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December 22, 1949 • Page Image 1

…• Read Week in Review On Page 3 .13 eth-o-Lt jaurah IIERD NI C • k. 4 „5 „, , Vol. 51 — No. 48 oirsat. 27 Thursday, December 22, 1949 10c r 1•. 41 ) Chanukah on TV See story on , Page 12 Year Beth El Centennial Rites Li. "mites Bridge 3 Generations Bunche to Help Draft Statute or, By HAROLD S. COHEN An elderly but firmly erect gentleman and a young girl of separated by three genera- 'ons of time, but one in spirit, slowly joi...…

December 22, 1949 • Page Image 2

…▪ Thursday, December DETROIT JEWISII CIIRONICLE Page 2 Pioneer Head Says Israel Will Bring Peace to World "From Israel will come peace and understanding, not only for our state, but for all mankind." That was the belief expressed by Mrs. Israel Goldstein, na- tional pi esident of Pioneer Women, at their 19th annual donor event Dec. 14 at Masonic Temple. The affair, attended by sonic 2.000 people, celebrated Pioneer Women's 25th anniver- s...…

December 22, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Thursday, December 22, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 'Modern A ligeoeltils . Page : Holy Sites 'Smoke Screen' 'Jerusalem Vice-Mayor Says Plans Program The attempt to make the Jeru- man answered that an interna- salem question a problem of the tionally recognized treaty be- holy places is just a smoke screen tween Israel and Jordan was all to hide other political purposes, that was needed. This was the contention of Iteu- Shreibman, who i...…

December 22, 1949 • Page Image 4

…Thursday, December 22, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 4 One Way to Look at It Detroit Jewish Chronicle Published by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co, Inc. WOodward 1-1040 2827 Cadillac Tower, Detroit 26, Michigan SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 Per Year Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879. SEYMOUR TILCHIN Publisher PUNIS...…

December 22, 1949 • Page Image 5

…I•1••■•••••••••' B.R. Winner Bnai Brith Highlights BBYOutlook mg tournament at the Dexter Recreation. Keidan Chapter • • • Handler Chapter • • • Board members met at the home of Mrs. Lester Greenspan. Plans for a birthday party were discussed. For membership, call Mts. Ben Garrison, TY. 7-7275. MRS. BERNAKU 1.11AMMAN, editor of "The Menorah," monthly publication of Pisgah Chapter, Bnai Brith, won first place in the annual bulletin...…

December 22, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Thursday, December 22, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 6 t. of Local Society die ea Wears White Gown Temple Israel Women Plan Hospital Visits Plans Spring Wedding Hospital visiting will be the primary function this year of the Young Women's Committee of Temple Israel Sisterhood, ac- cording to Mrs. Jerome Arta, chairman. They are offering their services to Children's Hospital and Dear- born Veterans under the guid- ance of Mrs. Jaco...…

December 22, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Thursday, December 22, 1949 In Candlelight Ceremony WOMEN'S CLUBS gay c if, A Chanukah party was held recently, by Alpha Zeta Omega Auxiliary. Entertainment was provided by Daniel Buchalter, Judy Morton, Madeline Miller, • Alan Gold, Paul Gold, Rose Gold. Marcia Rothenberg and Louis Rothenberg. A donor luncheon Jan. 17 at Masonic Temple will be the major fund raising event of Sheruth League. Mrs. Mar- tin Bader is over-all chairman, a...…

December 22, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Thursday, December 22, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page /I and which takes place in Detroit dur- Krause, Arlene Kollenber Sheldon Siegle, Cyndy Katzman ing the next week. with Phil Diamond, Anita Garber • • • BIRTHDAY GREETINGS to and Leon Cohen, and Mimi Sandra Winsen, whose parents, Friedenberg with Don Stillman. Do let's hear from you this Mr. and Mrs. Ben Winsen gave by IIELEN TENNENBAU3I a a party celebrating her 15th week at TO. 7-...…

December 22, 1949 • Page Image 9


December 22, 1949 • Page Image 10

…Thursday, December 22, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 10 Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results Classified Ads Accepted up to 10 A. M. Wednesday . Rates 6c Per Word. Minimum Charge $1.00, Payable in Advance of Publication APTS. & FLATS WANTED CORNICE BOARDS PERSONAL WIDOW, 60, financially independent, would like to meet relined man. Ob- ject matrimonial cempailionship. Box 3211, Detroit Jew ash Chronicle. ----- - - GIRL. WOULD like to me...…

December 22, 1949 • Page Image 11

…Thursday, December 22, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE LEGAL NOTICES Congregations Heads Neivspaper First Insertion List Services Robert D. Anspach, Attorney 870 Penobscot Bldg. (26) No. 120,707 STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wayne, as. At a session of the Probate Court for said County of Wayne, held at the Probate Court Room in the City of De- troit, on the Nineteenth day of De- cember, in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine. P...…

December 22, 1949 • Page Image 12

…-4 Page 12 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE BROUGHT INTO THE HOME Chanukah on TV for 1st Time Radio Show Also Marks Fete of Lights The first. Chanukah program to lie presented on television in De- troit was seen last Thursday at 8 p.m. on WWJ-TV. The program was sponsored by the culture commission of the Jewish Community Council un- der the chairman ship of Rabbi Morris Adler and Lawrence Crohn. Participating in the program were the following: T...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review VOL. 6—NO. 14 2114 Benobscot Bldg. RA. 7956 of Jewish Events Detroit 26, Michigan, December 22, 1944 34 .lie13). 22 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, Uk JDC Mobilizing Force to Give Relief to 50,000 French Jews Page 5 Weizmann Sees Homeland After Transition Page 6 Australian Trade. Union Urges Government Reconsider Plan For Jewish Colony in Kimberly --Page 7 In This Issue Friday 1% Tiglah SK 2/C MARC...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 1

…A wl= ifewisk Periodical eeitter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO MICHIGAN'S OLDEST ANGLO-JEWISH PUBLICATION 2911i Year of Service to Jewry Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER TOL. 46, NO. 51 Shaarey Zedek Celebrates • ;Burning of Its Mortgage Rabbi Saml. WOW Histadrut Guest Speaker Jan. 7 Dr. Louis Finkelstein, Pre3ident of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Guest Speaker Congregat...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ DISCARDED PLEDGES Newspaper columnists speak of the ac- tion of the State Department in compell- ing the tabling of the Palestine Joint Con- gressional Resolution as representing the putting "into discard" of the 1944 cam- paign pledges of the Democratic. and Re- publican parties. This is a. serious charge, especially since the action taken came not from the over- whelming majo...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 2

…Page 2 Friday, December DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 22, 1944 Anshei Mosheo Honor Star in Yiddish Musical Sisterhood of Northwest Hashomir Hatzair Music Study Club to Once in 'Student Prince' Give Annual Concert At Rabbi M. Silver with Congregation Engages Seminar to Be Held In Many Activities In D. W. Simons School Institute of Arts Jan. 10 Banquet Sun., Dec. 24 Bella Mysell, who co-stars The regular meeting of the Si...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 3

…Yriday, December 22, t944 Page Three THE JEWISH NEWS Senators Record Personal Approval of Zion Measure Members of Foreign Relations Committee Express their Views ;n Joint Statement; Favor Free Immigration in Jewish Commonwealth Weekly Review of the News of the World (Compiled From Cables of Independent Jewish Press Service) OVERSEAS AMERICA Contempt action against the Chicago Gentile Co-operative Association and seizure of its books ...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 3

…▪ Americo newish Periodical Carder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Friday, December 22, 1944 t a W I. . Gifts to North End Clink CONFIDENTIAL'. North End Clinic received the T 1. . Pt ge 3 Legal Chronicle CAPITOL LETTER following gifts: five Southerners, including power- By CHARLES BENSON A contribution from Mr. and ful Robert Ramspeck of Georgia Mrs. Edwin A. Wolf Jr., Mr. In less than a mo...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 4

…• THE JEWISH NEWS Page Four As the Editor Views the News Genuine Good-Will Escape Into Delusion MI NM MP Please explain the term "Aryan" as applied - to races and languages. -L. L. P. The term "Aryan" as applied to race is a mis- nomer. Prof. Steuart H. Britt of George Washing- ton University, Washington, D. C., in his book "Social Psychology of Modern Life," states: "Per- haps the most blatant instance of this (language) fallacy is the o...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 4

…0 Page 4 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Butkovina as Russian territory, and in their war communiques always insisted and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE • that the Nazi armies were on Russian Published Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. soil until they had actually driven them into what they considered Polish or Ro- JACOB H. SCHAKNE Pres.-Gen. Mgr. manian territory. JACOB MARGOLIS Editor Our own State Department does noth...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 5

…Friday, December 22, 1944 THE JEWISH NEWS One-Third of French Jews Judge Keidan In Dire Need of Winter Aid Bnai Brith Dr. Schwartz, JDC European Director, Reports 30,000 Adults and 10,000 Children Already Registered for Relief; Italian Jewry Situation Described Page FIN* List of Europe's Jewish Orphans Available at Jewish News Office GENEVA (JTA)—A second list of names of Jewish refugee children whose parents were deported or killed by t...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 5

…* Page S DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Friday, December 22, 1944 Well Known Actor in Musical , Comedy at Scottish Rite Dec. 31 Cast Picked for The Temple Israel (Continued from Page 4) Men's Club Revue ity in this unhappy world? Can we not pies of Europe interested in spheres of Tickets for the engagement oof Herman Yablokoff in his hit musical comedy, "The Jolly Landsman," at the Masonic Tem- prevail upon the peoples...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 6

…Page Six Friday, December 22, t944 THE JEWISH NEWS Weizmann Views Homeland After Transitional Period Predicts Jewish State Will be Achieved After Expansion, . Under Leadership of Roosevelt and Churchill; S. -ys Today's Children Will See Results JERUSALEM (JTA) — Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president Pekarsky Named Director Of Newark Jewish Agencies Gewerkshaften Wili Set Quota At Rally Jan. 7 Former Acting Head of Jewish Welfare Federation of ...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 6

…DETROIT Page 6 Friday, December 22, 1944 JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle In The Realm or Local Society Miss Dorothy Davidson, who is taking her master's degree in accountancy at Columbia Uni- versity, is spending her holiday vacation with her mother, Mrs. Ralph Davidson of Chicago Blvd. of Parkside Ave. is leaving Jan. 8 to spend 10 days in New York. Miss Helen Meyers, who is a freshman at the University of Michigan, is spendin...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 7

…Friday, December 22, 1944 THE JEWISH NEWS Trade Union Urges Australia To Admit Jews to Kimberly Editorial Winner Government Decides to Bring 50,000 Child Migrants Dur- ing Next Three Years;. Anglican Bishop of. Sydney Pleads for Jewish Settlement By KENNETH SLESSOR Dr.- Chaim Weizmann's .70th birthday will be honored by Detroit ZiOnists at a public rally to be held at the social hall of Shaarey Zedek on Monday evening, Jan. 8, under the ...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 7

…A merican 'apish Periodical &ter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO IN THE REALM OF SOCIETY • is 1 h n ii a r/el e it o - Mr. and Mrs. B. Leaman announce the engageMent of their daughter, Miriam, of 3295 Tyler, to Air Cadet Joseph Mark Kastner (Army), son of Mrs. Bessie Kastner also of Tyler Ave. Open house will be held Sunday, Dec. 24, at 3295 Tyler, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leaman, between 2 and 5 p. m. No cards. • WEDDINGS De...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE JEWISH N.E.WS Mrs. Ebin Addresses Women of Mizrachi ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lind of Wisconsin Ave. are spending the winter months in Tucson, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Morton F. Ashner Glynn Ct., are spending a few •weeks in Miami Beach, Fla. Lt. James Zuckerman has returned to his post at Fort Mon- mouth, N. J., after spending a five-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zuckerman at the Book Cadillac Hote...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 8

…Friday, December 22, 1944 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Pap 1 Rabbi Shneersohn Hebrew Ladies' Aid Donor Luncheon Jan. 10 Visiting Here for At a reguar meeting of the Lubavitcher. Yeshivoth B&P Aux. of Bnai Brith Sponsor Events Women's Aux of Hebrew USO-JWB of Battle Creek to Hold Chanukah Schools to Present Pageant Wed., Dec. 27 Celebration Dec. 13 The Business and Professional Auxiliary of Bnai Brith has com- The Woma...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 9

…'Friday, December 22, 1944 THE JEWISH NEWS Youth Education League Selects Drive Chairmen ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY Miss Marva Lee Rosenthal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel M. Rosenthal of Atkinson Ave., whose marriage to Bernard Zack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Zack of Chicago Blvd., was solemnized last Sunday, at the bride's residence, was entertained by the fol- lowing: A luncheon at the Statler by the Misses Jacqueline Green- baum and Audre...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 9

…A merica (fewish Periodical Cotter Friday, December 22, 1944 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle LETTER FROM A JEWISH G. I. IN IRAN tional news to add from here though the general news is good. I have received several v-mails from Joe and he is ok too. He sent me birthday greetings which came just on time. I haven't heard from Dena for a little while now but as the mail is slowing up and ...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 10

…1,000 Attend Shaarey Zedek Mortgage Burning Banquet Congregational Activities Prophesy for 1945' To Be Sermon of Rabbi Fram Dec. 29 Chachmey, Lublin Plans Second Annual Banquet Rabbi 'M. Rothenberg, dean of Yeshivath Chachmey Lublin, an- nounces that the school's second annual banquet will be held at the Jewish Center on Sunday evening, Jan. 7. A complete report on the Yeshivah's progress will be made at this banquet. The Yeshivah has 75 s...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 10

…Friday, December 22, 1944 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Pegs 10 -:-CENTER ACTIVITIES -:- JEWISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL URGES USE OF COMMUNITY CALENDAR Because of a • number of con- ments of the community are a f- a special auditorium program is flicts in dates which have oc- fected by the events, it is pus. in the community recent-- sible to have more than one Club members: President, Mrs. L. a nnedfor the entertainment of c...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 11

…Friday, December 22, )944 THE JEWISH NEWS British Government Admits Jewry's War on Terrorism Hadassah Nurse Organizations Report Bond Totals; Franklin Hills Breaks Own Record Official Declares Government Concedes That Jewish Pales- tine Is Aiding Fight to Eradicate -I- terror; Decision Awaited on Jerusalem's New Mayor JERUSALEM (jPS-Palcor)—The first official statement confirming Jewish Palestine's aid in the war on the terrorists, was m...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 11

…America/I jewisk Periodical Cotter Friday, December 22, CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1944 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Rabbi Hershel Stollman Visiting Here on Behalf of Novarodok-By,tlistoker Yeshivah ti -) Rabbi Hershel Stollman, chair- man of the executive committee of the Novarodok-Byalistok "Cen- tral Yeshiva Beth Joseph" of Brooklyn, N Y., and member of its faculty, is visiting Detroit with a delegatio...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE JEWISH NEWS An Epic Story of Martydom Russian.'Jewish Writer. Pens Diary of Nazi Crimes Ehrenburg's 'The Tempering of Russia' Depicts Atrocities Committed on Jews and Russians; Recalls Warning He Made as a. Youth Ilya Ehrenburg, eminent Rus- sian-Jewish writer, has become one of the chief accusers of Nazism in the world. An eye-witness to some of the devastations wrought by the Ger- mans, his articles have served to arouse...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 12

…Pap 12 — — 3 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLt - — - and The Legal Chronicle Friday, December 22, 1944 pital under Jewish auspices. (c) wards (four beds to a ward) for which patients will pay nomi- There are only seven cities in nal rates below cost of services, HOSPITAL radically strengthened and pro- ry, including Detroit. PALESTINE vided with the funds essential to the count or will occupy beds free of any w population of over enable it to car...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 13

…Friday, December 22, 1944 THE JEWISH NEWS Prof. Dubnov Slain by Ex-Pupil Noted Jewish Historian Among Vietihuuts of Nazis Soviet Commission Searching for Diary He Had Kept During Stay in Riga Ghetto; Former Heidleberg Stu- dent Directed Mass Execution 3 Years Ago By CAPT. E. GEKHMAN Special to the Independent Jewish Press Service Jewish General Littman Brings Noted Stars in Helped Free Riga Jewish Play for 2 Performances . By S. PERSO...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 14

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Four+een Street in Africa Named for Lt. Col. Ervin H. Markus Detroiter, Former Resident Doctor. at Eolise, Is Now Serving in France A little Street in a war-torn North African town today bears the name of a Detroiter—Lt. Col. LT. COL: ERVIN IL MARKUS Ervin H. Markus, a former Eloise Hospital resident physician who is now in France. Lt. Col. Markus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Markus, of 2536 Calvert, has been with the...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 15

…Friday, December 22, 1944 Jewish Youth's LISTENING THE JEWISH NEWS Mrs. Louis J. Rosenberg Dies in N. Y.; Leader in Women's Circles of Detroit Page Fifteen 2,000 Italian Jews , Our Film Folk Deported by Nazis When Rescue Failed Mrs. Louis James Rosenberg, IIVIorse, Pete and Gerson Stone, one of Detroit's most prominent all' of 'New York; and a sister, Jewish women community lead- BY PAT FRANK ers, died Dec. 13 at the Jewish Miss Gertr...…

December 22, 1944 • Page Image 16

…Continue Compiling War Records of Jews in Service I Compilation of names of Jewish men and women in service continues, and it is important that those whose rec- ords have not been submitted to the War Records Bureau of the Detroit Army and Navy Committee of the Jewish Wel- fare Board should do so at once. All information should be sent to the Jewish Welfare Board War Records Bureau, 8904 Woodward, telephone MA. 8400. War Records blanks are a...…

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