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December 29, 1972 • Page Image 1

…_ k t \ •= 1 ._.7/7 i/ .4/Ata.t e t The New Year and Its A // "i l l' //// % =\\. THE JEWISH NEWS Challenges Bicentennial Assignment to Jewish Scholars A Weekly Review Editorials Page 4 Vol. LXII. No. 16 \ 7// • 1: 1 : X t Tribute to Heschcl • Eban's Newest Literary Product of Jewish Events Commentaries Page 2 Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper 41k•-• Fantasies Negate Realities in Middle East • 17515 W. 9 Mile,...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary Abba Eban's 'My Country' Adds Merit to His Literary Career Abba Eban is as masterful in his literary style as he is in oratory. In his case, the two are inseparable. His books are classics, his speeches brilliant. He proves his skill as an author in "My Country," an excellent supple- ment to his "My People." His newest work. as "the story of modern Israel," like his earlier work has been published by Random House. His forew...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 3

…Rogers Asked to Investigate Anti-Israel Yule Mailing NEW YORK (JTA) — The Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith asked Secretary of State William P. Rogers to investigate whether an anti-Israel Christmas mailing to Americans by the Jor- danian ambassador to the United States is in violation of the Foreign Agents Regis- tration Act. In a letter to Rogers, Ben- jamin R. Epstein, ADL di- rector, said that the mailing —a recording entitled "Jeru- s...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of Jury 20, 1951 Wernher American Association of EnglIsh-Jewish Newspaper., Michigan Press Association. National Editorial Assoete- lion. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 845, Southfield, Much. 48075 second-Clan Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Stalling Offices. Subscription ot • year. Foreign...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 5

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Dec. 29, 1972-5 Begin Appears to Be Winning Herut Fight Against Weizman TEL AVIV (JTA)—Mena- hem Begin, leader of the Herut Party, moved this week to forclose any possibility that Gen. Ezer Weizman might withdraw his resigna- tion as chairman of the par- ty's executive. Weizman submitted his res- ignation at the close of the Herut convention last week. Begin was reported to have proposed the name of Knes- set...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 6

…2 Activists to Go on Trial for 'Violating Soviet Code' Natan Feingold and other their Christmas by organi- activists in support of am- zing support for Soviet Jew- nesty for the political prison- ry. ers, the SSSJ reported. More than $100 has been In other developments, raised from a series of open Prof. Benjamin Levitch and house parties given by the Aleksander Lerner, two Jew- Luther Place Memorial The SSSJ said it learned ish scientist-act...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Dec. 29, 1972-7 One big chance to make your feet as dazzling as the rest of you. One big opportunity to save a bootful on French Shriner shoes. And one big selection of the wild and not-so-wild to choose from and save on. French Shriner shoes like this were $42.95. Now they're just $31.90. Other great styles are priced from only $19.90 to $31.90. All of which amounts to one big bargain. Come to Osmun's Frenc...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 8

…UIIS Children Are Introduced to American Jewish History the Far East, as well as ar- ticles on literature. Publication of his "Jews in American History" was made possible by a grant from the United Hebrew Charities of the Jewish Welfare Federa- tion. By the time America's Bi- centennial observance rolls around, the children in Dalet class (fourth grade) of the United Hebrew Schools will be 15 years old. If a new booklet they are using has ac...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Dec. 21, 1172—• COO I NEWS FOR SAVERS Safe, high earnings can be yours in 1973 at Standard Federal Savings 0 per year On Savings Certificates of $5,000 or more for two years. 6% Two-Year Certificate Savings Account. A two-year certificate savings account in passbook form may be opened with $5,000 or more ... no special - even - figure is needed. Your account may be opened at any time and it will begin ...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 10

…10—Friday, Dec. 29, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Jewish Youths Protest Civilian Settlements in West Bank, Gaza NEW YORK (JTA) — A group of college-age Jews as- serting that they are "deeply committed to the welfare of Israel and the advent of APIEK, CIIRIqMAS 111 We have taken additiunal markdowns rn every departmeni Shop these exellent values early . Fall and Water Dresses 11600 • yahoos to $30 Tekoah Charges Jordan Distort s Isr...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 11

…Tw TIE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Dec. 29, 1972-11 Rabbi Abraham Heschel Memorialized by World Jewry NEW YORK (JTA)—Lead- ing Jewish and Christian theologians joined 500 other persons at funeral services here Sunday for Rabbi Ab- raham Joshua Heschel, one of the foremost educators and philosophers of Conser- Roo Clothes For Om. 36 recta 24750 TELEGRAPH 6* 10 MI. Nom 6. &Nana' Deo* Opon D.ily to 6. Thoom•my to 11 SUNDAY 1 ff • SALES •...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 12

…"WTI! 1.•1.1r , ...Inn 12—Friday, Doc. 29, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Arab Terrorists Yield in Bangkok Seizure As The Jewish News went to press Thursday morning, the word from Bangkok, Thailand, was that five Palestinian terrorists had agreed to re- lease six hostages at the Israel Embassy, in return for safe conduct out of the country. Philosopher Hook Retires From NYU NEW YORK — On his 70th birthday, Prof. Sidney Hook, renowned teach...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Dec. 21, 1172-13 NEW CADILLAC? SEE OR CALL ANDY BLA in BIRMINGHAM at WILSON CRISSMAN CADILLAC CALL SUS. MI 4-1930 RES . 642-61136 1350 N. WOODWARD, BIRMINGHAM Award Set for Best Book in Jewish History NEW YORK — Establish- lishing Co., where he edited ment of an annual award by m any outstanding books. the Jewish Book Council of Marks is active in many the National Jewish Welfare Jewish educational and ...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 14

…14—Friday, Dec. 29, 1972 1973 JNF Budget Set at $22 Million THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Torah Scroll Links Detroit, Israel SYNAGOGUE SERVICES CONG. MISHK.AN ISRAEL: Services 5 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Kranz will speak on "Do You Know Your Jewish Name?" TEMPLE BETH JACOB of Pontiac: Services 8:30 p.m. to- day. Rabbi Berkowitz will discuss "Gates of Prayer— Part IV." A gift of a Torah scroll from Cong. Beth Abraham- IfiIlel to K...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 15

…Doneson Cuts J AL Service In a letter to Japan Air announced he will discontin- Lines in New York, Detroit ue recommending the serv- travel agent Jules Doneson ices of the airline because it has acceded to the economic boycott of Israel. Continental Watch and Jewelry Shop Featuring • WILLIE WOO • Alexis Kirk High Fashion Designer Jewelry and Watches as seen in Glamour, Vogue. Etc. 'Bubble swatch' 1 Bands *2•• 1 Watch Repairing on Pre...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 16

…THE DETROIT 16—Friday, Dec. 29, 1972 maw NEWS Army Service Nixed, Reserve Soldier Jailed TEL AVIV (JTA)—A left- wing organization member, Joseph Kottel, who is a vet- eran in a paratroopers re- serve unit, was sentenced to 35-days imprisonment for re- fusing to report for serVice in his unit. Kottel reportedly is a mem- ber of the SIAll, the Israeli New Left, one of the small radical left•wing groups which favor a more liberal position ...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 17

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Doe. 29, 1972-17 VINCENZO'S Set 6 & 7 Mae Rds Boars watt 3- hui 26207 W. Warren W. of T•I•1 Luncheons II a.m.-3 p.m. Dinners From 5:00 p.m. 274-0060 Sundays 3 00-9 00 p m. • Dancing — Entertainment • Old English Atmosphere • Cocktails • GALA FESTIVITIES 32305 Grand River orsr= ”osio • i.i.,.. seys 476 - 5320 POST The action snit r the newt ot 1hr Ceet, Toe tooinno 'art ft-royals r,r, Al«I h,,,,, 5...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 18

…Po T THREE YA .n>t_A " Dinner Shim 100 p • Nightly YES fir itiil le • AMIRE • NEDRA • JAMILA OM for New Nei fir Oilmen till III p.m. The Finest in Coditails Mixed to Perfection Also Using the finest New Yrari OPEN SUNDAYS LItIOsed Dec. 2501.j * 483.8200 403 8201 For Resv. Coll We Honor Major Credit Cards OWNED AND OPERAIED BY RONNIE FORMAN RAY KING y PRIVATE FACILITI S AVAILABLE FOR RAS MIIIVA RECEPTIONS SALES MEETINGS BOWLING...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 19

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20—Friday, Dec. 29, 1972 Vilna Ghetto Diary Displayed at :Bar-Ilan Prime Minister Golda Meir to Israel Radio's Gideon Lev- Ari: "Anyone who wants to he a prime minister deserves the job." A diary from the Vilna Ghetto, brought to Israel by a Rus- sian woman immigrant, was shown for the first time to participants in a symposium at Bar-Ilan University. RAMAT-GAN — RED WING HOCKEY The diary, written by Dr. Later (Eli...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 20

…Rabbi Stollman to Speak Here g ewry on the Air Miss Linda Cohen to Wed Jay Schoen - I omen s Ulttbsi This Week's Radio and Television Programs DIRECTIONS Time: 1 p.m., Sunday Station: Channel 7 Feature: "Religion in '73" an examination of religious events of 1972 and outlooks for 1973 by Dr. Edward T. Sandrow, special counsel to the chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and three leaders representing other major America...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 21

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22—Friday, Dee. 29, 1972 Women Saluted for Aid to Israel Florine Mark to Co-Chair '73 Rfr rbara Ballantine Mothers March .11arriesAlan A. Florine Mark, head of Weight Watchers of South- eastern Michigan, has been named co-chairman with Martha Jean "The Queen" Steinberg of the March of Dimes Mothers' March for 1973. Mrs. Steinberg is a WJLB radio personality. They will lead thousands of women in the annual door- to-do...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 22

…(THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Dec. 29, 1972-23 Il Beth Moses Youth PI an for USY Meeting li Synagogue Youth 9 d n INT Beth Moses Senior United applications from members is taking to attend the regional con- i s " .5`xgx"411"2em"'" 3°(>31`<>m<u ""Z: ilaT OUtliL News; :CILIChIlD,7 >MX >31C•L Mr>: . eldaEKTINIKSIKKMDC)CMICK vention March 9-11 at the 9 • Sheraton - Cadillac Hotel erten Three dele g at es and an six a - LONDON,...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 23

…I People Make News Religious School Dropout Problem Linked to Parents' Lack of Concern MEL MERZON, chairman "master builder" of the Hill- medical service. The Fishers of the English department at ' el Foundation movement. have — in addition to pro- • • • Oak Park High School, was viding the three ambulances appointed as a critical re- — supported MDA by spon- The Hillel Rogoff Memorial viewer of a series of books Lecture Series honoring the ...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 24

…r"'" AJCommittee Trends Expert to Zero In on Anti-Semitism New trends in anti-Semi- ,tism will be examined at the 'Jewish Community Council's delegate assembly 8:15 p.m. Wednesday at Cong. Beth ?Achim. Council President Hubert J. Sidlow announced that .Milton Ellerin, national di- rector of the trends analysis division for the American Jewish Committee, will talk on "Post-Election '73: Omens and Portents — Is There a 'New' Anti-Semitism in t...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 25

…Goren Vows to Publish Text of Ruling; Says Rabbis, Not Yeshivot, to Judge Israel TV, Radio License Costs Up Israel TV licenses will go up from IL 85 ($21) to IL 95 (324) and radio licenses from IL 25 ($6) to IL 30 TEL AVIV (JTA) — Chief of the dayanim have not been (37.50) as of Jan. 1, the Rabbi Shlomo Goren prom- released until now to protect Knesset finance committee ised that the full text of the them from harassment and decided last wee...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 26

…Lite Begins at 80 . iN RISHON-LE-ZION — The treasurer of the local burial society is in his 80s. Despite his years, he continues to be active and alert in running the affairs of the society. A 50-year-old citizen bought the burial plot next to his father. When he asked for a re- ceipt and a statement that he had purchased this partic- ular plot, the treasurer re- plied: "Why do you need a receipt or a statement? Don't worry. When the day com...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 27

…21—Friday, Dec_ 29, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS Flint News cepted until Jan. 10 for the Jan. 2728 ski weekend in Tween howling will resume Jan. 7, at Town and Country La nes. Boyne Country. Housing and transportation will be pro- vided, with each participant providing his own food and tow tickets. To register, con- tact the Flint Jewish Com- munity Council. 912 Sill Bldg., Flint 48502. The film "M"A=S"H" will be shown 8:30 p.m. Jan. 6...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 28

…[eet nouneed entation ub-com- be held ar's al- tees are s of the id other en's ye Id 7t ?rn n S 7 r THE DETROIT invnif REMIT Friday, Dec. 29, 1972-21 Our Presidents' Jewish Confidants From Taylor to Truman By DAVID SCHWARTZ "l'hayim" at a wedding of a Jewish friend, Jefferson had any number of Jewish friends. Down in his home state, Richmond was prob- ably the city with the largest Jewish population in early America. Haym Salomon ...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 29

…36—Friday, Dec. 29, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS Liners and display classified ads accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 2 p.m., Wednesday. For rates and information .. . CALL 356-8400 10—ROOMS FOR RENT WORKING girl, privileges. 546 5773. • EMPLOYED lady. privileges. 10- Greenfield. 5414092. BEAUTIFUL ro m in nice house for gentleman. Private bath and shower. Call after 6. 548-6785...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 30

…17—HOUSES POit SALE 17—HOMES FOR SALE 1 bed- Available u. Save Before the '73 Prices Go Into Effect New Colonials in Lathrop Village WT. 3-4 bedrms., sunken family rm., 11/2-2 1/2 baths, full basement, over-sized garage, first floor laundry rm., choice lots, carpeting thruout, incinerator, country kit- chen with island counter, priced from $37,800 .Model at 18140 Meodowood, 3 blks. South of II Mile, just W. of Southfield Rd. very shag ...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 31

…THE COMPLETE HOME Lovely pillared BRICK COLO- NIAL with all the rust features. Wet plaster construction thru- 'out Incl the attached 2 car ga- rage with door opener. Heated driveway to clean Ice & snow' Full base. CENT. AIR. Electronic air cleaner. 3 good-sized bed- rooms 12 with walk-In closets,. 21/2 baths. Separate Family Rm. w/firepl. Cheerful kitchen with all bit-ins. Huge pantry & break_ fast area as well as dining room. The complete ho...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 32

…I NEWS POMEROY CO. me Reelters BEACON SQUARE EAST Built in 1968. Thle grecious mf al is undoubtedly among the finest 19 superbly plush rooms provide 2,700 mums feet of see- able...a. Included are one-of-a- kind Center entrance, beamed ceiling (anger room with wood burning firepiace hideaway pas clod library and 4 delightful king da bedrooms plus CENTRAL AIR. Male fir. utility, 21/2 baths. automatic Sprinklers and garage opener and much mo...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 33

…40—EMPLOYMENT MALE AND/OR FEMALE 40—EMPLOYMENT MALE AND/OR FEMALE Religious School Secretary EXPER1F.NCED produce man, part part time work. Off downtown area. 5 day week. No Sundays. KO 1.7257. and general office, for Oak WOM ‘N companion for elderly woman. Roan and board plus small salary. 356.8541. Park Reform Syn. Diversified. Some fringe benefits. LI 7-5015 SOCIAL WORKERS MATURED woman wishes day care for elecirly person, Expert....…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 34

…all DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Dec. 29, 1972-35 ranee Reportedly Seekino, to Improve Its Image in Israel JERUSALEM (J T A ) — Another point which Hure French ambassador Francis said was not sufficiently ap- Hure sought to persuade preciated in Jerusalem was Foreign Minister Abba Eban that it was France which ini- that Israel takes too dim a tiated the proposed global view of France's Middle East agreement on the Common policies. - Market ...…

December 29, 1972 • Page Image 35

…Dramatic Chapter of Truman's Role in Jewish History (Continued from Page 1) the days of Czarist Russia. This historic saga of persecution is one of the reasons why, as President. I placed a high priority on the establishment of the new state of Israel. I hoped that by this action the people of the United States would help to right a terrible wrong. For I deeply felt that the persecution of Jews over the centuries has left a deep and ugly sc...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 1

…▪ • Harry S. Truman — 'The Modern Cyrus' An Appellation That Suited and Was Welcomed by Former President He Gain ed Fame as Bi ble Lover and Israel's Friend By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Harry S. Truman left the White House in January 1953, this writer applied to him the glory of a liberator of the Jewish When people in the 6th Century before the Christian era. I paid him the honor of being "The Modern Cyrus." Ten years later it was our privilege...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary The 'Jesus Cult' and Its Resultant Panic Large-Scale Budgeting in Our Democratic Community Planning to Assure Proper Domestic as Well as Israel Support . . . The Jesus Freaks and the Developing Panic By Philip Slomovitz The Community's Fund-Raising Record, Escalations in Appropriations, Need for Evaluative Studies There is panic in religious ranks. A rumor about apostasy has developed in many quarters. "Love Jesuit." "Je...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 3

…Jewish Writer Wins Award in Berlin BONN (JTA) — Carols Stern, Jewish writer and co- founder of the German branch of Amnesty Interna- tional, was awarded this year's Carl von Ossietzky Medal in Berlin. At the presentation cere- mony, Stern appealed for a fight against the persecution and torture of political pris- oners throughout the world. The Carl von Ossietzky Award is named for the Jew- ish publisher and 1935 Nobel Peace Prize recipient...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 THE SOURCE Member American Association of English.Jewish Newspaper., Michigan Press Assoct•tion, National Editorial Assoc' lion. Published every Friday by Jewish New. Publishing Co, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48076. Second•Class Postage Paid at SootInfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription 86 • year. F...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 5

…Community's Concerns for High Standard in Social A Weekly Israel Quiz Services Inspire Quest for New Trends in Budgeting (Continued from Page 1) nouncements at the national Alan Schwartz, chairman level indicating the whole- of the Federation executive hearted support for the day committee, advised the con- school movement We are in ferees, "You are here to fact shunted aside with the speak, Federation is here to cavalier comment that each ...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 6

…Congressional Action Asked to Counteract 'Education Tax' 4—Friday, Dec. 22, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (Continued from Page 1) ta, carried a petition with saying that "because of these affairs of our immigrants," Solomon's Decision TIBERIAS — A judge told plied "Your Honor, I rely The East-West Trade Bill 5,000 signatures of women repugnant rules, entire gen- one official told the JTA. a witness here that his testi- upon your wisdom in be...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Dec 72, 1972-7 Keep the pressure low and the spirit high. Holiday shopping is a snap. Except for the crowds that push you where you don't want to go. And the salespeople who point you in the wrong direction. And the ho .-hum selection. And the (Humbug!) lines. You can avoid all that. Just come to Osmun's. At Osmun's, we'll show you some really snappy shopping. First, we'll show you a great selection of clot...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 8

…the campus a Jewish disaster appeal to young, counter - culture youth, holds little area. The study was conducted allure for the 40,000 Jews at in two separate samplings, American colleges. The findings, compiled by the first taken late in the spring semester, in which Dr. Samuel Z. Fishman, a 15 campuses reported known Hillel assistant national di- Jewish conversions to Chris- rector, noted that the Jesus tianity. movement is directed to "the...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Fritlay, Dec. 22, 1172 - 9 We pay the highest rate of interest permitted by Federal Regulations 3 0 O 4 on 2 year deposits of $25 or more the most for you. National Bank of Save your money where it wi ll Southfield offers three savini plans, each paying the highest rate of interest permitted by law. No 1. ).1.C. insured hank can pay you more. 510 40 / 5 , 0, interest, compounded daily, on 2 year Savings Growth Ce...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 10

…Fr Bar-Ilan Plans Education Center World Jewish Population 14,236,000; Detroit in 12th Place for U.S. Cities 10-Friday, Dec. 22, 1972 TRE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Orlinsky to Lecture on Bible at Oxford NEW YORK (JTA) - Bar NEW YORK - Dr. harry ter and its bearing on criti- Ilan University Chancellor Joseph If. Lookstein an- M. Orlinsky, professor of cism of the New Testament. NEW YORK (JTA) - The Profs. Daniel J. Elazar and In the United State...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 11

…Dayan's Dilemma Which Moshe is the right one? The answer is, both are, but because of a peculiarity of the printing process, Israel's defense minister appears to alternate his famous eye patch at will. The Jewish News editors did a double take of their own a few months ago, when confronted with the two pho- tos of Dayan. Upon Inquiry to the Israel Ministry of De- fense, it was learned that the phenomenon was known to the ministry. A spokesman...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 12

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 11•-Friday, Dec. 22, 1972 Mystery Crates to Jordan Spur Probe in Dallas DALLAS (JTA)—Is a Roy- al Jordanian jet that landed at Love Field on Monday— officially to pick up commer- cial antennas—actually being loaded up with "top secret radio-radar missile-tracking equipment"? Speculation soared follow- ing a report in the Dallas Morning News and a follow- up investigation by Jimmy Wisch, editor-publisher of the Texas J...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Dec. 22, 1972-13 800,000 of Egypt's Po pulation Blind NEW YORK (ZINS) — A World Health Organization survey of blindness among CARS TO SE DRIVEN T. any ,stato. Also doyen furnalt- ad to any• your car anywhoto Lewdly ensured and I C C laonsod DRIVEAWAY SERVICE 9970 Grand River Detroit, Mich. 48204 WE 1-0620-21-22 the Egyptian population shows that about 800,000 of Egypt's population of 35,000,- 000 are with...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 14

…Assembly Vote on Terrorism A ssailed as a Useless Effort Soldiers From Needy Families Get a Break TEL AVIV (JTA Soldiers whose families are in need wil have their mandatory three years of military ser- vice reduced by 3-6 months so that they may enter the civilian labor market to help support their families, it was announced in Tel Aviv. The decision followed a recommendation by a special committee appointed to study the possibility of short...…

December 22, 1972 • Page Image 15

…Israel Denies Warning to Jordan as Terrorists Return to Old Bases JERUSALEM (JTA)—Gov- ernment leaders vehemently denied a report by the Israel Radio's diplomatic corres- pondent Arieh Meched, that Israel intended to "warn" Jordan not to disrupt normal relations along the border or to draw too close to extrem- ist Arab regimes. Meched, who is considered a reliable newsman, repeated the story on five consecutive newscasts despite denials from...…

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