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April 08, 1949 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1949-04-08

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Friday, April 8, 1949

Turkey: No. 50
Switzerland: 51

TEL AVIV, (Palcor) — Turkey
became. the first Moslem country
of the Near East to extend. de
facto recognition to the Jewish
Republic of Israel. The Foreign
Ministry announced also that
Switzerland, which has already
recognized . Israel de facto, has
granted de jure recognition to
the Jewish State.

Truman Receives
Diemocracy Award

President Harry S. Truman re-
ceived the American's Democracy
Legacy Award for 1948 from the
Anti-Defamation League of Bnai
Judge Meier Steinbrink of the
New York State Supreme Court,
chairman of the board of Bnai
Biith presented the award at the
close of a special half-hour drama
on human relations titled "The
Goal is Freedom," over WJR and
the Columbia network, April 6.
President Truman is the sole
recipient of the •1948 award,
which last year went to five per-
sons, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt,
Barney Balaban, Charles E. Wil-
son of Geueral Electric, Dore
Schary and Darryl Zanuck.


Final Histadrut
Election Results

TEL AVIV, (LIIB)—Complete
and final results of the elections
of the Histadrut, General Federa-
tion of Jewish Workers in Israel,
have been made public with the
counting of the -delayed Army
An announcement issued here
revealed that 79.86 per cent _of
the 178,788 Histadrut members
cast 142,779 ballots giving the
Mapai 57.06 per cent or 79,281
votes as against 34.43 per cent or
47,840 votes for Mapam.
The Zionist workers received
5,227 votes (3.76 per cent); the
Communists, 3,657 (2.63 per cent)
and the Religious workers, 2,948
votes (2.12 per cent).
Of the 501 seats in the Hista-
drut convention, Mapai was al-
located 286, .Mapam 172, the
Zionist workers 18, Communists
13, and the Religious workers 11.
The allocation of one seat is still
under consideration.

. . The finest Furs in the World

Four Israeli Soldiers
Killed in Arab Ambush

TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Four Is-
raeli soldiers were killed in an
ambush of an Israeli 'military
vehicle in the Hebron area, south
of Jerusalem and two miles south
of the front lines, An Israeli
Government communique as-
cribed the ambush to uniformed
Arabs operating from territory
held by the Arab Legion. The
communique added that, because
of the heightened tension, Israeli
forces in the area had been in-
structed to increase their vigi-
lance...United Nations truce ob-
servers were immediately noti-
fied, the communique added.

A new fur studio.... with a _new showing of the most gorgeous furs

in all the world ... new creations of stunning importance . . . the

finest furs in all the world gathered from the nation's style centers

for YOU! See these astonishing, bewitching furs ... pieces of rare

elegance . . . never shown in Detroit before! And think what this

new showing means to you in important savings! No out-of-date

furs carried over at high inventory prices from last season's inflated


The many women who visited our salons last week were enchanted

with the ravishing fur fashions presented.


that have just come from our designers' hands.


President, St. Clair Furs, Inc.

Featured for

The Holidays

Turkish Government
Bans 'Oliver Twist'

British movie, "Oliver Twist,"
which has been branded anti-
Semitic and which . was banned
recently in the U. S. zones t,t
_ Germany and Austria, will not
be exhibited in Turkey, Dr. Lufti
Kirder, governor of Istanbul,
notified leaders of the local Jew-
ish community.
The decision to ban the British
film was made . following a re-
quest by Salomon Adatto, mem-
ber of the National Assembly, to
Interior Minister Emin Erishir-
ghil that the motion picture be
viewed by a special commission .
prior to its showing. The com-
mission said that the filth. was
"apt to hurt a certain category of See Our Advanced Mink Coat Fashions for Next Year
citizens" and on this basis recom-
Other Furs 51000 to $10,000
mended that it be banned.

I extend you a personal

invitation to view these lovely furs together with additional pieces

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