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October 27, 1922 • Page Image 2

… ment with its sweeping grandeur 000; for Berlin the rate was slightly SHUBERT-MICHIGAN lower for Jews, or 39 against 57 for leading to the climax of the compo- .• • •• • the rate for ap- non-Jews; for…

… Glide. Again, as on Mon- le speculation concerning the influence day night, her voice proved to be A useful chapter on comparative upon Jews of Race and Environment shrill and unpleasing• David Tulchi…

…- data concerning Jews in various coun- as well as (and by no means least) noff was excellent as the swashbuck- tries in relation to non-Jews has been Religion. And here it must be said ling Sparucille…

…, they are ma Mirovitch was a seductive Mad- that the Jews of this city do not ex- not the only religious influence calcul- delena. The orchestra is the weakest hibit pronounced longevity over non- lated…

… to produce certain vital traits element in the organization and the Jews. In 1909, he found that the pro- such as those that have bee ngathered beauties of the score were often lost. portion of Jews

…, was for non-Jews, while for Jewesses the of enquiry such as Dr. Fishberg and most effective. proportion wan 2.32 against 4.52 for Dr. Joseph Jacobs. For besides physi- non-Jewish females. The death rate…

… cal reasons for accounting for the dif- "Boris Godunoff," by Mous- for Jews is, however, greatly lower ferences that subsist between Jews sorgsky. than that of non-Jews everywhere and non-Jews, there is…

… a psychologic Tuesday night gave Nicholas Ear- Thus the rates per thousand are given element which should not be neglected, as follows: Prussia-Jews 13.8, non- but which is most often utterly ignor…

…- lash an opportunity to show what he Jews 17.4; Bavaria-Jews 12.7, non- ed. The beliefs and the creed of man could really do, when he sang the Jews, 20.5; Hungary-Jews 17.0, non- must have their effects…

… upon his life title role in Mousaorgsky's opera, Jews 27.2; Frankfort-Jews 12.6, and his liability to disease. Think of heard for the first time in Detroit. non-Jews 15.4; Galicia-Jews 19.3 the number of…

January 13, 1922 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR yr Ron; /r.% is n ORM ICLE /, ItEDETRO1T EWISRRON ICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President…

… economic conditions under which we are living? And by what right does he appeal to the Jews to assist him in bringing about that change? Since when has he come to realize that the Jew has vision and genius…

… could distort into disparagement of the Jew is repeated, his interview pur- porting to have been given at Dearborn to Allan L. Benson and sent broadcast through the International News Service on Jan. 6 is…

… but insult added to injury. Containing as it does a left-handed compliment to the Jews as the creators of the present monetary system of the world and as the one people with genius and vision sufficient…

Jews control the money markets of the world. In effect, Mr. Ford says that the Jews as the international bankers have in their power the shaping of industrial and commercial condi- tions; the lifting of…

… bear a weight of suffer- ing that is already far too heavy, none will be to blame for the situation but the Jew. In other words, the interview given to Mr. Benson contains no less ignorance and no less…

… if he honestly desires—as he implies in his interview—to regain even a modicum of respect at the hands of Jews or to invite their aid in any plan that may be suggested by him in the mat- ter of…

… American has wronged his fellow, he is man enough to acknowledge the fact and in the measure of his power to undo it. We maintain that by his misrepresenta- tion of the Jew, Mr. Ford has not only sacrificed…

… the respect of Jews but as well the confidence of every man of every faith who is fair minded and in spirit a true American. The mere assertion on the part of Mr. Ford that he wished to attack only a…

… small group of Jews and not the masses of them, or what is still more absurd, that he wished to help and not hurt the Jews by his libelous attacks, can only be accepted as the driveling of a man who has…

September 01, 1922 • Page Image 6

…PAGE FOUR THEVETROIVEMS/IAROXICLE Ai rpb ETROIT, 011511 - — - that the Jew is not a failure despite its taunts and its m oa crtkyerry. LeStull iamb Tree ll, let t iltea IIRONICLE know tayf…

… eealaltd i masetltfiaat MICHIGAN'S JEWISII HOME PUBLICATION — — — — Pablahed Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. I cons ci ous consciousness let him feel himself a master over men and…

… number of the Atlantic Monthly, speaks of the difference be- tween the cultures of the Christian and the Jew, and makes the state- ment that this difference "militated against assimilation, as it has re…

…- strained Christian men and women from intermarriage with Jews." Mr. Yale's article is a sequel to that of Paul Scott Mowrer published in the Atlantic Monthly for July, 1921. Mr. Mowrer treated the Jewish…

…. The is partner with a thief hateth his s"ova Editorial Contributor Jews of Palestine, just as all other soul,' which means that he whs -le- The Jewish Chronicle Invites correspondence on subjects of…

… interest to Jews the world over, were being rives gain from a thief by helping the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the called upon once more to make "a him to dispose of the…

… stolen gssds view expressed by the writers. gift offering to the Lord," and every is thoroughly dishonest and the mar e A False Conclusion. Palestinian Jew, modern and "an- guilty of the two. Mr. Yale…

… Christian men and women gave of their gold and silver and pre- powerful and wise prince once mile from intermarriage with Jews." The cious things to the Keren Ha Geulah a law that the receiver of st9ten…

… the wis. the Jewish man "has failed to show legend that was created in those days dom of his edict he ordered all those that delicacy of thought and refine- in Palestine by the Yemenite Jews, who quet…

… breath and had the ground pierced with a num- of fact that Jews are quick to assimi- with shining eyes: ber of holes. The people assembled Now the Arabs wondered where and the prince ordered some large…

November 17, 1922 • Page Image 6

…. Strack was no morel MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION successful than other men who have sought to win the alleg- Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. iance of the Jew from the…

…M.TRon;Awisi PAGE SIX KOA IG ME VETIWITJEWISR 44RONICLE deed a series of Strack's writings in defense of the Jew are at present ready for publication. It is likely that as a conversionist, Dr…

…, 1922 The Synagog The Community Church and the Je'w. In a recent issue of Unity, Dr. John Ilaynes Holmes, the pastor of the Community Church of New York and a well- known figure in the religious world…

…, publishes an article en- titled, "The Community Church: a Meeting Ground for Jew and Christian." To the article is apended a footnote reading: "This edit( -jai was written for a prominent Jewish magazine in…

…-point of its author. We can readily enough understand on the other hand, why Jews should not enter sympathetically into the thesis laid down by Dr. Holmes, for he bases his arguments upon the theory that…

… name. We have nothing but respect for Dr. Holmes high purposes but we believe that so far as the Jew—even the non-observant Jew is concerned, the synagog and not the Community Church will gain and…

…, spiritual, cultural, philanthropic, or social, are undertaken by Jews as Jews, are primarily the fruitage of synagogal en- deavor. Whatever high standards of social righteousness and civic justice are…

… attained by Jews as Jews must somehow be connected up with the religious teachings of which the syna- gog is the sponsor. It is therefore quite apparent that all other interpretations of Jewish life are…

… secondary to the religious interpretation. We have no quarrel with and no criticism for those who dif- fer from us in their special viewpoint as to the mission of the Jew in the world and as to the best means…

… the essential task of the Jew, a task that can be fulfilled only through the %efficient functioning of the synagog. The unsynagogue Jew must somehow be brought under tse influence of the religious…

December 29, 1922 • Page Image 4

… and as a money getter for worthy causes, blamed The communique adds that the Ile- minating the Ukrainians and Jews in for that." It proceeds to cite his name is known not merely in Detroit and Michigan

…'figrizol kwun el EON ICLE PAGE FOUR MUM' EWINI gRONICIE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION 1 solutely no one particular organization in mind. It applies to many of them in this and in every…

… his very brief editorial refer- An army of 600,000 Jews in Rus- , ence to the matter, we believe that he wished to imply that this sia is defending the rights of our pea Shakespearean play is quite as…

…. He writes: "The Jews always ob- Telephone: we convey to you our heartiest re- to the Chicago Tribune correspondent,' ject to 'The Merchant of Venice' as prejudicial to their religion Chronicle soldiers…

…, ENGLAND There is no question but that reading this play or particular- tle Jews. This vast military force, which Of stuff such as silk, straw and received by mistake my sisi, r's pic- ly, witnessing its…

… that this is really the reaction different periods of our history and is good things and we sat at a no's, ta- ter." Editorial Contributor RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN that the majority of non-Jews have when…

… invitee correspondence on subjects of interest to Venice" is read or presented. In their thought, Shylock looms Bible times. Even in the Ghetto, Jews Or con draw, or can write a nice let- A few weeks ago we…

… that a vile Jew—as they think of was duty-bound to act as guard once That's wiser than thinking of jewels And here is a letter from a boy, Missionaries to the Jews. Mordecai Afriat. Mordecai is s years a…

… largest missionaries among Jewish children, that it has been decided characteristics of the Jew Shylock, the evil worked by the play of its kind in history and should serve oH e proud you belong to the…

… this angle at all. out banditry and in protecting the Be proud that through years of op- April 29, 1920. Mordecai makes a very good impression, is lively and Jews, and it is particularly comfort…

August 11, 1922 • Page Image 2

… convince you that 'GOOD FURNITURE" is not expensive. dish sketch of Sholom Aleichem, "An Advice." Resent Selling of Emess. Abraham Jaflin, secretary of the Michigan Federation of Ukrainian Jews, acted as…

… the speakers was B. Janett, president of the Michigan Federation of Ukrainian Jews, under whose auspices Dr. Singalowsky came to Detroit. Mr. Janett declared that about 12 people were doing all the work…


… chairman of the even- ing and in his introductory remarks told of the work accomplished by his organization and of the need of great- er efforts in the future for the relief of Ukrainia's Jews. He called…

… Yid- dish daily. The spread of this propa- ganda was resented by many in the audience, because the Emess is known to have caused more trouble for the Jews than any other institu- tion by an anti…

…-Jewish propaganda it conducts almost daily in Soviet Rus- sia. • • • (Concluded from page 1.) prevented this policy being carried into effect. The meeting had the desired ef- fect. The attacks on the Jews have…

… become more frequent. It is a com- mon thing for Jews to be molested in the street. The parties of the Left and the German Center party, at the head of which is the Jewish Senator Jewelow- ski, have…

… against the Jews. The ex- planation offered by the Senate was not accepted as satisfactory and the Diet has appointed a parliamentary investigation commission to inquire into the whole affair. "ORT…

… his address, lauded the Jews of America for their loyalty to their fellow Jews in Eu- rope and called the American Jew a physical and moral power in the period of reconstruction. Ile de- clared that to…

… all the Jewish prob- lems there has been added the agri- cultural problem as result of the rush to agricultural work by thousands of Jews. Now, he said, it is a question of getting land for these…

September 01, 1922 • Page Image 7

…$11 . 11 ,1 10k: :ilia t.14710:11 At the last special meeting of the I Federation of Ukrainian Jews of Michigan, it was unanimously re- solved to extend a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Singalowsky, represent…

…:its and ideas home to his audiences," was the summary of Dr. Singalowsky's visit made by A. Jaffin, secretary of the federation. The members of the Federation of Ukrainian Jews of Michigan are in- stalling…

… it. I am in receipt of • letter from • Jaw (7) in Michigan in which be is surprised that I should criticise Young Kaplan for having denied his religion or having made the statement that he had no…

… religion. He thinks that this in no way affects Mr. Kaplan as a Jew because he can be • racial Jew. In fact he seems to glory in the attitude taken by Mr. Kaplan and takes pains to explain that there are any…

… number of Jews who have no religion. I suppose there are; but they ought to pack up and get out of the Jewish camp. A Jew without religion izn't much of • Jew; he can't be. The only business in which the…

February 17, 1922 • Page Image 9

…PAGE NINE TilEflaBort/rwistiai ROA IC Li; P p osition of the Jews in Italy rugs and polished mahogany furn i- ' -0- lure. On a brown upholstered chair sat Mrs. Mintz, her neck, wrist and fingers…

…, women, five for a nickel." plains to my MoIkea that her daughter moment and then returned with the Senate. They belong to all par- Europe in which the Jews have in so Esther wil lbe • an told maid…

… marriages, etc. First of all, these fig- to the Jews living among them. This self as good a chadchan or match- one but sons of the finest families of ures show that the Jew in general is was demonstrated in…

… together scores of KWH/ IA. sent a front; otherwise they would Christian. For example., a Jew of post-war period, when Jews occupied HOME FOR UNEMPLOYED buxom maidens and sons of farmers? the highest moats…

… Italian Jewry. The the objectionable after-war discus- Members New York Stock Ex- "Yes, Meyer, business by me is school fees. majority of its members, more than sions regarding the number of Jews change and…

… participation of the Jews in ters. It is necessary, however, to add "Why not? Ain't you got experi- She will give $2,000 to the young getting these contributions. commerce and finance is recognizable in this…

August 11, 1922 • Page Image 1

… close to three hours, delivered Wednesday evening at the McCollester Hall, un- der the auspices of the Michigan Federation of Ukrainian Jews, Dr. A. Singalowsky, representative of the "Ort," criticized…


… FOR HER MINORITIES Provides for Autonomous Ad- ministration of Cultural Affairs. DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1922 Brilliant Hebrew Writer Dies at 57 Passing of David Frischman Causes…

… DECLARES LITHUANIANS from cancer for a long period before NEVER HATED THE JEWS his death and was treated by l'rofes- sor Borchardt, one of the most noted Washington Bureau Reports specialists in Europe, who…

July 28, 1922 • Page Image 1

… the world? Mr. Wil•on answers: Peels.. of "the D a l the Jew.") groin., P Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1922 MILLION IS SOUGHT FOR N. Y. CHARITIES Percy S…

…v ilitericalf lavish Periodical Cotter • • • • Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English CUTTON AVINUZ • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO TIOETROIT LWISII Telephone GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN


…'s action PRAISES GENIUS, SOUL and his remarks were followed by OF JEWS IN HOLY LAND rheum and applause that lasted for several minutes, enthusiasm reigning supreme. Says Zionism Has Resolved Fred M. Butzel…

… was the principal Into a Passionate Yearning speaker of the evening. Mr. Butzel spoke On "Zionism and the American for Dignity. Jew" and outlined the psychologies of the different elements in American…

… By P. W. WILSON. Jewish life. Ile declared that the Jews who are conscious of their du- Note on—Worlds Work, the IF:dittoes ties to their race must be Zionists. magazine which last Y. ,' lisblishisi…

… the • ttack on Cioniarn by the lion. Henry Referring to the Keren Ilayesod, Morgenthau, prints • highly illuminating Mr. Butyl declared that all Jews • nol profound dineussion of Palestine and Zionism…

… 'three Continents," Mr. declared that it was every Jew's duty, Wilson deal* with Palestine anti Z i1111 - group af- regardless of his party or • NA,. Ile I,. in all its ramilicatons. filiations, to…

… attendance is expected at of the epidemic commission of the this annual event and, when the League tit Nations, in a report to the boot leaves at the foot of Griswold Federation of Ukrainian Jews in Lon…

…- inces of Odessa, Michulajer, Ekate- cently will occupy' the diamond for rinoslav and Zaperozhe, where Jews Pisgah Lodge. are mostly concentrated. This report The drawing for the Hudson coach is borne out…

December 15, 1922 • Page Image 4

… piety and ac- KEREN HAYESOD TO speaker of the evening this Islontlay Is doing more for America today than quired no new convictions, among evening. She will tell of her exp e ei.. CONDUCT MICHIGAN Samuel…

….) huddle together in a steam-heated (Concluded from tinge 1.) Foundation Fund and to contribute were listed and not an item was slum. to it liberally, both of his money and Jews in these colonies. Tractors…

… Opinion," Etc. That is the real problem of the Jew means of building Palestine," Mr. "The Keren Ilayesod," according and these people are now being ORGANIZATION CHANGES in America, the problem of his use of…

… helped in a constructive way. Rothenberg continued. "We admit to Mr. Neumann, "has already taken Requested to write on the question society which he only dimly compre- his opportunities. And as a Jew writ…

…- that private initiative will rebuild the 'Bate is the order of the day in homeless refugees of a better understanding between hends, and in the general darkness he ing in a Jewish weekly to Jews I say…

… land. But the work the Keren Ilaye- care of 30,000 Europe and combined they hate Three changes in the sales organ'. from Eastern Europe and is now Jew and non-Jew in America from the happened to stumble…

… on the Jews. The that there is very serious danger of sod is doing, the schooling system, helping them settle in Palestine as America," Mr. Brown said. But in zaztion of the Hudson Motor car point of…

… artisans. In That the Jew is not the only one opinion, I as not unmindful of the pened to be more easily visible to his caring for the immigrants, will not way the Jewish population has love for our country…

… Russia. This country and the he cannot wholly help himself is per- This is laying the foundation. It is 000. As a result of the manifold ac- Jews will get back their due reward dealers, he wrote: What anti…

… concluded with a plea for furthre important expansion in due to Henry Ford or to any real he- rather more easily than do other races any comparisons. The Jew is con- the immigrants coming to the land…

September 29, 1922 • Page Image 1

…_ _ AmericaN ffewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AMUR • CINCINNATI 10, 01110 LWISII HROAICL Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English Telephone GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME…

… PUBLICATION WE MUST SAVE ALL WHO CAN BE SAVED, DR. ROSEN DECLARES Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1922 VOL XII. NO. 18 Letter °Articulates Pride of a People…

… LEAGUE MOVES TO PROTECT MINORITY Adopt. Professor Murray's Scheme to Safeguard Nationalities. Harvard Questions Are Aimed at Jews CAMPAIGN AGAINST JEWS CALLED FIGHT D. C. Praised by Col. Grove ON U. S…

…. LIBERALISM in a Report to Herbert U.S. Jews Wedgwood to Tour U. S. ForPalestinian Fund Checked Ukrainian Famine ' University Authorities Deny J. "We Were 611Lot Always Poor," Say the Jens of the…

… unanimous adoption of the series o seeking to discriminate against Jew- jects for Relief. tion, on the progress of the famine by their present poverty and the resolutions introduced by Professo relief work in…

… question is, "What change, vealed in the report of Dr. Lincoln against the Jewe developed into a NEW YORK.—Plans of tremen- pay," say the Jews of that afflicted case of dispute. The league is also if any…

… agent to report on the mi- er?" Of the eight other questions as serious as in any part of the Volga of Henry Ford's Jew-mania in the suffering, starving, freezing, sick and "We pinned our hopes on this…

… year's nority situation in the countries af- some seek to elicit information as to basin and in one respect the famine October number of the Hearst In- naked Jews of the Ukraine have been harvest, but…

… that the No to protection, the duties of their tions he belongs, what are his chief whose seeding-program has saved the There is no bread. No clothes. will fight against the Jews did not stand British…

…, including those not bound by versity explain that applicants would the Palestine Foundation Fund. conditions in that country. thought that any considerable amount against the Jews and the campaign Dr. Rosen…

May 12, 1922 • Page Image 10

… reaction seeks trying to take our place as a nation I coming in contact with the vulgar?— Genuine Roadhouse Style by & man history. He traces the political vicissitudes of the Jews in Ger- 1 I A ' men…

… clothes, position or table uard Lasker and Ludwig Bomberger actionary forces will succeed by their by advertising methods, we were net- ,t t 11:30.2:00 p. m. The Jews have for 2,000 years been Napoleon I…

… present day. There SUNDAY DINNER $1.25 educated and the working-class mass- many after 1848, and again the Jew- since he was perfectly callous to pic- are other peoples, too, who have had Semitic influence…

… concessions, Jewish question assumed a new form. the modern spirit. This It was Count ed political struggles in Germany ment. The reaction knows that its ficiently impressed the masses with Massacers of Jews on…

… ONLY DETECTOR sia , who proceeded immediately after of the Jews under the Constitution, is fortifying itself. And if France more incalcuable harm been done. the torture that men go through in took place…

… and reactionary policy, self in the universities, churches, li- Other than the liberation of the mind, culture has no legitimate aim. To were attacks on the Jews of various a Constitution which for that…

… period gard to the rights of the Jews. if the enlightened world and the en- braries and marble museums, while hear our sleek and comfortable men art in tattered rags begged for alms degrees of violence…

… victorious war of tions with Jews. We barred him because he drank pure judgment is rare. We confuse with the end of the War of Liberation 1870 and the formation of the Ger- The man who had charge of the beer…

… Chief Rabbi of Khazen Tells of fused publication on this side. Rob- because of the unfortunate life of its of Prince Bismarck was in the hands lower spring adjustment is the ONLY Dania. Jews Bad Soldiers…

December 01, 1922 • Page Image 6

…. Cable Address: lfalmilnanat December 1, 1922 Kislev 11, 5683 Tracts. No work that can possibly be undertaken in behalf of the Jew is of so much significance to him at this time as a proper campaign…

… of education which shall indicate to Jew and non-Jew alike the essential character of his beliefs and of his aspirations. The pulpit which attempts to do this reaches at best a compar- atively small…

… authoritative in- formation as to who we are and what we stand for, much of the current prejudice of which the Jews are the victims will dis- appear. A campaign of education such RS is proposed by the Tract…

… Commission will go much farther than all forms of protest against bigotry and fanaticism in giving to the Jew in America his rightful place. Thanksgiving. By the time that this issue of the Chronicle reaches…

… expected Clemenceau to take notice of the Jews, whose representatives were also at the Peace Conference, de- manding justice more or less proud- ly, asserting their right to national rehabilitation. It is…

December 15, 1922 • Page Image 6

…1)grttorr, J, i41sIi (ilItONICLE PAGE SIX etRON ICLE TitE MICHIGAN'S JEWISII HOME PUBLICATION Publisted Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Jacob H. Schakne, Business Manager…

… in Judaism. The Menorah, the Ner Tomid, the Jahrzeit light, the Sabbath candles, all suggest the appro- priateness of light as an expression of the Jew's faith and of his hopes and aspirations. But the…

… Chanukah tapers are not kindled in a sudden blaze of light but from day to day they grow in number and in efful- gence. May not this tell the Jew that the light which it is his to spread must grow from day…

… born of ignorance and of a lack of appreciation of the spirit of a faith that inspires and ennobles those who comprehend its essential teachings. For the majority of Jews, Chanukah will continue to be a…

… accuracy. The Nomination of Mr. Simons. The nomination of Mr. Charles C. Simons for the office of Federal Judge of the eastern district of Michigan by Senators Townsend and Couzens is a distinguished honor…

… of his city and his state. Should Mr. Simons' nomination be ratified by the Senate— as there is reason to believe it will—Michigan may well be con- gratulated upon the choice that has been made for so…

… we do not sympathize, must be regarded as a great Jew for his life was devoted to the service of his people and all of his time and his energies and his means were dedicated to a cause that in his mind…

… spelled salvation for Jews and Judaism. It is said that he was the largest individual contributor to Zionist causes. During the past five years, he had subscribed almost half a million dollars to the…

July 14, 1922 • Page Image 4

… outside the pale of Judaism. This contingent is, however, by no means MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION fixed. The attitude of antagonism to Judaism frequently gives Published Weekly b y The Jewish…

… the Jews range all the way from ultra- arch 316, , 19 at he t Postoffice at Detroit, Entered as second-class matter M I conservatism to the radicalism of the confirmed Socialists. Mich., under the Act…

… considerable contingent of Jews who are LONDON, W. 1, ENGLAND not actively affiliated with the synagogues or the community Subscription, in Advance-- ...... _..-..- ................................. $3.00 Per…

… of the and of the other iniquities which the Jew-haters conjure up. the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for In such instances there has been, in the past, and will be in the view expressed…

… Ish-Kishor.) By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ A YOUNG FOLKS' PAGE CONDUCTED BY JUDITH ISH-KISHOR. Mexico's offer of a stretch of land to the Jews for colonization purpose's again brings in the limelight of Jew- 4…

…. A king who was descended from ish activities the great literary gen- FAMOUS JEWS OF TODAY Ruth. ius, Israel Zangwill. As father of 5. The first human being to taste of the ITO, the Jewish…

Jews is made by a gov- inspiring leader. Do you know that 11. The city that Jonah was sent to ernmental body causes the ITO'S prophesy against. it was he who first thought of having guiding spirit to…

…, he knew very well how glad the Jews would be to fight for the deliver- Philosopher of the 18th century. overlook the fact that similar offers ance of their ancient country, Pales- have been made from…

… with an acrostic which compel the mind as well as the heart when the Arabs in Palestine tried to I have worked out. Your little friend, of the Jew to think of a homeland only massacre the Jews. The…

… British, in Roger Coffee. in the sense of re-establishing the land to satisfy the quarrelsome Ar- P. S. My sister Marian and I en- of our ancestors. A Jew settling in The home is the foundation of…

June 09, 1922 • Page Image 6

… course. points to a Pill! Our real condition that ought to be faced rather frankly. There is Contemporarie5 no question but that every effort ought to be made by the Jew- Published Weekly by The Jewish…

… matter March 3, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit, only ought to have but in fact they do have hospitality commit- THE JEWS OF LITHUANIA By Judith Ish•Itisbort (Copywright. 1921. Mich., under the Act of…

… Miriam Rubin was the dar- Jews in the Day Nursery after public the Jews full rights and just treat- $3.00 Per Year tions to which they were accustomed will obtain here in the ling and pet of the dwellers…

… be made always But one day something terrible children in America. For if you think instances the Jew who reaches the top happened. Little Miriam's father fell about it now, you will be ready to There…

… i, find sion for Jews in this city, is a man of family and he must RIDDLE BOX of the neighbors advised that the child even a conscious and deliberate effort a way of supporting his wife and children…

…. Hence, his mission young people have joined the young people's societies; who should be placed in a home for or- made to keep other Jews from attain. have taken a share in the educational and social work…

… that is phans. But the mother could not hear Is there anybody her who can pick similar success. It is possible, of work among the Jews, being find comparatively little difficulty in becoming ac- the…

December 22, 1922 • Page Image 3

…,Ateriazif ffewith periodical Carter LUPTON AMU' e CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Po' PAGE THREE TnEbentorraimsn Rom lac harm Ireland? No. Yet Jews play the part of Shylock. The book itself should be done…

… away with and no Jew should go to see the play. "And I say again that the Jewish race lives nobly or dies nobly." Rabbi Franklin's Sermon. Rabbi Franklin said in part: "Was 'The Merchant of Venice…

…' CHANUKAH CONCERT directed against the Jews individu- PROVES A SUCCESS ally or against the whole Jewish race? Or did Shakespeare turn out The Chanukah entertainment given a character such as Shylock and sim…

…- Sunday afternoon at the Jewish In- ply attach to him the name of Jew? stitute by the intermediate Young Did Shylock's passion for revenge de- Judaea clubs of Detroit proved a velop before or after his…

… by the audience. Numbers on the program consisted to Venice, was the only one who knew of a declamation, "Why I Like Cha_ the Jew? Is the play a caricature of nukah," by Rose Duchin of the Roses the…

Jew? "Fictional writers do as they like of Zion; a piano solo by Della Cash- dan of the l'irchai Zion; a Chanukah with their characters and make them play, "The Young Defenders," by say what they want…

…'nos life. Did Shakespeare do that? The Rachel, and songs by members of the world knows the Jew through reading priers and high Mogen David Club and the Tiffereth him and seeing him played on the quality…

…! Zion. Samuel Ileyman acted as chair- stage. Most authors either make the Jew a saint or a (lemon. Ile is nei- man of the afternoon. ther. He is a plain, every-day man. Roses of Zion. "In those days the…

February 10, 1922 • Page Image 1

…A merica lavish Periodical CeNter r— Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English CLIFTON ATINIII • CINCINNATI 20, OtUO BiEbETROITJEWISII Ilit01 ■ 11CL Telephone GLENDALE 8…

…-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1922 VOL. XI. NO. 12. I. 0. B. B. To Give CONGRESSMEN TOLD (Noted Jewish Writer Speaks Here Feb. 18,1 Father--Son Dinner…

… IMMIGRANT JEW IS PRINCE OF THOUGHT Interesting Celebration Plan- ned for Tuesday Evening, February 14. Louis Marshall Testifies Before House Committee on Alien Bill. Pisgah Lodge No. 34, I. 0. B. B., will…

… reference there- to in Congressional circles. "The entire world conies to the Jew for spiritual sustenance," he said. "Christ was a Jew; the Disciples were Jews; the Prophets were Jews. The Jew up to today is…

… hest stock of this country, just as unfavorably," he commented in this regard, and also remarked that "al- though the Jews form but 3 per cent of the population in the United States, they give 5 per cent…

… to the army dur- ing the war." "Anyone who is familiar with the ideals of Judaism," Marshall said, "realim, how unwarranted is the ac- cusation of Bolshevist tendencies on the part of the Jews." "Jews

… he is a Jew, and told a Jewish delegation which called up- nn him to secure lifting of restric- tions against Jewish activities, that he had nothing in common with the Jews." It is true that a small…

… minority of the Jews, Marshall said, were inter- ested in Socialism, but that is quite (Turn to Page Two) EDNA FERBER WILL SPEAK HERE FEB. 18 M00, Edna Ferber, noted Jewish writer, will speak in Detroit…

October 27, 1922 • Page Image 7

…A merica Pa r ish Perla&al Carter CLIFTON MIMI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEV FJi TinDergonlEwurt e RONK= 8)(- . . 14: J 0 S E P I+, ----- - (Comwright, 1921. By Chas. H. Joseph.) 1 JEWS

… UNAFFECTED BY EASTERN CRISIS r-- M. . Paul Painleve Declares Jew- ish People Ought to Have Its Land. I i 1 4 1 3 t o l i d ? EDER 1 WOODWARD AFL • 0- d requires not alone the name of the Someone…

…. It will be t to me readers to know that this plan of digging out Jew. ' o who might be conceded under new n•mes was put into effect at liar- vard last spring when • questionnaire vs. sent out to the…

… student d And at that time it was understood generally that the H body. uthorities were seeking to get an accurate idea of the number of a Jews present. The agitation has died down, but the plan of restrict…

…- umber of Jews who will be admitted is in operation at Ihr• ;,,,, the n • .,d. n exchange I noticed an item referring to the sale of a weekly I J•r printed in tabloid form for Ku Klux Klan propaganda and…

… by the decent men and women of the country, that it should be supplanted by ,,other stooping to make capital out of religious hatred. It is said that the Jews are occasionally criticized in this new…

… avenge business man. New York is trying to get 20,000 new members this month for the Jewish Federation. There are almost 2,000,000 Jews in Greater New York. There are only 30,000 members of the Federation…

November 03, 1922 • Page Image 5

…. He has al- ways been friendly to the Jewish peo- ple, and helped many of the race in Eastern High School and University of Michigan. He removed the social barriers against Jews in several in- stances…

… appeal made by Rabbi Aisishkin sages felicitating the Jewish people rejoicing, American Jews must al- Candidate for Congressman Known tion or destruction of private and at the funeral of Mrs. Sophie Knop…

… Hebrew Baby didate for Congress in the district of "I ant confident that the Jews dor Aukiand C. Geddes, British Am- man Doremus, Mr. Clancy was of par- Day Nursery committee officially bassador to the…

… United States, Col. America will respond unitedly to de- comprising the East Side of Detroit, ticular help to many Jews who sought thanked the rabbi and the family of Josiah C. Wedgwood, Parliamentary…

… inaugurate an the Jewish people. At the University Doremus, Mr. Clancy is opposed to ing sympathies to the family on the Senator Lodge, Samuel Untermeyer autonmous Jewish State built upon of Michigan, Mr…

… appointment of Woodward avenue presents an forts of the principal members of His Jews, including Day and Julian Kro- 4239 committee and honor men. unusual phonograph offer in a unique Brittonic Majesty…

… Golding( Ben Jacob, etc. in this issle of The Chronicle. This a great step forward and the whole- Annual reports of officers were hearted co-operation of Jews through- presented on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at a…

… especially of meeting of the North Woodward the Jews of the United States, can branch of the Jewish Women's Euro- two young jouralists. He helped their nothing, even if he be of noble birth. city to their…

… Hotel Stotler, government, to make Palestine the Room B. An interesting program will homeland for persecuted Jews," is the be offered and refreshments served. statement of Col. Wedgwood on the eve of his…

… return to England. "When in due course they take up their share COUNT BETHLEN FAVORS in directing the fortunes of the British "CHRISTIAN POLICY," NOT Empire, the Jews may rest assured ANTI- JEWISH EXCESSES…

October 06, 1922 • Page Image 5

… state wouldn't stand for what Michigan stands for with Ford's Jew.b•iting. Such • citizen- ■ ship I scarcely think would worry whether • Jew was in power or Catholic was in control or • Protestant; they…

… increase in the number of Jews. In r inenti .7( f:11 I ' 1' 11 "Not long ago Palestine was taken away from the Turks. It is ruled partly by Great Britain and partly by the Jews themselves." news. I •m…

… street must be regardin of just how confused the the exact status of the Jews today in the Holy Land. I wouldn't be surprised if some believe that the Jews own the country. I didn't know that Albert D…

… • Colonel House of the Harding ■ Bal- marked that "he is • Jew." This brough t a sharp protest from a of this column, who writes: timore reader "I wonder what kind of a Jew he really is. In an issue of cent…

… date a food recipe of Lasker's is printed and he says 'fry re the chicken in butter.'" Jews of this country were to have their Jewishness If all the war, I am afraid that my Baltimore correspondent…

… would tested in this have to read out of Jewry • great many very desirable Jews; probably I am less interested many that he himself admires and respects. fried in butter than I am if he is decent w hether…

… a Jew eats chicken and clean in his private, business and social life. I know some Jews who wear their hats in service and eat only Kosher food who ought to be run out of every Jewish community…

…. recent issue I mentioned that the "Ort" Association, which In ■ has for its purpose the promotion of trades and agriculture among the direction of extreme radicalism" and Jews, is "strongly inclined in the…

… leading Boston Jews took place on Wednesday in the palatia home of Max Schoolman, well-known as one of the most generous and public-spir- ited Jews in Boston. The meeting was called for the purpose of…

… of this country—the non-Jews- will feel particularly grateful to Congressman Walter M. Chandler of of New York for suggesting in a public address that in the event Great Britain's requiring force to…

September 29, 1922 • Page Image 4

… attempt to reach the ingesting stranger in our midst. The task is too herculean for a few rab- MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION bis unaided to undertake. They are doing their ample share Illech's ?Lein…

… be demoralizing. Jews who On his way home, Rabbi Amnon President Harding has affixed his signature to the Joint res- attend services only twice a year, on From far away Russia thought over what he had…

… significant. Once the Lodge resolution had as in every other large center to ac- he doubted, that he was not sure of own sin is basic to the thought and the faith of the Jew. But been passed by both houses…

… this thought above all others that Lodge resolution was a mistake, now that it has been passed, holding dance halls is done away with, Jews Lying here in bed. but in vain. Finally, the archbishop it is…

… quite innocuous. Great Day comes to us. Its appeal to the heart of the Jew will attend synagogues instead, and our Palestine will never be the homeland of the Jews though many will undoubtedly be…

… educa- I'm Joseph from Warsaw, making, historical event, like Pesach or Shabuoth. Its essen- Jews of all shades of opinion are united in the conviction that to my question in three days?" asked tional…

…. There's the archbishop, angrily . and that indeed it is the bounden duty of all Jews to assist in Let us remember this when we speak Only my heart feels sore. "When I made that promise," an- as he should…

… renegade parents in Poland are re- It's truth, I'm telling you. my tongue, which uttered the sinful be glad if persecuted Jews will have gained a haven of refuge turning to the Jewish fold. A Jewish Oh…

…'s question may well be put to the . for this movement is self evident And when I'm a man litter. Jews as a rule change their faith to people: I'll give away a store. Several days later came Rosh ha- o obtain…

… still Jews. Their children The kind my mother gave— Rogue. At about the middle of the The day for a man to affict his soul? suffer as much, if not more, from Jew- See. The evening star shines, service…

July 28, 1922 • Page Image 4

… citizen the actively anti-Jewish non-Jew may otherwise be, he is certainly guilty of MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION spiritual treason to our fine professions of democracy. Rightly he feels the need of…

… this country, 850 High Street West causing, and no doubt in part caused by, a strong race feeling Cable Address: Telephone: on the part of the Jews themselves." Chronicle In contrast, please hear the…

… sanitation of the country. "To this," El Kennel says, "our ans- 3. An enemy of the Jews in S isern wer is that we have lived for hun- Deborah's day 11 °sea (lasts and thousands of years with the 1. A prophet…

… swamp as it now is, and we have the . U r 5. Abraham's birthplace 6. A wicked king of the Jews .A hab evidence of Lord Northcliffe that we Answer: A leader of the Jews, were happier before the war…

… in Jewish history? We have faith in the honor of the Jews. Phenomenal Successes. The success of the Zionist move- ment in the past 25 years is nothing short of being miraculous. From a fad and a dream…

… reactionary and anti-Semitic cricles throughout the world against the hopes of the Jews for Palestine, it is gratifying to note that the policy of the nations for a Jewish homeland has not changed. Even…

… opposition to the mandate in certain Jewish circles was not strong enough to overcome the Jewish claim of an "historic con- nection" with Palestine. There is reason for rejoicing and our fellow Jews never had…

… SAIL man circles, includes the names of Max Warburg, Wasserman, the outbreak of the catastrophe. Einstein is not only a great FAMOUS JEWS OF TODAY FOR PALESTINE ON scientist, but also a very wise man in…

… that he refused to swallow Mendlesohn Bartholdi, and scores of other leading Jews. Walter Rathenau. UNIVERSITY MISSION pill. Since that time German anti-Semites, monarchists, this These men are marked…

… they are political liberals, but because they are Jews. day Einsten is the only great German scholar who has the con- list given their lives to its service. But Faculty With Funds Raised Jews have two…

June 16, 1922 • Page Image 1


…America ffewith Periodical Carta Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English write( MINIM • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO IfEbETROITAWISII 11-RONICL Telephone GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH…

… DISCRIMINATION IS Endorses Zionism PRACTICED AGAINST Installed Sunday IMMIGRATION QUOTA Ford Negative, Palestine Pisgah Lodge No. 34, I. 0. B. JEWS IN COLLEGES BY THIRD OF TOTAL Calls Positive Side of the Jew- B…

… aus- rising 10 fete perpendicularly from AGAINST NEW MEASURE tion, nd neither he nor by crusade TO FORM ACADEMIC PALE pices of the Michigan Council of MEETINGS ON JAN. 23-25 the ground and of…

… of Czars Did are confident that their machine, on ted by the movement to restore the Louis Marshall Brings Home i which Michigan Council, who opened the they have have been working What Our…

… and freedom." members into the new lodge, the de- New York's leading Jews—rabbis London authorities had denied re- In these words, Norman Hapgood issue of June 14, the Nation discusses gree team and…

… activities of Henry Ford, and the Jews in American colleges and taken to bring Jews back to Judiaism prizes offered by the British Air Min- Will Startle Scientists. when at the meeting of the Ilouse the…

… movement for restoring the Jew- universities and declares that "Har- chapter. ot a dinner given recently by Adolph istry. Brannan, accroding to cable vard is not the first American uni- The one difficulty…

… never been tried and liner is at present working and hopes terest In the success of the restoration portion of the Jews in its midst." bers to reduce from 3 to 2 per cent tee, under Mr. Ochs' leadership…

… the day present immigration law recently ex- American life such reactionary and two years reduced the percentage of Hebrew Congregations in New York Though the Berliner machine has Jews in her incoming…

July 28, 1922 • Page Image 8

… has been flooded with appeals by the Rozwoi party, exhorting the population to emulate the recent example of Vilna, where a number of 0 Jews were injured following a riot caused by that party. , I t…

… Austria's financial possibilities. 0 • • • • p N. Y. LISTED SECURITIES Detroit Stocks Chicago Stocks Cleveland Stocks Curb Securities 5 . p The wholesale expulsion of Crimean Jews, including Jewish…

… Chil- dren, Yard Goods. Notions, Butterick Patter., Royal Society Goods, Toys. Open Evenings Excepting Friday.. • • • l'anic among Jews following the accusation that a Jew had been guilty 'of the…

… town in Bohemia. The police report states that the girl had been murdered by an ordinary criminal, the accusation against the Jew being entirely unfounded. • • • • 8045-9 Twelfth Street et Seward Henry…

May 19, 1922 • Page Image 12

… pleasure to choose your Poland is the fact that for the first time since the great war, Polish Jewry has issued a call for relief action internally on behalf of the poorer Jews, ,= furniture at a store where…

… being held in all parts of Lithuania demanding that = Lithuania keep faith with the Jews, even as the Jews are discharging their obligations towards the I.ithuanian state. • • • • — = Numerous complaints…

March 17, 1922 • Page Image 2

… Zangwill the interpreter of Ghetto life will always be liked and admired by Jewish readers of good literature. KI PIA HE sweetly sympa- thetic tone of the T THE JEW AND THE WORLD KIMBALL PIANO, in…

… in makes of good furniture when you visit our factory, adjoin- ing the salesrooms. Come whenever it is convenient for you. "GOOD FURNITURE"' is not a mere • expression with us, IT IS A FACT. "The Jew

… Palestine the KIMBALL PIANOS Jews remained an agricultural peo- delight amateur. and ple to the end. Though their country was on the main trade route of the professional alike ancient world, they never became…

… its eign importations." In the essay "Moses, or the Jew's case design has Service to the World," the author de- made it the cen- clares that "the religion of Moses was founded, first of all, upon the…

… the World's Hostility American homes. Toward the Jew," is a sermon for Purim. "The one lesson of Jewish history is confidence," Dr. Enelow says here . "Time and again, it tells Many Models in Kimball…

… Pianos and Player Plana; us, the Jew has had to face foes and Convenient terms, if desired feuds—from the very days of Egypt and Amalek; yet he has survived; the others have perished, but he has lived…

… Branch Stores: Pontiac, 9 Auburn Ave.; Ann Arbor, on." Biddle Ave. N. 18 211 E. Liberty; Wyandotte, In "The Jew and the World," the concluding essay in his collection, Dr. Enelow says: "The whole history…

… of the Jew proves the superior worth of spiritual Nicholas (hesitating) : Ahem: ideals. By them the Jew has sur- There or thereabouts. A mongrel vived. By them he became immortal. state, Arabised…

… internationalist nad pa- still the most numerous element, "When we think of the history of cifist in the author. The play is of though the Christians combine to the Jew, we realize how false are the interest to both…

June 16, 1922 • Page Image 3


…F Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English { IfEbETROITAWISII 611tONICL Telephone GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION VOL XII. NO. 4 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10…

… been working Necessity for Revival of for nearly 20 years, will prove to be a practical success. Judaism in U. S. Announcement of the work of the Jewish inventors was made after New York's leading Jews

…—rabbis London authorities had denied re- and laymen—pledged their aid to ports that Louis Brannan had per- the greatest movement ever under- fected a helicopter and captured the taken to bring Jews back to…

… PRACTICED AGAINST Ford Negative, Palestine Pisgah Lodge No. 34, I. 0. B. JEWS IN COLLEGES BY THIRD OF TOTAL Calls Positive Side of the Jew- B., to Elect New Officers on Mt. Clemens Lodge Installed Sunday…

…. Clemens. The cere- monies, which were held at Elkins' Hotel, were conducted under the aus- pices of the Michigan Council of B'nai B'rith Clubs. Adolph Freund, founder of the Michigan Council, who opened the…

… acted as toastmaster at the banquet held in the evening. Mr. Freund, who was one of the speakers, pointed out how the Jews were united by the campaign of anti- Semitism and spoke generally of the mission…

… and work of the order of B'nai B'rith. Mr. Rosenberg, who is a former United States Consul to Seville, Spain, then delivered an instructive address on "The Jew in Statecraft," relating in the course of…

… his talk the activities of leading Jews through- out the world, among them Professor Ashkenazi, Polish Ambassador to Great Britain; David Ferand, French statesman; M. H. Godfroy, Dutch jurist; Ritter…

… Mandell and Aubrey Cherkose. Silas Feinberg recited several interesting recitations. Mr. Seelenfreund made the closing address of the evening. Mr. Lichtig of Bay City, active in Michigan B'nai B…

September 29, 1922 • Page Image 10

…•—Northtmy 3516. CAMPAIGN AGAINST JEWS CALLED FIGHT ON U. S. LIBERALISM (Concluded from Page One) DE LUXE CANDY SHOP United States, well known to me per- sonally, a man of the highest stand- ing and character…

… stopped for a compensation. The Sports Council of Vienna has decided not to subsidize sporting "At this time Mr. Brasol was re- clubs which exclude Jews from i S ner:bel - shir ceiving interesting…

…. himself a Jew, but he comes from one of the French possessions and looks The Polish government has given satisfactory assurances to the League upon France as the country which he is called upon most…

… German-Jews, as the head of the In- Ex-Governor Moses Alexander was nominated by the.Democratic party ternational Jews, were the oustand- for governor of Idaho by acclamation, at the state convention held…

… inactivity AND STERLING SILVER SETS one conspicuous New York Jew—Ja- cob Schiff. He then took the index of the police during the rioting. • • • • of the New York Times and made a Georges Dreyfus of the French…

…-Jewish literature to Ameri- can citizens. It will cotain a lead pencil sketch by Boris Brasol, which will indicate Brasol's belief that Beiliss and two other Jews should have been convicted of murdering a child in…

… entire salary to • charitable institutions. The Sosnowitz Jews are living in constant dread of fresh pogroms. The local Polish newspapers are agitating openly for wholesale pogroms, and (Concluded from…

… Editorial page.) the local authorities have taken no steps to curb this propaganda. Dr. burg. Dr. Alexander M. Dushkin, as l'earlman and S. Weiss, the representatives of the local Jews, have ap- chairman of…

… themselves "intelligent, happy Jews, and in consequence also better the sanitary department of the American Zionist Medical Unit to the Health citizens of America and broader hu- Department of the Palestine…

December 15, 1922 • Page Image 1

… HOME PUBLICATION Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1922 VOL. XIII. NO. 3 — TO ADDRESS Herbert Lehman Is 2,00 REFORM JEWS Fine Program for KEREN HAYESOD TO…

…A merica Prick Periatileal Carter Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English CLIFTON AMUR - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 74bET-ROIT LWISII RRONICL Telephone GLENDALE 9-3-0-0 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH…

… WENLEY MEN'S TEMPLE CLUB Opening of School An "Ica" Director WILL CELEBRATE 50 CONDUCT MICHIGAN Week's Celebration to Agreement Concluded With J. YEARS OF PROGRESS Entire Mark Dedication of New DRIVE IN…

… JANUARY D. C. for Co-Operation Building. in Russia U. of M. Professor Will Speak at Smoker Tuesday Evening. CHARLES C. SIMONS PICKED U. S. JUDGE Son of David W. Simons Nomiaatad by Michigan Senators…

… the Joint Dis- entire week's program of extreme in- tion. With both Michigan Senators terest, according to an announce- agreeing, the Senate is almost cer- AMERICA ONLY LAND TO tribution Committee of…

… former Michigan Jewish Colonization Association, the The feature of the new school's State Senator. Ile is • personal philanthropic organization with head- opening will be the ceremonies to be friend of…

… Senator Townsend and a J. D. C. Spent More in Russia quarters in Paris, administering the Leading American Jews from held at 2 p. m. Sunday, Jan. 7, when eon of David W. Simons, former 300,000,000 franc…

… which member of the Joint Distribution haps the most descriptive of any ever credit societies in various parts of hoods. Calling this the greatest Jew- Mrs. Wolf Kaplan is chairman. This Committee, and…

August 18, 1922 • Page Image 1


….—Credit for the vic- ' tory which the Jews of Lithuania have scored in obtaining "national autonomy" under the new Lithu- anian constitution is in large measure due to the efforts of the Jews of America, who…

… have watched over hte interests of their brethren on the other side. For a time there was danger of the clause guaranteeing minority rights, which are so vital to the well- being of the Jews in Lithuania…

… such rights would be granted to the Jews. Demand of Co gg Last January, acting upon advice received from abroad that Jewish rights are in danger of being over- looked in the new constitution, the…

… upon the American Jews to rally to the support of their Lithu- '-anian brethren. When the Lithu- anian Jews held their congress last February, the American Jewish Con- gress cabled a demand in the name…

… of the many affiliated Jewish central and national organizations that the Lithuanian government keep its promise and grant the Jews within its borders local autonomy. Help of Congressmen. Leaders of…

… rightfully withhold un- less and until Lithuania shall in spirit and substance have fulfilled her cove- nant with her Jewish citizens." DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1922 DR. ROSEN SAYS GOOD RUSS…

… CROP BIALYSTOCK FLOOD FraternaT Order Synagogues Appeal COVERS SYNAGOGUE WILL NOT HELP JEWS OF UKRAINE Meets in Detroit For Keren Hayesod By FRANK J. PRICE, JR. . ODESSA.—Jews of America who have…

… the Jews would be acute for some time to come. "It must be remembered," he said, "that the peasants in rural districts will have the grain. It will improve their condition without question, but what of…

… Distribution Committee is carrying on in co-operation with the American Relief Administration, of which Her- bert Hoover is chairman. ASK TEN MILLION FOR DENY MISTREATMENT JEWS OF UKRAINIA OF JEWS IN RADUN…

September 01, 1922 • Page Image 10

… Building Residence Phone, Hemlock 73I-W Northway 500; Market 4600 SEPTEMBER 1, 1922 (Concluded from page 1.) the Jews' fraternal greeting and the Zionist desire for co-operation was sounded by David…

… Yellin, chairman of the National Council of Palestine Jews. Labor Favor. Zionism. Friday's afternoon session was op- , .)ned by Dr. Weizmann. His speech (From cables of Jewish Correspondence Bureau and…

August 04, 1922 • Page Image 4

Jew, or anti-Semitism, is one of these preju- MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION dices or weaknesses which has recently suffered a sudden growth. It is regrettable, for to say "I dislike Jews," it is a…

… sense of justice. And they can do this in two Cable Address: Telephone: Chronicle ways. Glendale 8326 One way is to slander the Jews as a whole. Instead of say- LONDON OFFICE ing "I dislike" Jews, which…

… is natural, though absurd, a man 14 STRATFORD PLACE LONDON, W. 1, ENGLAND will say : "The Jews are disloyal, the Jews are swindlers, the Jews are money-hunters," which is unjust as well as absurd. $3…

…. The second immoral way in which anti-Semitism finds The Six Greatest Jews. vent—and this is more vicious than the first, and bound up with In last month's American Magazine there appeared an it—is to…

… attempt to penalize the Jews because they do not ap- article by Bruce Barton, based on an interview with II. G. peal to one's taste. Dislike the Jews, if you cannot help it. Say so, if you must. Wells. The…

… therefore they must be deprived of this or that human privilege. • • • For to be obsessed by a prejudice is human and forgivable. Jews who read the Outline remember the scant considera- But to give vent to…

…. Wells have included the name of Moses? And are other Jews entitled likewise to a place in this Hall of Super- The Basle Program Triumphs. fame? Twenty-five years ago, almost to a day, the Basle Program A…

… list of the six greatest Jews in history may suggest the Was formulated at the first Zionist Congress ever held. That answer. program has been ratified by the nations of the world. In Who are your…

… convening. And at him, the most appealing, if not the greatest Jews in history. that gathering, the first Jewish Parliament, there were laid • • • • down certain principles which have become historic in their…

… import. These principles known as the Basle Program are: We nominate these as the six greatest Jews in history: "The aim of Zionism is to create for the Jewish people a Abraham. publicly legally assured…

August 25, 1922 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR TiffibefR00145lfaiROXICLE grim BWISII &RON 1CLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME l'UBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President Int…

… which instigated one of Sunday's six-day revivals, saying that in his opinion there is no such God as Sunday pretends, no such heaven and no such hell. By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ To us Jews such incidents are…

… satisfy not only the cravings of our traces New York City and other large Jew- emotional nature, but also the demands of reason. While our ish centers in America. Among the neighbors center their system of…

… religion upon belief and old-fashioned Jews in the Old World, dogma, we lay the greatest stress upon knowledge and doc- almost all marriages were arranged trine. While they emphasize creed, we emphasize deed…

… emotionalism is to be en- permit either family to advance the couraged which is in accord with reason and intelligence. subject. Marriage was thus made a The one thing, however, in which both Christian and Jew

… important institution do this, religion must never be robbed of dignity and decorum in the life of the Jew. Both Jewish and must never be reduced to a practice or performance that and non-Jewish writers have…

… references to the Shadchan into the mire, prove highly gratifying.—The Jewish Ledger, are made in mocking tones, his pass- SHMA YISROEL Prayer Recited Twice Daily by Orthodox Jew. By RABBI JUDAH L. LEVIN…

… (Editor's Note--The following in- teresting article is a translation of a chapter of Judah L. Levin's latest Hebrew book, "Sefer Hadronim," now in the hands of the printer.) Great is the power of the Jew

… con- tained in the "Shma Yisroel," the prayer, "hear Oh Israel, the Lord Our God, the Lord is One," recited twice daily by every Orthodox Jew. It is a wonderful story of strength u nlimited. The ideal…

… of the Shemang is a soul ideal, more powerful and more ele- v ating than the corporeal strength. It g ives the Jews a power of endurance. Its supernatural power enables our p eople to suffer troubles…

January 06, 1922 • Page Image 12

… sales, advertising and service activities in connection with both Hudson and F.s- sex cars . Yiddish has been recognized as an official language in Lithuanian towns where the Jews constitute 20 per cent…

…'olish government. • • • • Fifteen officers who have been in Constantinople since the debacle of General Wrangel were arrested by the British police for public Jew-baiting. They are accused of making an attempt to…

… start a pogrom with their cries of "Kill the Jews and save Russia!" • • • An organization to come to the assistance of the Rabbis in Eastern Europe, by obtaining appointments for them or rendering relief…

… Zionist circles in Russia towards Mr. Jabotinsky's negotiations. • • • • Two Jews have so for been elected members of the Parliament of the For Eastern Republic. Both members are Bundists. A ministry to…

… campaign of advantage unmatched in any car. the American Jewish Relief Committee for the relief of suffering among 'the destitute Jew's in Eastern Europe. "It has always maintained a broad- mindedness in the…

….—Responsible Automobile Dealers Who Sell that he had received two checks, one for $5,000 and the other for $2,500, Only Reliable Cars. from prominent Jews. • • • A consignment of 700 dozen winter caps and hats, intended…

… workers, the cloth being a gift of the union and the manufacturers, the manufacturers also By RABBI S. SIEGEL, having thrown open their plants for the use of the workers who made Chief Supervisor Michigan

… outermost to the in- ing an additional contingent of refugees, mostly aged women and children. : nermost gate of America. If on the At Tiflis alone, a few thousand Jews have arrived from Turkestan and are one…

… accommodations and food may bring on the death of thou- immigrant Jew that he must become an American, it also reminds him that sands unless help comes quickly, reports say. the way in which Jews can serve…

… Development Company. The devoutedly, enthusiastically loyal Jews. The Jew who imagines that he transferred property includes a number of valuable centrally located grounds, houses and stores, for which the I…

March 03, 1922 • Page Image 4

…ThEirierRorYtmsft ei RON ICLE PACE FOUR TltE ~ E'I'R017JEWIStt el- RONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins…

… Telephoner mere fact that a man is descended from Jewish ancestors does not constitute him a Jew in good standing. A man's life and not the chance of his birth must be the test of his Jewishness and of his…

… persons may do it good. The name of the Jew has been sufficiently besmirched by our ene- mies. It is high time that we Jews began to guard it jealously and zealously. Our lodges, our clubs and other…

… organizations that call themselves Jewish should be the first to realize this. In their hands it lies very largely to make the name "Jew" a byword or a blessing among men. 4041000000 ** ****0 0 400n00000 (Our…

… Boys and Girls:— (American Isralite) The province of the Jewish news- paper is to keep its readers informed of everything that matters to Jews, whether these are Jewish happenings or happenings that are…

… of special in- terest to Jews without being specific. ally Jewish. More especially it is the object of the Jewish press to keep a s readers informed as to all Jewish movements, to keep them in touch…

… the interest of the readers in congrega- tional work, and, in fact, to make bet- ter and more active Jews of them— We haven't tried an Acrostic for quite a while. I should like to see if Whenever I get…

… been playing in awakening wish you all the success in the world. (The New Palestine) Michigan and many of the townspeople of Ann Arbor, gathered a sense of duty in the people and in showing them the way…

… sponsored not been without appreciation. journalism and politics. Both go Rosamund has been feeling sad poor Jew. Ile found it very hard to hand in hand. In his role a journal. by the University under the…

… direct auspices of the Jewish Stu- And yet we wonder sometimes whether a man of the type of about the unhappy state of the Jew- make a living and to support his wife ist, he devotes himself to the business…

November 03, 1922 • Page Image 1

Jews Michigan peninsula will participate in 700 and is separated by a corriddr, do? The nations said Palestine is Famom Cantor's Remuneration Ea. which serves as an entrance to the the B'nai B'rith Day…

…A llier/CM 'elvish Periodical Carter CLIPTON ATIINU1 - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO -.‘ Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English Telephone GLENDALE IfEbETROITIEWISII 111ZONICL 8…

…-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1922 VOL. XII. NO. 23 County Drive Toronto Cancels of Lord DEDICATION OF NEW LEVIN AND RUPPIN…

Jews Aiding Drive 'Heads for URGES JEWS GATHER Deny Report Big Bond Issue Reading Resignation I , Paderewski Visit COMING TO AMERICA For Feeble Minded TEMPLE BETH EL TO MEN AND MONEY TO Milton M…

…. Mayer- Israel today. "Every Jew who be- A. Vance, Rev. Chester B. Emerson, PHILADELPHIA.— (J. T. A.)— berg of Dayton, 0., former assistant longs to his people should be interested Rev. 51. C. Pearson, Rev…

… Declara- Prosecuting Attorney l'aul Voorheis, ment contained in a letter from that also to be delivered by Rabbi Abram Government. tion was issued, and if the Jews were Mrs. It. B. Jackson, Mrs. E. J. .1ef…

…- organization published by the Jew- Simon of Washingtno, D. C. Rabbis to be alive to the importance of it fries and Eugene W. Lewis. ish World, the Yiddish language daily. Leo M. Franklin and Henry J. Berk…

June 30, 1922 • Page Image 1


…( DIES AT HANDS OF BERLIN ASSASSINS Victim of Jew-Haters In Political Struggle) Pogroms Reported In Ukraine Towns Youngest Man to Head Pisgah Lodge I. 0. B. B. [ Joseph S. Garvett To Head I. O. B. B…

… Declares; Asserts There Is No Un- Rabbi Harry Z. Gordon, assistant series of outbreaks against Jews by Dr. Rathenau Was Regarded monitor; Harry Schlussel, warden; due Favoritism in Rutenberg Scheme. White…

… massacres of Jews fil- BERLIN.—Dr. Walter Rathenau president of Pisg ah 60 to 29. Ile had to reply to a motion by Lord Islington condemning its to be elected tering through from the various German Foreign…

… population was non-Zionist. The mandate, ing him in the throat and passing up- who died last Saturday morning at of Jews. Ruvim Kahan of Marion- meeting. Mr. Garvett is the youngest meeting. At the…

… Chancellor Wirth's government is tives and friends to attend the cere- the existing mandate was supported by and allied powers, with the assent the reports say, 10 Jews concealed in marshaling the nation…

… government will estab- ing will follow. lish a Jewish home in Palestine with- lish extraordinary courts for the trial Three Jews Appointed on Com- stated that not a Jew survived the Announcement is made that…

… in different fields con- ANTI-SEMITES DEFEATED Talmud Torah Children'. Parade Will 718 members of the House of Lords world, he believed that as soon as the hostile propaganda, and that the Jews the…

… be- help in the development of the Jew- Three of the committees will start facts as they stare us in the face. spread, yet this much is certain— gun of building the Jewish national B. by Mail.) As was…

Jews were killed and the political Nationalist bullets struck down Erz- Harvard and other persons, and in the overwhelming majority of con- "It is not going to ge a great - berger in the Black Forest 10…

February 10, 1922 • Page Image 2

… workers are doing their utmost to supersede lain year's success and to assure for the Hebrew play a place as a standing institution in the Jew. ish year's activities. The first act in the play shows a field…

… IMMIGRANT JEW IS PRINCE OF THOUGHT (Concluded from Page One) different from Bolshevism. As ex- ample he cited the "clean-out" of the Communists from the Forward, a lewish Socialist daily. Jews inter- e sted…

… in this type of extreme radical- ism form but a negligible quantity, he declared. The best answer to the charge of Bolshevism on the part of the Jews of Eastern Europe is found in the attitude of the…

… Bolshevists, themselves, towards the Jews. The Soviet government has actually clas- sified the Jews as belonging to the Bourgeoisie, carrying out this classi- fication by their systematic prosecu- thin against…

… the Jews. turned to the banqueters and de- I dared that the delegation had not ' come for dinners and feceptions, but for practical results in the Zionist ' cause. American Jews must prove that the…

September 22, 1922 • Page Image 8

… conditions and shlal encourage close 'settlement by Jews On the land, including state lands Renoyeing and waste lands not required for Mattr sssss , Feather Bede, Pillows Etc. public purposes." ... Feather…

… Beds made Into Roll Feather Matt ssssss and Down Comforts. Special reports are to be filed by E.iel.liihed 17 Years. the High Commissioner on the 'matt-, Cadillac 896496 1253 Michigan Ave. [ gration of…

Jews and the welfare of - I the Arab population, in addition to reports relating to revenue and ex- penditure, defense, public works, leg- I are Used C i Northway Bought an d Sold ' , lotion, population…

…ONIIIEMIIIMMIIIICIIINIEMOMNIIIIIIIMMWDEMIMIMIIIIIIIIIIiIWIMMILUMWASW "C. Priebe end Save Money" DETROIT MAGNETO EXCHANGE Michigan's Largest Furniture Store Offers A Complete Service 2168 Grand River The story of a great store is told in the service…

… with us for the rebuild- ing of the land. But money is not forthcoming. Jews seem to be too busy making money and too deaf to the cries of the hour to part with any of it. Such indifference can serve…

September 22, 1922 • Page Image 27

… home- less by order of Count Zomojsky, Po- OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ROSS SCHRAM SECRETARY To the Jewish People of Detroit and Michigan: lish Ambassador to France, on whose estate they have lived over a…

…, the holiday spirit. Shevarim sounds like a deep sigh, while Teruah reminds us very much of weeping. These variws voices of the Shofar are like unto the past, the presM11. and the future of the Jew. In…

… the past, when the Jew dwelt on his own soil, the effect of his voice on the world was that of rejoicing, of good tidings—the Tekiah. At the present time the Jew is sighing and crying over the terrible…

… pogroms, over the rivers of innocent blood shed and the streams of tears. His voice is like unto the Shevarim and the Teruah. But in the future, when the ancient hopes of the Jew will have been realized…

… beast, but of the horn of a rant, a peaceful domestic animal. Thus the voice of the Jew proclaims peace and brotherliness. With "charity for all and malice toward none," it simply calls for the rebuilding…

…, Rosh ha-Shanah and Yom Kippur are called "Yomin Ne-Roim," days of fear. Especially for the ever downtrodden and oppressed Jew does the future hold forth a prospect of fear and darkness. In connection…

… characteristic of the holiday of the future is the remarkable coincidence between the con- dition of the moon at this period of the year and the plight of the Jew. The burdens of the Jew at times assume im- mense…

… parts of the globe and the different conditions of the Jew in various parts of the world. In one portion of the globe, the moon, being re- flected upon by the rays of the sun, is very bright, while in…

… another the moon is dark and covered. And so the Jew, oppressed and downtrodden in one country, enjoys complete liberation in another. • There are numberless other characteristics involved in Rosh ha…

…-Shanah's history, but its primary purpose is to create a desire in the hearts of all Jewry to regard more seriously their religion, their Torah, their Creator. Rosh ha-Shanah, appealing to the Jews in clamorous…

December 29, 1922 • Page Image 1

…A le= ,fewisk Periodical Cotter Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English CIMON ATENUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO Telephone GLENDALE ffEbETROITJEWISR 9-3-0-0 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME…


… German Anti-Semites' Vote Calls Is Jewish Propaganda. Brown Proposes $100,000,000 Loan to Save Starving Population. Jews and Arabs Fraternize As Dr. Chaim Weizmann Visits Jaffa. NEW I. 0. B. B. HEAD…

… URGES BUILDING OF COMMUNITY CENTER I.EIPZIG.—(J. T. A.)—"Resolved, that the Einstein theory, for which Jews have made such widespread Every Jewish Element Here to propaganda is hereby rejected, in Joseph…

… ENCOURAGE EVERY REFORM, ORTHODOX JEWS can Relief Administration, at the lat- adopted by an "overwhelming ma. signed as a loan to Tranejordania and WORTHY JEWISH WORK ter's invitation, on Brown's proposal…

… Fleishman, Herman Weiss and cluding Reform and Orthodox Jews, doned by a people too weak to use day, at the Shaarey Zedek, on "The Adolph Freund were elected trustees. had a disturbing effect, but the High…

May 26, 1922 • Page Image 12

…THE iMTROtT, AWISItai RON tar, P AGE TEN MAY 26, 1929 CONGRESS LEADERS URGE U. S. JEWS TO BURY DIFFERENCES Rabbi Gourevitsch of Tombow refused to permit the Soviet officials to carry out the…

… (Concluded from Page One) ness. In order to be truly service- able the American Jewish congress must be free, and free it is, without bonds or comtittant other than fur- thering the well-being of the Jew. "Two…

… groups or kinds of Jews choose or have chosen to stay out- side of the American Jewish Con- gress. There are those who deem themselves too good to be bracketed with any other Jews, and there are those who…

… think ordinary Jews not good enough and too inferior to take counsel with them. They first place themselves beyond and outside of all Jewry. Israel has no place for the Jew who forsakes his brothers be…

…- cause he has forfeited his self-respect and forsworn his own soul. "We earnestly summon to counsel those Jews who are faithful and con- secrated and yet have failed up to this time to see that in this…

… land it is the bounden duty of Jews to order their affiars in truly democratic fash- ion. "This is no place for Jewish parti- sonship and sectarianism. Israel is wide and catholic enough to welcome…

… within its counsels all Jews who bear their name with pride and their bur- dens with dignity. Our motto must be 'Nothing that is of interest to the well-being and honor of Israel is out- side the range of…

… our collective con- cern and solicitude as American Jews.' We cannot fail our brother Jews; we must not disappoint our fel- low-Amercians. The honor of Israel is in our keeping." The Russian Press…

… that the converts, numbering a few hundred, are selling their possessions preparatory to emi- grating to Palestine. Most of these new Jews are sturdy peasants. • • • • A conference of Eastern peoples…

… Mauretania Berengaria Via England or Hamburg to Danzig, $106.60; Libau, $107.00. Tax $5. Fresh from the "Danersk" Studios PHILADELPHIA.—Steps to com- bat intolerance against Jews through- out the world and…

July 14, 1922 • Page Image 1

…A merico, ffewisk Periodical Cala Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English curium annul • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO II- EbETROIT BWISR HRON1CL - MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION DETROIT…

…, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1922 VOL. XII. NO. 8 ZANGWILL ADVISES'( AGAINST REJECTING OFFER OF MEXICO Dr. Theodor Herzl Modern Prophet of Israel's Re-Birth Rabbis Co-Operate With P. D. C. Group…

…, Aisishkin Were of any such Jews as wish to go — — lotion introduced by Hamilton Fish An-Being Well Over the there.' of New York favoring the re-estab- Among Speakers. Declares Jews Should Ask for Joint active…

… may raise the political government. Employers are urged to collect an additional $1,000,000 SlomoMtz, publicity chairman. of Detroit Jews to help in the build- status of the Jewish people. Mr. Miller…

…-operation with other have been assumed in Palestine in House of Commons and on unani- of the Bible and the Jews' forefath- enberg organizations to protest against those reliance upon their promises. mous adoption…

… Keidan pointed out that the by our House of Representatives. can authorities with a view to the es- licly legally assured home in l'ales- to their promises to the Jews was Occasion of Pledges. These events…

…." American colleges and declared that Fels, famous as a practical disciple British government has, on Nov. 2, Replies Office The conference also decided to es- Jews throughout the world has been be 00 v. sank…

…-etre* ....t.. 4.„4 ,klitioowd Jews we of Ilenry George, was empowered to Brit'sh Colon:al 1:17, shown the way, through the Bal- tablish under its control a federation uplifted by two splendid victories…

… followed to make the declara- Jewish youth. Representatives of the Hamilton Fish Rabbi Judah L, Levin offered a Jews, on the ground that what Mex- , LONDON.—A new "White Paper" tion "publicly legally…

… - instructed to draft a course of study tional Homeland in Palestine, and the lowed by the playing of Hatikvah by - complaints filed by the but more industries. Let the Jew • a ' in reply to the In the light of…

October 13, 1922 • Page Image 2

… interracial jus- tric equipment. The instrument which will come to the Keren Ilayesod, of Michigan Republicans will be re- tice. With regard to Inter-racial jus- through which the Jews of the world , but that…

… rebuilding, of Palestine as a home' the Jews are going to•Asia not actua- I "In this labor of civilization and hu- for the Jewish people is that the Jews ted by revenge or the lust of conquest, manity our…

… is the Palestine bound to acquire from the advocacy by a heavy plurality for the Republi• we Jews have an opportunity to mark Foundation Fund. A year ago 1 said: of progressive and potent thought and…

… party spiration of this auspicious occasion, headquarters here "Republican voters of Michigan Arab agitators shall come to naught, or politics. Its platform is big and dedicate ourselves anew to the great…

… realize that they have in Senator and that the Jewish Homeland in Pal- broad—it is one which Jews of all task we have undertaken, for the re- Charles E. Townsend a representative estine will be built on the…

… this statement. In ever great- people." Chairman Cady. "His leadership "Such then are the hopes and ex- er numbers, Jews of the most diverse there is the result of ability and serv- ice. No one could…

… replace him and pectations which the world has lodged shades of opinion and outlook are com- WELFARE SOCIETY CARD hne our k enterprise, and we Jews must ing forward to support the Keren obtain the…

… which the Jews can rebuild brought a good response, many of our progress be not interrupted or have aroused apprehensions in many Palestine. those present enrolling in the organ- minds that the East is…

… affair "I would ask all Jews interested in with the West. Again we hear the old Removal of Superfluous Heir Townsend and the sending of to a the Mich talkabout the inevitable conflict be- the rebuilding of…

… Palestine, and what is given the chairmen of the commit- iiran Republican delegation tween East and West. I do not share Jews are not? How else can you in- tee in charge Mrs. M. Goldberg and House in…

October 13, 1922 • Page Image 4

… possible, since the Jew beer E and the sym- ap Arent. Reactionary attacks b MichiganDemocrats on the changes pithyof the civilized world behind will not go where his children cannot ter with Miss Caplan…

… supported Jewish people, will come to Asia; and Keren ilayesod? the rebuilding of Palestine as a home ! the Jews are going to•Asia not actua. I "In this labor of civilization and hu- the Jewish people is that…

… the Jews ted by revenge or the lust of conquest, manity our distinguished guest has Senator Townsend Lauded As for are expected to make of Palestine a not with fire and sword, but with the come to our…

… That the sound political judgment socail justice nad of interracial jus- tric equipment. The instrument which will come to the Keren Ilayesod, of Michigan Republicans will be re- tire. With regard to…

… inter-racial jus- i through which the Jews of the world , but that it will grow in prestige and flected in the election results, Nov. 7, t tice, I want to emphasize the fact that are enabled to realize…

… this great mis- power, the prestige which it was by a heavy plurality for the Republi- we Jews have an opportunity to mark I sion of civilization is the Palestine bound to acquire from the advocacy of…

… sinister and irresponsible from the strifes and diecords of party spiration of this auspicious occasion, lions h ad ostlers here "Republican voters of Michigan! Arab agitators shall come to naught, or…

… politics. Its platform is big and dedicate ourselves anew to the great realize that they have in Senator and that the Jewish Homeland in Pal- broatl—it is one which Jews of all task we have undertaken, for…

… the for the honor and glory of the Jewish people." truth ew and Ara of this statement. In ever Chairman Cady. Cady. "Ilis leadership Jr Such then b. are the hopes and ex- er numbers, Jews of the most…

Jews must ing forward to support the Keren PARTY IS HUGE SUCCESS obtain the commanding position he be keenly alive to the responsibilities Ha resod. Men of great prominence holds for many years. For a…

January 06, 1922 • Page Image 1

…Amerieam ffewisk Periodical Cotter CLAYTON AV/NUE • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO t Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English Telephone 11- EbETROIT LWISII GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH…


… CELEBRATE POLAND MAY CLOSE DAY ON JANUARY 15 Officers Installed I` Life Among Jews QUOTA FOR JEWISH Committees for Ensuing Year "Ort" Contemplates Change in Appointed by Jewish Economic Con- RELIEF IS DOUBLE…

… D Leopold. ditions. Supervisor For Hies in Michigan Rabbi Perlmutter Made Cavalier of the Polonia Restituta. Professor Courtin to Address Sister. hood Monday Afternoon. ANNUAL COMMUNITY BANQUET OF…

…- the contradictory demands put for- Jews of That City Raise the Bernard Ginsburg., acting for the An elaborate program continuing pal Speaker at Hotel Stet- ward daily by leaders who favor din- Sum of $1…

… "Oct opened here, representatives struction and methods of teaching, the Monday evening installed the follo•- wards Fund. from the University of Michigan, from all countries of Europe having Polish…

… government has announced its ing newly elected oflicers of l'isgah WILL ACQUAINT PUBLIC Michigan Agricultural College at been invited to attend. Among those decision to solve the problem by clos- Lodge No. 34…

…. Bramson ex- their homes are asked to give their Sejm deputy, has been made a Caval- the members to co-operate and to of the Jew, publisher of the Detroit records. names at once to the chairman of plained…

December 08, 1922 • Page Image 6

… , opportunities for all merican citizens. information from Austrian Zionists perhaps thousands of Jews had already Palestine Foundation Fund and Zion- James Couzens, Mayor of Detroit, as Senator from Michigan ; We…

… such new ones as are plan- ned, will be telling in their influence upon the Jewish life of MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION the whole community. Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co…

… critics and oppontents of the Jew. 850 High Street West EFRO1T Mat ARONICLE ±li g cst111L NCHI5 - ZI!f (1,11,i1brrn's Gruff By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ JamesW. Gerard, former ambas- sador to Germany…

…, addressing the B'nai Jeshurun Synagogue in New York in condemnation of the Ku Klux Klan, advised the Jews not to wage war against the Klansmen on the ground that it would simply in- crease the racial and…

… the Catholic ' and the Jew should not necessarily call for especial action on the part of Catholics and Jews as such. On the contrary, it becomes even more prominent a duty of the Protestants of the…

… much more than either of these. must primarily address themselves to Jews. While it is con- • • • • Among the most worthy societies the lady was afraid I should catch it. ceded that there is a vast…

… ignorance as to the beliefs and the Religion and Politics. "The lady of the house allows me in the whole world is the Hadassah. To commit a congregation to one leader for the period of ideals of Jews current…

… one of the land in Palestine and help in stamp- 50 girls, including four baloss. They of our faith. Indeed the chief sin of the modern Jew is the sin present one. ed by the Klux is ing out malaria…

… to the exclusion of other re- country since the Jews were driven coop. We feed them and take good • • • • ; ligious groups, and if ever there wa s from the land, because the soil has care of them. We…

… soon to stamp out in July she began to earn 50 Gerush that the first task of the Jew who would enter upon a cam- paign of education is to turn to his own. Let a decent pride big, broad, democratic…

September 15, 1922 • Page Image 2

… in New York last winter which Patrons Know, They Buy it. One or two raised $5,000,000 for the relief of Jew- Gentlemen:— what they do. of that organ towards Zionism in Pal- ish war-sufferers has…

… defeat for Committee during the past eight years with other factories, affords this exceptional i. e., to all not belonging to the Zionism. To quote from the New Pal- speedily restoring the Jews of Europe…

… price privilege. : : : : Anglo-Christian church, to the Jews, estine:: : and to recommend a program for With apologies to the London Jew- to self-support. the Masons and "horrible dictu," to the Catholics…

… lands, of every political inclina- the Palestine Mandate is not what the Office which settled thousands of Jew- This attractive- tion and of every creed. They want Zionists had expected it to be. It is…

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