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December 22, 1944 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1944-12-22

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Page 2

Friday, December


22, 1944

Anshei Mosheo Honor Star in Yiddish Musical
Sisterhood of Northwest Hashomir Hatzair
Music Study Club to
Once in 'Student Prince'
Give Annual Concert At Rabbi M. Silver with
Congregation Engages Seminar to Be Held
In Many Activities
In D. W. Simons School Institute of Arts Jan. 10 Banquet Sun., Dec. 24
Bella Mysell, who co-stars

The regular meeting of the
Sisterhood of the Northwest He-
brew Congregation and Center
was held on Wednesday evening,
Dec. 6, at the home of Mrs. Nor-
man Cohen. A number of new
members were present at this
Miss Michelle Tchor was ap-
pointed chairman of the war ef-
fort committee, and War Bonds
and Stamps may be purchased by
calling her at Un. 1-8563.
The Brownie Girl Scout Troop,
sponsored by the Sisterhood un-
der the co-leadership of Mrs.
Marion Pozen and Mrs. Mary
Kessler, held its first meeting at
the Hampton School on Monday,
Dec. 18, at 4 p. m., and will
continue to meet there every
Monday thereafter at that time.
The Chanukah card party giv-
en Tuesday evening, Dec. 12, at
the home of Mrs. Joseph Gordon
of Woodingham Drive, was a
social and financial success.
There were a number of door
prizes and refreshments were
served. This party, which was
under the direction of Mrs. Ida
Miller, was for members only,
and the money raised will be
used in decorating the new syna-
gogue, plans for which are now
nearing completion.
Election of officers will be held
at the next meeting, which will
take place at the home of Mrs.
David Samelson, 17395 Stoepel
Ave., on Wednesday, Jan. 5, at
8 p. m.
For information regar ding
membership, please contact .Mrs.
Betty Garber, membership mut.-
man. Un. 4-4174.

Compositions of Julius
Chajes to Be Played
At Services Dec. 29

The Oheb Shalom Congrega.
tion of Newark, N. J., of which
Dr. Louis M. Levitsky is rabbi,
will devote the musical part of
the Friday evening service of
Dec. 29 to the compositions of
Julius Chajes, director of music
at Temple Beth El and at the
Jewish Community Center in
Detroit. Mr. Chajes has been in-
vited as guest of honor on that

All arrangements were already
completed at the David W. Si-
mons School for the admission of
an additional limited number of
children to the various grades of
the school, including the pre-
kindergarten, which meets daily
from 10 in the morning to 12
noon. Parents of the Dexter dis-
trict are urged to take advantage
of this opportunity and come
with their children for registra-
tion to the office of the David
W. Simons School which is lo-
cated at 4000 Tuxedo corner
Hohnur. The office is open daily
from 9 :30 to 1 and from 3 to
8. For further information call
Ho. 5711.
Children's services are held
every Saturday morning from
9:30 to 11 at the David W. Si-
mons School. These services are
conducted by the children them-
selves under the supervision of
A braham Schacter. a member of
the staff of the United Hebrew
At an assembly which was held
Sunday, Dec. 17, in the audi-
torium of the school, Jerry
Abramson, president of the jun-
ior congregation, urged all chil-
dren who do not come to services
to attend the synagogue every
Saturday morning. He also em-
phasized the fact that by attend-
ing services children familiarize
themselves with the prayers, with
the procedure of the services and
learn to chant the prayers prop-
Members of the Hashomir Ha t-
zair who meet twice a week at
the school to study Hebrew, un-
der the direction of Joseph Hag-
gai, will hold their annual Semi-
nar in the auditorium of the
school, on Dec. 27, 28 and 29:
The guest sneaker will be Mor-
decai Ben Tov, editor of the
Daily News of the Hashomir,

Miss Faye Portner
Return-, to Detroit

with Herman Yablokoff in the
A rally luncheon, another in
For the last eight years Grand hit Yiddish musical "The Do
a series being given by the mem- Rabbi M. Silver, known as the Landsman," coming to the Scot-
hers of the Music Study Club of "Slonimer Rebbe," has lived in
Detroit, will be held in the home Detroit as the spiritual leader
of Congregation Anshei Moshe.
The members and friends of his
congregation have found in him
a man of wisdom and an inspir-
ing personality. The general com-
munity, however, has had no op-
portunity to know him and his
qualities of spiritual leadership.
On the occasion of the banquet
that will be given by his con-
gregation honoring Rabbi Silver
on Sunday, Dec. 24, at 6 p.
in Congregation Bnai Moshe,
Dexter at Lawrence, the com-
mittee invites Detroit Jews to
join in this celebration. Rabbi
Silver has been a prominent and
leading personality abroad. His
father was the famous learned
Rabbi Sender Silver of Lublin.
Rabbi Silver's father-in-law was
the renowned "Slonimer Rebbe".
An interesting program has
been prepared for this banquet,
with Rabbi A. M. Herschberg,
formerly of the Yeshivath Chach-
mey Lublin and presently rabbi tish Rite Cathedral of the Ma-
of Mrs. Sol Q. Kesler, in the of a Chicago synagogue and sonic Temple for two perform-
Art Center Apartments, John R. Rosh Yeshivath Tomchay Tinim- ances only on Sunday, Dec. 31,
i of Chicago, will be the guest once played and sang the role of
at Kirby, on Wednesday, Dec. 27,m
at 1 p. m. Mrs. Harry Cohen, speaker.
The proceeds of the Kathie in a production of "The
Mrs. Sidney Wallace, Mrs. Julius banquet will go to rescue the Student Prince" for the Jewish
stage, and in the sang cast was
Green and Mrs. Jacob H Schakne family of Rabbi Silver.
For further information pleas..‘ Paul Muni. Miss Mysell does not
will assist the hostess.
At these luncheons plans are call David Edelman, To. 8-2797. relate whether the noted drama-
tic actor sang or tripped the
being completed for the club's
light fantastic in the Romberg
annual concert, proceeds from
Downtown Theaters
production. The actress is the
which go to the club's war ef-
forts, as well as to the Sylvia
FOX — Starring Anne Baxter (laughter of the late noted actor
Scholarship Memorial Fund. In- and Detroit's own John Hodiak, Hyman Mysell, and she is one of
cluded in the war effort, funds "Sunday Dinner for a Soldier" the very few women of the stage
are being donated to the Percy had its world premiere Friday at who made her debut in a leading
Jones Music Appreciation Room the Fox Theater. A companion role and scored an overnight
success. Miss Mysell has also
at the hospital in Battle Creek ; feature also is shown.
been featured in "Semele's Bar
also for equipping hospital ships
with records and musical instru-
MICHIGAN — "Our Heart( Mitzvah," "The Dish Washer,"
Were Young and Gay," which "Goldele dein Beker's," "Mazel-
This year's program will be made 20 million readers howl tov Mama" and many other pro-
given in the large auditorium of with laughter, shares screen hon- ductions with Mr. Yablokoff.
the Detroit Institute of Musical ors with Preston Sturges' "The
All Hebrew Schools
Arts on Wednesday, Jan. 10, at Great Moment".
8 :30 o'clock. Miss Eugenie Fich-
Celebrate Chanukah
tenova, violinist, Checkoslovakian
refugee and concertmaster of the Garson and Walter Pidgeon cat- Chanukah was celebrated in
Pittsburgh Symphony Orches- ry on their latest love affair in all 'the branches of the United
tra, will appear in her initial "Mrs. Park ington" which con- Hebrew Schools with children's
tinues for a third week at the parties, arranged in the class-
Detroit debut.
Mrs. Henry Weinberg is chair. United Artists Theater. The sec- rooms, assemblies and other
man, and Mrs. Jacob H. Schakno and feature is "Song of the Open Chanukah projects. The history
is vice chairman of the patrons Road" with Bonita Granville, of Chanukah, the customs and
Edgar Bergen and Charlie Mc- ceremonies of the festival were
Carthy, W. C. Fields, Sammy studied, and all the children be-
Kaye and his orchestra and Jane came fully acquainted with the
Powell. significance of this national reli-
Pioneer Women Hold
gious holiday.

The Jewish Welfare Board
Army & Navy Committee of
Colorado Springs, Col., announces
with regret that Miss Faye Port-
ner, 1509 West Philadelphia
Ave., Detroit, formerly JWB-
USO director in Colorado Springs
is now back in Detroit.
Hotel Owner's Wife
Miss Portner started her USO
Wins Free Mineral Baths work in Detroit in February,
1942, and after spending a year Second Donor Rally
Supporting the games party at in the downtown USO as assist-
On Tuesday, Dec. 12, at the
the Civilian Defense Volunteer ant director. she accepted the
Office, held at Grace Parish position of JWB director in Kan- Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg., the
House to aid hospitalized sol- sas City, Mo. From there her . Pioneer Women held their second
diers. Max Elkin, of the Colonial work took her to Des Moines, donor rally. Mrs. Nelson lit the
Hotel. not only attended the af- Ia., to build programming. for Chanukah candles, and Mrs. Sam-
fair but offered the ration-office the WACS through the JWB and uel Edelman, program chairman,
ladies a game award : 10 free USO. Her next assignment f or told the story of Chanukah. Sev-
mineral baths at the Colonial JWB in USO took her to Colo- eral Hebrew and Jewish songs
rado Springs, Col., where one were rendered by Mrs. Samson S.
When the Elkin gift came up of her biggest projects was to Wittenberg, accompanied by Lil-
for award the game ended with prepare a Seder for 1,800 Jew- Tian Robbins at the piano.
Maxa Nordau gave an inspir-
a woman's excited shriek—"I've ish men who were in the area
ing talk on the work of the
won !"
at that time.
After a few weeks' rest, Miss Pioneer Women in Palestine. She
It was Mrs. Max Elkin, of the
Portner plans to return to a also drew an analogy of the first
Colonial Hotel and bathhouse.
The Elkins turned the award similar phase of work, utilizing Chanukah and the present time.
back and another woman at the the experience she has gained The rally was concluded with a
in USO. reading of Sholom Aleichem's
party won it.
"What Is Chanukah" by Moshe
Information and contributions
Colonial Hotel Offers a Week-End Haven
to aid the
h Working Women's
Council of Palestine may be mail-
for Detroiters . . .
ed to the Council of the Pioneer
Women's Organization at 9142
The COLONIAL HOTEL—delightfully situated in country surroundings is
Linwood Ave., Tyler 7-2880. The
annual donor event will be held
lief-e Is your opportunity to "get away"
on Jan. 23, 1945, at the Ma-
for a few days each week—to relax amid
sonic Temple.

Telephone NOW for


Mt. Clemens 2501 or 2508

health-0%111g Mineral Baths and Swedish
Masqages—enjoy delicious food. You owe It
to yourself to like care of yourself.

Th e

Katherine Ziff Appears
In Piano Recital Dec. 17


Katherine Ziff left for The last regular monthly meet-

Johnstown, Pa., where she was ing of the Athena Club was held

in a piano recital Dec. at the home of Mrs. Mollie Lip-
17. Her program included works pitt of Burlingame Ave. A Chan-
ukah and grab bag party will he
by Bach. Brahms, Chopin, Lizst, held Thursday evening, Dec. 28,
and DeFalla.
at the home of Mrs. Ned Lippitt,
Miss Ziff is a graduate of the 2
University of Michigan where 675 Calvert.
she majored in music and studied '
with the eminent concert pianist
and teacher Artur Schnabel. Af- A board meeting of the Bnai
ter a 10-day visit with her par- David Sisterhood will be held at
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ziff, in the home of Mrs. Skint Fagelman,
Johnstown, she will return to re- 3222 Tuxedo Ave., on Thursday
sume her work in Detroit.
evening, Dec. 28,

No Worries Over

The Mortgage

Life Insurance

N. Woodward JWEWO
To Entertain at USO

Mrs. A. Gleicher will be host-
ess at a brunch meeting to the
members of the North Woodward
Branch of the Jewish Women
MAX ELKIN, Managing Owner
European Welfare Organization,
at her home, 3023 Fullerton, on
Tuesday, Dec. 26, at 11:30
o'clock. Members are urged to
A special meeting was held at
the home of Mrs. E. Weissman,
.—# president, on Fullerton, Thurs-
day, Dec. 21, to make final
arrangements for serving the
boys at the Downtown USO on
Christmas day. Plans are for a
turkey dinner and other goodies.
Between Webb and Tuxedo
The hostesses are Mesdames
Nuline Epps, Morris Percell,
Ed Schwartz, Minnie Goodman,
Sam Munch M. Shiliman, Mollie
K noppow, Eizrael Weissman, M.
Dre sner, Morris Sklare, Anna
Goldberg. Abraham Gleicher, Sam
Kosher Meat & Poultry Market
Rosen, Samuel Kaufman, Gertie
Solomon, Diana Steinberg and
t aea
S. B. Hack.



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