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March 05, 1948 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-05

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Mcdmen See Action in BigCinMeetiM'Road
__......._,i ___1. p T o B ig N

Victories Pave Way
ne Basketball Title

Pucksters Host to MichiganI
Tech in Two Game SeriesI

Swimmers Set Keen Predicts Seven Team
For Tilts With Strugole for Big Nine Titlie
MSC, Wildcats -----_

The final curtain will ring
down on the 1947-48 hockey sea-
son this weekend when Michigan's
NCAA-bound skaters play host to
Michigan Tech in a two game se-
ries at the Coliseum.
Tonight's game will start at
8 and face-off tomorrow will be
at 8:30 p.m. Both games will be
broadcast by WPAG-FM.
Tech Beaten Twia2
# Engineer Coach Eddie Maki will
bring his charges south in an at-
tempt to revenge the early season
losses to the Wolverines at
Houghton and the rough treat-
ment that Michigan has handed
the Huskies since the 47-game se-
ries began back in 1921.
The Maize and Blue squads have
copped 28 of the matches while
losing only 17. Last year the two
r\Michigan's teams split a pair of
games, the Wolverines winning the
first, 3-1, and losing the second
by the identical count.
Since the 9-8 ;nd 4-0 defeats
j handed to the Techmen by Vic
Heyliger's veteran team, the
Houghton lads have been trodding
the way of mediocrity, winning
three and losing five. Their most
recent wins were a pair over Colo-
rado College two weeks ago, 4-0

and 3-2, and a victory over Min-
nesota's Gophers last week, 4-3.
'M' Favored
Michigan, on the other hand,
hasn't suffered defeat since the
Minnesota game last month when
they lost in overtime, 5-4, and will
be heavy favorites in the tradi-
tional series.
Two of Maki's brothers, Abbie
and Al, the currently donned in
Michigan Tech padding and will
see action in both games. The
Huskies' mentor announced his
starting line-up for the initial
game yesterday and it will be
headed by Jack Noblet in goal. His
brother, Dick, will hold down one
3f the defensive positions, and Ab-
bie Maki will fill the other defense
spot. Ted Olson and Burt Petaja
will flank Jimmy Ruhl on the
starting line.
Heyliger will counter with his
usual starters, Jack McDonald,
goalie, Ross Smith and Connie
Hill, defense, and Gordie McMil-
lan, Bill Jacobson and Al Ren-
frew, linesmen. McMillan will be
seeking to smash his all-time scor-
ing record for a single season of
play. He now has 52 points in 19
games and in 1945-46 he tallied for
56 markers in 23 contests.

Matt Mann is takin
of tossing his swim
perfect record down t
weekend when his B
tenders face Michiga
Northwestern in au
Last Dual Meets
Dick Weinberg, Bo
tain Harry Holiday,
and Matt Mann II
action in the team's1
meets of the season
verines warm up for
showdown Champion
City next weekend:
Although the S
Wild-cat rooter will p
little to cheer for,
pool and dual meet
likely to be smashe
course of the evenin
304-Medley Record E
Michigan's 300 yar
lay team (Holiday,
Weinberg) which a
the world's recordi
ought to producea
record during the pa
Bob Sohl, Michig
stroke prospect for
team should also gi
tators their share(
the weekend's butter

ng no chancey
ming team's
the drain this
ig Nine con-
n State and
way engage-

Two New Weight (lasses Added to
Betzig Moves Down to 155-Pound


Michigan's mat squad has an outside chance to cop the Big Nine
wrestling championship at Chamgaign today and ,tomorrow as Coach
Cliff Keen stated that "any one of seven teams have a chance to cinch

Where other teams usually fail
the "away from home" test, Mich-
Sigan 's cagers passed with flying
To Coach C zie Cowles, the
most satisfying thing about his
boys is the "way they played on
the road." On foreign territory
they swept aside four of the blig-
: ;est stumbling blocks on the road
to the Big Nine championship.
Those squads were at their peak
when the rampaging Wolverines
entered town.
Despite the unfriendly crowds
and unfamiliar courts, the Wol-
verines three top scorers in the
final standings counted close to
half of their totals away.
Suprunowicz Seventh.
Mack Suprunowicz, the catlike
forward who sprung into action
after a slow start, wound up in
seventh place in Western Con-
ference standings with 145 points.
Named on the United Press All-

Conference second team, Supey
impressed the sports scribes with
his aggressiv"eness by dumping 68
points before othecr Big Teni stu-
Finishing ninth, Captain Bob
Harrison went hungry in the first
Northwestern game at Evanston,
but his scoring famine ended
there as he racked up 71 markers
in the remaining five road games.
Add these to his home figures
and the result is 140 points
Rookie Also Places
Don McIntosh, the only new-
comer to break into the starting
ranks,, also broke into the list of
final standings by swishing 115
for fourteenth place. A closer peek
at his record reveals that almost
three-fourths of these were reg-
istered in out-of-town tilts. Mc-
Intosh accounts for this by say-
ing, "I seem to tighten up trying
to play better in front of friends."


the title.
Although the Wolverine wrestlers boast only a season average of
b Sohl, Cap- 500, with victories over Ohio State, Northwestern, Minnesota, and
will all see Purdue, a tie with Ohio State, and-
last two dual defeats at the hands of Illinois, full against Joe Patascal of Pur-
as the Wol- Iowa, Iian ad nh er- due who is termed the man to
the Big Nine ence Michigan State, they rank beat.
ships in Iowa high with the majority of the con- Michigan's contender in the 128
tending squads. t class will be Maurice Smith who
partan and 'he addition of two new weights, has wrestled better than .500 this
probably have 1115 and 191, in the Conference season. The Hawkeye's of Iowa
a couple of playoffs has been necessitated this will pose their defending Confer-
records are year by the advent of the Olympic ence champion for the last two
d during the games scheduled in London this years, Rometo Macias, in this at-
igs ~summer.trcinwohseeyqafc-
gs. Leading off the list of Michi- traction who has every qualifica-
d medley re- gan grapplers who will vie for tion to cop this berth.
dmeley and individual honors is Gil Ross In Jim Smith, who has lost only
Sready holds the new 115 class, a JV wrestler two bouts this season, will repre-
in the event who has never encountered var- sent Michigan in the 136-lb. class.
at least one sity competition as yet. Defend- Chief contenders for this position
ir of meets. ing 121 champion Arnold Plaze are champion Chester Robbins of
;an's breast- of Purdue is slated to grapple Indiana and Purdue's former
the Olympic for the Boilermakers in this slot champion, Jim Foster.
ve the spec- and is favored to win. Boasting only one defeat this
of thrills in Byron Dean, wirey 121 pounder season, George Curtis will be one
rfly events. for Michigan, will have his hands of Michigan's top potentialities in
--_ --- the 145-lb. division. Besides Cur-
tis and last year's champion Ed
Kemp of Iowa will be the highest
OR T-bidder for the title in this weight.
Captain Bob Betzig, who has
been beaten only by Roy Carl-
CUso of Iowa, in Conference com-
petition, as been shifted down to
TO the 155-lb. position to qualify
for the undefended champion-
ship berth there, since Michi-
COM FORT gan's defending champion Bill
Courtright is no longer compet-
ing. Btzig's chief opponent will
be Ken Marlin of Illinois, two
year's runner-up to Courtright.
comfortable on the mar- Wes Tebeau will carry the mail
ket. Just can't creep up for the Maize and Blue in the 165-
and take you unawares lb. slot which is also open at pres-
ent with the ineligibility of Illi-
nois' last year champion, Dave
seamless crotch. Shapiro. Top prospects in this
event will be Roy Carlson of Iowa
and Clarence Self, Wisconsin's
Arrow shorts star backfield man, who has been
from $1.25 undefeated in two year's wrestling
Arrow "Guards1 The 15 pound class will fea-
from 95c ture tugh Mack for Michigan.
t The niain attraction in this
Arrow Tf shirts event will bethe highly vaunted
from $1 Joe Scarpeillo of Iowa who
boasts 105 consecutive victories
Arrow undershirts which add up to two Conference
from 85e championships plus last year's
NCAA title.


0.the longest-wearingq sole made


... leads wrestlers

with thick, spongy,
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Other sports and campus styles,
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Switch to Arrow shorts and relax.
Arrow shorts (with the patented
seamless crotch) come in a variety
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eners or buttons and are Sanfor-
ized labeled, guaranteeing less than
1% shrinkage. $1.25, $1.50, and


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Byron Lasky, the second JV
wrestler to vault into varsity com-
petition, will carry the hopes for
Michigan in the new 191 pound
tilt. Defending heavyweight cham-
pion, Verne Gagne of Minnesota,
and Chuck Gottfried of Illinois
will compose the top billings in
this attraction.
Coach Keen stated that since
the entire Michigan wrestling
team will be competing in their
rightful classes, the Wolverine
chances of success are the best
they've been all season.
Pre-meet favorites are: Purdue,
Iowa, and Illinois, last year's Con-
ference champion.




I- ~
BMicycle Repairing,
Act Now.
Bring your bike in for its spring overhaul.
Good weather will see our repair shop snowed
under by those who waited 'til the last mo-
ment. Have your bike repaired BEFORE spring
and laugh at the people who are waiting and





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W ITHIN the past few months, Larry Gr
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Trv Carrels! Discover for yourself why, withs

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. , I

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