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March 17, 1978 • Page Image 1

…Simha Dinitz Will Open Allied Jewish Campaign ing Seligman, Marvin H. Goldman and David Handleman will also Simha Dinitz, Israel's ambassador to the U.S., will speak at the formal participate. opening of the 1978 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund on A special slide presentation, highlighting the work of Campaign volun- Tuesday. The occasion will be marked by a reception and dinner at the teers, will be a feature of the program. Jew...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 2

…2 Friday, March 11, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Solidarity With Israel Arab Leaders on Trial as Much as the Hijacking Murderers . . . The Challenge of the Horrible Act by Beasts and Solidarity of the -Jewish People By Philip Slomovitz An Answer to the Beasts Vatican — these are as much the guilty as the murder- The answer to the beasts who inspire massacres like ers who committed the wholesale massacre. Sadat now the ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 3

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 11, 1918 3 One people One hear( •One appeal Please give. Allied Jewish CamPaign american federal savings • …

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20. 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers. Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second•Class Postage Paid at Southfield. Michigan and Additional Mailing 011ices. Subscription $12 a year. PHILI...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 5

…Friday, March 11, 1918 5 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Busy Women Working on Phonogift What does a telephone solicitor for the Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emergency Fund say when a prospect feels not enough Campaign money is allo- cated to her favorite agency? Or when a prospect says, quickly, she'll give what she gave last year? Solutions to these and other problems likely to occur were answered at briefing sessions for the 600 volunteers who ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 6

…6 Friday, March 17, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS MAGICIAN Protection Against PLO Terrorists Aim of Border Belt Available For All Occasions 25 years experience (Continued from Page 1) MAGICAL MEL deployed in southern Leba- non, wish to avoid a con- . 547-2464 _ AA Muffler& Brakes t;Dic15'441:1:1 LIFETIME GUARANTEE ON MUFFLERS & SHOCKS As Long As You Own Your Car 10520 W. 7 MHO Rd. at Mendota SPECIALIST Al's Foreign Car Service ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH IIEWS ROBERT H. NAFTALY Professional Service IRWIN L. KAHN Mercantile THOMAS I. KLEIN Food & Services PHILLIP STOLLMAN PHILIP T. WARREN General Chairmen 1978 Allied Jewish Campaign - Israel Emergency Fund D. LAWRENCE SHERMAN JEROME B. GREENBAUM BERNARD H. STOLLMAN Real Estate Real Estate Are Women's Metropolitan Mercantile LESTER S. BURTON DULCIE ROSENFELD YOU JOSEPH H. ORLEY Industrial & Automotive Fri...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 8

…8 Friday, Nara 17, 1978 THE DETROIT JEW NEWS Don't just flytoFlorida. Technion Names Honorary Fellow Y DEL 'Enjoy extra comfort on Delta's Wide Ridd L 1011 TriStars. You fly in a "living room" cabin that's a full 8 feet high and almost 19 feet wide. With your own private 7-channel stereo. So sit back, relax and enjoy: Bach to rock to Florida. - HAIFA — The Technion- Israel Institute of Technol- ogy recently awarded the title of honorary...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 9

…- — THE DETROIT JEWISH WE - - - -1_2- 2.77 • __-: Friday, ha 11, 1978 9 GREENWOODS CAMP FOR BOYS LAKE OF THE WOODS CAMP FOR GIRLS located on the shores of beautiful Lake of the Woods at DECATUR, MICHIGAN * 4 & 8 Week sessions for boys and girls ages 8 to 15 * Elective program allowing each child to choose the activities in which he or she is interested including: WATER SKIING HORSEBACK RIDING ARTS & CRAFTS CAMPCRAFT SPORTS GUITAR G...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 10

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 10 Friday, March 17, 1978 MAY 7-21, 1978 l Complete • e rierP5wri rini=rn Reform Jewish Experience An Educational 0- , Religious Adventure e A Unique Cultural Cruise from Athens to Israel, Crete, Romania (Black Sea), Istanbul, Salonika and Porto Carras er 41 .0 ; . 0 _ 4 ''' Isookr;- ...IC, . The Cruise Complete with a Distinguished Roster-of Shipboard Companions: 5. Rabbi Illeberd 0. Wreak author. EX...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 11

…Friday, March 17, 1978 11 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ALASKA OR CARIBBEAN WEST COAST SUPER SPECIALS Round Trip on Scheduled United or American Airlines Your choice of: • LAS VEGAS • LOS ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCO • SAN DIEGO • MONTEREY • DISNEYLAND COMPLETE from DETROIT 3 PEOPLE CRUISE FOR THE PRICE OF 2! 411=0 Therd will never be a better summer for a Sitmar cruise. Because between June 3 and August 26 to Alaska and June 24 and August 16 t...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 12

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 12 Friday, March 17, 1918 Ch. 56 to Vernor Highway to St. Louis to Skokie (Continued from Page 1) haps, is the attitudes of sional newspapermen, of general community re- More shocking, per- some of Detroit's profes- especially those who cyni- sponse to the Ch. 56 tally claimed a "Jewish episode. Christianson boycott" of Ch. 56 with no told reporters last week analysis of the station's that 25 percent of his time now-...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 13

…Friday, March 11, 1918 13 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Theological Seminary Marks 80th Anniversary of Charter NEW YORK — The 80th anniversary of the charter- ing of Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS), the seed which led to the development of Yeshiva University, the na- tion's oldest and largest INSULATE! Keep Cool This Summer SAVE ENERGY COSTS Expert Analysis & recommendation without charge call Larry Shalit Michigan Thermal I...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 14

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS , 14 Friday, March 17,1918 Quebec Magazine Calls Zionism `Cancer, Israel Ruined Oranges' MONTREAL (JTA) — The Canada - Israel Com- mittee, the umbrella or- ganization of the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Cana- dian Zionist Federation and the Bnai Brith, lodged a strongly worded complaint with the Quebec press coun- cil concerning an article in the French-language c • THE KOSHER • ,, Conen.onae • nem. Rotel, HOT...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 15

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 11, 1918 15 American Photographer Among Tragedy Victims (Continued from Page 1) led for an end to the "vici- ous circle" of strike and counter-strike that has DRIVE A CAR or SEND YOUR CAR TO ANY STATE I. C.C. License MC125985 DRIVEAWAY SERVICE 4713 Holger at Michigan Ave. P.O. BOX 1264 Dearborn, Mich. 48126 T.I. 584-5000 •••••••••••• • GRAEME u 16 • : FLOWERS • • • • • • • • BILL CAPLAN inn w. ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 16

…16 Friday, Hard 11, 1918 IBM itws Oriental Student Ratio up in Israel Typsweers teleartc oft. sae° Add 'n Type 342-7188 3894333 342-1221 ."*.:+14 et " THE DEib IT JEWISH 4 ing the Technion, are of so- called Oriental background, an improvement over recent years but still indicative of the wide gap between the Ashkenzai and Sephardi sections of Israel's popula- tion. JERUSALEM—A report to the Knesset by Naftali Feder discloses that ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 17

…V Friday, larch 11, 19111 11 111E BMW JEWISH IBIS 0 STANDARD FEDERAL SAVINGS CAN HELP YOU MAKE MORE MONEY! Put $1,000 or more of your savings in our 72-month Certificate Savings Account and receive PER ANNUM WHICH WITH QUARTERLY COMPOUNDING WILL EARN YOU ... 1: Insured safety! 2. A rate of return that is guaranteed against fluctuation for a full 72 months. 3. Automatic quar- terly compounding. You get all three at Standard Federal Savi...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 18

…18 Friday, March 11, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS r BETTER BUSINESS Victims of PLO Memorialized in BIRMINGHAM at WILSON-CRISSMAN CADILLAC RES. 642-6836 CALL BUS. MI 4-1930 1350 N. WOODWARD, BIRMINGHAM CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS Seating Up to 400 Call Our Banquet Manager 682-4300 Shenandoah Countr Club at Adler Lecture; Schindler Brands Egypt as Hypocritical Victims of the mass mur- der perpetrated by the PLO on hijacked buses last...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 19

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Boris Smolar's Between You . . . and Me Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA (Copyright 1978, JTA, Inc.) U.S. FUNDS FOR SOVIET EMIGRANTS: Few Jews Antique Menora Sold for $11,000 Friday, March 11, 1918 19 We are pleased to announce that NEW YORK (JTA) — An Italian Hanuka lamp made in Padua about 1750 sold for $11,000 to a New York dealer at auction last week at Christie's New York. The lamp, which is slightly more than...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 20

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20 Friday, March 11, 1918 Israeli Report Refutes MSU Student's Torture Charge ISRAEL! LAND BOUGHT FOR DOLLARS wile:Wars and price SIDNEY SALANT 529 111111 Ave. N.Y., N.Y. 111117 212 E01-4911 TEL AVIV — Sami Es- mail, the American-born Palestinian student at Michigan State University, Clothier Nitait i a 647-8054 126 S. Woodward, Birmingham Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. 10 - 6 Thurs. & Fri. 10-9 FOR THE ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 21

…Friday, Ilarck 17, 1978 21 THE DETROIT. JEWISH NEWS Christians Send Jewish Bible to Jailed Anatoly Shcharansky SEATTLE (JTA) — The Church Council of Greater Seattle, a body representing all the Christian denomina- tions in the area, recently sent a copy of the Jewish Holy Scriptures to Anatoly Shcharansky, the Soviet Jewish dissident. "By sending him the Scriptures, the local Christ- ian community is attempt- ing to make Soviet officials aw...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 22

…22 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 11, 1918 Riot In Your own Driveway! Case Seeks M.E. Peace Fund WHEN YOU'RE ON THE MAIN FLOOR AT MODERN... WASHINGTON (JTA) — _ The Carter Administration continued its silence on the Case-Humphrey proposal for a Middle East regional peace fund to be used for Is- rael and her neighbors as soon as "the political cli- mate permits." Sen. Clifford Case of New Jersey, the ranking Repub- lican on the Sen...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 23

…THE DETROIT EMSH NEWS Friday, arch 17, 1971 23 ENTREPRENUER CLOTHIERS LTD. Fl NAL CLEARANCE SALE ENTIRE INVENTORY RAFAEL GIVENCHY FF SOCIETY BRAND EVERYTHING MUST GO PIERRE BALMAIN PIERRE CARDIN AND MANY OTHERS All Major Credit Cards Accepted All Sales Final 26400 12 Mile Road Southfield, Michigan Minimum charge for alterations at Northwestern inside Racquetime Center 358-0710 SALE EXTENDED Its o zggrg DUE TO REMODELING OF TR...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 24

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 24 Friday, March 11, 1918 The Finest In Musical Entertainment ERIC ROSENOW AND HIS ONTINENTAL 398-3664 Sperka Wins Young Israel Shofat Award Rabbi Joshua Sperka, rabbi emeritus of Young Is- rael of Greenfield, will be the recipient of the Shofar Award at the annual Shofar Award banquet of the Na- tional Council of Young Is- rael to be held April 9 at the Religious Zionists of Detroit presents RABBI SHUBERT S...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 25

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Demonstrators Stop St. Louis Nazi Parade • ST. LOUIS (JTA) —Local members of the National Socialist Party of America called off a march and rally Saturday after they were pelted with snowballs, rocks, bottles and tomatoes by angry spectators. According to Norman Stack, executive director of the Jewish Community Re- lations Council of St. Louis (JCRC), hundreds of per- sons lined the one-mile route of the planned Nazi ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 26

…, ffi Friday, March 17, 1978 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS EARLY BIRD SPECIAL lk cTill RYAN 15% ON ALL D ISHES OFF MON. THRU SAT., 4 to u ROADHOUSE CJF Office Set Danny Raskin's LISTENING POST IF YOU LIKE veal or eggplant, you'll thoroughly enjoy the Veal Francesco at Roman Terrace . . . Be- sides being somewhat of an exclusive at the 12 Mile and Orchard Lake spot, it is one of the complete dinners for two featured on the fifth anniversary m...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 27

…THE DETROIT EMU NEWS Friday, Nardi 17, 1979 • 27 YOUR GUIDE TO GOOD DINING CHINESE FOODS CHINA CITY 0***1 t Open•.• Ey Rey / Stesaseo Tem Neo 24535 W. 12 MILE RD. AT TELEGRAPH • Private Dining Room • Businessmen's Luncheons MON . TRUES , 11 om .12 Mad OPEN 7 DAYS WA SAT .1Iorn.2 pm SUNDAYS. 12 noon -10 30 p rn. iF, Ill MEI CARRY-OUT — NEI MI PRIVATE DINING RM. we 111: 35135 Grand River Farmington 476-9181 (Drakeshire Shoppin...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 28

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28 Friday, March 11, 1918 When a man disgraces his friend in the presence of others, it is as if he sheds blood —The Talmud •• • • • • ••• • •• • • •JAKKS • RESTURAIIT & LOUNGE • • • BEEF 'n BIRD The Best of Everything By MARY CONWAY and HARRY SATCHWELL Guest Columnists Well, here we are folks, happy, warm and content — • 97-X22 • basking in the sun on the • 6RE13111111 CEEB banks of the Detroit River; • DINNERS ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 29

…Friday, March 11, 1978 29 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FIND YOUR NAME IN OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION AND WIN A NO PURCHASE NECESSARY BRING THE PAGE WITH YOUR NAME ON IT AND PROPER IDENTIFICATION TO: THE JEWISH NEWS, 17515 W. 9 Mile, Suite 865 AND RECEIVE YOUR FREE "METRO" BOOK ff rMmr% PLAN Iflli AFFAIR AT liCing5teu 31nn Specializing In: • • • • • • Bar Mitzvas Bat Mitzvas Sweet Sixteens Banquets Showers Parties For All Occasions Excellent ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 30

…30 Friday, March 17, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (The Best of Everything Specializing in Authentic Italian-American Dining Lunches and Dinners Open Sondes% 2 to 530 —Closed Mon. EXCELLENT BANQUET FACILITIES a rco's 7225 W. Ikekeels (1 elks. W. el Ursine)) UN 2-6468 STEPHENSON cur s 24931 N. CHRYSLER 11. ( 1-75 at 10 MIN) Hazel Pat* PRIVATE BANOUET FACILITIES FOR 542-9195 25 TO 300 • Bar Mitzvas' • Weddings • Anniversaries • Ba...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 31

…Friday, March 17, 1978 31 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS %ft Bias Is Topic V.I.P. PALACE Korean—Mandarin Japanese Steak House Everything you could possibly want in Oriental cuisine . . . under one roof! Prudential Town Center is KMS Dorgre• ' MASH . FOR A CHANGE OF PACE AT LUNCH...WE'RE ONLY 15 MINUTES AWAY CALL AHEAD IF YOU WISH AND WELL HAVE EVERYTHING READY FOR YOU! PLAN YOUR ALL OCCASION PARTIES WITH US OFFICE EVENTS,ETC...PRIVATE ROOM ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 32

…32 Friday, March 11, 1978 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Women's Clubs $3 OFF* ON ANY FRAMING JOB HOUSE OF 10,000 PICTURE FRAMES OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9 to 5:30 BUSINESS AND PRO- FESSIO 'AL GROUP, Hadassal . will meet 2 p.m. Sunday at the Northgate Apts. Lub house (Green- field %.d. entrance). Helen Limond will highlight "Part Time Parent Project." Rose Poskel will review "The Bright Star of Exile" by Lulla Rosenfeld. Miss Limond is chairman fo...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 33

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 17, 1978 33 Latin Jews Are Magazine Topic Readers Forum WALTHAM, Mass. — American Jewish Historical The experience of Jews in Society, Two Thornton Argentina, Venezuela and Road, Waltham, MA 02154. Materials submitted to the Readers Forum must be brief. The writer's name will be withheld from publication upon request. No unsigned letters will be published—Materials will not be returned unless a stamped...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 34

…34 Friday, Mardi 17, 1978 THE DETROIT AMISH NEWS Purim _Frivolity to Begin Wednesday at Sundown MACK Pill ORCHESTRA Mishloakh Manot, greg- birthday blessings, and A Purim rally and mas- Purim family Shabat ser- and refreshments. A cos- and gers, costumes and haman- Purim refreshments will be querade will take place 7:15 vices will take place 8 p.m. tume contest for youth age tashen will be in evidence served. p.m. Wednesday at the March 24...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 35

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 17, 1978 35 NAVE A HAPPY PURIM FARMER JACK SUPERMARKETS 50 YEARS OF SERVICE Prices effective through Thursday, March 23rd only at the locatives listed at the right. 0 8 Mile Rd. at Grand River 0 Greenfield near 8 Mile 0 Southfield at 13 Mile Rd. 0 Winer at 8 Mile Road 0 7 Mile Rd. at Evergreen CI Coolidge at 10 Mile 0 10 Mile Rd. at Southfield 0 11 Mile Rd. at Labser 0 Orchard Lake Roe d at ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 36

…L 36 Friday, Mardi 11, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH PEWS More Criticism Aimed at Carter on Proposed Saudi Arms Sale Disco Parties by TRENTON, N.J., (JTA) The resolution expressed — The New Jersey Senate "alarm" that the United has approved a resolution States "appears to be run- sponsored by Sen. Matthew ning out on its commitment Feldman opposing the sale of support for Israel," and of figher planes by the Un- _advanced the view that the Dan ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 37

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 17, 1978 37 "Oy! My son Stevie is giving things away!" FOR SALE! PLANTS AND PRODUCE FROM MOTHER NATURE'S 546-9100 Royal ABOVE WHOLESALE! SALE!, 906 WOODWARD, 2 DOORS SOUTH OF 11% MILE RD. LETTUCE Jumbo Head 3 I 99c for CARROTS — 1 lb. cello bag 3 bags for 49c MUSHROOMS — Snow White 99c lb. CANTALOPES — Sweet As Sugar Jumbo 89` ea. Assorted Flavors Gov't Inspected STRAWBERRIES — Fresh Calif. 6...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 38

…-* -.7 ,- , 38 Friday, March 11, 1918 DOtgow Lubavitch Women Plan Art Sale to <WE,/ Duo, Trio & Quartet Music For MI Occasions 968-0021 (Formerly The Joe Miller Orchestra) • MISS TORGOW ALBU FINER WINER WILL SI .r WHEN PHOTOGIAPIOD BY AND ASSO CIATES 357-1 010 WANTED: __ •••• Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Torgow of Oak Park an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Julie, to Av- raham Toledano, son of Rabbi and Mrs. Joseph To- led...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 39

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Mrs. Lessman Wins Founder Award From Mizrachi Women Nora Lessman, center, received a special founders award from American Mizrachi Women March 5 at the second annual dinner of Batya Chapter held at Young Israel of Oak-Woods. Honorary National Pres- ident Dvora Masovetsky addressed the dinner, at- tended by more than 250. Shown with Mrs. Lessman are Sol Lessman, husband of the honoree, and Janice Berkower, past preside...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 40

…40 Friday, March 17, 1918 THE DETR011 kifirsit kis SOPHIE FORDON Medics to Gather for Haifa Parley STUDIO SALE Artist leaving for 6 months in Greece. ALL 87 pictures in studio reduced a " 05% The congress, to be con- ducted at the Dan Carmel Hotel, will provide a forum for the delivery of papers by overseas and local experts. Workshops and panel dis- cussions will focus on latest experiences in the work of anesthesiologists in Israel a...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 41

…Friday, Narck 11, 1918 41 THE DETROIT JEWISH PEWS ALL •RACQUETS, STRINGING & SHOES Registration Open for Bowlers - Registration is being taken for the Pioneer Women bowling league's 1978-1979 season. The league meets 1 p.m. Mon- days at Plum Hollow Lanes. Flint News Flint's Beth El to Hold Auction FJCC Has Funds for Student Units Temple Beth El will hold The Flint Jewiph Com- an auction April 1 with si- lent bids at 7:30 p.m. and munit...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 42

…42 Friday, Marl k 11, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH ton Bnai Brith Activities •?, ISRAEL CHAPTER will hold its 29th installa- tion of officers 8 p.m. Tues- day at the Zionist Cultural Center. (The address on the chapter newsletter is incor- rect.) Betty Eidelman, past president of the Bnai Brith Women's Council of Met- ropolitan Detroit, will be in- stalling officer. Officers to be installed are Dorothy 'Frock, president; Ann Cu- tler, Miriam F...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 43

…Israeli Educator to Speak Here as DZF's Scholar-in-Residence The Detroit Zionist Fed- eration will host Yehuda Nini of Israel as its scholar- in-residence Sunday through April 2. Nini will speak to area groups on The Co-Existence of Jews in Moslem Countries" and "The Current Situation in the Middle East." Born in pre-state Israel of parents who emigrated from Yemen, Nini jpined the Hagana in 1944 and later fought in Israel's war for independe...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 44

…44 Friday, Mardi 11, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS , • • HILLEL DAY SCHOOL students who have formed an Israeli dance group, will perform for the residents of Borman Hall 3 p.m. Wednesday at the residence. Performing under the direction of Aviva Stern are: Rachel Tessler, Ruth Tessler, Cheryl Cook, Doronit Singer, Deborah Berlin, Doreen James, Rachel Berlin and Jennifer Levine. * * * - ROSE AZA, Bnai Brith Youth Organization, will hold a dan...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 45

…Jewish Center Lists Activities The Jewish Community Center announces that Shimon and Liana Gerwirtz — The Balladeers — have added a second concert to their Detroit schedule. The couple and their daughters will appear 8:30 p.m. Satur- day in addition to their 3:15 p.m. Sunday concert in the main Center complex. Tic- kets are available at the main building and at the 10 Mile branch. The senior adult depart- ment at the 10 Mile branch will pre...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 46

…• 46 Friday, klard; 17, 1978 THE DETROIT JEWISH PEWS Chateau Riviera Apts. Southfield CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ment living. 1-2 & 3 bed- room apts. GE appli- ances, fully carpeted, cen. air-conditioning, private balcony, spacious storage areas, swimming pool. $315 and up All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1988 which makes it illegal to advertise "any prefer- ence. limitation. or d...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 47

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 13—APARTMENTS FOR RENT Applications being taken for upper 3 bedroom apt. 10 Mile-Greenfield area. 268-2763 or 968-5801 Call after 7 p.m. SUTTON PLACE Luxury apt. First floor - 2 bedroom, 2 bath, self- cleaning oven, custom wallpaper. Immediate oc- cupancy. 354-2239 TWYCKINGHAM VALLEY APTS. 22277 W. 12 Mile Southfield Spacious 1 bedroom. Carpeting & drapes included. Heat included. Cen. air-conditioning. Whirlpool...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 48

…48 Friday, larch 17, 1978 16-E—HOUSES TO RENT OAK PARK 2 bedroom ranch, fenced yard. Available April 1st. $275.00 per month plus security. 559 - 3344 or 559 - 7857 16-J--WANTED HOUSES TO RENT GERMAN Shepherd (well- trained), physician daddy, libra- rian mommy, desires rental. 569-5660, 569-5661. 17—HOUSES FOR SALE OAK PARK Marlow 10MIle-Greenfleld Area 3 bedroom ranch, paneled living room & dining room area, finished base., 11/2 baths...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 49

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Mara 11, 1918 49 THE DURBE IFIC RESULTS NY, Realtors LARGE SPRAWLING CONTEMPORARY RANCH Stainless steel beamed family room. Carpeted walls. 41/2 baths - large sunken Roman tub. 355 car garage. Heated 50 ft pool and tennis court. Finished basement. Showplace in a prestigious location. $265,000 SWT 851-1300 WHY ADMIRE THIS FROM THE OUTSIDE when you can live in it yourself? Customized 4 or 5 bedroom hilltop ...…

March 17, 1978 • Page Image 50

…PRI • J 51 Friday, Nardi 11, 1978 17—HOUSES FOR SALE TIE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 3 bedroom 11/2 bath brick ranch, cen. air, carpets & drapes throughout. Tiled base., new roof, large lot. Well insulated. 1 car gar- age. HUNTINGTON WOODS Offers this spacious & earth tone decorated 2 story brick ranch on a double lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, study, family room (24x20), 3 fireplaces, new kitchen, att. garage. 4 doorwalls open to red- wood deck. $7...…

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