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April 08, 1949 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1949-04-08

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Enroll as a

Worker and

Give Liberally

to the Allied


A 'Weekly Review

Jewish Campaign


2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155

of Jewish Events

Detroit 26, Michigan, April 8, 1949

34 06iY, 22

A Happy
to the

$3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c

"The Egyptians

made the children of Israel to serve with rigor. And they made
their lives bitter with hard service ... in all manner of service ... wherein they
made them serve with igor." Gestapo men stood by while this group of Polish
Jeivs in Warsaw were compelled to draw a wagon in place of a horse.

"... And the children of Israel sighed by reason of the
bondage, and they cried, and their cry • came up • unto
God ." Nazis mocked this pious old man who prayed over
his dead Jewish brethren. murdered by the oppressors.

lical story of the Exodus
finds a striking parallel in this
photographic history of Jewish
suffering and deliverance during
the past decade.

"Wherefore say

unto the children of Israel: I am
the Lord,.and I will bring you out from under the
burdens of the Egyptians and I will deliver you
from their bondage, and I will redeem you with
an outstretched arm...." Refugees on the road,
whom United Jewish Appeal funds helped to survive

"Came they unto

the wilderness..." Rigorous as
the lives of their ancestors in the wilderness were
conditions in this roofless shelter in the courtyard
of the Rothschild Hospital of Vienna, where these
refugees were housed temporarily during their
20th century exile.

•:4 E-Vtg:I::.

"Wherefore host thou

brought us up out of
Egypt?" Like their predecessors in their journey
through the wilderness, these refugees in a German
DP camp found - themselves hungry, homeless and
discouraged. If the United Jewish Appeal is suc-
cessful in its $250,000,000 campaign this year,
250,000 of them will find new homes, new lives in
Israel, others in the United States.

Detroit's Allied Jewish Campaign allocates the
major portion of its income from the 1949 goal
of $6,395,000 to the United Jewish Appeal

Important dates in the local drive are:
April 17, "Caravan of Hope" visit in Detroit
• . April 24, official opening of campaign, with
Israel's Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett as guest
speaker,at Cais 'High School . . . Details on
Pages 2, 3, 6, 11, 27-29.


- This will be the "Year of Home-
coming" to Israel fOr 250,000 Jewish
DPs . . . if the United Jewish Appeal
raises $250,000,000 so that they can be
housed, clothed, and fed, and find
places in the economic, life of Israel.
Thousands • of others will come to the
United States, where they must be
prepared for new lives in this country.
Meanwhile, in Europe, war-devas-
tated Jewish communities must be
reconstructed, orphans aided, food
and medical care provided. Through
the Joint Distribution Committee, the
United Palestine Appeal and' the
United Service for New Americans,
all supported by the United Jewish
Appeal, the greatest homecoming in
modern history can be achieved, if
American Jewry rises to the challenge.

"In the morning

ye shall be filled with bread."
United Jewish Appeal funds made it possible to
- feed thousands like this Jewish orphan boy in
Hungary, a victim of Nazi oppression, and to
maintain milk stations like this one in Germany.

"The -Lord shall bring thee into ... a land flowing
with milk and honey." Arrival in Israel, where
funds are desperately needed to house, 'clothe and
feed the DPs that the Israeli government is -pre-
pared to welcome this year. Immediate UJA funds
will be necessary if they are to be integrated into
the Israeli economy,

"And you shall keep the Passover..."

Jewish refugees, wearing their best and,
for many, their only clothes, gather in a DP center dining hall in the-United
States Zol4 of Germany to celebrate the first night of Passover. UJA fundS
make possible the supplies of matzoth, Passover foods and other essentials thkt
have enabled Europe's Jewish survivors to celebrate the Passover ,each . yeai
Since the end of the war.

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