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March 18, 1949 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-18

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MARCH 18, 1949


San Francisco, Loyola in Finals

Bowling Green Loses;
Bradley Stopped_55-50B

NEW YORK - (P) - Scrappy
San Francisco snapped Bowling
Green's imposing winning streak,
49 to 39, and Loyola of Chicago
turned back hard-driving Brad-
ley University, 55 to 50, last night
to push into the finals of the
National Invitation Basketball
Both went into the titular round
the hard way, having to play and
win three games. Loyola, a "rain
check" team invited purely as ait
afterthought, had to dispose of
Kentucky, the nation's top-rank-
ing team, 67 to 56, in the quarter-
f inals.
2SC Coach
Off on Trip
To Oregon St.
EAST LANSING, Mich., March
17-(AP)-Michigan State College's
backfield coach Forrest Evashevski
was reportedly flying to Oregon
today to talk over the possibility
that he might take the head
coaching job at Oregon State.
Ralph young, MSC's athletic
director, said he didn't know
whether the Spartan coach was
going to Corvallis, Oregon.
'But, United Airlines officials at
Detroit said Evashevski and his
wife left on a plane from Willow
Run Airport this afternoon bound
for Portland, Oregon.
Evashevski said earlier in the
week that he would take a trip out
to Oregon State if developments
convinced him it would be worth-
while to make an on-the-spot
check of the coaching job.
The former Michigan blocking
back. reportedly has an inside
track for the Oregon State foot-
ball job which is now vacant.

TOWERING Bowling Green,
winner of 15 straight and con-
queror of defending champion St.
Louis in last Monday's quarter-
finals, ruled a five-point favorite
in tonight's game.
The twin bill brought 18,301
paying spectators to Madison
Square Garden, surprising New
Yorkers who figured the absence
of the favored teams would
cause the crowds to fall off.
It was the biggest crowd of the
tournament to date.
The odds-makers failed to reck-
on with the phenomenal one-hand
push shot owned by one, Don Lof-
gran, San Francisco's wiry, curly-
haired forward.
* * *
pushed 24 points through the hoop
to completely subdue the big Ohio
team that had been favored for
the championship after Monday's
wave of upsets.
Lofgran, with the ease of a
boy dropping apples into a wash
tub, shoed in 10 field goals, hit-
ting the basket from all angles.
He also made four free throws.
Bowling Green's giant "tip in"
specialist-six-foot-eleven Chuck
Share-scored 20 points, but was'
able to hit for only six field goals.
Mac Otten, his six-foot-six mate,
was held to one field goal, that
early in the second half.
San Francisco prevailed mostly
on scrap and hustle. The Dons
repeatedly stole the ball from their
bigger adversaries, intercepted the
enemy's passes and outfought
them in the scrambles off the
The West Coastaboys stepped off
to a 31-22 lead at the half and
then almost dissipated it with an
eight-minute lapse at the begin-
ning of the last session.
San Francisco made only six
field goals after intermission, four
of these by Lofgran.

So Tired...
-The New York Yankees and
Detroit Tigers battled to a 17
inning, 2-2 tie in a spring ex-
hibition game here today.
The contest, which lasted
four hours and 24 minutes be-
fore being halted by darkness,
matched an equally long game
between the Yanks and Boston
Red Sox last spring.
The Tigers were outhit, 11 to
7, but after they scored in the
top of the seventh the two
clubs couldn't come close to
getting a run across.
'M IeStars
All American
n UPRoster
Four Michigan hockey stars
were named to the United Press
All-America college puck squad,
which was picked by the coaches
of 20 major colleges.
Three Wolverines, defensemen
Connie Hill and Dick Starrak and
forward Wally Gacek, are seniors,
* * *
THERE WERE twelve men se-
lected to the All-Star squad, be-
cause most coaches use the unit
combination with their front lines
and defense combinations.
Michigan's quartet was the
highest number placed by any
college or university.
Next in line with three berths
each were two other schools, both
trying to wrest the NCAA title
from the Maize and Blue this
Dartmouth, the team that met
Michigan in the opening round of
the playoffs in Colorado Springs
last night, placed the great Riley
brothers, Joe and Bill, on the team
along with goalie Dick Desmond,
while Colorado College's trio con-
sists of "Bullet Joe" Slattery, Dick
Rowell and Jim Starrak, brother
of Michigan's fine defenseman,
Dick Starrak.
Rounding out the top dozen
pucksters in collegiate circles are
defenseman Ed Songin of Boston
College, the fourth team in the
tourney, and California's great
netminder, Ian Watson.

tally at 12:46 while Renfrew was
off on an interference charge. Mc-
Donald never had a chance on the
speedy's wing's shot which came
from five feet out and knotted the
* * *
THE INDIANS capitalized on a
long shot for the winning goal.
Alan Keriven let fly with a chest-
high shot from 30 feet out to give
the Dartmouth team a one goal
margin at 16:06.
The Wolverines were again
short-handed when the Indians
scored their final marker two
minutes later. Joe Riley moved
back into the tally column as he
blasted a shot through McDon-
ald's legs from the five foot
mark to close out the evening's
Again'it was Desmond who kept
his team on top. The Dartmouth
goalie made amazing saves
throughout the period, thwarting
every Michigan feint. With the
flashy 'Jolverine attack throttled,
and the second period history,
Dartmouth was well on its way to
the greatest upset of the year in
collegiate hockey circles.
TAKING NO chances on the
Wolverines unleashing the kind
of attack which brought them 20
victories in the past season, the
Indians played a conservative
third period. Keeping the two de-
Kudner, Cox
Reach Finals
Contestants for the finals in
the IM Boxing Tourney battled it
out in two punch-packed bouts
yesterday to determine who will
meet who in the big event coming
up on March 23rd.
In the 135 lb. match it was Dick
Kudner over George Kozan all
the way while Ed Cox edged out
Yon Muyashiro in a close and
bitter battle to win the 145 lb.
Kudner will meet hard hitting
Jim Kanemoto and Cox will be
paired off against an undecided
opponent when the crowd gathers
in the Sports Building gym next
Wednesday evening for the six
bout final event.

Michigan Pucksters Bow
(Continued from Page 1)

fensemen back at all times, Dart-
mouth dropped its wings back
quickly to intercept the Michigan
Boston College takes on the Tig-
ers of Colorado College here to-
night and the winner will meet
Dartmouth in the title game to-
morrow night. Michigan faces the
loser of the semi-final game in a
consolation match tomorrow af-
* * *
Oh Well ..
McDonald ...G .... Desmond
Hill ..........LD........ Gray
Starrak .....RD......Thayer
Celley .......C ...Harrison
Grant .......LW .....J. Riley
Burford .....RW .... B. Riley
Michigan Scoring: Burford
(Grant, Hill), :00:18.5. Dart-
mouth Scoring: J. Riley, 7:48.
Michigan Penalties: Starrak
(2 min.), Interference; Ren-
frew (2 min.), Slashing; Star-
rak (2 min.), Interference; Ren-
frew (2 min.), Interference.
Dartmouth Penalty: Harrison
(2 mn..), Cross-checking.
Michigan Scoring: Gacek
(Renfrew) 10:21. Dartmouth
Scoring: B. Riley, 12:46; Keri-
van, 16:06; J. Riley, 18:08.
Michigan Penalties: Starrak
(2 min.), Cross-Checking; Ren-
frew (2 nin.), Interference;
Fleming (2 min.), Cross-Check-
ing. Dartmouth Penalties:
Crowley (2 min.), Hooking;
Crowley (2 mn.), Hooking.
Michigan Penalties: Starrak
(2 min.), Hooking; Starrak (2
min.), Slashing. Dartmouth
Penalty: Choukas (2 min.),
Locally Stocked

Two-Mile Relay TeaimiGets
Crack at Illini Squad Again
By BILL CONNOLLY tunity for revenge for Dolan, who
Rivalry between Michigan and took a first last week in the Illi-
Illinois trackmen will arch into nois Tech Relays with a jump of
the spotlight again tonight as six feet, two inches.
both schools send their two-mile Coach Don Canham will be
relay teams to the Knights of Co- counting heavily on sophomore
lumbus Games in Cleveland. Lindquist in his hopes for a vic-
The Wolverine quartet com- tory in the featured two-mile re-
posed of Garth Kirkendall, Jus- lay. Lindquist has been improv-
tin Williams, John Lindquist and ing steadily all season, and turned
Captain Bob Thomason will get in his best time last week, when he
another crack at the Illini squad, ran 1:57 to finish third in the 880-
that nosed them out of first place yard run at Chicago.
in the Illinois Tech Relays in * * .
Chicago last week. All four runners -Kirkendall
Another duel between rivals will Williams, Lindquist and Thom-
feature Michigan's Tom Dolan ason-have been running hard all
and John Murphy of Ohio State in week, and turned in times under
the high jump. Dolan topped 1:25 in the 660. Thomason ran a
Murphy in a dual meet three very credible 1:22.8 660, which?
weeks ago with a jump of six feet, should indicate a much improvec
three-quarters inches. performance is in store for him
Two weeks ago, however, Mur- this week.
phy won the Conference cham-
pionship with a jump of six feet,
five and one-half inches. Tonight's
meet will furnish the first oppor- -nT % me

.. . anchor man

Baseball Results
Cincinnati (N) 9; Boston (N) 4.
Boston (A) 4; Philadel. (N)1.
New York (N) 6; Chicago (N) 5.
Detroit (A) 2; New York (A) 2.
(Seventeen innings)
eurrent rate on
insured savings
Extra earnings on Bonus
Savings Accounts




All-Campus Rendezvous of
Learn About These Summer Projects -

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Movies, Slides, Illustrative Material, Talks with those
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8:30 to 12:00 P.M. - LANE HALL

Coast Track Meet Arranged
For Michigan State and MSC
EAST LANSING--(/)-Michigan State and Southern California,
generally regarded as the nation's two top track powers, will clash
in a dual meet at the Los Angeles Coliseum April 16 it was announced
The announcement was made jointly by MSC athletic director
Ralph H. Young and Willis O. Hunter, Southern California director.
Although terms of the agreement were not made public, it was
understood that Michigan State was given a generous flat guarantee
and cut into a considerable share of the gate receipts for agreeing to
the trip.
The Spartans are ranked as national indoor champions as the
result of their smashing victory in the IC4A meet in New York
against the best eastern competition. They also ran away with the
27th annual MSC relays and the central collegiate conference, cham-
Two Things That Go
Together-Coke and 50


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