who earlier had
said work would cease if no new con-
tract was signed by March 31, also
said the organization's policy com-
mittee had approved the greement
reached today with the northern
group which carries a retroactive
Twelfth Day of Negotiations
-This was the twelfth day of nego-
tiations for a new agreement be-
tween 450,00 soft coal miners and
coal operator's. The nion has de-
ma ded, among other things, a $2
a clay increase and an $8 daiy mit-
mum, and unionization of super-
visory employes below the rank of
To date, there has been no an-
nouncement over agreement be-
tween the factions on any of the
points at issue.
State Scholars
To Meet Here
For Academy
University To Sponsor
4th .Annual Session
Tomorrow, Saturday
Scholars from all over the state
of Michigan will convene in Ann Ar-
bor tomorrow and Saturday in the
48th annual meeting of the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts, and Let-
,The Academy, headed by H. W.
Hunt of Michigan State College, will
meet for the purpose of bringing to-
gether developments in the field of
science and related subjects.
Academy members will present
more than 250 papers prepared es-
pecially for the two-day meeting.
Subjects including all fields of

science, economics, political science
and history will be treated.
Dr. Hunt will present the presiden-
tial address at 8 p.m. Friday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall on the sub-
ject "Population and Peace." His ad-
dress will be followed by a reception
for the delegates.
There will be 17 sectional meetings
throughout Friday and Saturday at
which the various papers will be
presented. The two-day meeting is
being sponsored by the University,
and special University exhibits will
be open to the public during the
80 Axis Planes Shot
Down in U.S. Raid
24.-(P)-American Flying Fortresses
and Liberators destroyed 80 Axis
planes at the cost of five, probably
shot down another 29 and damaged
32 others in particularly effective
bombing attacks on Vegesack near
Breman last Friday and Wilhelms-
haven Monday.

Of Councils
Heath Will Lead Coed
War Group; MacMillan
To Be Judiciary Head
Mona Heath, '44, and Ann Mac-
Millan, '44, will be next year's presi-
dents of the Women's War Council,
and Judiciary Council, respectively,
it was announced yesterday at Jun-
ior Stunt Night.
Miss Heath, who will succeed Char-
lotte Thompson, '43, will be the first
president appointed to the newly es-
tablished Women's War Council.
League Council was recently trans-
formed into this new organization in
order to put it on a completely war-
time basis.
Miss Heath hails from Ithaca, N.Y.
and is affiliated with Kappa Kappa
Gamma. She is a member of Wyvern,
the tutorial committee, and WAA
Board. In addition to participating in
all class projects, she was in charge
of an Ann Arbor Girl Scout group.
Ann MacMillan, who is from De-
troit, is a member of Alpha Phi soror-
ity, and also belongs to Wyvern. She
is in charge of the Canteen Corps at
the Union and was a former Jordan
As a sophomore she was general
chairman of Soph Cabaret. She is
also a member of Alpha Lambda Del-
ta, honor society. This year's presi-
dent of Judiciady Council is Ruth
Other newly appointed members
of these two groups will not be an-
nounced until the night of Installa-
tion Banquet.

Johnston Says
U.S. May Go
Warns Against Danger
Of Excessive Power;
World Peace at Stake
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, March 24.- Eric A.
Johnston, President of the United
States Chamber of Cormmerce, de-
dared today, "There is some danger
that our country may go totalitar-
He warned that, "If danger is not
averted, the cause of world peace,
too, will be endangered."
"Those of us concerned with pre-
serving the peace," he continued in
an address, "must therefore watch
and judge any tendency to put more
and yet more authority into the
hands of any government."
The 46-year-old Spokane, Wash.,
businessman, who is a member of
the Citizens' Committee assisting
Economic Stabilization Chairman
James F. Byrnes, and who has just
reported to President Roosevelt the
results of a survey trip through
South America, continued:
"Every time the state subsidizes
an individual, the state by that act
becomes more authoritative and the
individual gives up some right."
Continue the process, he said, and
the state becomes "total and abso-
lute." His address was prepared for
delivery before the Institute of Arts
and Sciences, Columbia University.
Johnston has adopted a policy of
discharging his duties as president
of the nationwide association of bus-
inessmen with frequent conferences
with leaders in government and la-
bor, including President Roosevelt,
and top officials of AFL and CIO.

Nazis Slow British on Mareth Line


Yankees Bombard Mezzouna;

Red Troops Advance on Smolensk


Postm War Plans Viewed;
Farm Bloc W ins victory

WASHINGTON, March 24.-(P)-
The Senate's Foreign Relations Com-
mittee acted today to assure what
Chairman Connally (Dem. - Tex.)
promised would be "prompt, thor-
ough and earnest" consideration of
a half dozen proposals on post-war
world problems.
The committee directed Connally
to appoint an eight-member sub-
committee, which he will head, to
study and report on a series of reso-
lutions. These include a proposal
by Senators Ball (Rep.-Minn.), Bur-
ton (Rep.-Ohio), Hill (Dem.-Ala.)
and Hatch (Dem.-N.M.) that the
United States take the initiative in
organizing the United Nations for
action designed ultimately to pre-
serve peace through joint military
Connally told reporters later in a
statement, framed with the aid of
Democratic Leader Barkley of Ken-
tucky, that the committee and sub-
committee "purpose to give prompt,
thorough and earnest consideration
to the whole matter and bring its
(the subcommittee's) conclusions to
the attention of the full committee
at the earliest possible date."
The chairman said he would name
the subcommittee shortly and it
would decide whether to hold public
hearings. Connally indicated he fav-
ored closed sessions, a view appar-
ently shared by Senator Vandenberg
Ball, who has urged open hearings,
said sponsors ought to have the ben-
efit of a public record, at least of the
views of the State, War and Navy

WASHINGTON, March 24.-(A)-
Amid arguments and denials that
the legislation would raise retail food
bosts seven per cent, the congressional
farm bloc chalked up another victory
today with House passage of a bill to
prohibit the deduction of benefit
payments to farmers in determining
price ceilings on parity for agricul-
tural products.
The House action, sending the bill
to the Senate where similar legisla-
tion has been approved, came on a
standing vote of 149 to 40.
(The benefit payments are made to
farmers who comply with Agricultur-
al Adjustment Administration re-
quirements. Parity is a fluctuating
price intended to give farmers a fair
share of national purchasing power
in proportion to the share they had
from 1909 to 1914).
There was some speculation, how-
ever, that a presidential veto was in
store for this legislation and for a
bill passed by the house last Friday
calling for the inclusion of increases
in farm labor costs since 1909-14 in
calculating parity.
Nazis Direct New
Raid on Scotland
LONDON, March 25. (Thursady)
--(P)-For the first time in weeks
Nazi bombers raided Scotland early
today after a raid Wednesday on a
southeastern English town where
more than -12 persons were killed.
Incendiaries were dropped in
southeastern Scotland.

Soviets Close In
On Novorossisk;
Are on Defensive
North of Kiiarkov
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 2, Thursday-
Red Army troops fighting stubborn
battles through long-established and
strong German fortifications on the
western front captured several more
inhabited points on Wednesday in a
continuing advance on the big Nazi
base of Smolensk, Moscow an-
nounced today.
In the Caucasus, where the Rus-
sians apparently now have renewed
their offensive after a several weeks'
lull, Soviet forces captured the dis-
trict center and railway station of
Abinskaya, only 20 miles northeast
of the former Soviet l~lack Sea naval
base of Novorossisk, around which
are compressed the remnants of a
Nazi Caucasus army which once
numbered 200,000 men.
Reds Defend Belgorod
In a third area of heavy fighting--
the Belgorod sector north of Kha r-
kov-the Russians were on the de-
fensive against powerful continuing
Nazi assaults, although, according/ to
the Soviet midnight communique re-
corded by the ,Soviet Monitor, the
attacks were beaten back with losses
to the invaders.
According to Berlin there was a
fourth area of heavy fighting. 'The
German Command's daily commitni-
que said that Naziforpes were loked
in a defensive battle of great vio-
lence.l.south of Lake Ladoga on the
nortiwestern front.
Smolensk Area Chief Center
Chief attention centered on the
front before Smoleisk, an area
where good roads are plentiful and
operations are swift. The Russian
noon communique reported fecap-
ture of several villages north of Duk-
hovschino, 32 miles northeast of
Smolensk, and the midnight bulletin
recorded the fall of "several" more,
listing seven in one sector alone.
House Accepts
Senate Measure
Bill Nullifies FDRs
Wartime Salary Limit
WASHINGTON, March 2.-(P)-
The House accepted late today the
Senaterversion of a measure nullify-
ing President Roosevelt's $25,000-
after-taxes limitation on wartime
salaries and substituting a modified
ceiling fixed by legislation.
The House action, by rolcall vote
of 297 to 46, came an acceptance of
a joint House-Senate conference
committee's recommendation. The
measure will reach the Senate tomor-
row, where ratification is now only
a formality.
The legislation then will go to the
White House as a rider on a bill
boosting the nation's statutory debt
limit from $125,000,000,000 to $210,-
Allies Bomb
Japs in Muba
Aerial Barrage Fierce
In New Guinea Sector
AUSTRALIA, March 25, Thursday-
(P)-- Allied aircraft hammered Jap-
anese positions in the Mubo area of

New Guinea with a deadly aerial
artillery barrage Wednesday in one
blow of a busy day aimed at keeping
Japanese forces back on their heels
throughout much of the southwest
Forty-four times, American A-20
Bostons and Australian Beaufighters
swept over the enemy ground posi-
tions at Mubo-approximately 15
miles from the enemy base at Sala-'
maua-sending more than 30,000
rounds of cannon shells and ma-
chine gun bullets probing through

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 24,-(IP)--
Americans facing meat apd fats ra-
tioning for the first time got the
news today that each will have to.
get along on an over-all total of two
p unds a week, or less, if only such
it~ms as butter and the- better
gsrade of meats are purchased.
But one who is willing to take ole-
omargarine instead of butter, beef
liver instead of beefsteak, or pork
spare ribs instead of pork chops can
have a larger share.
Giving final details of the far-
reaching rationing program to be-
gin Monday, the Office of Price Ad-
ministration announced that each
person-adults and children of any
age, will be allowed 16 ration points
a week, and issued a list of point
values for the products to be rationed.
This list puts butter, sliced bacon,
cheese and most of the better cuts of
Sin gtime To Be
Previewed in,
Detroit Tonight
Singtime-a symphony in song, the
Manpower Corps' spring concert, will
be previewed tonight in Detroit at
the annual " 'U' of Michigan Night"
for University alumni.
Added to the program that will be
presented here April 7 in Hill Audi-
torium are the prize-winning skits
from "Victory Vanities." Bill Sawyer
is directing the show which includes
everydtype of music from the most
sacred drown to modern classical
Tickets for the campus show are
being sold at the League, Union,
book stores and at special booths
where servicemen can get tickets for
half price.
Sales already indicate that the De-
troit show and the campus -concert
will benefit the Bomber Scholarship
Fund by a larger amount than any
other program this year.
Housing Survey
Continues Here
The housing survey for war work-
ers yesterday reported 400 rooms and
16 apartments available in Ann
Arbor with approximately one-third
of the returns tabulated.
A clean-up squad is now at work
canvassing houses which were not
covered in the course of the regular
survey because of illness of the can-
vassers or their inability to contact
householders in their zones. Only one
post, Post 17 in Zone A, was com-
pletely canvassed.

beef together at 8 points a pound but
other meat products range on down
to as law as one point a pound for
pigs-feet and pig ears.
A few products carry even a higher
value. At the top, 12 points a pound,
is dried beef. Boneless ham. slices1
and Canadian bacon call for 11, and
bon eless whole hams or pork loins,
for 10. In the 9-point class are bone-
less sirloin steak, dry salami, and
hard dry sausages.
All canned fish is 7 points a pound.
The OPA emphasized it would
make changes in the point values or
other phases of the system if ex-
perience indicated they were desir-
"While the first point values under
the new program have been set with
the most careful regard to supply and
consumer preferences, it is not pos-
sible to gauge these and other factors
in advance with absolute accuracy,"
an announcement said. "Adjustments
will be made whenever they are in-
dicated to be necessary by actual op-
eration under the program."
Unions Agree
To Stop Raiding
CIO-AFL Heads Talk
Regarding Living Costs
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(YP)-
The .presidents of CIO and AFL tan-
gled today over the extent of juris-
dictional disputes, but agreed to re-
open negotiations to end "union raid-
ing," the maneuver by which one
union seeks to oust another from rep-
resentation of workers.
The agreement came at the close
of a four-hour hearing in which the
union chiefs declared the present re-
lationship of wages to living costs
is unsatisfactory.
William Green, who had said the
CIO had instituted against AFL un-
ions at Kaiser shipyards, was ready
to leave the hearing room of the
Senate's Truman Committee. With
overcoat on and hat in hand, the
AFL leader walked up beside Philip
Murray of the CIO, and proposed to
sign an anti-raiding agreement im-
mediately "with my friend, Phil."
March Technic
To Appear Today
The March issue of the Michigan
Technic, featuring two surveys of im-
portant war topics, goes on sale today
and tomorrow.
The problem of industrial applica-
tion of induction heating in relation
to electronics is discussed by Ken
Moehl, '43E, in his article "Induction

American .roops .
''Capture Makrsssy OZZ ............a~ aar
c.exS ssr ....-".....
Maknassy Graib.
Bou Hamra
Metla Guetar S ..
T British Flank M n
- *-Ksar Rhilan. Fat \ n
Deer - T UNISIA a -
Field reports said that parts of the British Eighth Army had swept
around the Mareth line of fortifications and were facing German con-
centrations at El Hamma, west of the port of Gabes, in Tunisia. To the
north, Americans captured Maknassy in a drive to the sea. Arrows indi-
cate Allied moves.
Twoound per....Week..

U.S., British Drive Slowed in Tunisia

Axis Counter Blow
Blocked by Eighth
Army Drive in
Southern Sector
Associated Press Correspondent
NORTH AFRICA, March 24.- In a
desperate effort to hold the Maeth
Line in southern Tunisia, the Ger-
mans-with a series of fierce colui-
terattacks-have largely wiped out
the gains made by the British Eighth
Army and heavy fighting is now in
progress there.
However, the Eighth Army column
moving northward behind the Mat-
eth Line gained two miles and Amer-
ican troops have begun shelling Mez-
zouna, only 22 miles from the coastal
road above the Mareth Line.
Allies Bomb Enemy
Axis attacks against the" two
American columns pressing toward
the coast have been held off In t i
full force only by speedy attacks by
Allied air forces on enemy armor
(Prime Minister Churchill told the
House of Commons this morning that
Axis counterattacks largely had
erased the British . breach in... the
Mareth line. Informed quartersid
not know whether his infomTio
superseded today's Allied cQmiiruni-
que, which did not mention any're-
Counterattack Repulsed
An Allied communique said the
Eighth Army had "su7cessfully 10-
pulsed enemy counterattacks" In $e
Mareth village area of the Ai1 i
fied line 20 miles below Qabes, dd
that prisoners now totalled 2,00.
Enemy counterattacks alew.mra
beaten off by American ,troopk O q
El Guetar, the sothernino so
drives by General Patton's forCEs
aimed at surrounding Ma'shal Ron'
mel's army.
Advanced ROTC
W IlReturn to
Campus Soon,
Temporary Residene,.
Will Be Provided at.'
Allan-Rumsey House
"Orders for the return of the ad-
vanced ROTC have not come throuh
yet and we are not sure whe tie
unit will arrive in Ann Arbor," Vol.
W. A. Ganoe said late yesterday
According to Col. Ganoe the ad-
vanced corps has been processed at
Camp Custer and is ready to retUin
as soon as the orders for transporta-
tion arrive.
Barracks in Allen Rumey house
are ready to be occupied ythe group
where they will live under stit nl-
tary discipline. They will not marth
to classes, but will be allowed to con-
plete their present academic pro.
The advanced unit will be housed
in Allen Rumsey House only untal
June, and in July the Navy will tae
over the entire West Quadrangle for
their V-12 program.
Rarspeck Predicts
Ruml Plan Passage
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(P)-
After canvassing Democratic mem-

bers, Rep. Ramspeck of Georgia,tie
majority whip, predicted tonight the
House will approve a pay-as-you-go
tax bill wiping out a substantial part
of one year's income levies.
Ramspeck expressed his view on
the eve of the opening tomorrow of
debate on the tax measure, an issue
affecting the pocketbooks of 44,000,-
000 taxpayers.
Mou Is Not RationedI



Dr. C. Sverre Norborg Will
Speak in Rackham Building

Dr. C. Sverre Norborg, well-known
philosopher and lecturer will discuss
the question "Does Christianity
Square with the Facts?" at 8 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Brought here under the auspices
of the Committee for Dynamic
Christianity, an all-student organi-
zation affiliated with the Student
Religious Association, Dr. Norborg
will deal with four issues: "Is re-
ligious faith an 'escape mechan-
ism'?; does Christianity need any
defense?; world history as divine
irony; the scandal of Christianity.
Dr. Norborg has studied in three
European universities and has lec-
tured at Stockholm, Copenhagen,


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