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March 19, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-19

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Six I-M Titles

Decided At Annual





* Stevie Joins The Army
* New Threat To Axis
Daily Sports Editor
* * * *

3,500 Pack Gymnasium
For Giant Sports Show

Feud's A Brewin'
Thinclads Clash With Hoosiers
In Chicago Relay Race Friday

Scientific investigation reveals that
there are two species of penguins.
One species wears tuxedos, the other
is clad in full dress.

BY THE TIME this comes to the
divine attention of Emperor Hi-
rohito, Stevie Bronson may already
have proved our point, to wit:
Unless the Japs, often imitative
of American ways, develop a flock
of 60-second quarter-milers in a
hurry, the less fleet-footed Nip-
ponese won't be on their feet at
all. For the soon-to-be Private
John Steven Bronson, United
States Army, isn't the kind of a
guy who comes out second best.
HE GAVE the little yellow men
some indication of the running
heights they must attain in order to
outfoot him in this man's war yester-
day at an impromptu farewell party
thrown by Coach Ken Doherty's track
team at the Field House.
Stevie works in the official capac-
ity as trainer and unofficial capac-
ity as companion, adviser, and gen-
eral buddy to all Michigan ath-
lete& He's scheduled to leave the
Wolverine scene very soon-prob-
ably within two weeks-for Army
service. Yesterday the trackmen
dressed him up, trotted him out on
the cinderpaths after a quick rub-
down, and turned him loose in an
attempt to shatter Bob Ufer's re-
cently-established World Indoor
440-yard record of 48.1 seconds.
A VICTIII of misjudged pacing,
Stevie overstepped the mark by
just 20 seconds. His strategy was
obvious: turn in a fast 220, but keep
enough in reserve to round the final
lap with a torrid burst of speed. He
turned the cinders into glowing coals
with a remarkably fast 33 second
clocking for the initial 220 yards.
But, unfortunately, little Stevie didn't
have quite enough drive left in his
pounding short legs to complete the
last half in 15 seconds, so Ufer's
standard still stands. And Bron-
son's 68-second clocking will remain,
not in the record book, but only in
the memories of those who saw it.
Said Coach Doherty: "Well,
maybe he can broad jump."
Said. Ufer: "It's safe to say that
Cochran is just a little tougher
threat to the record."
Admitted Bronson: "I guess Ufer
is a pretty good runner at that,
but-(brightening up) look who
trained him."
AND the entire track team spoke
their common appreciation for
Fred Gipson Named New
Senior Cage Manager
Fred Gipson, '43, of Toledo, 0., was
named senior basketball manager for
the coming season at the annual ban-
quet of the basketball team held in
the Union yesterday.
Gipson chose as his junior mana-
gers Jack Ellman, '44, Jackson Pal-
insi, '44, Sam Holland, '44, and Hugh
Miller, '44.
.*: r-a rm
New sport coats, 13.50-13.95
Spring trousers-gabardines,
Tweeds, Coverts, 4.95 to 8.95
Shapely Shirts, 1.65-.0O
Coopers Sox, 4 pair .10
Air O Magic shoes, 4.95
122 E. Liberty
Next To P. Hell On The Corner

Stevie's tireless, faithful years of
service here at Michigan. They pre-
sented him with a beautiful gold
watch, complete with inscription to
the finest little trainer in the coun-
Many's the close Wolverine vic-
tory that has had Stevie's skillful
techniques indirectly behind it. HisI
trainingefinesse has put thousands
of Maize and Blue athletes into
peak condition. But that's only half
the tale. The majority of athletes
are as temperamental as opera
singers-although both classes will
deny any temperament whatso-
ever. It would take a hundred
columns to tell the countless foibles
and fancies of an athlete's mind.
Which is no indictment, but a
statement of fact.
THE ATHLETES often came to
Bronson with their problems. And
he had a way of instilling confidence,
of dispelling doubt. A calm, quiet
word here, a sharp, rebuking phrase
there, a long hash-session of a press-
ing problem-these have often mani-
fested themselves concretely on the
competitive field in the form of Wol-
verine victories.
It goes without saying that Mich-
igan's loss is the nation's gain.
Stevie will be a real asset to the
United States armed forces. The
last part of that second paragraph
bears repeating: he isn't the kind
of a guy who comes out second best.
Buck Newsom May Sign
LAKELAND, Fla., March 18.-(P)--
Louis Norman (Buck) Newsom,
sporting three chins and a brew-mas-
ter's midriff, engaged in his first
workout at the Detroit Tigers' train-
ing camp today and indicated his
holdout campaign may be drawing to
a close.

ig Eps Take Fraternity B
Physical Fitness Dri
('his story was compiled byB art
Jenks and the new freshman members
of the Daily Sports staff.)
Climaxing the winter season the
I-M last night presented its annual
Open House before a crowd of 3500
people at the Sports Building. Fea-
turing this biggest of I-M nights were
the six major championships played
off during the evening but hardly less
interesting was the military physical
fitness drill and a galaxy of exhi-
bitions performed by top flight ath-
Basketball Lacks Scores
The top attractions of the evening,
the basketball finals, were featured
by a dearth of scoring.
Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated Delta
Kappa Epsilon in the fraternity A
final by the score of 13-9. Neither
team had the range in the first half,
there being only one field goal made.
The second half progressed in the
same fashion as the first, the Sig Eps
winning out in the last two minutes.
Michigan House emerged as the
resident hall champion defeating
Prescott 16-15. It looked as if Mich-
igan was going to win by a walkaway
as they led 12-4 at the half, but the
game developed into a thriller and
Prescott came back just short of vic-
tory. Chuck Avery with six points
led the victors, while Dick Bodycombe
had the same number for the losers.
The Dive Bombers defeated the
Lumberjacks 31-13 to annex the in-
dependent championship.
Phi Delts Take Crown
Highlighting the swimming pro-
gram was the Inter-Fraternity cham-
pionship meet. The meet was a two-
team duel between Phi Delta Theta
and Phi Kappa Psi, with the Phi
Delts finally emerging triumphant
with 33 points to Phi Psi's 26. After
winning the freestyle relay, the 100,
and the 50 yard freestyle events, the
champs sewed up the meet with a
second in the medley relay.
In the Residence Hall semi-finals
Chicago swamped Allen-Rumsey by a


;asketball Crown; Military
UIs Please Spectators
score of 38-23. and Williams likewise'
trounced Wenley 40-21.
In the dormitory wrestling finals
Prescott House walked off with tean
honors when they placed one-two in
the 155-pound and 175-pound brack-
ets. The matches between Augie Al-
tese and Harry Gilmore in the 155-
pound class and Bill Earle and Cliff
Myll, 175-pounders, were called
Three bouts were decided by falls:
heavyweight Fred Bryan (Fletcher)
pinned George Lutz (Michigan) in
2:59; Stewart Linton ,Allen-Rum-
sey) glued Bob Isleib (Adams) to the
mat at 1 :29 in the 128-pound brack-
et; and Grant Allen (Fletcher) nail-
ed Bob Milnor (Chicago) in 1:50 at
the 145-pound level. Other winners
were 165-pounder Maurice Edwards
(Allen-Rumsey) over Roy Boucher
(Winchell) by 8-0 and Irv StatlerI
from Miguel Roza (Greene) by de-
fault in the 121-pound class.
Kerr Is Fencing Titlist
The final champion of the eve-
ning was Bob Kerr who topped two
opponents to cop the fencing crown.
In addition, four volleyball teams
put on exhibitions with Nu Sigma
Nu, professional fraternity cham-
pion, defeating Sigma Alpha Mu in
three out of five games and the Ann
Arbor 'Y,' state champs, handing the
Detroit 'Y' a 3-1 beating.

It's not exactly a Hatfield and
McCoy affair, this existing rivalry
between the two-mile relay teams of
Michigan and Indiana, but having
encountered each other three times
a year for the past three years, the
two baton-passing quartets have
built up a minor feud of some sort.
And this minor feud will have its
final showing of the 1942 season at
the Chicago Relays Friday night.
Ever since long-legged Campbell
Kane, king of the Hoosier middle-
distance stars, took over the anchor
leg on Indiana's relay teams, the
Hoosier quartets have dominated this
rivalry. But the contests have al-
ways been very close at Millrose, the
Butler Relays and the Chicago Re-
lays, with the Michigan crew hang-
ing up wins on two occasions.
Last year, for the first time since
Kane had been anchoring the Hoo-
sier team, the Wolverines came in
ahead of the Indiana aggregation.
That was in the Chicago Relays,
when Warren Breidenbach shifted
into high gear on the last lap and
left Kane far behind, with the Wol-
veritnes finishing about 35 yards in
the lead. And this year, the Michigan
quartet, placing third in the Millrose
carnival, still finished ahead of In-
In the Butler Relays last Saturday,
however, the Hoosiers gained full re-
venge for that defeat, winning the

university two-mile relay just a step
ahead of the Wolverines, who took
second. The Indiana team's time for
that race was 7:45.1 seconds, more
than five seconds better than the
time turned in by the Michigan crew
at the Millrose carnival.
With the score for the 1942 season
tied at one-all now, the two rivals
have their last chance to shoot it out
for the championship, in the Chicago
Amphitheatre Friday. Composed of
four such stars as Paul Kendall,
Harry Price, Earl Mitchell, and Kane,
the Hoosier team is favored to beat
the Wolverines to the tape once more.
But the Michigan quartet, with
Johnny Roxborough taking the place
of Ackerman, ran the best race it
has turned in all season at Butler last
week, and there is every possibility
that the Michigan baton-passers
might beat the Indiana team to the
draw and to the tape.

Work a


we are
now renting
all makes.

0. ID.*Morrill
314 South State


It Can Be YOU!

Ace Yearlings Give Swimmers
Excellent ProspectFor 1943

SPLASHES: Coach Mike Peppe of
Ohio State can't wait until next year
. his Buckeye band, which gave the
Wolverine swimmers a real ofight
down to the finish in the recent Big
Ten Meet, will practically be intact
when the next natatorial season
makes its appearance . . . but Michi-
gan mentor Matt Mann isn't worried
. . . the reason-his better than aver-
age freshman squad.
Frosh Star
Standout frosh merman is one
Harry Holiday . . . a big kid from
Butler, Pa., who can give any Varsity
man a battle in any event . . . calls
the backstroke his specialty . . .Mann
is taking him to the National AAU
Meet next month . .. will enter him
in the dorsal race, thus pitting him
against the great Adolf Kiefer.
May Beat KieferI
Those who have seen the six-feet-
five-inch yearting in action claim
that he will becat the heretofore un-
beatable Kiefer . . . and a look at
Holiday's time trials leaves little
room for controversy . . . Mann first
discovered his freshman star at his
own boys' camp in Ontario five years
ago . . . he's nursed him along ever
The freshmen also have among
them four lads who may make Wol-
verine fans forget that they ever
heard of Dobby Burton or Gus Share-
met ,. . Mert Church, Chuck Fries,
Ace Cory and Ben Bricker are the
lads who comprise a gilt-edge free-

style quartet . . . great things are ex-
pected from them . . . two frosh div-
ers, Bill Chickering and Brud Lary.
have shown enough promise to make
Mann optimistic about that depart-
ment . . . and two more good breast-
strokers will join the Varsity ranks
-namely, Pat Hayes and Irv Ein-
Buckeye Attack Expected
None of the Wolverines were too
surprised at the terrific battle staged
by the Ohio State aggregation . . .
the Buckeyes are just hitting their
season's peak . . . in fact, many swim-
ming observers think they will edge
the Mannmen for second place in the
National Collegiates next weekend
Yale has already been conceded
the winner by anybody who ever
heard about swimming.
Mann will take only nine men to
Harvard for the Collegiates . . . hard
hit by the tire shortage, the swim-
mers can't travel via their coach's
station wagon anymore . . , and the
budget makes it imperative that only
a ,,mall s:quad be taken oni the trip
by rail.
Amundsen Enlists
Bob Amundsen, the sensational
Northwestern sophomore who won
both the 50 and 100 yard sprints in
the Big Tens, will never swim in an-
other Conference Meet .. . the stocky
Wildcat has already enlisted in the
Army Air Corps and is only awaiting
his call . . . and Buckeye Capt. John
Leitt had won every race he had
swum this year until last weekend,
when he finished fifth in both the
50 and 100.

The cominttet o select the Best
Dressed Man On Camnpucs has
made ten preliminary choices
from which the winner may be
picked. They are:



. This list is by no means complete.





Enter a candidate of your own

in this, the biggest contest ever to hit
the campus. All that is necessary to en-
ter is a petition with 25 signatures, to
be handed in at the Union Student Of-


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