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March 15, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-15

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I: aU

Suppress Fascistic
Crusaders Of Diefeat

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Wolverines Retain
Swimming Crown
In Bitter Struggle
Thinclads Rank Fifth In Butler Relays
As Notre Dame Takes First Place;
Purdue Wins In Big Ten Wrestling
Michigan, staving off a great Ohio State challenge-the great-
est ever hurled at its long rule of the Midwest, scored 54 points and won
its fourth straight Western Conference Swimming Championship last night
in the Sports Building Pool.
For Ohio State, employing every available ounce of effort and energy,
staged the most heroic assault ever seen in the Wolverine natatorium. Bat-
tling the Maize and Blue mermen on even terms throughout the meet, the
game Buckeye crew saw their chances for victory fade, in the final event
of the evening, the 400 yard freestyle relay. -
It was there that a crack Michigan quartet, in a last do-or-die effort,
clinched the crown that almost passed into foreign hands.
With the score tied at 44 all, the Wolverines, who entered the meet a
top-heavy favorite, took first place and the Big Ten title in that closing

relay, while Ohio State, exhausted
by their mighty try,.fell apart and
snared only third place in the relay
and second in the championship race.
The final score was 54 for Michi-
gan and 50 for Ohio State. Third
place went to Minnesota with 24
markers. Northwestern (22), Iowa
(16), Purdue (4) and Chicago (3)
brought up the rear.
Capt. Dobby Burton, who used
sheer guts and Michigan fighting
spirit to counteract near exhaustion,
led off for the Wolverine relayers and
handed Bob West a stroke lead over
Capt. John Lett of Ohio State. West
lost the advantage to speedy Ed Arm-
bruster of Iowa but Buckeye Don
Schnabel had slipped to fourth posi-
tion in the Scarlet and Gray lane.
Then Wolverine Lou Kivi, swim-
ming his heart out, regained Michi-
gan's margin, heading Iowa's second
place Clyde Kemnitz by three whole
yards. Ohio State was still mired in
fourth place. But as Gus Sharemet,
carrying the Michigan hopes, started
his stroke, little Jack Martin of Ohio
made his crowd-raising bid, a bid
that failed. Sharemet barely edged
Iowan Vito Lopin, and the trophy
symbolizing the 32nd Big Ten Swim-
ming Championship went to Michi-
gan. Coach Matt Mann's relay team
covered the 400 yards in 3:35.7, just
good enough to give them the title.
From the first event on the pro-
gram until the last, it was a two-
team battle. Wolverine followers saw
a seven point lead erased in the fancy
diving contest, where Buckeye aces
Frank Dempsey and Charlie Batter-
man garnered both the first and sec-
ond spots. Dempsey, whose brilliance
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
Track Team Relinquishes
Crown After Eight Years
(Special to The Daily)
INDIANAPOLIS, March 14.-Over-
whelmed by an onslaught of powerd
from Notre Dame's fighting Irish,
Michigan's track team went down
in defeat in the Butler Relays -here
tonight, relinquishing the crown
which it held for eight consecutive
years. Notre Dame won the univer-I
sity section of the annual midwesterni
track carnival, followed by Ohioi
State, Indiana, Nebraska and Michi-
gan in that order.1
The Irish rolled up 33 1/3 pointsl
to take the title by a margin of 6%
points over Ohio State, the Big Ten
indoor champion, which totalled 27
points. Michigan, finishing in fifth
place, garnered 17 1/3 markers.
The Wolverines were never in the
running tonight, failing to win a sin-
gle first place. All the power the
Michigan trackmen could muster
availed them only a second place in
the university two mile relay and a
runner-up spot in the four mile relay
event, plus fourth places in the low
hurdles, the mile relay, the medley
relay, and the pole vault.
Biggest shock of the evening fortI
the Wolverine fans came in the mile
Turn to Page 3, Col. 3
Johnson Gains Michigan's
Only Mat Championship
(Special to The Daily)
CHICAGO, Ill., March 14.-Pur-
due won its first Big Ten wrestling
crown in history here tonight in a
meet which saw 145 pounder Johnny
Johnson capture the only individual
title for the Wolverines.
The Boliermakers left no doubt of
their amazing overall superiority as
they swept through to individual
championships in the first three
witioh , ivin c nnd flip. 1h P 1n.atr wPmjo-~h

Hunt Selected
As. President
Of Academy
Auden Asks Sustenance
For Age's Intellectual
Life ByTeaching
Prof. H. R. Hunt of Michigan State
College was elected president of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts
and Letters yesterday as the more
than 400 state educators brought to{
a close their annual two-day meet-
Other officers elected in the final
business session were: Prof. Malcolm
Soule of the bacteriology department,
vice-president; Prof. Mischa Titiev
of the anthropology department,,
treasurer; Prof. H. W. Hann of the
zoology department, secretary; Hen-
ry van der Schalie of the zoology
department, editor, and Prof. War-
ner Rice, University librarian, librari-
Prof. Adams Speaks
Featuring the morning discussion
of literature and war Prof. Robert
Adams of Michigan State considered
the much-debated statement of
Archibald McLeish which charged
post-war writers with disillusioning
American youth.
Professor Adams maintained that
there is such a thing as a hero, and
cited Hemingway's "For Whom The
Bells Toll" as proof that the post war
writers were gradually coming to un-
derstand this heroism as the unity
that comes to those whose beliefs are
integrated by crisis.
Del Toro On War
Prof. Julio del Toro of the romance
language department also spoke on
a topic concerning the war, concen-
ttating his attention on the historic
effects of propaganda in South
America. He told of the great in-
fluence that has been exercised in
Turn to Page 2, Col. 3

Centra lized
War Work
Is Proposed
Student Groups' Jealousy
Is Termed 'Disturbing
For Effective Results
(Editor's Note: This is the sixth in
a series of articles on student govern-
ment as constituted at the University
of Michigan.)
Inactivity, jealousy and lack of
co-ordination-that is the growing
story of student organizations' con-
tribution to University war activities.
There is no lack of projects for
war work, according to a high au-
thority, but a "disturbing feature"
has been found in the secretive ap-
proach taken by many organizations.
Plans are brought up for action, on
the condition that no other student
organization will be informed of what
has been proposed.
Well-informed quarters have
watched this tendency and openly
admit that although much will be
gained from moral activities. more
cooperation would be gained from
students if they had actual 'duties
to perform.
In order to achieve this, a central
student co-ordinating body is needed
and there are no organizations that
can fulfill this function at present,
according to some . quarters. This
unified body would eliminate present
"secret" projects and also provide a
channel for wider activity of every
Qualifications for this organiza-
tion require representation of the
entire campus, complete standing
and prestige with other organizations,
and the facilities for co-ordination.
One influential source said that
much difficulty has been encountered
in working through present organiza-
tions. "It is easier, in some cases, to
work with some state legislatures
than to use the Committee of 1942,"
he declared. Another criticism lev-
eled at the Committee of 1942 is its
close affiliation with the Union and
resultant lack of equal representa-
A consensus of opinion points to
the need for a smaller, less unwieldy
group, to achieve improved organiza-
tion in war work.
Sales To Start
For Talk Herek
Campus wide sales of tickets for
Pierre van Paassen's lecture here
Thursday will begin at 9 a.m. tomor-
.row and continue until 4 p.m.
Students may purchase their tick-
ets at University Hall, Angell Hall,
front of the Museum, in the Union,
the League, in front of Alumni Mem-
orial Hall and on the diagonal.
Representing campus groups aid-
ing the sale will be Peg Sanford, pres-
ident of the League; Bob Sibley,
Union president; Jean Hubbard, As-
sembly president; Pat Hadley, Pan-
hellenic Association; Don Stevenson,
president of the Interfraternity
Council; Betty Luckham, vice-pres-
ident of the League; Arthur Rude,
in charge of the bomber-scholarship
drive; and Bud Cox, representing thet
Student Senate.x
Proceeds of the lecture will be do-
nated by the Michigan Alumnae Club,g
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1





Miles From Australian Coast;

WPB Curtails Seaboard Gasoline

Reduction Of 20 Per Cent
For Filling Station Use
Is Ordered By Board
Rationing Believed
To Be Forthcoming
WASHINGTON, March 14.-(-P)
A 20 percent reduction in gasoline
deliveries to filling stations in East-
ern seaboard and Pacific Northwest
states was ordered by the War Pro-'
duction Board today in a step which
informed quarters said was prelimi-
nary to rationing..
The order means the average mo-
torist among the 10,000,000 automo-
bile owners in the affected areas will
have to curtail his use of motor fuel
by even more than one-fifth since
filling stations were directed to meet
first of all the "minimum, necessary
requirements" of essential users.
Among those classed as.essential
users were physicians and nurses,
government vehicles, school buses,
taxicabs and agricultural machinery.
Also as a part of the conservation
program, the approximately 100,000
filling stations in the 20 states where
the order applies were directed to
confine their operations to 12 hours
daily and 72 hours weekly. The choice
as to hours and day of operation was
left to individual retailers.
Tihe order was the second govern-
ment action of the day affecting au-
tomobile owners. Earlier, the White
House disclosed that President
Roosevelt had written the governors
LANSING, March 14. --(A)-
Governor Van Wagoner said today
Michigan will' 1lingly go-along
with" President Roosevelt's re-
quest for a nation-wide maximum
speed limit of 40 miles an hour to
help preserve rubber,
of the 48 states proposing a maxi-
mum motor vehicle speed limit of 40
miles an hour.
TheChief Executive's request was
based on the necessity of conserving
tires which wear much faster at high
speeds than at low. Automobile mile-
age per gallon of gasoline consumed
is also greater at low speeds.
Post- War Plan
In Asia Asked
By Missionary,,


George Cannon Given Highest Honor Navy

Announces Sinking
12 Allied Warship
Struggle Near Jaw


Mrs. B. B. Cannon III of Olivia Ave. announced yesterday that her
son, Marine Lieut. George H. Cannon, had been posthumously awarded
the Congressional Medal of Honor. Informed by letters from President
Roosevelt and Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox of the great honor
accorded her son, Mrs. Cannon again expressed her satisfaction that he
had lived up to the highest traditions of the service which he had
chosen. The sword which he wore during the attack on Midway Island
is now hinging in Hickham Field headquarters in Honolulu under the
words, "Lest We Forget."

Mead To Give
Special Talks
On Marriage
War Aspects To ,Be Topic;
Series To Supplement
Similar Courses In Fall
Dr. Margaret Mead will discuss the
"Social Basis for Marriage" in the
first of two special supplementary
lectures on marriage relations at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
The second lecture on "Marriage
in Wartime" will be given at 4:15
p.m. Thursday, also in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. Both of the talks are
supplementary to the regular course
of lectures on marriage relations of-
fered last fall.
Although originally scheduled for
the fall series, Dr. Mead was unable
to appear because of illness. For her
talks, students may use their fall
tickets. Five minutes before the be-
ginning of the lecture, the doors will
be opened to the general public.
The central emphasis of both of
the lectures will be on marriage in
wartime. Dr. Mead is studying the
social problems arising from the war
in conjunction with the National
Research Council.
A famous anthropologist, Dr. Mead I
is connected with the American Mu-
seum of Natural History. Her main
field of work has been determining
the social bases for marriage. She
has traced the history of marriage
customs from primitive times.
There will be a meeting of the
Student Senate at 7:30 p.m. Tues-
day in the -Union. Since reorgan-
ization plans will be discussed, all
members must attend.

_ __-


Guidance Clinic
Will Be Given
Here In April
Meetings Will Emphasize
Vocational Opportunities
Offered By War Effort
The second conference of the 1941-
42 series of vocational guidance
meetings sponsored by the Univer-
sity's Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information will be
-held on Wednesday, April 1, and
Thursday, April 2.
The conference will emphasize the
vocational opportunities growing out
of the war effort for both men and
women. It will be divided into three
groups. All the groups will follow the
pattern of preliminary talks and
then a question period carried on
in smaller discussion gatherings.
Probably interesting the largest
number of students will be the group
on service with the armed forces.
Authoritative Army, Navy and Air
Force officers will be in Ann Arbor
to explain the system in their re-
spective services by which men are
placed in the posts best suited to their
talents. Women will be instructed
on the opportunities for military
nursing and on other jobs which they
may be called upon to perform in
the armed forces.
Another section of the conference
will discuss the openings in both de-
fense and regular industry for men
and women. A third group will take
up civil service and other government
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information will be
glad to receive any questions which
students may desire discussed by the
speakers. The conference is opened
to the general public as well as to
faculty and students,

Two U.S. Vessels
Among Those Lost
HAVANA, CUBA, March 14.-(P)
-The American steamship Cola-
bee was torpedoed off the Cuban
Coast Thursday night and all mem-
bers of the crew of 37 except First
Assistant Engineer Frank Eckman
apparently were lost, it was dis-
closed tonight with the arrival at
Matanzas of the sole survivor.
MELBOURNE, March 14.--(P)-
Japanese bombers raided islands only
30 miles off the northeastern tip of
Australia today in a possible soften-
ing-up prelude to an invasion at-
tempt against the commonwealth
mainland from newly-won bases in
New Guinea.
The attack, on a small scale, was
aimed at islands in the vicinity of
Thursday Island which lie like step-
ping stones across the 100-mile-wide
Torres Strait between Australia and
New Guinea.
Raided Islands
The raided islands lie apposite Port
Moresby, on the southwest New Gui-
nea coast, which has been the target
of repeated Japanese air attacks. It
is some 270 miles across the Coral
Sea from Cape York, northernmost
tip of Australia.
The Japanese have gained foot-
holds at Salamauaaand Ale, on the
southeastern New Guinea coast, about
400 miles from the Australian main-
land and today's raiders may have
come from those bases.
The Australians, keeping sleepless
vigil along her threatened shores,
themselves struck back at Japanese
springboard positions in the Com-
monwealth's outer defenses.
Heavy Damage
Bombers inflicted heavy damage
on grounded aircraft in an attack on
the Japanese-held airdrome at Ra-
baul in New Britain, destroying prob-
ably three planes and damaging ten
others with a heavy explosion in
their tightly packed concentration.
Port Moresby on southeast coast
of New Guinea was attacked by Jap-
anese fliers using cannon and ma-
chinegun fire yesterday but the only
casualties cited in the RAAF com-
munique was a leg wound suffered
by an Aussie flier.
12 Allied Ships Lost
In Java Battle
WASHINGTON, March 14.-(A)-
The Navy today announced the sink-
ing of 12 Allied warships, with a 13th
believed lost, some in the battle to
keep the Japanese out of Java and
the others in boldly trying to escape
from a tightly closed enemy trap in
which they later found themselves.
Two American ships, the cruiser
Houston and the destroyer John D.
Pope were among those lost. The rest
were Australian, British and Dutch.
These punishing reverses were offset
in part by the destruction of or severe
damage to eight Japanese warships.
The battle divided itself into three
Fleet Engaged Enemy
First of all the Allied Fleet, whose
total strength was not disclosed, en-
gaged a superior enemy force on Feb.
27 between Soerabaja, the Javan
naval base, and the Island of Bawean.
Two destroyers, the Koertenaer
(Dutch) and the Electra (British)
were sunk.dThe British cruiser Exe-
ter was badly hit.
The second phase came in the dead
of the night that followed lurking
Japanese submarines dispatched two
cruisers, the De Ruyter and the Java,
both Dutch, and the Jupiter, a Brit-
ish destroyer.
By that time, the' Navy frankly ad-
mitted, the battle was lost.
Next day, the Japanese were in
command of the sea and air. The

remainder of the Allied Fleet was
bottled up in the area north of Java.
The only escape was through com-
paratively narrow channels dominat-
ed by the enemy.
Ships Overtaken
Dispersed and atemniz toru


Bomber-Scholarship' Receives
$1,950 As J-Hop Contribution


Demanding that the United States
and Great Britain offer the native
Oriental peoples of Asia a real demo-
cratic program as a peace goal, Dr.
T. T. Brumbaugh, leader of Chris-
tian student work in Japan for the
past seventeen years, yesterday
warned a Student Christian Confer-
ence that the absence of such a pro-
gram would find the natives refusing
support to the Allied war effort.
Lack Of Post-War Aims
The Malayans and the Burmese
recognized the lack of definite post-
war aims and aided their British
rulers as little as possible. "We need
the support of the Asiatic national-
ities and to get it we must offer them
something worth fighting for," Dr.
Brumbaugh said.
A plan for the democratic reor-
ganization of the world after the
war would also solidify pro-Allied
opinion in the occupied European
countries and might even incite the
enemy peoples to throw off their
militaristic leaders, he declared.
Japs Underestimated
Dr. Brumbaugh, whose long mis-
sionary career has made him an au-
thority on Japan, criticized the fail-
ure of Americans to consider Japan
as a powerful and progressive oppo-
nent. For years the educational sys-
tem and scientific achievements of
Japan have made her the envy of
the Western World. She is both
feared and respected by the other
Oriental countries.
The Japanese have made it a pub-
lic policy to promise great advan-
tages to their potential victims of
aggression. They have long courted
fh-, fri.nc-,in rof Aninn.a1r. n nnri?.

Is It Un-American To Dance?
Congressman Dies May Appear
To Investigate 'Spring Blowout'

Congressman Martin Dies, Chair-
man of the Congressional Committee
to Investigate Un-American Activi-
ties, had by late yesterday reversed
what was begun as a publicity stunt
when it became understood that he
and a special corps of government in-
vestigators would be in Ann Arbor
to attend a local dance planned to
stimulate campus defense efforts.
Publicity committeemen for the
"Spring Blow-Out" to be held from
9 to 12 p.m. Friday, March 20, at the
Union, mailed an invitation to Con-
gressman Dies in the expectation
that it would be refused and provide
material to be exploited in advertis-
ing the dance.

Dies, who could not be reached yes-
terday, learns here that he has come
in answer to a joking letter.
Suspicion was rife that he may be
intractable on the basis of the first
letter and insist on continuing with
the investigation.
Newspaper accounts of his ap-
pearance recently before Congres-
sional committees while seeking a
$100,000 appropriation to continue
with his work included such com-
ments by Dies as "The fifth column
may strike where it is least expected.
Yes, even in our schools and colleges."
This was interpreted as having direct
reference to the false information in-
cluded in the letter sent to him.

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