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December 03, 1920 - Image 5

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-12-03

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America Amish Pedalled eeNter


mElicriton;Awisiiri ROA ICLC

The Two-Edged Sword


sewed. It is only regrettable that
Rabbi A. M. Hershman was inavoid-
ably prevented from ;mending. IIis
"The pulse of Cod is in their mouth, and • two-edged Sword M
credential, however. was transferred
their hands."
to Mr. Jacob Miller who answered
the call. Those who attended were:
(Continued from l'age One)
Delegates: Mr. I). \V. Simons, Mr.
A Story of Channukah—By Elma Ehrlich Levinger.
NI. If. Zackheim, Mr. Jacob Miller,
aria and trachoma and adopted reso•
i e bt. 020,
all I 1,111“
Mr. Leon Zolotkoff, director of the
'MMus to that effect.
Detro:t Zionist Bureau.
tell many tales of Judas, the corn'', of his terrible enemy; she was
Along the lines of uplmilding the
N t
he Detroit Hadassall organization
tccabee, that lion of God. 'natty frightened to think of Judas whom country agriculturally and industrially was represented by Mrs. NI. II. Zack.
t‘ I
stern - of his light-hearted daring, his she loved for his tenderness, no lout,- the convention urged the support of bruit, and Nits. R. Davidson, Miss
Pitt ty of heart and love for Israel. Cr her lover, but the heroic leader, the Palestine government loan which Fannie Wetsman, Miss Mary Weis-
But few know how he wooed and won terrible as a lion upon the hattleficid. is to be floated by Sir Herbert Samuel, man, bliss Jeanette Steinberg. Miss
limit Judas laughed and kissed her. High Commissioner of ('alestine, in Julia 11'ine, Miss Esther Iluelihalter.
the maid Helen, golden-haired captive
of Nicanor, only to lost. her in the "Fear not," he said, "fon perhaps I ant the near future, and discussed the
Besides there were a number of
over zealous and see a sword in every financing of plans for the development visitors from Detroit among whom
• Iv early days of the struggle hand—although my former enemies of water-power, draining of swamp were recognized. Miss Mary Kaplan,
tyrant Over Israel, (der me gifts and friendship. Let us land, and irrigation. Other problem, Mrs. D. VV, SallonS, Miss Sylvia Si-
..61accabrus met his Syrian grit- wait but a month longer—or at most discus,ed were: the reorganization of mons, bliss Annarose Hersh, Mr.
e• era?
ra f Apollonius hi battle. The Lord Ga.°. Then if there seems to Inc a last- the Jewish Colonial Trust and the in- Louis Duscoff, ble. 1). Robinson. NI r.
R. Schomberger and .many others.
was on his side and though his. troops ing peace for Judea, I shall bring you crease of its capital stock; Ii
of land mortgage banks, the
were new in warfare. Judas won a to my house as my bride and the pain
great Warmth; the heathens were of our long parting vs-ill be wiped building up of basic industries; Cie PREFER COMPANIES
either .lain in battle or saved their away in our love." l'hus spoke the building of houses. and the cooper • EMPLOYING JEWS.
[(VITA 1,0.—The Zionist .organi-
lives in flight, for they were sorely lion of Israel, never dreaming how ative producing and consuming ent.1 . -
zation of America approved an ex-
afraid seeing that Appollonius, their soon Ile Naas to learn that for him prises.
tensive program for the industrial,
Emphasize Economy
captain, had fallen. But the men of there could never Int peace Inc fulfill-
Economy ;old retrenchment ill all financial and agricultural develop-
Judas were filled with new courage !tient Until he slept with his fathers,
activities not directly bearing on Cie moil of the new homeland for Jews
Olson that day; they rejoiced in their his battles over at last.
in Palestine. The program was out-
own strength and the strength of their
For even at that moment, Alcimus, material upbuiltling of l'alestine was
lined in eight proposals submitted to
captain Judas; and Judas took from that false tiniest in Israel. want pouring the central idea of the convention and
the convention of the organization
the dead band of Appollonitis his lying tales into the king's cars, saying manifested itself in a variety of ways.
by the Executive Committee, and it
great two-edged sword in token of his that Nicanor was playing the part of Acting on the assumption that the
was approved with only one impor.
victory. This was the sword that a traitor to his master, that he scent- time for theoretical propaganda is
ant amendment.
Judas the Maccahee ever afterward , ly aided Judas in his rebellious plans over, and that all efforts must I
The amendment, which Was adopted
on such work in Palestine
carried as long as lie dint battle for and hoped to place him mutti the
after a long debate, provides that of-
Israel, and it was this sword he still throne in the king's steno!. .All this as vt'ould make life possible for ever ficial endorsement shall be given pre-
held when in the last days he fell did Alcinms treacherously tell De- increasing numbers of Jews in the ferably to companies that agree to
fighting umm the battlefield.
metrius the king, ;Intl Detnetriu; lis- land, the convention stripped the ad- incorporate in their charters provi-
Now this victory over Appollonins tened willingly, right glatl to hear evil ministration to the very bone of all sions that shall favor the employment
was but the first of many which Juda• reports of the hand Judean:. So ht• the instrninents by which such propa- of Jewish workmen and "shall seek
the Hammer won oven the enemies of sent urgent biter, to Ili. governor, ganda was carried on. It abolished the avoidance of class conflict by giv-
Israel. Although at first his men were Nicanor, accusing him because of his the speakers Intireani and re•olved to ing the employers a voice in the man-
untried for battle, hungry and ragged, friendship for Judas, hitItlit," him at stumend the publication of the weekly, agement of the corporation.'
some without helmets and others with- mace send Judas the Maccabee in "I)a, l'idishe Folk" and the monthly
'file delegates favoring the amend-
out spears, still he triumphed over chain, to the royal court at Antioch. "Nlahlabattn," leaving only the "Young ment were led by Dr. Horace M.
the trained warriors Antiochus sent
Melvin heard of the Mattel', for she Judean," because it can carry itself, Kano) of New' York and Judge ham
against him. For the I-ord was on was treated as a daughter of the house and the Hebrew "Hatorell," ii lincim the of Chicago.
'It may take no longer to achieve
his side and he was a mighty man of of Nicanor, and she learned also Imw COIIVelli1011 reCOWIi7ell 111lIsh hecar-
valor. Moreover, the enemy fought the great captain shrank from 1),n:ty- ried on in spite of a not inconsider- our end in l'alestine,' said Judge
in a strange land, but to Judas, bred ing his friend, yet dared not face die able deficit, as a tribute to Helm - cat Pam, "but let us tell the world now,
that where the Jew goes, there will
in the lulls about Moffitt, the moun- anger of iris king. And when the ttentnnent.
be a commonwealth founded on jus-
tains of his home land were as well- pleaded with Nicanor, begging hint I. ,
The application of the saine print-
;mil equality to all."
known to him as the features of his defend Judas, he would promise her civic of economy and retrenchment in
The first vote on the amendment
beloved. And since he fought also to nothing; M. only threatened her should favor of the material npbuilding in
a tic, but on a second count it
avenge her, Helen, whom the Syrians she betray what she hall learned to Palestine was given a ',rattle:II illus-
tration which caused a little diversion ts.as carried, 117 to 99.
held captive, he fought with the her lover.
other proposals endorsed by
strength of King David in the olden
when a cable received from Palestine
The two met for the last time in and signed by David Yellin, Dr. B. the convention provide for the im-
mediate solicitation of funds for in-
the gardens of Nicanor and lielen
As a boy in Modin, Judas had loved boken down uttely and wept when she klossenson and others, was read to vestment in the development of
his cousin Miriam, a bright-haired lit- told Judas of the king's decree. "I am the convention. The cable complained water power, irrigation aml drainage,
tle maid who laughed at his clumsy betraying Nicanor who has always that the school administratIon of the establishment of land mortgage
Palestine was notified to reduce the
wooing but loved him none the less. been a father to me," she said, 'hut
banks and house-building and co-op-
school budget by One-half. The school
And he had dreamed even then of cannot see you come to harm.
COille system in Palestine is maintained erative producing and consuming en-
wedding her and taking her to hi,
no more to this place and ma longer chieffy by the Zionist Organization terprises.
• • •
father's house as his wife. But that
seek Nicanor in friendship. For after The committee which ordered the a-
was in the days before Antioch'', be-
a bitter struggle he has determined to
duction in the school budget consists FOR GOVERNMENT LOAN.
gan to nobble all Israel and a true send you a prisoner to the king."
of N. Detietne of Holland, Jule.
An appeal for the co-operation of
inail dared have no wife but the sword.
Juda's face grew white in the
Simon of Ili:many and Itobert Szold all Jews in America toward realizing
Among those whom (he Syrians
moonlight a, he listened. "I do not.
of America, who ta.ere recenoly sent the hope of converting Palestine into
took captive when they swept over
believe you," he said harshly. "Xi-
the land like an army of devouring canor is my true friend and you seek to Palestine by the Zionist Organiza- a true "Jewish homeland" was made
tion with plenary powers to reorgan- by Julian 11', Mack, President of the
locusts were the wife and daughters
to breed hatred between us. I would
Zionist Organization of America.
ize the Palestinc Commission.
of Judas's uncle. In the fastness of
have been as likely to give over toy
blr. Mack declared that the hole for
Cable Pleads for Schools
the hills about Modin lit. often
father's N hits- head to the guards tif
theoretical propaganda in favor of
thought of her, bright-haired hliriam,
It apnrars
By automobile, via
By street car, vla Woodward Avenue
Antioch's a,. Nicanor to betray me to
teachers in the Palestine graded the principles of Zionism had ended
a captive in the hands of the enemy.
Avenue, east on Warren Avenue to
and Crosstown cars, east to Riopelle
the king. I do not believe 3.ou."
schools and that the educational side with the creation of a free Jewish
So that when he fought, Judas waged
Riopelle Street.
then walk two blocks north.
She shrank a little, but continued to
of Palestine life was growing, or at State in the Holy Land under the
war not alone for the glory of God
plead with him. 'I ran give you
least held intact even through the dark guarantee of a British mandate—that
and the freedom of Israel, lint also in
proofs," she urged. "Go from this
years of the war when t very thing else it was a definite and concrete prob-
her name, seeking to rescue her or
place while there is still time. And,
Tilt. was lem now, the upbuilding of the Jew-
seemed to disintegrate.
at least to avenge her death.
nnom mullmmstssussu ltun ilU0 00 00000 000 0CCO OO COOCO M OM mamma IMiiirinnilitnia
mu on
ish homeland.
if you have ever loved me, lake Inc
There is no need to tell of the with you, for my life in not safe should made possibly by the generous •Int•
"For decades to come (his will re-
Mareabee's battles, for are they not Nicanor learn I have betrayed him.
quire the united effort of the whole
written in the books which bear his Not that I care to live should I be and he the devotion and self-sacrifice Jewish people," he said.
of the teachers. After the armistice
Milne, nor of the death of Antiochus forced to part from you again," and
Must Lay Aside Differences,
the Madman, passing away amid tor- she clung to hitn, kissing his robes the condition of the teachers and the
Mr. Mack laid stress upon the ne-
cessity of all Jew's laying aside their
tures more horrible than those he tie' and hands as a suppliant might and entire school system (..reatly
proVent. A neduCtion in the budget differences of opinion regarding
sited for Israel's martyrs. But no man humbling het self before him.
naturally affects the entire teaching methods of undertaking the task of
has set down the tale of his meeting
But Judas sprang to his feet, thrust-
cable re- reconstruction.The American or-
with Miriam, the golden-haired Jew- ing her aside. "I will seek Nicanor," staff of Palestine ;Ind the
ketl the onnvention to in- ganization, he said
, had much to con-
ish maiden whom the Greks called he said quietly. "and learn the truth ferred to a ,
&crowd tribute to the cause in thought, in
Metric and how he lost her in the end. front his own lips."
to do, first. because economy requircd men and in material assistance.
It was in the household of Nicanor
She barred his path. ''I will not let the retrenchment, and sec•ttol, becanse
"In return," he added, "it claims no
that Judas tint her the day he came
you go. Ile waits for you now—and
, tliction over special rights or special privileges, ex-
to make a treaty of peace with the there are others with him. 'f here is the convention has no juri
only the privilege of doing more
a committee which was son Cc:, for
new governor over Judea. They say
a plot to overcome ■ oni awl send you such purpose by the world Zionist Or- than can reasonably be asked of it.
that Demetrius, the king, had sent
itt Chains to the king"
Effort, however, does not
Nicanor to Jerusalem to overCOMC
"I do not believe you," he said
Pursuing its policy of economy in mean that each part of the work must.
Judas the Maccabee by force of arms:
again, in the same gold, hard tones.
jointly by all the forces. The
hut that Nicanor, seeing him, loved "I alit seeking Nicanor now . " and he e .ery direction the convention
organization in different lands may
decided that the admini , tra-
him as his own brother and prayed
fitted for distinctive
GIFT front Netting's not only speaks Its own
sought to
110I1 shall hereafter manage to gel
that there should Inc peace between
quallty—lt speaks for YOU — your good taste--
tasks. The Jewry in different coun-
Ili, robe and detained 111111.
along On the shekelononey ($1.00 per
them. And, although at first Judas
your affection. And every one is a gift that
"Have I ever lied to you before?"
member). directing every dollar com-
feared the heathen general's craft, he
In loving possession with the yeara.
"No—but you acted a lie all the ing from any other source toward the
soy gave him his heart, glad to have
ing capacities.
%s hell yoll pretended to he a mn1nimmnmlliimmttnf Palestine. As a direct
peace for the land was weary of war-
"To accomplish the most, each must
re,ult of this resolution there must he used ill that sphere of work to
A unectiriti
ouons,es$4.$711 0utip
Gas Logs, $10.50 up
"I did it to save myself."
follow a ,weeping reduction ill the which it is best suited and to which
So Judas came often to the houst:
Coal Hods, $9 up
"Old Elea7an and the little children staff of every department of the or- it can render the greatest service.
of Nicanor at Jerusalem, not only be-
Wicker Baskets, $8.50 up
of Hannah did not think to save ganization and many a department This is not separation but individual-
cause the goveinor was his friend, but
themselves," he answered harshly. will have to he entireit,. abolished.
Flee Screens, $6.50 up
ization of effort; it is distinctiveness
to see hliriant whom the Greeks called
"How do I know but that even now
D, W. Simcns Represents Michigan
in contribution which is not only
Helen. For at the beginning of the
you are using ine
sanctioned but stimulated by the
war when the victorious armies of
to set ine against Nicanor for sante reorganization which almost revolu- world organization. For some spe-
Antiochus had swept the land, the
purpose of your own? But there will tionizes the administration. "[here cialized contributions to our objec-
soldiers of the king had carried away
never be enmity between on for he is will be only two principal depart- tives will quicken the life of the world
many women and children into cap-
my heart's brother. Nothing that you ments. for organization and Palestine organization and solidify the union
tivity. Miriam and her sisters had
can say or do will persuade me that respectively. The executive secretaries of federations which make the world
listen taken into the household of
for these departments will be appoint- organization."
there is treachery in hi, heart." .
Nicanor, where they found their lot
Alludes to Boundaries.
ed by the Executive Committee and
The ttontatt who bad once been
pleasant serving his wife, a gentle
Mr. black expressed the hope that
not as heretofore elected by the con-
mistress, disposed to deal kindly with hliriam stood before him very lair vention. 'Hie Executive Committee European countries. through negotia-
the Jewish captives. Miriam's rare and while, the moonlight falling noon will cousist of 45 members, 15 of tions now pending. would "complete
beauty had won her many privileges her golden hair and honey-colored whom were elected by the convention that long-ileferred act of justice to the
Library Lamps
and when under the gentle compulsion robes. Her face contracted with pain and 30 are to be elected by the Zionist J e wish people by giving l'alestine
Boudoir Lamps
of those she served, she adopted the at his words; then she grew- suddenly Organizations of the country in ac- those essential boundaries that will
Desk Lamps
Grecian dress and customs and
cordance with a territorial committee. enable it to utilize the waters of the
Table Lamps
changed lier name to Helen, she was
- You mill know 1 am not lying when The Zionist organizations of Mich- Litani the Jordan and the l'armuk,
Floor Lamps
treated less as a servant than a (laugh- I prove Illat I am no longer afraid," igan will be represented on the Na- and the fields of Jaulan and Hauran,
stationary and
and ter the mandate such terms as
ter of the household. And her deser- she answered him clearly. "When I tional Executive Committee by Mr.
tion of the ways of her fatherstruin- was a coward before, I clung to life LN'. Simons who was elected by the will attract the Jewish people."
Lamp Shades
He apnealed for support for Sir
'bled her but little, for in those days in the hope that I might look upon
of Silk or
lierbert Samuel, first lligh Commis-
many fell away from the faith :old it your face again. But now I will not
Considerable interest was evoked at sioner under the British mandate,
was a haul thing to remain a Judean.
the convention by a letter addressed who recently called for aid in raising
But when Helen met Judas after I eying forward she seized time hilt of to the organization by Rabbi Leo M.
Candlestick Shades
heir long separation she hated her- the great two-edged sword of Apol- Franklin of Detroit, as president of a l'alestinian Governmental loan of
and Shields
£3,000,000 to lie nsed for railway inl-
self for her disloyalty to her people lonius and drew it from its sheath. the central Conference of American
provernents, telephone and telegraph
SIO to $300
and vowed that should she be tested Judea gave a cry of horror, but Ile
Rabbis. It appears that the Zionist lines, the development of a road sys-
again she would show herself true- was too late. She fell at his feet, her organization.
acting on the assumption tem and the erection of Government
hearted and loyal even as Judas and life blood staining the honey-colored that the time for theorizing is over, buildings.
robes a deep crimson. her face quiver-
his breathren had been.
and that the upbuilding of l'alestine
Message from Lodge.
"It was so easy to follow the ways ing in the agony of death
Mr. Mack read the following tele-
as a home for a homeless people
of the Greeks," she told Midas one
Judas threw himself beside her, should be the work of all Jews, and ', ram received from Senator Henry
',ening as they sat together in the seeking to staunch her wound, crying not . of . one party only, addressed an Cabot Lodge:
"Our Lights Shine Everywhere",
gardens about Nicanor's house at upon her to forgive hint ere she died. myttatton to the Central Conference
"I most cordially aporoved the Bal.
lerusalem. "My brethren have always But she did not answer. At last he of American Rabbis to send a dele- four Declaration at the time it was
loved the ways of the Grecians in rose to his feet, his face very ol d and
e to the convention The renter of made, I still am in entire sympathy
their hearts, and when these people tired. Should he seek Nicanor now gat
Rabbi branklin was sent in response with it. and T trust that, now that the
were kind to me—" She clung to hint and ask him the cause of her sudden to that invitation. The lettei reaffirm- •;nte for action has arrived, it may be
with sudden passion. "Nly Judas, madness? Or for one evening at el the well-known attitude of the carrietl out fully and effectively.
"In common with others we thank
"With every wish for the success of
when will you take nit assay front this least might he cease to Inc the war- Conference of . Arnerican Rabbis in re'
God Who granted us sustenance, Who
house? I cannot be a Jewess in the rior and mourn the love of his youth? lemon
gave its life, Who taught 135 law. Who
to Ztonism as expressed by a your convention, believe me. very
motor of Nicanor. But when we dwell
Even as he hesitated he saw several resolution recently adopted by . that truly yours,
WARSAW—Deputy rieshel Farb-
makes the Covenant of our books
armored men passing through the body. , namely. opposition to political
and statutes and nations and \Vho stein had a conference with the Mits.
(Continued from Page One)
brought us to this great and blessed ister of the Interior concerning the
"I dare not take a wife in these un- outer court and into the house of Ni- Zromsni.. and suggested that with the
by that Madness. That is what made land.
"alien" Jews who have been ordered
certain times," he told her, finding it canoe. They wore the livery of the elimination of the objectionable lea-
to leave the country. After a long
hard to speak so calmly for he loved king' ,
tures a modus vivendi may be found
conversation, the following has been
her exceedingly and longed to listen the threshold one drew out a scroll, for the participation of reformed dren's clothing outfits were distribut- matters of conscience but they who RELIEF WORKERS CONFER.
ed by the Joint Distribution Commit- went to the stake for conscience sake
to her pleading. "Now there seems ttt Judas strained his ears to listen.
Jewry 'in t he practical work in Pales- tee among the children outside of —that small band of Pilgrim Fathers
(I) Jews. who can prove that they
eteen Syria
he good will and trust bw
"Is your prisoner ready?" . asked the u .•,
VIENNA—A number of represen-
le. '
Warsaw. A long conference Was who seceded from the Church of Eng-
lived in Warsaw maay
and Judea; Nicanor is my friend and
The convention listened attentively held between Dr. Bogen and the Po- land and took up their lives across tatives of the Joint Distribution Com-
years will not be molested. •
I trust hint as a man trusts his broth- envoy front Demetrius the long.
If Judas't heart broke at his friend's to the reading of the letter but took lish Minister of the Interior concern- the ocean. There, guided by the re- mittee who direct relief work in dif-
case will be
cr. Yet there are too many Judeans
treachery he gave no sign. He on y no action on it.
ing the work of the Joint Distribu- ligious genius of John Robinson they ferent parts of Europe and other turned over to a special committee
among us who are restless and on-
Dissention Rumors.
tion Committee. the Minister utilizing led their lives according to their con- countries, are in conference in this for investigation. The committee is
bent to kiss the bright hair of the
To satisfy their lust for woman who had once been his play-
city. The conference which is held to
The convention also dissipated the the occasion to state his praise of science.
consist of a representative of the
power they may seek to sow . dissen- mate among the spring•flushed hills rumors that certain fatal differences the work of the Joint Distribution
"The things that unite us are not under closed doors, has for its main Jewish Kehillah its Warsaw, David-
sion between the court and its who of Modin. Then. with the two-edged had arisen at the London Conference Committee.
merely that we are all citizens of purpose the apportionment of funds son, a representative of the Rossi..
seek to be faithful subjects of the king sword of his dead enemy in his hand. last July between the American dele-
this land, but what unites its still for various centers and determining Committee in Warsaw and a repre-
SO long an he allows us to worship he crept softly out of the moonlit gar- gation and the European leaders of
more is that while we are all fol- the manner in which these funds are sentative of the Polish government.
Leon Berenson in Warsaw.
the God of our fathers in peace and dens to fight anew the battle of his the movement. The statement of
lowers of different religions, we all to be disbursed. Among others at-
WARSAW—Leon Berenson. the have religion in common and though tending the conference are Dr. Boris
safety. And should (hese trouble- people and avenge the death of the Justice Brandeis to the American
makers by any chance again force our golden-haired maid whom the Greeks delegation in London was read to Jewish secretary to the l'olish Em- Church and State are separated in Bogen, the director for Poland; Dr.
LAMBERG—The local police dis-
this convention and not a word of dis- bassy in Washington, has returned to America, we may speak of the re- De Sola l'ool, the director for Pales-
necks under the yoke, we who would
called Helen.
tine; Dr. Bernard Kohn, Berlin; Alex- covered a factory for the printing of
agreement or contention was dis- Warsaw. Ile declared to represen- ligion of America.
keep the faith most be ready to de-
- -
covered. Nor was there anything in tatives of the press who have come to
"Do not inject sectarian religion ander Landesco, Rottmania; Dr. counterfeit American dollar bills. Mil-
fend our rights even with our lives."
WARSAW—Hillel Zeitlin writes in the statement to which the European interview him that he had nothing to into the government. but government Peiser, the head of the Children's Re- bona of such dollars are circulated
He dropped her hand and his brown
political circles are under without religion cannot exist and so- lief Department; Captain Grey, the around the city. They are printed
fulgers tightened about his sword-hilt. "Der Moment" that 33,000 Ukrainian leaders could take exception. The say. Local
Helen's eyes glanced along the richly emigrants are now in Kishinev. They absence of any foundation for such the impression that he had been sent ciety without religion cannot exist. committee's purchasing agent in very badly and Americans can easily
the envoy to
The thing that emancipates us Europe, and Lieutenant Baker, one of detect their spurious character, but
ornamented sheath and she shuddered
a little. For she knew that it wet the wants to assist them in obtaining excellent report by Judge Julian W. Washington, to take part in the cur- are the manifestations of pie religious the general directors. Chief Rabbi many innocent local sufferers may
and in these manifeslationit we Lotw is attending the conference as lose large sums of money in 'the be-
llyo-edged sword of Apollonian he car. passports, buying a
Detro.t Zionists were well repre- leaders and Jews.
stand as one. a guest, lief that the bills are genuine.
ned, the sword he had taken from the etc. Their condition is desperate


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