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December 03, 1920 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-12-03

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P wisk Pcriodieal Cotter

cLunxei AYENUC




Correct Footwear For
Girls of All Ages

footwear requirements of children and growing girls of every age are
answered In the models Illustrated here. For children a splen-
did type for school wear, also a suitable shoe fur "dress up" hours. For grow-



VERY serviceable, sturdy, yet good appearing shoe for
school, Is this model that comes In either tan or black calf,
with heavy welt soles. Either button or lace. In black calf
they are priced at -

$C cn Sizes
0.131.1 Pis t to 11

$ 6

ii% to 2
. 00 'es


In Tan Calf 50c Per Pair More.
A good sines shoe In a style similar to the above that
collies In Patent with 5lat Kid or Cloth Tops, $5.5U-

Brogue Boot
for Growing Girls

$ 102

Children's Dept.

Children's Dept.

Second Floor

Second Floor

Woodward at Adams Ave.

Mrs. Sol NI. Lehmann Ince Misr
leanette Schultz), of New York City
s the guest of her parents, air. an(.
Mrs. M. Schultz, of Virginia Park.
Mrs. Lehmann has come to attvi.d thy
wedding of her sister, Miss Evelyn
Schultz, to Mr. Harold N. Selling.
which will lake place Sunday, Decent-
bee 26, at Hotel Statler.

Following a challenge issued to all
the Boy Scouts of the city for a knot-
tying contest, Isadore Berger, 189?
Jos. Catnpau, member of Troop 72,
won the contest from three other
Scouts who had taken up the chat-
enge. The contest was held in the
Board of Commerce. Berger's time
was 32 seconds.

Mr. and Mrs. Saul Orman enter-
aims! 14 guests at a Thanksgiving
firmer party. The evening was spent
n cards.

Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Rapaport gave
t dinner party to 16 guests Sunday,
Nov. 28. The entertainment for the
evening was cards.

Miss Alma Buckner entertained 10
guests at a Thanksgiving dinner

The Jewish Ladies Aid Society will
hold their regular monthly meeting
\Vednesday, Dec. 1, at the I. 0. 0. B.
lob rooms.


For not only have they that purity and richness and volume of tone char-
acteristic of the high-grade pianoforte; and that grace and beauty of design
presented only in instruments of this type—

But they've a reputation for excellence.

The high esteem in which they are held by discriminating music-lovers-
the superior quality which each name is so generally known to stand for, can-
not but add still further to your pride in ownership no matter which one
graces your home.
Here you will find a grand only 4 feet, 10 inches long, yet a real Grand
in every particular—magnificent concert models—and all the various inter-
mediate sizes. Period styles on special order; also any special design, wood
or finish desired.
A visit will prove enjoyable—and of advantage.

A Grand Makes a Superb Christmas Home-Gift!

Grinnell Bros

Liberal allowance on other Instruments In part exchange.

Convenient Payments arranged.

Grand Pianos and Everything Else In the
Realm of Music, at All Our 26 Stores



A demonstration will be held short-
ly in New York City to ratify the
sail for a Jewish World Congress, to
la• held at the Hague, Netherlands,
Many 31, 1921. The mass meeting
will take place in one of the largest
halls to be had in New York, and will
be attended by the duly elected repre-
sentatives of various Jewish orgam-
rations who will be invited to ratify
the call, as formulated by the Execu-
bye Committee for a Jewish World
Congress, formed Sunday. Nov. 7th.
at the Hotel McAlpin Annex.

A number of the prominent Jew-
ish and women of Greater New
ork and from all over the country
attended the organization meeting

at which the following officers were
elected as members ofthe Administra-
tive Committee:
Abraham S. Schomer, chairman;
Judge Louis D. Gibbs, Reuben
Brainin, Meyer Greenberg, Miss Sadie
American, as first, second, third and
fourth vice-chairmen, respectively;
Harry Fischel, treasurer; Leo Wolf-
son, secretary; Judge Gustave Hart-
man, Judge Jacob Strahl, Rabbi Meyer
Berlin, Mrs. Alexander Kehut, Jacob
Ginsberg, Rev. Z. If. asliansky, Mr.
P. A. Siegelstein, Baruch Zuckerman,
Dr. A. J. Hilkowich, Dr. A. J. Rongy
and the Rev. Dr. Gustav A. Hausman.
Among the signers of the call are a
great many leading Jews throughout
the country whose number is increas-
ing daily Among the organizations
which have, so far, joined the move-
ment being the Canadian Jewish Con-
gress and the Ilizrachi Organization

of America. The latter, at its seventh
annual convention, which closed in
Baltimore Wednesday, Nov. 10th,
passed a resolution, unanimously en-
dorsing the movement for a World
Jewish Congress.
The Convention also resolved to
appoint a committee to co-operate
with the Executive Committee for a
Jewish World Congress in its work.
The resolution was drafted by Mr.
Ephraim Kaplan after an eloquent
address by Mr. Abraham S. Schomer,
in which he emphasized the urgent
need of convening the Congress as
soon as possible, owing to the po-
groms and other atrocities perpe-
trated upon the Jewish people, their
terrible economic suffering in the
countries of Eastern Europe, as well
as for the purpose of meeting the in-
sidious libels directed against the
Jewish people all over the world.

6 IV/


,4 Store Full of Useful, Beautiful,
Wearable Gifts for Christmas

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barnett gave
dinner party Thanksgiving day, en-
rertaaiing the following guests: Mrs.
B. Magdisohn and Mr. B. Roe, o r
Chicago; Miss Bess Rosenberg and
Mr. L. Epstein, of Detroit; Maurice
Roe, Harry Magdisohn, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Rosenberg and Mr. and Mrs
Samuel Nfagclisolm, of Flint; Mr. and
Mrs. J. Fink and Harry Fink, of

Mr. and airs. G. J. Rapaport and
family spent Thanksgiving day as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Rapa-
sort, of Lansing.

Miss Tessie Rabinowitz, of 190
Frederick, returned from Chicago
Sunday evening, where she spent a
week with her relatives.

Mrs. J. Kleinsmith, of Tuxedo ave-
nue. left for Montreal, where she was
called on account of the serious ill-
ness of her mother.

Mrs. Sigmund L. Brinn, of Colonial
Hall, 4R Stimson place. Tuesday after-
noon entertained the Winona Sewing
Circle. Mrs. Leon Van Vleet was the
visiting lady.

Mrs. Lewis H. Landsberg gave a
charming luncheon at the Dixieland
Inn in honor of Miss Eva Alkon,
whose engagement to Mr. Miles Fin-
sterwald was announced recently, and
also for Miss Lillian Locke, of Chi-
cago, who is a guest of Mrs. Ralph

Mrs. Ralph Levy entertained 20
couples at a luncheon party in honor
af Miss Lillian Locke, of Chicago,
who is visiting here.




Boudoir and Intimate Apparel for
Every Type of Femininity

Is her charm of the elusive type?
Is she frankly gay and blithe?
The subdued or the demure?


Miss Bessie Solinsky.

NIr. and Mrs. II. Solinsky announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Ilessic, to Edward F. Greenfield, son
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Greenfield, of this

Mrs. A. Danto, of 472 Pingree ave-
nue, announce the engagement of their
daughter, Dorothy Lucille, to Mr.
Henry G. Barsook, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Barsook. Reception, Sunday,
Dec, 12, front 3 to S and 8 to 11.

Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Sheresky, of 267
liendrie avenue, announce the engage-
ment of their niece, Miss Zelda Kopel,
to Mr. Sias Lasher.

Mr. Harry Lando, of 620 Brush
street, announces the engagement of
his son, Leo to Miss Rebecca Lhowc
of Iskw York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Israel Cohen an-
nounce the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Mirah Helen, to Harold Rosen-
field, son of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe
Rosenfield, at their home, 891 Second
boulevard, Sunday evening, Dec. S.



Here you will find her exquisitely interpreted
in dreams of
Chiffon, Crepes and Satin.
Pastel flowers, festoons and garlands.
Caps, Bodices, Chemises
Gowns, Pajamas, Robes d'Interieur.
Gifts for every whim and mood.

And for





France sends Gossamer Hose.
Exquisite Gloves for every possible occasion.
Paris inspires these lovely Foudres-
These indispensible witcheries—.
Rouge Powder and Lip Stick in fascinating
Vanity Bags, enchanting pastel flower Sachets
and scented Ribbon Clasps.


. , ••■■■10■II

The Largest and Finest Jra•etry Store on the East Ride


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conhaim an-
nounce the marriage of their daugh-
ter, Marguerite, to Mr. N. Cardozo.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Conhaim, of 36
Clairmount avenue, announce the
marriage of their daughter, Margue-
rite, to 51r. Hart N. Cardozo, on Mon-
day evening, Dec. 6. A reception to
friends will follow the ceremony.


Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Simon (Hannah
Weinberg), of 137 Farnsworth avenue,
are receiving congratulations on the
birth of a daughter, Alosetta Jamisse.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Perlman. of 113
Frederick street, are receiving con-
gratulations on the birth of a son,
Jack Victor, on Nov. 11.







Mrs. Rachel Bluturosen, for 35 years
a prominent resident of this city,
passed away on Saturday morning.
Nov. 23rd, at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Morris Friedberg, 92 Vir-
ginia .l'ark. Mrs. Montrose-1 was a
member of Shaarcy Zedek Congrega-
tion and all of the charitable organi-
zations of this city. She leaves three
daughters, Mrs. Fannie Tobias, of
Oklahoma City, Okla.; Mrs. Betty
Friedberg, and Mrs. Ethel Schiller, of
this city; also two sons, David, of
Chicago, Ill., and Albert, of this city.
After an illness which extended over
a long period, Mr. Edward Blumberg
passed away on Nlonday, Nov. 29th,
at the home of his daughter, Mrs
Martin Block. 287 Virginia Park. He
is survived by his wife, Dora, also two
daughters. Mrs. Will Jacobs and Mrs.
Martin Block.

Comparison of my Diamond Prices and
Assortments, with offerings in the "High-
Rent7 district will convince you that you
cannot afford to pass up "the saving to be
secured by coming a little out of your
way to this store.

This holds good whether your purchase is
to be a $50 Diamond Ring or a $5,000
piece of Diamond Jewelry.

Little Cash Needed—Your Credit is Good

Platinum Engagement Rings

Prices $250 to $2500

EHRLICH BUILDING, Adams and Hastings

Not in the "High-Rent" District

Mr. Benj. Sanger of 397 Tuxedo
died suddenly Thursday morning, at
9:40 In Receiving hospital.


Mr. and Mrs. Norman Buckner
spent Sunday in Detroit as the guests
of Nfr. and Mrs. Abe Weinstein, of
Philadelphia avenue.

Berlin.—Three anti-Semites, Engi-
neer Schwetzaeger, Dr. 'locoing-
Dearman and Fritz Ihlenfeld, were put
to trial because they have assaulted
The Temple Beth El Club is giving in the streets of this city, a number
a benefit party at the I. 0. 0. B. hall of people whom they took for Jews,
Sunday evening, Dec. 5. Dancing and giving them a sound beating.
cards will be the entertainment for
The court imposed a penalty of
the evening.
900 marks on each of the offenders
and declared that any repetition of
Miss Syne& Gittleman, who has been similar offenses would be very se-

attending Highland Manor, Tarry-
'own, N. Y., will return to Detroit
December 18th to spend the holidays
with her parents, r. and Mrs. Sol Olt-



Members of the Mehry Frauds chit
were entertained last Friday evening
at the home of Miss Hattie Apple-
baum, 182 Hendrie avenue. Nliss Eva
'Stark gave a number of musical se.
ections, accompanies! by Lester Cm
rer on the piano. Dave Malinoff din
.he card reading act.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Feldstein, of Com-
monwealth avenue, gave a dinner
party Sunday, Nov. 28, honoring Miss
Hattie Netzorg and tier fiance, Mr. I.

There's Especial Satisfaction in
Owning One of These Grand Pianos


Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs. of 52 Al-
fred street, entertained on 'Flianksgiv-
rig with a dinner party for chil.
Inert and grandchildren, covers having
been laid for IS. The out-of-town
guests included their suns, Charles L.
,sf Riverside Drive, New York City.
and Sidney. A., a senior in the law
school of the University of Michigan.

Mrs. Benjamin Netzorg will attend
theater party Wednesday, Dec. 1,
given by her daughter, Mrs. Harold
van Boalan.


18)-18. IN(

Ntiss Katherine Greenbaum, of 34;
Medbury avenue, left for Shreveport
La., where she will spend the winter

Same style in Oxfords, $9.00



11 ■ Nysi• SAMIRMItla

Nliss Marion Behrendt, daughter o
qrs. Yetta Behrendt, was married or
rhanksgiving night to Maxwell NI
ioodman, of 154 Farnsworth avenue
file ceremony was solemnized at the
mine of the bride, 304 Maplewood
rooms, with Rabbi Leo M. Franklin.
afficiating. Mr. and Sirs. Goodman
ire honeymooning in the east.

STYLE of shoe that has been unusually popular with the
L-1 younger folks this fall. (Can also be had in oxford model
to he worn with wool hose.) The Brogue Boot is a quality shoe
throughout. Comes In a desirable shade of tan boarded cult,
outside wing tip, military heels.



Mr. and Mrs. J. Berman left De
fruit to spend the winter in California

Serviceable School Shoes
For Misses and Children



All Society Item. and other local notes should be conntionis mad to In °Ake of he
Chronicle by I o'clock each Wednesday ahem WTI in order to appear in the current lb Cf
mote. Phone Glendale 11326. Society Editor. Mall notices so as to be teemed not to er
than Wednesday.

ing girls a stylish brogue, high boot or oxford.




verely punished.






Temple Beth El

After the Dance
Invite Her to Carhon'•


leman, of 2315 Second Blvd.

WARSAW.—Huge crowds of pros-
pective emigrants are again besieging
office of the American consul in
Mr. and Mrs. Ashur Muscovich left
this city seeking visas. While the sit-
3tinciay on an extensive Western trip,
uation wag expected to be relieved
expecting to remain In Los Angeles
such has not been the case. Polish
most of the winter. heir daughter, authorities have now announced the
Mrs. ullus Berman accompanied them issuance of foreign passports at seven
as far as Chicago.
i da: s' notice. It is still necessary, how-
1 ever, to obtain the special visa of the
Mr. Alvin D. Hersch has returned American immigration officials, which
is granted only in cases where the
from Chicago where he attended the prospective emigrant exhibits a steam-
Strauss-Freud wedding.
ship ticket or money equivalent.



now located at


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