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March 19, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-19

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Somewhat Warmer.



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ROTC Head Demands
Compulsory Exercise
Ganoe Terms Studenits Lounge-Lizards;
Calls For Immediate War Board Action
With the point-blank charge that the overuse of "coquetting inven-
tions and softening devices" has resulted in a "hot-house, indoor, flabby
manhood, the statistics of which are so discouraging that they are not
published," Col. W. A. Ganoewhead of the military science department, yes-
terday revealed that he has written the University War Board urging that
two hours of compulsory strenuous exercise, five days a week, be introduced
into the University curriculum as soon as possible.
"We might fairly be termed athletic lounge-lizards," he declared, and
in a general criticism of educational institutions all over the country stated
that "too largely have we succeeded in turning out low-browed gladiators
and high-browed anemics.",
For the immediate remedy of this condition as well as the "boiler-house"
ROTC unit here, Colonel Ganoe sees a need for emphasizing the develop-
ment of physical strength and en-. * * *
durance, followship and leadership. Ruthven, Heneman
To best accomplish this "he proposes:
1. That it be compulsory for each Are Considering Plans
student to take two hours strenuous.

The 'complete text of Colonel
Ganoe's letter to the War Board
may be found in the current issue
of The Michigan Technic, on sale
from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. today on
the second floor of the West Engi-
neering Building, over the Engi-
neering Arch.
exercise under the Department of
Physical Education five days a week,
and that he receive credits there-
2. That the ROTC cooperate with
the physical 'education department,
lending it such aid as is desired in
the form of instruction and supervi-
sion, many of the advanced corps
cadet officers being used for that
3. That'ROTC drill be given credit
in the exercise program only for the
time spent at drill.
4. That all supervised athletics in
the University be given correspond-
Turn To Page 2, Col. 1
Post- War Body
Announces Date
For Huge Rally
Conference On Problems
Of Reconstruction Era
To Be HeldApril 17, 18
The Michigan Post-War Council,
newly-formed campus organization
devoted to the study of post-war
problems, has announced that its
huge all-campus conference is sched-
uled for April 17 and 18.
Present plans for the two-day dis-
cussion of soecial, political and eco-
nomic reconstruction after the war,
indicate that it will be the largest
and mosi enthusiastic student proj-
ect of this nature ever to be held on
the Michigan campus.
Nationally famous men in the fields
of business, labor, agriculture, govern-
ment and education have been in-
vited to speak before the two general
sessions and to help guide student-
faculty discussion in the various
President Alexander Ruthven, who
heads the faculty advisory commit-
tee, has already indicated his will-
ingness to attend the meetings and
to speak lfore one of the sessions.
The Executive Committee of the
Council includes representatives from
the majority of major campus organ-
izations: the Interfraternity Coun-
cil, the Student Senate, the Interco-
operative Council, Congress, Assem-
bly, Panhellenic, the dormitories, the
Student League of America, The Daily
and an independent member.
A meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee will be held tomorrow at 4
p.m. in Room 210 North Hall. This
room will in the future be the perma-
nent office of the Council. Chairman
Cliff Straehley, '44, urges all mem-
bers to be present at the meeting,
which he said would be the most im-
portant thus far.
Pastor Will Give
Closing Lecture
in SpringSeres
A talk o "The Bases for a Just
Peace" by The Rev. Bradford Aber-
nathy at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheatre will con-
clude the spring lecture series of the
Student Religious Association.
Mr. Abernathy heads the Federal
Church Council's Commission to
Studv theB ases for a .ust and Dr -

President Alexander Ruthven and
Prof. Harlow Heneman, director of
the War Board, disclosed yesterday
that the University has under con-
sideration several programs - of
which Colonel Ganoe's is only one-
for the expansion of physical educa-
tion facilities.
Heneman pointed out that the War
Board "has been investigating for
some time proposals which might
lead to a change in the present train-
ing program."
"We have received suggestions
from many different quarters, in-
cluding certain specific suggestions
made by the U. S. Navy. The one
coming from Colonel Ganoe is simply
one of many."
President Ruthven also refuted'
Colonel Ganoe's charge that the Uni-
versity is "backward" because of its
"boiler-house ROTC and classrooms
for junior and senior ROTC men
which would be condemned by a
health officer of New York City."
Admitting that the physical facili-
ties of the ROTC are not "what we
would like them to be," Ruthven de-
clared that it is not the University
which is at fault.
"The blame lies first with the War
Department and second with the
State of Michigan," he said. "We
have asked the War Department for
assistance time and time again and
always that assistance has been de-
Meadi To Ge
Dr. Margaret Mead will deliver
the first of two lectures on "Mar-
riage in Wartime" at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
A second talk will be offered at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow, also in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Mead
was not able to reach Ann Arbor
for her scheduled lecture on Tues-
day because her plane was
Students holding tickets for the
fall series of lectures on marriage
relations are asked to use them for
Dr. Mead's, although five minutes
before the beginning of the pro-
gram anyone will -be admitted.
A noted anthropologist, Dr. Mead
is an expert on marriage relations.
She holds a position in the Museum
of Natural History.

New Student
Professor Dorr Supports
Reorganization Proposal
To 'Streamline' Senate
Smaller Governing
Body IsApproved
The Student Senate reorganization
plan-aimed at a streamlined policy-
making group of nine and an efficient'
administrative staff -received the
support of Prof. Harold M. Dorr of
the political science department yes-
terday when he agreed that a group
smaller than the present senate of 30
is a more feasible governing body.
"A smaller group can undoubted-
ly expedite matters, if it gives ade-
quate representation to students vot-
ing for its personnel," Professor Dorr
Criticizes Plan
In stressing representation of vot-
ing students, Professor Dorr criti-
cized a plan for apportionment of
representatives on a total population
basis. Students casting votes are
jmore interested in their government
than those who ignore election days,
he asserted.
Professor Dorr praised the plan for
whatever increased responsibility it
will give to a student governing body.
"I think that students should be re-
quired to accept a large measure of
responsibility," he said.
"If student government is to be
realized on this campus the initia-
tive must come from students both
willing and able to command the re-
spect of the faculty and study body,"
Professor Dorr warned.
The other phase of senate reorgan-
ization-an administrative staff sep-
arate from the policy-making group
,-received Professor Dorr's approval
on the condition that appointments
were made on a complete merit sys-
'On Merit Basis'
"By keeping appointments on a
merit basis, it will be much easier to
keep politics out of appointments,"
Professor Dorr pointed out. He sug-
gested a combined faculty-student
board to approve selections to top
posts in the projected senate "man-
agenent" staff.
Professor Dori' also looks for in-
creased student forums and more fre-
quent referendums from any new
group strong enough to carry them
One of the objectives of a demo-
cratic set-up would be realized if
wide-spread opinion could be called
in on major issues, he asserted.
Crowd Witnesses
Thea tre's Opening
The State Theatre opened in a
self-inspired blaze of glory yester-
day as first nighters thronged to the
new movie house determined to have
a look at what's been going on inside
for so many months.
Treatednto Paramount's new musi-
cal comedy, "The Fleet's In," a good-
natured crowd packed much of Lib-
erty and State Streets in the rush
to be able to tell the neighbors all
about it before the neighbors told
The fact that it was Wednesday
night bothered no one as students
and townspeople alike swarmed to-
ward the motion picture palace,

Annie Oakley's in hand.

Center Ji
Cage 4

Chicago Junior's Selection
Praised By Oosterbaan
Led Team In Scoring
Big Jim Mandler, junior from Chi-.
cago, was elected to the captaincy of
the Michigan basketball team for the
1942-43 season by this year's eight
Varsity lettermen in a special elec-
tion held yesterday at Yost Field
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan expressed
satisfaction over the team's choice
when he remarked, "Jim's a fine
player and is just the man to succeed
Bill Cartmill as captain of the team.
I'm sure he'll do a good job."
Ever since coming to Michigan
from Kelvyn High School in the
Windy City, Mandler has made quite
a record for himself. It didn't take
long for Ray Fisher, freshman cage
coach, to see that he had a coming
star in the personage of center Jim
Mandler when the six-foot, four-inch
pivot man came out for the frosh
squad during the 1939-40 season.
Replaced Jim Rae
One of Oosterbaan's chief worries
when the 1940-41 campaign opened
was to find a capable cager to re-
place center Jim Rae. But Mandler
took over without a hitch and has
been a fixture ever since. He gar-
nered runner-up honors to Mike
Sofiak for Michigan scoring and fin-
ished 11th in Big Ten scoring in his
first year on the squad.
This past season Jim started out
where he left off the season before
and when he had finished, he had set
a new all-time Michigan high in
Conference scoring. He tallied 164
points in 15 Big Ten games, scored
230 points over the 20-game sched-
ule and ranked fifth among the lead-
ers in the Big Ten scoring column.I
135 Points Old Record
The old Conference record, estab-
lished over the 12-game route, was
135 points and was set by John
Townsend in 1938. In his first 12
Big Ten battles this season, Mandler
scored 113 points and then added 51
more in the last three clashes.
In addition to this, Mandler re-
ceived another honor when he was
selected by his teammates as the
most valuable player on the squad,
thereby qualifying himself to repre-
sent Michigan in the contest spon-
sored by radio station WGN in Chi-
cago to pick the most valuable bas-
ketball player in the Big Ten.
The Chicago star was one of the
three men on the squad to play in all
20 of the Wolverines' games this
season and has now won two letters
in the cage sport.
Added to his prowess on the hard-
Seven Groups
Now Sapport
Bomber Plant
Seven campus organizations have
already signified their approval of the
Bomber-Scholarship Plan, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
This represents only preliminary
returns on 194 plans mailed out up'
to date but full response is expected
as soon as campus groups have had
time to consider the plan at special
Greatest amount of support thus
far has been given by dormitory
groups with. O.K.'s from Lloyd House,
Chicago House and Jordan Hall.
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Delta
Phi fraternities have passed on the
plan and have registered their sup-
port with the Office of the Dean of
Students. Phi Delta Phi has also
promised to contribute $75.
Two sororities, Collegiate Sorosis
and Alpha Phi, have both pledged
donations from future social func-
tions. The present list of returns is

completed with Congress Cooperative
According to Art Rude, '42, chair-
man of the Student Bomber-Scholar-1
ship Committee, "response so far has
hbnn fairly high allowing for the

m Maptai

Australia Prepares For Last-Ditch
Stand Under American Leaders;

iShiposses Announced
idler Named Last Great Allied Position In Pacific
By ~Ready To 'Take A Little Drubbing'
Ta ae23 Enemy Vessels Hit By Air Corps
(Associated Press War Editor)
A great marshalling of fighting men and equipment and a flaming will
to win were evident last night in Australia, where the supreme military
leadership was in tried American hands, and it was plain that whatever
the final decision that last and greatest Allied Pacific position would be no
Hongkong, no Singapore, no Java.
The Allied Generalissimo Douglas MacArthur's first deputy, Lieut.-Gen.
George H. Brett, declared flatly in an interview that Australia would be
held although the Australians might have to "take a little drubbing" as did
England, and all else that was said officially suggested that down there
in that far continent one of the great lines of history had been drawn.
In Washington the United States Navy gave fresh information bearing
on the enormous losses already suffered by the Japanese invader in his first

woods, Jim is also quite handy with
a tennis racquet, having gone to the
finals in the Chicago city champion-
ships in doubles when he was still in
high school.
T enlMen BSe
BDMOC T11itle
'Sharpie' Crown Sought
By 'Gay Young Blades,
Probably the most Beau-Brummel-
bedizened ballot since the Democrats
dropped Al Smith's brown derby, ten
well-dressed Michigan men have
been nominated by a representative
campus committee to compete for the
title of Campus BDMOC,
Seniors: Bob Shedd, Chuck Dill-
man, Keith Watson, John Rookus,
Bob Titus, Ralph Mitchell, and Cary
Juniors: but one, Ira Wilson.
Sophomores: also a lone wolf,
Richie Rawdoti.
And one unclassified man: Lindsey
Dean, a LitSpec.
However, these ten are only the
beginning. If you or you or you be-
lieve that the nominating committee
has overlooked you, get a petition
signed with 25 names and turn it
in to the Student Offices at the
Union by Saturday-and you will be
placcd on the ballot.
Voting for BDMOC will commence
Monday and continue through
Thursday. The winner, the BDMOC,
will be unveiled before the campus
Turn To Page 6, Col. 3

Alt Criticizes
Home -Made
Air Shelters
If you're building a home-made air
raid shelter in your back yard, just
forget it.
That's the advice of Prof. Glenn
L. Alt of the civil engineering depart-
ment. Wait until the local air raid
defense agency or the national gov-
ernment orders the building of civil-
ian shelters. In frequently-bombed
London only 60,000 out of 8,000,000
people lived in shelters.
Designing of any structure to.resist
a direct hit or even a near miss of
some 30 feet away is economically
unfeasible. Some things may be done
to localize direct hits and to resist
blast and fragments of an average
sized bomb of 500 pounds striking
50 feet away, however.
Studies made by Professor Alt on
the effect of a bomb on building show
that blast and fragments from such
a hit would be resisted by a one-inch
steel plate. Equal effectiveness could
be obtained from a 12-inch brick
wall, well anchored to supports. Re-
inforced concrete of eight inch thick-
ness would be enough for the blast of
the bomb but 12 inches would be nec-
essary to hold off fragments.
It is safe to conclude, Professor Alt
insists, that almost any thickness of
building material except window
Turn To Page 6, Col. 2
FDR Asks 17 Billion
Army Appropriation
WASHINGTON, March 18.-(A')-
President Roosevelt asked Congress
today to appropriate more than $17,-
000,000,000 for the Army which would
raise the allocations for defense and
the war to the stupendous total of
$160,410,259,866 in less than two
He asked that $8,515,861,251 be
made available to the Army Air Corps
but it was learned that only about
half of that would be for planes. The
rest would be used for parts, sup-
plies and other necessities.

and preliminary incursions upon the
outer Australian islands.
American Naval air forces and
those of the Australians, it was an-
nounced, have sunk or damaged 23
enemy ships, including 12 warships,
off New Guinea-this aside from the'
casulaties inflicted by American
Army air action.
Landing In Australia
American troops, it developed, had
been landing in Australia for several
weeks and with them were planes,
pilots and skilled mechanics.
There were references in Austra-
lian dispatches to huge inland camps
prepared for the Americans; 91ll in-
formation suggested that nothing
short of a fortress-continent was be-
ing prepared-for defense today, for
the grand attack tomorrow.
And, perhaps of equal importance
to all of this, it was obvious that
General MacArthur and his com-
mand had established a quick and
easy comradeship in arms with the
Australians that might in the end be
as vital in its way as the, strength of
any more material arm.
Major Action Joined
Far to the northwest of the Aus-
tralian theatre, it appeared that ma-
jor action had been joined now in
Central Burma, where the British and
the Chinese allies were standing to
the defense of the threshold of India.
The British left, having fallen back
some 30 miles, was sharply engaged
by Japanese columns seeking to beat
northward toward the railway town
of Toungoo on the long road up f5
Mandalay. This fighting, as yet in-
conclusive, was a hundred-odd miles
above fallen Rangoon.
American volunteer group fliers
were striking with powerful effect at
the enemy's troop concentrations and
also were strongly attacking his rear-
ward areas. One report from China
stated that two American pilots had
set fire to 15 Japanese planes in a
raid on Japanese-held Moulmin in
Lower Burma.
Halifax Sees Increase
In Commando Activity
WASHINGTON, March 18. -(IP)-
Intensified attacks on German in-
dustry by RAF bombers and increased
activity by the Commandos in occu-
pied Europe were predicted tonight
by Lord Halifax, British Ambassa-
dor to the United States, who assert-
ed that "we count no sacrifice too
great for victory."
In an address prepared for broad-
cast over the Blue Network, Lord
Halifax declared that the string
power of the Bomber Command is
being stepped up and that today Ger-
many "is beginning to learn what
heavy air attacks can mean to great
centers of war production."
"As the weather gets better the
German war machine will suffer
more and more devastating attacks
on its ports, factories, refineries and
railroads," he said. "The increased
effectiveness of our raids will not
only be brought about by our having
more aircraft, but the aircraft will
be carrying more bombs, and the
bombs are getting heavier."
Lord Halifax, in a broad outline of
the British war effort, said that he
felt "pretty sure" that the hit-run
raids by the Commandos and para-
chute troops would "increase in num-
ber and in strength."
"The Germans don't like these
raids," he said. "They never know
when or where we will strike, and
they can never be sure just what our
strength is going to be. That's one
of the reasons why the Germans are

(Van Paasse To Discuss War
Role Of U.S. In Lecture Today

'Proceeds From Russian Film
Will Be Given To Allied Relief

Pierre van Paassen will tell an Ann
Arbor audience his views of the
future and suggest what America's
role in the present war should be
when he speaks at 8:15 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Sponsored by the Alumnae Coun-
cil, proceeds from the lecture will be
given to the War Emergency Fund to
aid University women whose incomes
have been cut off because of the war's
effect on various types of businesses.
Well-known as a foreign corres-
pondent and author, van Paassen will
talk on "The War of the Hemi-
spheres." His outlook for the immedi-
ate future cannot be called optomis-
tic, but he is confident that out of the
suffering and turmoil of today will be

* * * *
Allied War Relief will reap a harvest of proceeds from the outstanding
Soviet film "Girl From Leningrad" when it is shown by the Art Cinema

I .

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