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March 19, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-19

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Col. Ganoe Says College Men
Exemplify Hot-House' Type

La Independencia, Spanish Play, Bows Out For Year



(Continued from Page 1)

ing credit for hours actually spent in
5. That the ROTC teach a demo-
cratic leadership which will bring out
the maximum team-work, obedience,
resourcefulness, punctiliousness, ad-
justability, initiative and harmony
from the followers.
6. That the ROTC throw such com-
plete responsibility upon its cadet of-
ficers that they will, without inter-
ference from the teaching staff, be
in fact command of their units while
in the drill hall. They will be re-
quired to plan the drills, be the sole
instructors and, above all, know each
man of the unit by name and char-
7. That on drill days, when the
weather permits, the unit be taken to
the Arboretum, there to practice
movements under actual conditions
of. battle, the ability to take quick
cover and concealment being empha-
8. That all students undergoing in-
structions indicated here receive full
Band, To Give
First Spring
Concert t oday
Will Play Double Program
Pie-rove sell.Out Crowd
In Grand Rapids School
Already assured a sell-out crowd1
for both appearances, the University
Concert Band will invade the South
High School Auditorium in Grand
Rapids today for a double concert
-bill, programs being scheduled for
both the afternoon and evening.
The first of a series of spring con-
certs to be presented here and in
neighboring cities, including the an-
nual U of M Night program sched-
uled for Thursday, March 26, in De-
troit, the Grand Rapids concert will
also mark the Concert Band's first
:public appearance of the second se-
Featured on the program, to be
conducted by Prof. William D. Re-
velli, will be Sorcerer's Apprentice,
by Paul Dukas; the Royal Fireworks
Music, by Handel; Guaracha, a new
number by Morton Gould, taken
from his Latin-American Sympho-
nette; Roumanian Rhapsody, by.
Georges Enesco, arranged especially
for band; and Newsreel, a new num-
'ber by ,William Schuman.

explanation of the reasons behind
every exercise and general possibili-
ties of the war.
9. That a followship and leadership
be developed which will be as good
for business as for military success;
and that in the only laboratory for
practice in handling human beings in
the University there be used only
that kind of leadership methods that
will answer the definition-the abil-
ity to make men want to follow.
Eve by this process of ceaseless
physical training, however, Colonel
Ganoe feels that it is doubtful that
"we can in five years bring our men
to the ruggedness and endurance so
vital to the modern army, so remark-
ably attained by Germans and Japs
"And it is a part of our softness not
to recognize the softness," he added.
"Frankly we are not facing remediali
action squarely. We are fussing with I
"In this institution as in many
others I have inspected, we are far
below physical hardihood and en-
durance," he charged. "And all this
is in contrast to the condition of the
Jap soldiers, which condition has had
as much to do with their success as
their weapons if not more."
According to Colonel Ganoe, physi-
[cal examples of backwardiess at the
University of Michigan are :
1. The Boiler-House ROTC.
2. Classrooms for junior and senior
ROTC men which would be con-
demned by a health officerbof New
York City.
3. One-hour drills not worthy of
the name (recently changed, but
change not initiated by authorities).
Insisting that this is no time for
faculty jealousies, institutional con-
ceits, normal schedules or sustained
prejudices, Colonel Ganoe reminded
that "we are at war. The war can
and will touch us all. If we're sincere
about winning it, the path to follow
is undeviatingly plain: we must come
out into the open and do the things
best promoting the endurance of our
students and our nation, irrespective
of personal desires."
In a special statement to The Daily
yesterday, Colonel Ganoe pointed out
that "No culture has ever saved a
civilization; it takes a big biceps and
a low brow to turn the trick." Not-
ing that the Goths and Visisgoths
"kicked in the guts" out of the more
"cultured" Romans, he declared that
there is nothing more important than
physical strength in insuring the ex-
istence of civilization.
"The country is quivering for
someone to take the lead in a staunch
reply to Hitler's youth movement,"
he concluded. "Why not let it be the
University of Michigan?"

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
LOST-Pair of rimless glasses on
campus. Please call Saenz, 2-4231.
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
"The Spring Blowout for the smile
of beauty . . . a lucky number for
the smile of health."
- Early To Bed Committee
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7e

TYPING: L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., phone 5689.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500.
Phone Sam, 5300. 229c

Weeks of intensive practice ended for the cast of La Independencia, annual Spanish play, when the cur-
tain rang down on the final act Tuesday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Prof. Staubach, director, has
already lost his "Mr. Casper Milquetoast" expression and the behind the scenes committees have returned
all borrowed properties. If nothing else, the play brought out the Spanish in the students, who are pictured
above, dressed in the gay and colorful costumes of nineteenth century Spain. The turnout for the play was
the largest in many years and nobody went home disappointed.
All Sabbatical Leaves Are Gancelled
In Move To Maintain Strong Faculty


Driving? We find paying passengers.
Going away? We locate rides. Na-
tionwide sefvice. Fee nominal.
Detroit, Michigan
2970 W. Grand Blvd. Madison 6268
STUDENT with architectural train-
ing to do defense house drafting.
Write Box No. 7, The Daily.
BUILD YOUR HOME in University
Gardens-large tracts, trees, hills,
restricted. $800 up. Farley, 2-2475.

In view of the constant stream of
faculty men leaving for key positions
in the war program, the University
has cancelled all regular sabbatical
leaves and is scrutinizing all requests
for leave to make certain that such
leaves will be in the best inteests of
the war effort.
It was pointed out yesterday that
such action is being taken because of
the belief that the maintenance of a
strong faculty is the most important
factor in turning out a continuous
supply of trained men and women for
the armed forces and war industries.
President Ruthven and War Board
officials have continuously empha-
sized that the University is anxious
to do as much as possible in supply-
ing technicians and authorities from
its faculty for various specialized
fields of government service. j
Most Important Task
They feel, at the same time, how-
ever, that the institution must con-
tinue training engineers, doctors,
dentists, industrial managers, chem-
ists, physicists and other specialized
personnel as its most important task
in the nation's war program.
According to the War Board, 22
members of the faculty have recently
been called to duty in government
agencies and essential war industries
in addition to those who are in ac-
tive service with the armed forces.
Included among the former are:
Prof. Preston E. James, geographer,
now chief of the Latin American af-
fairs section of the Federal Office of
the Coordinator of Information.
Prof. Charles F. Remer, economist,
Ehrmann To Open
Athena Lectures
Prof. Howard Ehrmann of the his-
tory department, speaking on "The
Causes of The Present War," will de-
liver the first lecture in Athena's
current series at 9 p.m. today in the
Kalamazoo Room of the League.
Athena, honorary women's speech
society, has outlined a group of five
lectures on current topics. The series
includes talks on Latin-America, Rus-
sia, the British Empire, and the future
peace plan, but the remaining speak-
ers have not yet been named. _
Everyone's dropping in
after the show for a
delicious MALTED at
Next to the State Theatre j

now chief of the Far Eastern section
in the Federal Office of the Coordi-
nator of Information.
Prof. Robert B. Hall, geographer,
abroad conducting an investigation
of the extent of oriental infiltration
into South America.
Hayden Is Analyst
Prof. Joseph Hayden, political sci-
entist, serving on the board of ana-
lysts of the Federal Office of the Co-
ordinator of Information.
Prof. Lowell T. Coggeshall, epidem-
COV0 To 1Hold
ession_ T0
Will Familiarize Workers
With Group'sFaclties
Designed to familiarize Civilian
Defense Volunteer Office workers
with existing CDVO machinery, the
third session of a volunteer orienta-
tion course will be held at 10 a.m.
today in the Armory.
This course is aimed at men and
women-townspeople, facultyamem-
bers and their families-who are ac-
tively engaged in CDVO work at the
present time.
The course was instituted after
'many queries as to the set-up and
mechanics ofthetvolunteer group.
Projected enlargements of the cur-
rent program will also be taken up
at meetings of the course.
Tuesday's session emphasized the
functions of existing CDVO facilities,
and emphasized the usefulness of
such community organizationseven
after the war.
"A volunteer defense program is of
paramount importance even if we are
never bombed," the session was told.
The present state of emergency was
called sufficient to warrant volunteer
Ministers To Discuss
War Aid For Russians
The humanitarian aspect of Rus-
sian War Relief will be discussed by
members of the first estate, at a
'meeting of the student division of
RWR, slated for 8 p.m., March 25,
in the Michigan League Chapel.
Rabbi Leo Fram, guest speaker
from Detroit, will talk on "Russian
Offensive and the Increased Need for
Russian Relief." Representing the
local clergy will be Rev. Leonard Parr,
of the First Congregational Church
and Rev. Edward Blakeman, Uni-
versity Counselor of Religious Educa-
tion, who will speak on the same
Marvin Levey, '42, ' and Margaret
Cotton, '42, will dramatize "Story
of the Dnieprostroi," tale of Russians
who blew up a dam to prevent Nazi
victory. The story was written for
RWR's successful Pageant of Na-
tions, held in October in Madison
Square Garden.
Harry Stutz, chairman of the stu-
dent RWR group, invites all interest-
ed to attend this meeting. Plans will
be made for raising additional money
for this cause.

iologist, working in Washington on
control of tropical diseases at the re-
quest of the Army.
Prof. Emerson W. Conlon, aero-
nautical engineer, in charge of the
aircraft structural development sec-
tion of the Federal Bureau of Aero-
Prof. William Haber, economist, in
Washington assisting the Director of
the Budget in coordinating proposals
and developing policies for the eco-
nomic protection of civilians who are
exposed to the hazards of war and
for persons in the armed forces and
their families.
Hoover On Planning Board
Prof. Edgar M. Hoover, economist,
now principal consultant on indus-
trial location section of the National
Resources Planning Board.
Prof. Herbert F. Taggart, accoun-
tant, now assistant administrator in
charge of accounting far the OPA.
Other faculty members who have
recently been called to service in ci-
vilian service with the government
are: Prof. Robert Briggs, economist;
Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., forester;
Prof. Paul S. Dwyer, mathematician;
Prof. Samuel Goudsmit; Prof. Ed-
ward Greene, psychologist; Prof. Wil-
liam Kynoch, forester; Dr. James
Lawson, physicist; Prof. Elmer Mit-
chell, physical educator.
Additional members on leave in-
clude: Prof. Earl Moore, director of
the School of Music; Prof. Theodore
Newcomb, sociologist, Prof. Dudley
M'. Phelps, marketing authority;
Prof. Richard Ratcliffe, authority on
real estate management; and Prof.
Robley Williams, astronomer.
Engineer To Talk
On Future Of An to
Joseph Geschelin, technical editor
of the Chilton engineering publica-
tions, will speak before a regular
meeting of the Society of Automotive
Engineers at 7:45 p.m. today in the
Mr. Geschelin, who specializes in
industrial change-overs from auto-
mobile to war machinery, will talk
about the future of the automobile in
war production. He will be guest of
honor at a dinner preceding the open
SAE meeting.


All Proceeds For
Allied War Relief



STAIRS,-AND DOWN. The action in the snow is both beautiful
and deadly . . . exciting as it is real . . . Zoya Fyodorova is thorough-
ly splendid . . . The news of current Russian victories in the deep
snow renders GIRL FROM LENINGRAD more than timely. It rings
the bell. Besides it has a magnificent collection of photographed
explosions. The shooting and burning of an enemy bomber is alone
worth the price of admission.
Extra -
* Tigers Captured Alive in Siberia
*Hairless Hector (Cartoon)
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 8:15 P.M.


Box Office Open-Tickets 39c

Phone 6300 for reservations

Special Saturday Matinee at 3:30







1-3-5-7-9 P.M.

25c to 5 P.M. Thl Pl fqih9

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Mats. 25c Eves 40c inc.



For years, telephone cable has been hung by stiff wire rings
from its supporting strand. But repeated expansion and con-
traction caused by temperature changes sometimes proved
too much for even the best cable sheath. Fatigue cracks
developed near the poles - this meant leaks -possible ser-
vice interruptions-expensive repairs.
Recently, men of the Bell System developed a machine
thqt lashes the cable and strand together in such a way that
the concentration of strains near the poles is minimized.
The Cable Lasher has also proved a great aid in the speedy

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it D st 1ii il M 104"
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