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April 08, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Enroll as a Worker and Give Liberally to the Allied THE JEWISH NEWS A 'Weekly Review Jewish Campaign VOLUME 15—NO. 4 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 of Jewish Events Detroit 26, Michigan, April 8, 1949 34 06iY, 22 A Happy Passover to the Entire Jewish Community $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c "The Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigor. And they made their lives bitter with hard service ... in all manne...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 1

…CLIFTON AMU* - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Israel Cuts,Syria Talks C HRONICL 4> . -1:46 J'auriA h., D Eliza Vol. 51, No. 11 — ‘44::i;-..±, 27 Friday, April 8, 1949 10c a Copy — Challenges Legality of Colonel's Regime (Special to the Jewish Chronicle) TEL AVIV—Israeli officials refused to open negotiations for an armistice with Syria because Syrian delegates did not represent a "legally constituted government." The talks were to start near ...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 2

…2 Israel Receives Additional $5,000,000 From U. S. for Telecommunications WASHINGTON, (JTA) — A credit of $5,000,000 earmarked for the purchase in the United States of telecommunications equipment for Israel has been extended to the Israeli Government by the Export-Import Bank. This sum brings to $51,000,000. the amount already advanced on the Bank's . $100,000,000 loan. The equipment will be used to establish r a di o-telephone and radio-te...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 2

…Pugs Two, . DETROIT JEWISH. CHRONICLE: Crisis at Yeshivah; Rabbis Rally Support Recognizing a crisis at the Yeshivah, the Council of Ortho- dox Rabbis has declared the first day of Passover, April 14, as "Beth Yehudah Day" in all Syn- agogues in Detroit. Its purpose, according to the president, Rabbi Joseph Thumin, is to call to the attention of Detroit Jewry the desperate burden of debt which threatens the existence of the Yeshivah and to ...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Sharett to Open Allied Campaign April 24 Already humming with activity in behalf of % the 1949 Allied Jewish Campaign, for a goal of $6,395,000, numerous important events are plan- ned to , spur Detroit Jewry's efforts for Israel and the DP rehabilitation funds in this great period ,in Jewish history. Sunday, April 24, has been set as the opening date for the campaign. That night, Moshe Sharett (Shertok) , Israel's Foreign Minister, will be t...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Friday, April 8, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Three STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Plan to Return Coughlin to Air Raises ueries By PHINEAS J. BIRON L ET US SUPPOSE that the attempts, now being made, to get Fr. Coughlin back on the air are successful. Let us further suppose that the FCC (governmental agency controlling radio communica- tion) decrees that Fr. Coughlin should be barred from the radio because his talks are harmful to interracia...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 4

…41111111111111111111111N1111111111111111111111111111NNIONOW -- 4111111111115, - The Door Is Open, My Children As the Editor Views the News . Our Freedom Festival At sundown on Wednesday we shall usher in the happiest Festival of Freedom since the Exodus from Egypt. Passover means much more to us this year than at any time in our history. Israel Is redeemed and the Jewish State is a reality. The displaced persons camps are being emptied an...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 4

…American Palish Periodical 6 Page Four DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Detroit Jewish Chronicle The Cancer Bores Deep Published by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inn. 2827 Barium Tower, Detroit 26, Michigan WOodward 1-1040 SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Slagle Copies, 10c; Foreign, $3.00 Pet Year Batersd as Second-claw matter Marcb 3. 1916, at the Pew Office at Detroit. Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1279 SEYMOUR TILCHIN, President GEORG...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH NEWS-5 Friday, April 8, 1949 Turkey: No. 50 Switzerland: 51 TEL AVIV, (Palcor) — Turkey became. the first Moslem country of the Near East to extend. de facto recognition to the Jewish Republic of Israel. The Foreign Ministry announced also that Switzerland, which has already recognized . Israel de facto, has granted de jure recognition to the Jewish State. Truman Receives Diemocracy Award President Harry S. Truman re- ceived th...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 5

…al Center CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Friday, *wit Sr DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE See 14,000 oil 'The Day' Her First Passover Page Five Rosenwald Unit Visits Lapeer The Julius Rosenwald Auxil• iary held its regular Passover party at the Lapeer State hos- pital March 27. Rabbi Herman Rosenwasser prepared the pro- gram. Food, and gifts were dis- tributed to each patient. Under the leadership of Mrs. William B. Isenberg, chairman ...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 6

…,•41.0r. fr `Caravan of Hope' Begins Tour To Mobilize U. S. Jewry for UJA 6—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 8, 1949 AJC Mobilizes in Protest to Senate Women Prepare for 'The Day'; Plan Reaching 14,000 Prospects Under the leadership • of Mrs. in Israel for one month for some William B. Isgnberg, chairman of child. who has never known se- general solicitation, Women's Di- curity. It also means two weeks vision workers will be "ringing of n...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Page Six DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Heads Show Haifa to Study Constitution A symposium on "The Israeli Constitution," conducted along the lines of "Town Hall of the Air" will be featured at the meet- ing of Haifa Chapter, ZOD, Mon- day evening. Guest experts for the evening will include Rabbi Sidney Aksel- rad of Temple Beth El who will discuss the religious aspects and implications of the newly adopted constitution, Dr. Joseph. Eaton, pIole...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Ben-Gurion Gets Confidence Vote on Transjordan Peace Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News gay- TEL AVIV.—The Israeli : ernment came under fire from both the left and the right for its armistice with Transjordan, but won a vote of confidence in Ktiesseth. Prime Minister David Ben--Gurion's opponents • charged that the armistice was tanta- mount to incorporation of the Jenin-Tulkarm-Nablus bulge in the "Hashimite Jordan Kingdom" of Abdu...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Erid•v. April 1149 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Brith Highlights Page Seven HAL Blood Domws Abramowitz. Exhibits Prints, Oils, at Center An exhibit of block prints and small oils by Albert Abramowitz will be presented under the aus- pices of Detroit Bnai Brith April 7 through April 10 at the Center. Abramowitz has exhibited in the Salon d'Autoinne in Paris and in most major European and American cities and is represent- ed in the print coll...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Congregational News Second Passover Day Designated by Rabbis For Yeshivah Appeals Beth Aaron Units To Hear Talks on Use Koch Release Temple Israel Lists Passover Observance; Women Lead Service JEWISH NEWS Curtis Elected as '8 THE Friday, April 8,"1949 BnaiMosheilead SZ Adult Classes Theo. M. Curtis was elected To End Tuesday president of Cong. Bnai Moshe — at the annual meeting held April 3. He will succeed Sam Freed- man. Harry J. Gunsb...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Page Eight DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE in the Realm To Reside in Cleveland Friday, April 8, 1!119 Zocal Society Perin-Resnick Nuptials Held at Lee Plaza T ) Wed Canadian Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perin of Burlingame avenue announce the marriage of their daughter Mir- iam to Harry Resnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Resnick of Tyler avenue. The ceremony took place April 3 at the Lee Plaza hotel in the presence of the immediate family and was foll...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 9

…Young Israel Groups Finish Plans For Meetings, Dinners, Programs Charles T. Gellman, general j ehairman of the 26th anniversary , function of Young Israel, an- nounced that this year's dinner . would be held ' Sunday, May 29, at the Mayfair. The dinner was originally scheduled at the Northwest He- brew Congregation May 22. Gellman urged the entire or- ganization to assist Morris X. Berris, dinner chairman, and Sam S. Novet- sky, journal chair...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 9

…Friday, April 8, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Speaks Marriage Vows Edith Fivenson Wed to Sheldon Henry Page Nine Bride of Saul Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fivenson of Cadillac, Mich. announce the mar- riage of their daughter Edith Ruth to Sheldon William Henry, son of Mrs. Henry Weinstein of Racine, Wis., and the late Mr. Weinstein. The nuptials were per- formed at Ann Arbor, March 12. The couple will make their home in Ann Arbor where ...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 10

…- 1" 10 — THE JEWISH NEWS LIVES OF OUR TIMES Friday, April 8, 1949 ' .1 •.,- Jewish Health Institution _ s Liquidated in Romania BUCHAREST, (JTA)—All in- stitutions maintained in Romania by the OSE, Jewish health so- ciety, -were„ taken over by the Federation of Jewish Communi- ties under the decision announced earlier this week by the govern- ment to dissolve all foreign Jew- ish relief organizations operating in the country. a S i?...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 10

…IMMI•• ••• Friday, April 8, 1949 DET1:01T,JEW1SHCHRONIC.L,E ,pitge :fru Dr. H. Saul Sugar of ,La Salle boulevard spent several days in Baltimore where he attended sessions t at Johns. Hopkins Uni- Pkuis Fall Nuptials en gagemenb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hyman of Hartwell avenue announce the engagement of their daughter Shirley to Jack Gold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Gold of Sturtevant avenue. Miss Hyman attended .the University of Michigan and ...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 11

…The Young Adult Community Archbishop of York Asks Israel to Accept Returned Arab Refugees Juniors Report $30,000 Contributed As Concentrated Drive Progresses LONDON, (JTA)—The Arich- bishop of York appealed to the United Nations and the state of Israel not to keep the Palestine Arab refugees out of Palestine permanently. His appeal was voiced during a debate in the House of Lords on the Palestine refugee situation. He asserted that it would...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 11

…•••••••••••••.- Page Eleven DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE . Friday, April 8, 1949 Hall on Wood street at West Out- Barden, for Bnai Brith, Willis Harvey for the Masons and Fred er Drive in Melvindale. The dinner is sponsored by the J. Potvin for the Knights of Co- Detroit Round Table of, Cath- lumbus. olics, Jews and Protestants, Archie H. Cohen of Chicago, past president of District Grand Lodge No. 6 of Bnai Brith, will be one of the three mai...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Model Sedorim Feature Passover Observance in All Hebrew Schools Between now and Pas s over, Cohen • Building, Here, too, the much time is devoted in the Seder will be conducted by the United Hebrew Schools to the children, and will be assisted study of the holiday, its history, and supervised by the members the manner-- in which it is cele- of the staff and the PTO. .Mrs. H. Gerenraich is presi- brated, the customs and cere- monies practiced ...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 12

…PHIL ROTHSCHILD A SPRIG SONG: ABOUT ... The Ben Yomens are 'Suitt MO' is ICIi1tlen in Winter it igoin ottt: Which M.•US. in aria igsperience, / shall catch a cold. no doubt!" April showers may make the way lot May flowers . . . but, Spring is still the most treach- erous time of the year . . . It's that dreary period of unpredict- able weather. How can romance be helped by sniffling, leaky noses, moist eyes and harsh voices? • . • / Woo...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 13

…THE JEWISH NEWS-13 Life Begins at 84 By MARC RUTNER (Copyright, 1949, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) * The son and daughter-in-law of Meichel Pressman, aged 84, noticed the little designs he doodled on paper. They felt that it would be wise to encourage him in this interest as a form of creative hobby. So they /present- ed him with crayons and drawing paper. They hoped that the depres- sion that had blanketed the old man's days following...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 13

…Page Thirteen DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Friday, April 8, 349 1,1 Piano Recital Beth El Plans Model Seders Habomm Seder Set for April 1( ny Holzer, Geraldine Yagoda, Leonard Bachman, and Fannie Findling. . . . Some who danced to Dick Stein's band and watched Ilabonim's fifth annua, Third the show were Norm Klcigman, Seder will be presented Saturday Zeidman, Shirley Elkowitz, Ed By HELEN TENNENBAI7M Model Passover Seders will be night, Apri...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 14

…Temchin Gift Relieves Deficit of Yeshivah's Schools for Entire Day Max W. Temchin will support the entire activities of the Beth Yehudah Schools for one day thrOugh a gift of $412. This rep- resents the entire operating def- icit for everything the school does for one day. Temchin is vice president of the schools, and MAX W. TEMCHIN as a boy, was a student of the Yeshivah then located on Farns- worth. Temchin attended Rabbi Isaac Elclaanan ...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 14

…Friday, April 8, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Fourtees Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results Classified Ads Accepted up to 10 A.M.`• Wednesday Rates: 6c Per Word. Minimum Charge $1,00, Payable in Advance of Publication WO 1 -1040 2827 BARLUM TOWER APTS. & FLATS WANTED 3 ADULTS desire 5-room, downstairs flat ur income. NW section. Good references. TO. 6 - 8611. CARPENTRY PERSONAL YOUNG JEWISH girl, desires to get acquainted with Jewis...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 15

…e Bnai Brith Youth Marks 25th Year ngagemento THE JEWISH NEWS-15 Friday, April 8, 1949 Beth Aaron Parents Discuss Passover New Professional Posts For Mrs. Grahm's 2 Sons Two sons of Mrs. W itliam and Mrs. Jack Hyman of .Marian Freedman Weds The Beth Aaron Sunday School Grahm of Washburn Ave. are Detroit Bnai Brith wups will Hartwell Ave. announce the en- adult study group 'is having a changing jobs. Samuel LaFond in Fall celebrate the si...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 15

…rridey, April 8, 1949 ?Age, nftee ■ • DETROIT JEWISH 'CHRONICLE • President List Services for Sabbath Passover Sabbath at Temple Load. The annual Sisterhood Sabbath eve of Temple Israel will be cele- brated Friday night, April 8, at the Art Institute. Mrs. Harvey Steadman, president of the Mich- igan State Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, will preach on "Ac- cent on Youth." A reception in honor of Mrs. Steadman will fol- low in the Roma...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 16

…divitieo in Society Double-Ring Rites Unite Miss Don, Saul Friedman Bnai David Synagogue was the scene, March 27, of the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Frank of Shrewsbury Rd. are spending of Agnes Rosalie Don to Saul W. Friedman. The couple exchanged a few weeks in Miami Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuchs of Huntington Woods have returned their vows in a double-ring cere- from an extended stay in Hawaii, Coronado Beach, and Los Angeles. mony ...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE OUR ATHLETES Cincy Brings Higher Math to Basketball By MITCHELL TENDLER WAS BOUND to happen. 1 Higher mathematics has finally found its depressing way into the sporting scene. Should this keep up, it will be just a matter of time before we discover our- selves doping out a daily double over a hot slide rule. Blame it all on Cincy Sachs. During an in- formal discourse on the fine art of Tendler basketba...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 17

…Wed by Candlelight Adivitie3 in °tidy RESNICK - PERIN: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perin of Burlingame Ave. announce the marriage of their daughter, Miriam, to Harry Resnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Resnick of Tyler Ave. The ceremony took place April 3 at the Lee Plaza Hotel, in the presence of the immediate family, and was followed by a wedding luncheon. Rabbi Morris Adler officiated. After a three week's honey- moon in Florida and Cuba, the coup...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 18

…Form Youth Unit BB Groups Give Blood to Red Cross Louis Marshall Lodge and 01 Folk Chorus Chapter of Bnai Brith recently 18—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April g, 1949 Engaged Completing organization of the new Youth Group of the Jewish People's Folk Chorus, members of the group held election of of- ficers last week. Morris Davidson was elected president. Other officers include Fred Braun, vice president and membership director; Jack Graff, trea...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 19

…• • ,, • • • Women `s Club Activities DETROIT CHAPTER, BNAI I NORTHWEST ' MIZRACHI Passover Knoedlach i Freiclele Oysher in —Made in IsraeliOne Performance Here On Sunday, April 24 THE JEWISH NEWS-19 Friday, April 8 ,1949 The TEEN AGE SOCIAL COM- MITTEE is planning a Spring BRITH • WOMEN, has cancelled WOMEN , ALICE GOLDSMITH Abraham • Littma n, Yiddish Dance - for Saturday evening, its April 12 birthday party in CHAPTER; will meet Thu...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 20

…Yemenites to Celebrate in Israel ' 7 ' Jews' Farming Interest Shows Great Increase in '48, Society Reports- 20—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 8, 1949 Dresden Jews Buying Ship for Israel Travel BERLIN (JTA)—The Jewish community of Dresden has de- cided to sell a plot of land re- stored to it by the provincial government of Saxony and to use the proceesd of the sale, together with donations from other Jew- ish communities in Germany, to pur...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 21

…Passover Quiz By RABBI SAMUEL 3. FOX • * * • What is the derivation of the word "Matzoh?" "Matzoh," the . name given to the special form of bread eaten on Passover, may have its origin in one of two sources: from the Hebrew root meaning to "suck out," and • from a Hebrew root meaning "to squeeze" or "to press." In line with either of thse two definitions it is easy to under- stand why the Bible (Deut. 16:3) refers to the "Matzoh" as "Lech- em...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 22

…News Brevities PROF. SELIG BRODETSKY, president of the Board of Depu- ties of British Jews and veteran British Zionist leader, was elected president of the British Zionist Federation at the closing session of the golden jubilee three-day convention of the Federation in London. He succeeds Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of Israel, who was elected "patron" of the organization. * * The Hebrew Theological Col- lege of Chicago has accepted as a can...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 23

…, 10014143K4.411- 7.77777- : -.- Basal Metabolism Machine Among Features of New Jewish Hospital BASAL-METABOLISM APPARATUS is The new Jewish Hospital, one of four new hospitals to be con- structed as part of the $19,720,000 program of the Greater Detroit Hospital Fund, will be equipped with the most modern facilities for treatment and diagnosis. The apparatus shown here, a basal meta- bolism machine, has been developed in comparatively rece...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 24

…(-) ..._}, porttnq c") IAZA Celebrates 25th Year at Spring Dance 24—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 8, 1949 New York WA Pledges Pass $10,000,000 Mark YORK (JTA).—Pledges Left for Dead on Dachau to NEW the 1949 drive of the United The Detroit-Windsor Council of AZA is presenting its ninth an- Pyre, Now a U. S. Resident Jewish Appeal of Greater New By JERRY COHEN York have passed the $10,000,000 nual spring dance this year in Jewish News St...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 25

…mitimmtatmoommmillmmuomiummonlommInnummutsiummummommoniminur a-- .1---a_ - .7 -E- : .—. .. g Danny Raskin 's - - ._ --a: g. E- LISTENING T S 1 E: - .S1-- FilliiiniiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiiiiiiiiiilliiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiillinlillilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiilitiiiiffilliiillig WCIVDERFUL IDEA to have KIDDIE KORNER . . • Visiting . memorial show for late Seymour at home of ...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 26

…rectors of the Michigan TruSt Co., .was - identified with other enterprises and at the time of his death left a large estate, which was estimated at nearly a million dollars. By IRVING I. KATZ land. In 1876, he disposed of his His record of service in public The first- and only Jew in business to his cousin, . Joseph life was noteworthy. In poli- Michigan who • was elected • a member of Congress was Julius Houseman, Wto had Been .a part- tical...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 27

…Women Launch. Efforts for Allied Campaign These are Women's Division members who pledged a,total of nearly $100,000 at the pre-campaign dinner March 29. Women's Divi- sion leaders, left to right, Mes- dames Abraham Cooper, chairman of pre-campaign; Henry Wineman, campaign chair- man; Eugene J. Arnfeld, vice chairman of pre- campaign; Abra- ham Srere, chair- man of pre-cam- paign; Robert J. Newman, secre- tary in pre-cam- paign and Wil- liam...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 28

…Early Donors Give Campaign Good Send-Off Men attendants at the pre-campaign meeting where trade and professional representatives pledged a total of $1,032,000. Henry Wine- man, (c ente r) honorary chair- man of the 1949 Allied Jewish Campaign, con- fers with speak- ers Edward M. M. Warburg (right) chairman of the Joint Dis- tribution Com- mittee, and Jul- ian Venezky o f Peoria, who was chairman of the United Jewish Appeal delega- tion to Eu...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 29

…Campaign Units Mobilize Workers, Prospects Each table at the advance gifts dinner of the Wo- men's Division had its own host- ess. Three of the hostesses a r e shown here with M r s. Abraham Srere, chairman of pre-campaign (left to right) Mesdames Jos- eph Holtzman, Abe Srere, Ja- son L. Honigma9 and Sidney J. Allen. Juniors Raise $15,000 in One Day At Special Gifts Brunch, Dinner Junior Division leaders in the- 1949 Allied Jewish Campaign ...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 30

…30—THE JEWISH NEWS Obituaries MAX STITMAN, 77, of 2016 Taylor, died March 27. Funeral services were held at the Hebrew Benevolent Society. Rabbi Max Wohlgelernter officiated. He is survived by a brother in New York, and a nephew, Charles Stitman. * * * LOUIS LEBOW, 48, formerly of Detroit, died at Bellaire, Ill., March 28. Funeral services were held at the Hebrew Benevolent Society, with interment at West- wood Cemetery. Rabbi Joseph Rabinow...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 31

…THE JEWISH NEWS-31 Friday, April 8, 1949 Jewish Indians Had Only Tribe In Detroit Area Classified Advertisements Liners accepted from responsible firms or persons by telephone up to 10 a.m. Wednesday. Rates: 8c a word. Minimum charge $1.00. LIVING QUARTERS To Rent---Wanted--Exchange For Sale LIVING QUARTERS For Sale To Rent-Wanted-Exchange NATHAN BORENSTEIN - Plaster Contractor. „IAA. 5243. BEING EVICTED. Three adults urg- A-1 PAINTIN...…

April 08, 1949 • Page Image 32

…A Passover Treat: Two Chapters of Hitler's Rise Perils Jewry; Palestine Partition Proposed (Exclusive in Michigan) Still out as president of the Zionist Organization, Chaim Weizmann devoted himself to science in Pal- estine, where he was about to establish his permanent home. Arabs were restless at the moment, and there was little peace in sight for Jews, for the persecu- tions had started in Germany. Dr.Weizmann continues his story. By CHA...…

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