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December 10, 1920 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX FIEPE1'R011; LNIS/I C /M __.I p i!cLE Alemite Lubricators "For All Makes of Cars." Phone Glendale 7942 ALEMITE LUBRICATING CO. OF MICH. 23 W. Hancock Ave. I SERVICE and PARTS For ALL MARES of Axle Shafts, Piston Pins, and and Retail. KING CARS Rings for all makes of Jars—'Ai holesals FOSTER JAMES SALES & SERVICE H. FOSTER , Auburn Beauty Six Authorized Ford Service and Part, 416 to 22 Jos. Campau , 788 Woodward Ave. MOT...…

December 10, 1920 • Page Image 7

…America Aprish Pedalled Cotter CLIFTON AVINUll • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVEN PIE PUT KonJL-wwt 01KOA ICU; BUSINESS AND FINANCE ill gl CONVENING OF CONGRESS Business Competition l'or successful business coin. los Ohm It Is Just as essential to seek good business counsel ,• to employ the most up-to- oat, methods of doing busi- By N. M. Gross. Financial Editor, of the DETItolT JEWISH CHRONICLE ness. There can be tangible busi- ness...…

December 10, 1920 • Page Image 8

…t■ F FIGHT n 111c,f)rritory kwisn (ARON IC I:G Io %IP o r o4 The various Jewish organizations of Bethlehem, Pa., are considering a federation. • • • • Special Sunday Supper 5:30 P. M. to 1:00 A. M. A movement Is now on foot to have the graves of Jewish soldiers who have fallen in the Polish army adorned by the Warsaw Jewish Kehillah. • • • • CONCERT BY FAMOUS HUNGARIAN GYPSY BAND The newly erected building of the Independent Order ...…

December 10, 1920 • Page Image 9

…America lavish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON ARNUS • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO TifEbETROITJEWISR efRONICLE SECTION TWO SECTION TWO MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION VOL. IX. NO. 3. DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY DECEMBER 10, 1920. . H in Detroit Per Year, $3.00; Copy, 10 Cents nor 0 Phone Main 4547 (All torso) The perfect candy for gift season and at all times, Is MueDlarnild'a. Holiday orders should be sent now to avoid dis• pointment. There'...…

December 10, 1920 • Page Image 10

…PAGE TEN 749ertairjailsn MR074 lax social an Jerson Sallan. 11111 IIIII11,1111111111121LIIIiIIII IN MEMORIAM Woodward at Gratiot CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Alphabetically Arranged for Your Convenience FOR MEN B- Buckles, Belt $6 to $30 Buttons, Emblem . . . $1 to $25 C- Cases, Card $6.50 to $18 Cases, Cigar $ I 0 and up Cases, Cigarette $8 to $250 Chains, Watch. $2.50 up to $200 Chains, Silk $1.50 up Charms, Emblem . . . .$5 to $100 Comb...…

December 10, 1920 • Page Image 11

…America Awish Perlakiwi eater CLIFTON ATINUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PACE ELEVEN ffE ETROITIens±iCIIROMICLE TEMPLE BETH EL Y. P. S. TO HOLD NOVEL AFFAIR Society of Temple Beth El. The first affair of this nature which was held last February, proved so unusually successful that it was de- cided to give it annually, and the committee in charge promise an even more elaborate affair than the one held last year. Everything from the decorations t...…

December 10, 1920 • Page Image 12

…ituDnuon.L b PAGE TWELVE play is laid in Palestine during the stirring days of the liberation in 1917 Rae Aronson will assume the role of Rachel Peretz, daughter of a Zionist, The Young People's Society of the while I.ottie Gantzewitz will play her younger brother, Michael. Sarah El Moshe held its regular meeting, Channuksh Concert, Dec. 2, at Beth • hfalek will take the part of a British Wed., Dec. 1, at the Synagogue. An David Synagog; Bal...…

December 10, 1920 • Page Image 13

…America fewish Periodical Curter currop, AVINOlt • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO AsPentorrjEwisn ef RONICLO PArr. TI- IRTFFN IN FLINT MICHIGAN • Stimulus Given Various Phases of Communal Life by Morris Kobacker For over forty years we have fulfilled the flower wants for the people of the city of Flint, for all occasions where flowers or plants are used. I We Operate 100,000 Sq. Ft. Of Glass 505 NORTH SAGINAW 623 SOUTH SAGINAW STARTED IN ...…

December 10, 1920 • Page Image 14

…PAGE FOURTEEN V crit Roxiaz PISGAH LODGE GLEE CLUB WHO ARE TO FLINT SISTERHOOD PARTICIPATE IN THE INITIATION OF GIVES SUCCESSFUL FLINT LODGE No. 656, I. 0. B. B., DEC. 19 BALL AT CHANNUKAH C tti zi And NOW Brunswick Records Remember—Brunswick Records will play on any phonograph with steel or fibre needle. r. operate an institution capable of refinishing your car fn a manner which guarantees an appearance long wanted by most owns rs i...…

December 10, 1920 • Page Image 15

…America lowish Perin C.41 Cater cUPTON Annetta CINCINNATI SO, OHIO E Y)LIK011; //;Nis/161Rimici.f: Automobile owners of Flint have long expressed the need of an estab- lishment to which they might send their cars for complete ,renovation, mechanical troubles excepted. Kenworthy & Ilanaford occupy a building erected especially for this purpose. This building, unlike the or. Binary paint shop, contains separate finishing rooms that may be ent...…

December 10, 1920 • Page Image 16

…PAGE SIXTEEN THEbentorrfrwisn (ARON ICLE a10 ilipa „, Is ' • German and Russian Bolshevism. By Dr. Israel Tarbes DERLIN-At the close of the re U cent congress of the Independen t Social Democratic party, held a t Halle, new questions and problems o f Germany's public life became crysta ized. i ,Il ) Ill I . —. 0 'EYE I 1 101111', SIGHT '0,0'1 SPECIAL 1ST Open Till 8 P. M. Says: Headaches, Nervousness, Dizziness, Indigestion and many ...…

December 03, 1920 • Page Image 1


December 03, 1920 • Page Image 2

…PETRorrjElsisil PAGE TWO eal I SHOPS NVOODWARD AVENUE 0 Stop! Look! Listen! Following Mr. Berkowitz's speech, a one-act sketch by Oscar Wolf, en- titled "Where But In America," was presented under the direction of Syl- van Groaner. The cast included Har- vey L Vehon and Ruth Franklin as Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kaufman, and Edith Shere as their Swedish maid. Hilda, This cast displayed talent of such an exceptional nature and net such a high...…

December 03, 1920 • Page Image 3

…A merica Avis* periodical Cotter ▪ CLIFTON ATENUII - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO FiElkmorrlaisn ARON ICLE PAGE THREE CHANUKAH AFFAIR FEATURES PLAY • Young Judaea Circles Represented at Annual Latke Party. "Meet Friedberg Wear Diamonds" a 0./••••• Fri 200-210 GRISWOLD ST. Going Out of Business Our Entire Stock of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, etc. Now on Sale One play in Hebrew and another sketch in English will mark the sec- ond annual Ch...…

December 03, 1920 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR litEVentorr,Awon tilKOAKLE ILE AWISII etRON ICU MICHIGAN'S JLWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President. Entered as second•clus matter Much 3, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of Much 3, 1879. General Offices and Publication Building 206 High Street West Cable Address: Telephones: Glendale 8326 LONDON OFFICE 14 STRATFORD PLACE LO...…

December 03, 1920 • Page Image 5

…America Amish Pedalled eeNter currta4 AYINUI CINCINNATI 20, OHIO mElicriton;Awisiiri ROA ICLC The Two-Edged Sword PAGE FIVE sewed. It is only regrettable that Rabbi A. M. Hershman was inavoid- ably prevented from ;mending. IIis "The pulse of Cod is in their mouth, and • two-edged Sword M credential, however. was transferred their hands." to Mr. Jacob Miller who answered the call. Those who attended were: (Continued from l'age One) Delegat...…

December 03, 1920 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX ric, ,Dentonjimsn ei RON ICLE 11•••• ■•••■■ Ezi.••,see—€.K. n,,fna.v ra ri Tontorn•• IVE Your Wife More Candy and Less Taffy-- .octal and 13.Sittii@ COM11.00..^ QrSOrtai .0217 #1 4, N'proaluN at (2aM.I.yeraji 11 STORES DETROIT—CLEVELAND I NW / ''' ft Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lang Mr. Albert Ginsberg, of Burlingame (Helen Schloss) of Cleveland, who avenue, has returned from a trip to were visiting their *parents, Mr. and...…

December 03, 1920 • Page Image 7

…P wisk Pcriodieal Cotter cLunxei AYENUC - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVEN WIEVETROITIFICLcii Correct Footwear For Girls of All Ages footwear requirements of children and growing girls of every age are " adequately answered In the models Illustrated here. For children a splen- did type for school wear, also a suitable shoe fur "dress up" hours. For grow- T A VERY serviceable, sturdy, yet good appearing shoe for school, Is this model tha...…

December 03, 1920 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT rilEVETROn' tyAL /coacLE BUSINESS AND FINANCE JERUSALEM DRAINED. With the Philomathians A the efforts of the society are divided JERUSALENL—.1erusaiern's drain- between two causes, one-half of the JEWISH housekeeper for elderly roan age system, the first of its kind con- income being used for the mainte- and daughter age 14; Hungarian structed in Palestine, was started by nance of the Hebrew school and the preferred. Apply Mr...…

December 03, 1920 • Page Image 9

…Americam ,fewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO l l "For All Makes Alenute Lubricators of Cars. " Ph one Glenda le 7942 23 W. Hancock Ave. ALENUTE LUBRICATING CO. OF MICH, The Bible Class met Sunday morn- ing with Mr. Herman at the home of Mrs. 1. Oppenheim. 11 11111119 11 CASE "SIX 33 WEISMAN MOTOR SALES CO. 14.16 Davenport Avenue Glendale 2846 DIXIE FLYER ELCAR FRANKLIN Glendale 7976 JORDAN-COLE SALES C...…

December 03, 1920 • Page Image 10

…• PAGE TEN filcY)entorEinimiaimmtcLC flAX1 Rabbi Raphael Goldstein, formerly of Tacoma, has been elected rabbi at Sioux City, Iowa. • • • • On November 15 a drive for $100,000 for a new budding will be launched by the New Haven (Conn.) Y. M. H. A. • • • • Rabbi Morris Schussheim was formally installed last week as rabbi of the IPnai Israel congregation of Cleveland, Ohio. • • • • WARSAW.A delegation of Orthodox rabbis has gone to America...…

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